Irrigation Management Principles and Practices Bölüm 9a

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Table 9.9. Linking performance indicators to data requirements. (From Bos et al., 2005, Chapter 3.

Indicator Definition Units Data required

Cropping intensity Actual cropped area

% Actual cropped area (ha) Irrigable area (ha)
Irrigable area

kg/ha Crop production (kg) Area cultivated (ha)

Crop yield Crop production
Area cultivated – Average cropped area (ha) Initial total
irrigable area (ha)
Sustainability of irrigable area Average cropped area – Crop water demand (mm) Effective
Initial total irrigable area rainfall (mm) Irrigation water supply (mm)
Overall consumed ratio Crop water demand - effective rainfall – Actual volume delivered (m3) Intended/planned
Volume of water supplied to command area
volume to be delivered (m3)
Delivery performance ratio Actual flow of water
Intended flow of water kg/m3 Crop production (kg)
Water productivity Yield of harvested crop Volume of irrigation water supplied (m3)
Volume of supplied irrigation water – Actual water level (m)
Design water level (m)
Water level ratio Actual water level – Crop water demand (mm) Effective rainfall
Design water level (mm) Irrigation water supply (mm)
Field application ratio Crop water demand - effective rainfall – Number of functioning structures
Volume of water delivered to the fields Total number of structures

Efficacy of infrastructure Functioning part of infrastructure

Total infrastructure
Groundwater depth Depth to groundwater m Depth to groundwater (m)
Indicator value on salinity Actual concentration of salinity Actual concentration of salinity (mmho/cm) Critical concentration of salinity
Critical concentration of salinity (mmho/cm)
O&M fraction Total budget for sustainable – Cost of MOM ($)
MOM Total budget for sustainable MOM ($)
Fee collection ratio Irrigation service fees collected – Irrigation service fees collected ($)
Irrigation service fees due Irrigation service fees due ($)

O&M, operation and maintenance; MOM, management, operation and maintenance.

Table 9.13. Key indicators for assessing the scheme level management, operation and maintenance performance.

Indicators Definition Notesa

Agricultural production
Total seasonalb area cropped per unit command area (cropping intensity) Total seasonal area cropped A
Total command area of system
Total seasonal crop production (t) Total seasonal crop production by crop type within command area A
Total seasonal crop production per unit command area (crop yield, kg/ha) Total seasonal crop production A
Total command area of system
Total seasonal value of crop production ($) Total seasonal value of agricultural crop production received A
by producers
Total seasonal value of crop production per unit command area ($/ha) Total seasonal value of crop production A
Total command area of system
Total seasonal crop production per unit water supply (kg/m3) Total seasonal crop production A
Total seasonal volume of irrigation water supply
Total seasonal value of crop production per unit water consumed ($/m3) Total seasonal value of crop production A
Total seasonal volume of crop water demand (ETc)

Total seasonal value of crop production per unit water supplied ($/m3) Total seasonal value of crop production A
Total seasonal volume of irrigation water supply
Irrigation water delivery
Total seasonal volume of irrigation water supply (MCM) Total seasonal volume of water diverted or pumped for A
irrigation (not including diversion of internal drainage)

Seasonal irrigation water supply per unit command area (m3/ha) Total seasonal volume of irrigation water supply A
Total command area of system
Main system water delivery efficiency Total seasonal volume of irrigation water delivery B
Total seasonal volume of irrigation water supply
Seasonal relative irrigation water supply Total seasonal volume of irrigation water supply A
Total seasonal volume of crop water demand
Water delivery capacity Canal capacity at head of system –
Peak irrigation water demand at head of system
Total seasonal MOM expenditurec per unit command area ($/ha) Total seasonal MOM expenditure C
Total command area of system
Total seasonal MOM expenditure per unit irrigation water supply ($/m3) Total seasonal MOM expenditure C
Total seasonal volume of irrigation water supply
Total seasonal maintenance expenditure per unit command area ($/ha) Total seasonal maintenance expenditure C
Total command area of system
Total seasonal maintenance expenditure fraction Total seasonal maintenance expenditure C
Total seasonal MOM expenditure
MOM funding ratio Actual annual income D
Budget required for sustainable MOM
Fee collection ratio Irrigation (and drainage) service fees collected D
Irrigation (and drainage) service fees due
Farm profit Total farm income  total farm expenditure E
Drainage water removal
Average depth to groundwater (m) Average seasonal depth to groundwater calculated from water F
table observations over the irrigation area
Environmental protection
Salinity of soil water (mmho/cm) Electrical conductivity of soil water F
Soil salinity (mmho/cm) Electrical conductivity of soil F
Salinity of water in open drain (mmho/cm) Electrical conductivity of water in open drains F
Drainage water quality: biological (mg/l) Biological load of drainage water expressed as biological oxygen F
demand (BOD)
Drainage water quality: chemical (mg/l) Chemical load of drainage water expressed as chemical oxygen F
demand (COD)

