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Emergency Accessible Polling Place c. Voters who become disabled,

(EAPP) and Special EAPP for Persons temporarily or permanently, after
with Disabilities, Senior Citizens and the continuing registration of
Heavily Pregnant Voters voters ended; and

Types: d. Heavily pregnant voters.

Exercise of Choice:
EAPP- shall refer to an
EAPP temporarily A PWD, SC or heavily
established in one of the pregnant voter may opt
rooms at the first or to vote in the EAPP or in
ground floor of all covered voting centers, the Polling Place where
regardless of whether an APP has been his/her precinct is
established therein or not. Otherwise, a assigned. To assist a
makeshift/temporary polling place shall be voter in making a choice, the EAPP/S-
built inside or in close proximity to the voting EAPP SS shall explain, in clear and
center, which shall be strategically located near understandable terms, the procedures that
its entrance and health desk, if any. will be followed in the EAPP/S-EAPP.
S-EAPP – shall refer to an EAPP temporarily
established in a building used as a home or Voting in EAPP and S-
residence of PWDs and/or SCs, including EAPP shall be based on a
rehabilitation centers and sheltered first come and first serve
workshops were said PWDs and/or SCs are basis. All voters availing
living or outside thereof but in close proximity thereof shall be treated
thereto, whether administered by the equally and shall vote in
government or a private institution. the order of their arrival.
Who may avail of the EAPP/S-EAPP?

a. PWD and SC voters who did not Voting Hours: EAPP voting shall be
avail of APP. For this purpose, from 7:00 A.M.
PWD and SC voters, who to 1:00 P.M.
manifested their intent to vote in
EAPP shall be allowed to vote in the Voting in the S-
EAPP/S-EAPP; EAPPs shall be
from 7:00 A.M.
b. PWD voters who failed to update to 12:00 P.M.,
their registration records during unless otherwise
the continuing registration of fixed by the
voters; Commission.


The last hours of voting shall not apply

when there are PWD, SC and heavily
pregnant voters present within thirty (30) All assistors must be of voting age.
meters from S-EAPP, who have not yet cast
their votes, in which case the voting shall The EAPP/S-EAPP SS shall be allowed to
continue but only to allow said voters to assist more than three (3) voters availing
cast their votes without interruption. One of the EAPP and S-EAPP.
of the S-EAPP Support Staff shall, without
delay, prepare a complete list containing The fact that a PWD, SC, or heavily
the names of said voters consecutively pregnant voter availing of the EAPP had
numbered, and the voters so listed shall be been assisted in the preparation of the
called to vote by announcing each name ballot and the name of the assistor shall be
audibly repeated three (3) times in the indicated in the Authorization Form.
order in which they are listed or by showing
the names to Deaf or Hard of Hearing EAPP Election Day Computerized
voters or through any other applicable Voter’s List (EDCVL)
methods. Any voter in the list who is not
present when his/her name is called out The EAPP shall be provided with a separate
shall not be permitted to vote. EDCVL of all registered PWD and SC
voters assigned in the voting center where
Notwithstanding, the S-EAPP SS shall it will be established, including those
make sure that voting in the S-EAPP shall assigned in the APPs to facilitate the
be finished at least two (2) hours before identification of PWD voters and SC voters
7:00 P.M. or two (2) hours before the who may possibly avail of the EAPP, the
closing time set forth by the Commission polling place where they belong and where
En Banc. the ballot shall be obtained and returned.


A PWD or SC voter may be assisted in the
accomplishment of ballot by a third party, if
such fact is indicated in the EDCVL.
b. Watchers who shall stay only in the
However, in case where the PWD or SC voter space reserved for them;
cannot manifestly accomplish the ballot,
he/she may be assisted by the following, in the c. Representatives of the
order provided: Commission;

a. A relative by d. PWD, SC and heavily pregnant

consanguinity or affinity voters casting their votes;
within the 4th civil
degree; e. PWD, SC and heavily pregnant
voters waiting for their turn to cast
b. By any person of their confidence their votes; and
who belongs to the same
household (e.g., personal f. Other persons who may be
caregivers and nurse); specifically authorized by the



