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NAMA : Damar Setiadi




Activity 4

Yesterday, I went walking. Generally, I don't walk in the mornings. However, I could not
resist as the sun was shining brightly and it was a good idea to get some exercise. During my walk, I
observed lots of different animals including birds, butterflies, cows and goats. As a result, Idecided to
walk a little further to witness how many more I could see. Finally, I Reached the route which would
lead me back home. However, I was Having so much fun and I decided to continue my walk. Besides,
the weather was still warm and I cloud still feel the gust of fresh air, although the clouds were
starting to form indicating for rain to come. I was quite a distant away form home when the rain
started to fall. To begin with, it was only a gentle drizzle, but it soon began falling more heavily.
Consequently, by the time I got home, I Was shivering from cold because I was totally wet

Activity 5

1. He forgot to set his alarm, as a consequence he was late for school.

2. They have seen the movie twice, and now they want to see it again.
3. Ryan studied hard for the exam, , as a result he earned a high rating.
4. The students should be on time. But they must be prepared.
5. Kyxiandra got a rating of 98 on her essay, on the other hand Karen got a reting of 75.
6. Tina hates cleaning the house. Furthemore she doesn't mind cooking.
7. Calculus was hard for me in senior high school in the same way, it is hare in college.
8. First, she went to the grocery store. Second, she placed many tasty snacks in her basket.
finally, she paid for her items.
9. Rock climbing takes much practice and skill. Likewise learning to write involves a great
amount of practice.
10. Jesse is watching the elephant show but, his sister, is touring the nong nooch tropical garden.

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