MCM, millions of cubic metres; MOM, management, operation and maintenance.

aLocation and sampling interval: A=determine for total command area and individual tertiary units; B=discharges measured at the main canal intake and tertiary unit intakes;
C=determine for total command area, main system only and individual water users associations; D=determine for individual service providers (government agency or
water users associations); E=for individual water users; F=periodic sampling at selected locations.
bMay be seasonal or annual, depending on the circumstances. If there is more than one season and there are marked differences between the seasons’ cropping patterns and
water availability it is preferable to consider each season separately.
cCosts for irrigation water delivery and drainage water removal may be kept separate or combined; it depends on whether there is a separate drainage authority.
Table 9.14. Indicators used for assessing different performance criteria related to water delivery. (Adapted from Bos et al., 2005.)

Criterion indicators Definition Notes

Reliability RWS Volume of irrigation water supply Variation of the RWS at the main canal intake and at tertiary intakes
Volume of irrigation water demand during the season indicates the level of reliability of water supply and
DPR Volume of irrigation water supplied Variation of the DPR at tertiary unit intakes during the season
Target volume of irrigation water supply indicates the level of reliability of water delivery
Adequacy RWS Volume of irrigation water supplied Measured at main canal intake and each tertiary unit intake. Target
Volume of irrigation water demand value = 1.0, a value less than 1.0 indicates water shortage
Measured at main canal intake and each tertiary unit. Target value = 1.0.
DPR Volume of irrigation water supplied If there is a water shortage the target supply may be less than the
Target volume of irrigation water supply actual irrigation water demand.
Timeliness Dependability of Actual irrigation interval The planned/required interval between irrigations is either that
irrigation interval Planned/required irrigation interval planned (such as in a planned irrigation rotation regime) or that
Timeliness of dictated by the crop’s soil moisture status
irrigation water Actual date/time of irrigation water delivery Compares the actual date and time of delivery (planned in the rotation
delivery Planned/required date/time of irrigation water delivery or requested by the farmer) with the actual delivery date and time
Equity RWS Volume of irrigation water supply Variation of the RWS at tertiary intakes indicates degree of equity
Volume of irrigation water demand or inequity
DPR Volume of irrigation water supplied Variation of the RWS at tertiary intakes indicates degree of equity
Target volume of irrigation water supply or inequity
Efficiency RWS Volume of irrigation water supply Comparison of the RWS at the main canal intake and the tertiary unit
Volume of irrigation water demand intakes indicates the level of losses
Overall scheme Volume of water needed by crop Volume Useful indicator. Relatively easy to obtain a meaningful value.
efficiency of water diverted/pumped from source Estimate crop irrigation water demand at the field
(using FAO CROPWAT program, or similar) and measure actual
discharge at main canal intake
Main system Volume of water delivered (to tertiary unit) Volume Measure discharges at main canal intake and offtakes to tertiary
water delivery of water diverted/pumped from source units. Value may change due to the seasons (wet/dry), with
efficiency drainage inflow possible in wet season
Crop production Total crop production A measure of efficiency use to determine change in production per unit
per unit water Volume of water diverted/pumped from source of water diverted at source. Useful for monoculture schemes
supply Increasingly important indicator. Need to be careful where there is
Productivity Crop production Total crop production mixed cropping
per unit water Volume of water delivered (to tertiary unit or field)
delivered Increasingly important indicator. Use the value of crop production where
Value of crop Total value of crop production there is mixed cropping
production per unit Volume of water delivered (to tertiary unit or field)
water delivered
Cost Ratio of ISF Total ISF collected Assesses the cost of the ISF compared with the total GVP. A
effectiveness collected to GVP Total GVP broad indicator only, as other costs are involved
ISF to total crop
input costs ratio ISF due for the crop Total Assesses the costs of the ISF as a fraction (or percentage) of the total
input costs for the crop input costs for planting, harvesting and marketing the crop. Often
found to be in the range of 4–10% of total input costs where the ISF
is set at adequate levels to recover sustainable MOM costs

RWS, relative water supply; DPR, delivery performance ratio; ISF, irrigation service fee; GVP, gross value of production; FAO, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;
MOM, management, operation and maintenance.