Such identification shall be
Voting Procedures in the EAPP recorded in the logbook of the
The EAPP Support Staff shall:
For a voter with non-manifest
disability who are not
1. Explain to the voter/s the included in the EDCVL, the
procedures and effect of voting EAPP SS shall require the
in the EAPP; and presentation of a National
Step 2
PWD ID card or any other
2. Ensure that the provision of document as proof of such
Minimum Health and Safety disability.
Protocol shall be strictly
followed in the EAPP. Any registered voter belonging
to the same precinct as the voter
identified shall be allowed to
A. The EAPP SS tasked to obtain the identify only up to three (3)
ballot/s from the polling place/s voters availing of the EAPP.
After establishing the voter’s
Upon arrival of the PWD, SC identity, instruct him/her to
or heavily pregnant voter, Step 3
fill-out the Authorization
inspect his/her fingernail Form.
for any stink stain. If there Proceed to the polling place
Step 1 be none, explain the option where the voter’s precinct is
available to him/her to assigned to obtain the ballot.
vote either in the EAPP or
the Polling Place where The EAPP SS may opt to wait
he/she is assigned. until a minimum of ten (10)
voters have availed
If the voter chooses to vote in themselves of the EAPP before
the EAPP, look for his/her Step 4
obtaining the ballots.
name, photo, and Provided, however, that no
precinct number in the voter shall be made to wait
EDCVL, if applicable. for an unreasonably long
time. Provided further, that
the EAPP shall not be left
In case of doubt in the identity without any EAPP SS
of the voter, the EAPP SS shall managing at any given time.
Step 2
require the presentation of an Upon reaching the polling
ID Card or any document for place, turn over the
identification purposes. If no Authorization Form and the
ID card or any other ID card or any other
document is presented, the Step 5
document presented for
voter may be identified by an identification purpose, if any,
EAPP SS or registered voter to the EB Chairperson
belonging to the same assigned in the polling place.
precinct as the voter availing
of the EAPP.


B. The EB Chairperson shall:

Upon receipt of the If the ballot cannot be issued

Authorization Form and ID for whatever reason, the EB
Card or any other document Chairperson shall authorize
presented for identification the Third Member or Poll
purposes, if any check the Clerk to go to the EAPP and
name, signature of the voter Step 9 explain to the voter the reason
in the EDCVL. for non-issuance of the ballot.
This fact shall be recorded in
Step 6 the Minutes of the polling
The EB Chairperson shall
prioritize all ballots requests place and log book of the
of the EAPP SS over regular EAPP.
voters in the polling place
except in cases where the C. The EAPP SS who remained in
request comes from a PWD, the EAPP shall:
SC, or heavily pregnant voter,
who opt to vote in the latter. Upon receipt of the envelope
from the EAPP SS who
After the voter’s identity has obtained the ballots:
been validated, note in the
Minutes of Voting (Minutes): 1. Inspect the envelope
before extracting the
1. His/her name; ballots therefrom;
2. The ID card or any
other document Step 2. Inspect the ballots to
presented for 10 ensure that they have
Step 7
identification not been filled-out,
purposes, if any, marked, mutilated, or
3. Precinct number; and otherwise rendered
4. Serial number of the unusable; and
ballot given to the
EAPP SS. 3. Enter in the logbook
the conditions of the
The Authorization Form shall envelope and ballots.
be attached to the Minutes. If the ballots have already
Insert the ballot in the been filled-out, have marks,
envelope provided by the have been mutilated or
EAPP SS and write at the back otherwise rendered unusable,
of the envelope the precinct direct the EAPP SS who
number of the voter for whom Step obtained the ballots to return
the ballot is obtained, the time 11 them to the polling places
the ballot was obtained from where they were obtained,
Step 8
the polling place and the otherwise the ballots shall be
number of the ballots given to the voters, who may
obtained. The same envelope accomplish the same with or
may be used for subsequent without assistors.
procurement of ballots
provided the same procedures
shall be followed.


The returned ballots shall be

considered spoiled ballots and
such fact shall be indicated in
the Minutes of the polling Require the voters to fill-out
place. Thereafter, the EB the Authorization Forms
Chairperson shall issue new Step 3 unless the voters already did
ballots in place of the latter in pursuant to EAPP voting
accordance with the usual procedures.
process. The circumstance
Go to the concerned polling
attendant to the issuance of Step 4
new ballots shall also be place/s to obtain the ballot/s.
recorded in the log book of the Submit the Authorization
EAPP. Forms to the EB Chairperson
After accomplishing the of the polling place/s where
ballots, insert them in the Step 5
the ballots are obtained and
Step envelop. One EAPP SS shall be the envelope/s where the
12 assigned to ensure the ballots will be placed; and
security and sanctity of the
accomplished ballots. Step 6 Return to the S-EAPP
Instruct the voter to sign the
EDCVL and impress his/her
thumbprint therein. Apply
indelible ink to the voter’s B. The EB Chairperson shall
Step right forefinger nail or any
13 other nail if there be no
forefinger nail, or in any Observe the same procedures
other suitable part of the conducted by EB Chairperson
voter’s body if there are no in the EAPP
fingernails; and
Step Request the voter to leave the
C. The S-EAPP SS who remained
14 EAPP. in the S-EAPP shall

Observe the same procedures

conducted by the EAPP-SS
Voting Procedures in the S- who remained in the EAPP

The following procedures shall be Closing Procedures in the

observed in the S-EAPP EAPP and S-EAPP
A. The S-EAPP SS shall: Before Closing the EAPP
and S-EAPP SS shall
Explain to the voters the accomplish the
Step 1 procedures and effect of Template for Voter’s
voting in the S-EAPP Turn-Out.
Ensure that the same
Step 2 procedures conducted by the
EAPP-SS shall be observed.


