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Nursing Process Focus: Care Patients Receiving: TELMITAR

Classification of the Drug: Antihypertensive Drug; Angiotensin-II Receptor Antagonist

Common Indications of the Drug: for hypertension, heart failure, and acute myocardial infarction.
Common Brand Names: Micardis

Assessment Possible Nursing Diagnoses

Prior to administration:  Risk for injury related to orthostatic
 Obtain baseline data such as vital signs, hypotension
especially blood pressure and pulse rate and  Hypersensitivity
rhythm regularly  Deficient knowledge related to drug therapy
 Perform physical assessment of patient
 Assess patient’s medical history, allergy and
contraindications of drug

Planning: Patient Outcomes

After nursing interventions, the patient will:
 Blood pressure will be maintained within acceptable limits.
 Risk for injury will be minimized.
 The patient will verbalize correct drug administration.

Interventions with Rationales Patient Education/Discharge Planning
1. Administer the drug with food or at bedtime 1. Encourage patient to drink adequate amounts
as indicated. of fluid during hot weather and when
2. Monitor vital signs especially blood pressure exercising.
regularly. 2. Instruct patient to change position slowly to
3. Prevent or minimize orthostatic hypotension minimize effects of orthostatic hypotension.
by helping the patient to get up slowly and by 3. Advise patient to integrate a healthy lifestyle
telling the patient not to make sudden such as exercising, eating healthy food,
movements. reduction of calorie, and sodium intake to
4. Maintain the patient’s non-pharmacologic increase the effectiveness of drug therapy and
therapies, such as sodium restriction, calorie for patient’s optimum recovery.
reduction, stress management, and exercise 4. Instruct patient to report all OTC drugs being
program. taken before starting drug and to report all
5. Monitor liver enzymes, as appropriate, and adverse reactions.
assess for evidence of drug toxicity in patients 5. Advise patient not to use potassium
with severe hepatic disease because they’re at supplements or salt substitutes that contain
increased risk for toxicity from increased drug potassium without checking with prescriber
accumulation. first.
6. Know that the dosage is usually adjusted to 6. Provide thorough patient teaching and inform
the patient’s blood pressure and tolerance. patient about the name and usage of drug as
7. Notify physician for adverse effects such as well as the side effects and the avoidance of
diarrhea, dizziness, nausea or vomiting. certain drug interactions and adverse reactions
8. Provide patient education about the
effectiveness of drug therapy and purpose

Evaluation of Outcome Criteria (Met, Partially met, Not met)

After nursing interventions, the patient was able to:
 Maintained blood pressure within acceptable limits.
 Minimized risk for injury.
 Verbalized correct drug administration.


NPF Drug Study No. 4

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