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Student: Suan, Ma. Antonette Educator: Mr. Balmaceda

12 – STEM 3 11/ 24/ 2023

The Students Life Balance Consideration

By: Suan, Ma. Antonette

Student Organization is an organization which includes a group of student

that has a same common interest. Which involves any types of hobbies, sports or
anything, and it can be not related to academic. However a few people are
disagreeing about the organization that is built with students because of the
reasons that is unnecessarily and wasting time talking about unrelated to
academics. But then, student is a human being that can also be tired of having
the same things over and over again, having a changes is the best way to
discover what you want or what you really want to be. That's why I agree of
having an organization that talks about common interest with others.

Firstly, building an organization that can students engage with other students
is something that can make a change of students life because According to
Bowen (2021) to help the students prevent checking out of education
environment is creating an opportunity that can students feel the same way
between school and home. Because students are human being that has their
own personality which not all students can excel to the academic, to participate
without thinking of failure, and to think confidently in front of everyone. Students
wants to learn to be able to grow, not to prohibit them to find a discovery nor
things that they are capable of doing.

Second, the statement "unaware of doing but discovering that you can, and
capable of doing it." is just like being outside of your comfort zone and changing
what habits do you have and turn them into healthy ones because now you
discover yourself, just like stated by STI (n.d.) By joining clubs and organization you
are allowing yourself to discover a things and being completely aware of your
strengths, weaknesses, desires, needs and habits that can help you to decide and
focus what you should want to be. It is another impacts of joining student’s club
Then it can also be the root of your developing social communication skill
because student’s club organization is not actually having a small circle of friends
that can be counted just like 5 or 10 people. The students club organization is
more than 10 that is from different human being that will help you to boost your
self-esteem and able not to be afraid of people because according to STI (n.d)
"No man is an island." joining extracurricular activities requires to us to socialize
and adapt different situation that will help us to communicate and build, improve
and develop our communicating skill to be capable of speaking.

However, according to Smith (2022) This Webber et al. (2013) asked a

question and survey a students in the university about different type’s
organizations and all of them has their own perspective about organization, some
are improving, some are staying and some are disagreeing because of sudden
changes of the grades. Although there's a negative impacts to others, means
humans has their own ways of learning and maintaining themselves that’s why
considering the students not to obligate to join but to willingly join and not
completely canceled because some students has their own ways to voice out
and want to change by joining or not wanting.

Moreover, we should not see the negative but also the good impacts to the
students that joining club is actually effective because I, myself, as a students,
who grow in a shy type personality, who cannot speak in front of everyone without
trembling is something that I cannot forget about my past, but right now, by
exposing myself by joining dance group, church, different events, and started to
be not scared of failure, I realize, I am far as I am before. The creation of club
organization is not only for one but for humans seeks and finding themselves.
Additionally, In line with STI (n.d) they stated that "Life is all about balance."

Bowen, J. (2021) Why is it Important for Students to Feel a Sense of Belonging at School? ‘Students
Choose to be in Environments That Make Them Feel a Sense of Fit,’ Says Associate Professor
DeLeon Gray

Smith, A. R. (2022) Does Participation in a University Campus Organization Impact a

Student's Success and Participation in Class?

STI (n.d.) 5 Reasons Why You Should Join a Student Organization

Student Life

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