Copies of Template for Voter’s Turn-Out

and the logbook shall be turned over to
the concerned EO/AEO.
cast their votes before the period provided
After Closing in the General Instructions, the S-EAPP SS,
by unanimous agreement, may declare
The exact time of the closing of the early close of voting therein.
EAPP/S-EAPP and the turn-over of the
ballots to the EB Chairpersons shall be
entered in the logbook, and thereafter the
EAPP/S-EAPP SS shall affix their Isolation Polling Place
signatures thereto.

Once the EAPP/S-EAPP are closed, the Whenever

EAPP/S-EAPP SS shall seal the necessary, there
envelopes containing the shall be an
accomplished ballots. Thereafter, the Isolation Polling
EAPP/S-EAPP SS shall deliver the securely Place (IPP) in
sealed envelopes to the EB Chairperson every voting
who issued said ballots. center, which shall
The EB Chairperson shall then:
be set up, as far as
practicable, in one of the class rooms
1. Inspect the conditions of the that is in a building separate from the
envelope and ballots; other buildings of the voting center,
preferably near the entrance and the
2. Compare the number of ballots health personnel station.
received with the number of
Authorization Forms previously The IPP must have an ample space
submitted to them; and capable of accommodating at least five
(5) voters, the DESO Support Staff and
3. Record in the Minutes the watchers, observing one (1) meter
conditions of the envelopes, and
ballots and discrepancies in the
physical distancing at any given time.
number of the ballots as against the
number of Authorization Forms
recorded in the Minutes, if any.

The time of the - Voters who register

receipt of the a temperature of
envelopes and 37.5 degrees
ballots from the Celsius or higher,
EAPP/S-EAPP shall cast their votes
SS shall likewise in the IPP. The
be entered in the DESO

Early Close Voting in S-EAPP

- In. case all the voters expected to

vote in the S-EAPP have already


Voting Procedures in the IPP

If the voter
Should there be a voter who will cast
is not
his/her vote in the IPP, the following are
the procedures to be followed:
known to
any of the
A. The DESO Support Staff Shall:
the DESO shall request the
Escort the voter to the IPP and voter’s permission to be
direct the latter to disinfect photographed using the
Step 1 DESO’s smartphone, which
his/her hands before entering
the IPP photo shall be shown to the EB
Call the DESO and Return to of the voter’s precinct for
the entrance of the voting comparison with photograph
Step 2 center and continue checking appearing in the EDCVL.
the temperature of all persons
entering For such purpose, the voter
must accomplish the IPP
Authorization for with
waiver of the right to vote
B. The DESO shall: in the assigned polling
place and waiver of the
right to sign in the
Explain to the voter/s the
procedure and effect of voting After establishing the voter’s
in the IPP identity, instruct him or her to
fill out the Authorization
1. Waiver of the right to vote Form using his or her own
Step 3 Step 5
in the assigned polling pen. Insert the Authorization
place; and Form in the brown envelope
and immediately disinfect
2. Waiver of the right to sign hands.
the EDCVL Proceed to the polling place
Inspect without touching the Step 6 where the voter’s precinct is
voter’s fingernail, for any assigned to obtain the ballot.
stink stain. Thereafter, Upon reaching the polling
request for the voter’s valid place, turn over the
ID, if any, except community Step 7 Authorization Form to the EB
tax certificate. Chairperson assigned in the
Step 4 polling place.
In the absence of a valid IP, Immediately delete the photo
the DESO or any registered of the IPP voter after showing
voter voting in the IPP may Step 8
the same to the EB
identify under oath the voter, Chairperson.
using the IPP Voter’s
Identification Form.