Table 9.15. Example of key indicators used to monitor the performance of water users associations (WUAs).

Indicator Definition Value Scoring Score

Area transferred to WUA Area transferred to WUA 2 = 100%
Total gross area serviced by the system 1 = 50–99%
Membership, representation and accountability 0 = <50%
WUA membership ratio Total number of WUA members
Total number of irrigators in service area 2 = >50%
1 = 25–50%
0 = <25%
AGMs AGM held 2 = yes
0 = no
AGM attendance Number of WUA members attending AGM 2 = >50%
Total number of WUA members 1 = 30–50%
0 = <30%
Administrative Council meetings held Number of meetings held during the year 2 = >5
(January–December) 1 = 1–5
Administrative Council elections Elections for members of Administrative Council held in 0=0
last 2 years 2 = yes
0 = no
Women members of Administrative Number of women members of Administrative Council 2 = 1 or more 0 = none
Area irrigated
First irrigation crop area ratio (of total Total annual recorded (first) irrigation crop area Total 2 = >50%
service area) gross area serviced by the system 1 = 30–50%
0 = <30%
Crop audit correction factor Reported area of first irrigation 2 = >90%
Crop area measured from crop area audit survey 1 = 75–90%
Financial 0 = <75%
Employment of Accountant Accountant employed and duration of employment 2 = yes, >4 months
1 = yes, <4 months
0 = no
ISF collection per hectare of service Total ISF collected 2 = >$13a/ha
area Total gross area serviced by the system 1 = $7–13/ha
0 = <$7/ha
Table 9.15. Continued.

Indicator Definition Value Scoring Score

ISF collection as a percentage of target Total ISF collected

2 = >90%
Target total annual ISF
1 = 60–90%
ISF collection per hectare irrigated Total ISF collected 0 = <60%
Total annual irrigated crop area 2 = >$18a/ha
1 = $7–18/ha
Financial audit of WUA Level of approval of WUA financial affairs by independent 0 = <$7/ha
auditors 2 = accounts approved 1
= no audit undertaken
Operation 0 = accounts qualified/rejected
Area managed by water masters Total gross area serviced by the system
Number of water masters employed by WUA 2 = <250 ha
1 = >250 ha
Degree of flow measurement Level of flow measurement at the head of the system 0 = no water masters
(either primary canal or secondary canals) 2 = full water measurement record 1 =
some water measurement
Maintenance 0 = no measurement
Annual maintenance planning Extent of annual maintenance planning, costing and
implementation 2 = inspection undertaken and detailed
plan produced
1 = maintenance plan produced without
proper inspection
0 = no plan produced
Maintenance expenditure per unit of Maintenance cost 2 = >$7a/ha
total service area Total gross area serviced by the system 1 = $4–7/ha
0 = <$4/ha
Maintenance expenditure to revenue Maintenance expenditure Gross 2 = >70%
ratio revenue collected 1 = 40–70%
0 = <40%
Total score Sum of scores for performance indicators. Top scores 2 = >32
indicate that WUAs need no further support 1 = 20–32
0 = <20

AGM, Annual General Meeting; ISF, irrigation service fee.

aAdjusted to current values.
Table 9.16. Measures of in-field performance for surface irrigation. (From Merriam and Keller, 1978; FAO,
Indicator Definition

Application uniformity
Christiansen coefficient (Cu) 100(1.0 -∑x/mn, where x is the absolute deviation from the
mean application, m, and n is the number of observations
Distribution uniformity (DU) Average depth infiltrated in the lowest one quarter of the area
Average depth of water infiltrated
Application efficiency (Ea) Volume of water added to the root zone
Volume of water applied to the field
Water requirement efficiency (Er) Volume of water added to root zone storage
Potential soil moisture storage volume
Deep percolation efficiency (DPR) Volume of deep percolation
Volume of water applied to the field
Tailwater ratio (TWR) Volume of runoff
Volume of water applied to the field

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