C. The EB shall:

Upon receipt of the

Authorization Form, the valid Step Note in the EDCVL that the
ID, if any, or the 11 voter voted in the IPP.
accomplished IPP Voter’s
Identification Form, and after Allow the DESO to inspect the
examination of the ballot, without touching the
photograph shown by the same, to make sure that is not
DESO, check the name, filled up, or otherwise
signature and photo of the marked.
voter in the EDCVL. Insert the ballot in an
envelope and write at the
If no ID was presented, and back of the envelope the
no one personally identified precinct number from which
Step 9 the voter, the signature of the the ballot was obtained, as
voter appearing in the well as the time the ballot was
authorization form shall be obtained.
used for comparison with the If the ballot cannot be
signature appearing on the obtained for whatever
EDCVL. reason, the EB Chairperson
shall authorize the DESO to
As much as possible, the EB Step explain to the voter the reason
Chairperson shall refrain 14 for the non-issuance of the
from touching the documents, ballot. This fact shall be
and if it cannot be avoided, recorded in the Minutes of the
the EB Chairperson shall Polling Place and the record
immediately disinfect his/her sheet of the IPP.
hands thereafter.
After the voter’s identity has
been validated, note in the D. The DESO shall:
Minutes of Voting (Minutes)
Return to the IPP upon receipt
1. Voter’s name; Step
of the envelope from the EB
2. ID card, if any, or 15
Accomplished IPP
Authorization Form; Have the said ballot
3. Precinct and Serial Step
accomplished by the IPP
Step Number of ballot given 16
10 to the DESO.
After the voter accomplished
the ballot, insert the ballot in
The Authorization Form and Step
an envelope and label the
any other documents 17
same with precinct number
submitted shall be placed
where the ballot came from.
inside an envelope which will
be attached to the Minutes. Without touching the voter,
Documents received from the apply indelible ink to the
IPP shall not be comingled voter’s right forefinger nail or
with other documents in the any other nail if there be no
polling place. forefinger nail, or any other


suitable part of the voter’s

body if there are no
Step fingernail, or any other o The EB Chairperson shall:
18 suitable part of the voter’s
body if there are no 1. Publicly announce the receipt
fingernails. of the IPP ballots;
Request the voter to affix
Step his/her signature and the 2. Inspect the conditions of the
19 time said voter finished envelopes and ballots;
voting in the log sheet.
Disinfect the frequently 3. Compare the number of
Step ballots received with the
touched surfaces after voting
20 number of Authorization
of any IPP voter.
Follow all the previous Forms previously submitted
Step to them;
procedure for the succeeding
IPP voters.
By the close of voting, turn 4. Record in the Minutes the
over the IPP record sheet and conditions of the envelopes
all the ballots to the EB and ballots, including the
Step discrepancies in the number
Chairperson. The latter shall
22 of the ballots as against the
announce the receipt of the
IPP ballots and note the same number of Authorization
in the Minutes. Forms recorded in the
Minutes, if any;

Submission of IPP record sheets: The 5. Record in the time and

IPP record sheets shall receipt of the envelope s and
be turned over to the ballots from the DESO shall
concerned EO/AEO. likewise be entered in the

Before putting the

ballots inside the
Closing Procedures in the ballot box, the EB
IPP Chairperson shall
announce such
o The exact time of the closing of the action in the
IPP and the turn-over of the ballots polling place.
to the EB Chairperson shall be
entered in the record sheet. Thereafter, the Chairperson shall
Thereafter, the DESO shall affix place said ballots inside the ballot
their signatures thereon. box in the presence of the other
members of the EB, and watchers.
o The DESO shall ensure that the This shall take place before the
turnover of the filled-up ballots to closing of voting in the polling
the concerned EBs of the polling place.
place/s be made prior to the closing
of the voting.


election day shall be allowed to vote in the
regular polling place where his/her
precinct is assigned.

The released PDL voter shall

present to the EB
Chairperson his or her
release order or paper on
the basis of which the EB
Chairperson shall issue the
ballot to him or her.

Before doing so, however, the EB

Chairperson shall annotate in the
PDL Voting may be availed of by a PDL EDCVL, on top of the PDL voter’s name
voter either through: the:

1. Special Polling Place established 1. Date of the release order or paper; and
inside a jail facility; or
2. Name of the official who issued and
2. Detention Center; or signed the same.

3. Escorted voting in a regular polling


Who are allowed to vote in the PDL

Special Polling Place?

- Only PDL voters whose names appear

may vote in the PDL-SPP.

- For Barangay and Sangguniang

Kabataan Election, the registered PDL
voter can cast their votes for the
respective candidates in the barangay
where they are listed as registered

Released PDL listed voters before

election day:

PDL voters included

in the EDCVL- PDL
and PCVL-PDL but
released before




Election Day Procedures Legal Matters and Other Appreciation of Ballots Special Polling Places
Manual Procedures Module Module Module

Election Forms, Supplies,

Contingency Procedures
and Documents Checklist


Preliminaries Module Post-Canvassing Module Procedures Module Remedies Module

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