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European Journal of Phycology

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Dissolved organic matter (DOM) release by

phytoplankton in the contemporary and future

Daniel C.O. Thornton

To cite this article: Daniel C.O. Thornton (2014) Dissolved organic matter (DOM) release by
phytoplankton in the contemporary and future ocean, European Journal of Phycology, 49:1,
20-46, DOI: 10.1080/09670262.2013.875596

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Published online: 12 Feb 2014.

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Eur. J. Phycol. (2014), 49(1): 20–46

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) release by phytoplankton in

the contemporary and future ocean


Department of Oceanography, Eller O & M Building, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX 77843-3146, U.S.A.

(Received 30 March 2013; revised 3 September 2013; accepted 3 September 2013)

The partitioning of organic matter (OM) between dissolved and particulate phases is an important factor in determining the fate of
organic carbon in the ocean. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) release by phytoplankton is a ubiquitous process, resulting in
2–50% of the carbon fixed by photosynthesis leaving the cell. This loss can be divided into two components: passive leakage by
diffusion across the cell membrane and the active exudation of DOM into the surrounding environment. At present there is no
method to distinguish whether DOM is released via leakage or exudation. Most explanations for exudation remain hypothetical; as
while DOM release has been measured extensively, there has been relatively little work to determine why DOM is released.
Further research is needed to determine the composition of the DOM released by phytoplankton and to link composition to
phytoplankton physiological status and environmental conditions. For example, the causes and physiology of phytoplankton cell
death are poorly understood, though cell death increases membrane permeability and presumably DOM release. Recent work has
shown that phytoplankton interactions with bacteria are important in determining both the amount and composition of the DOM
released. In response to increasing CO2 in the atmosphere, climate change is creating increasingly stressful conditions for
phytoplankton in the surface ocean, including relatively warm water, low pH, low nutrient supply and high light. As ocean physics
and chemistry change, it is hypothesized that a greater proportion of primary production will be released directly by phytoplankton
into the water as DOM. Changes in the partitioning of primary production between the dissolved and particulate phases will have
bottom-up effects on ecosystem structure and function. There is a need for research to determine how these changes affect the fate
of organic matter in the ocean, particularly the efficiency of the biological carbon pump.

Key words: autocatalytic cell death, carbon cycle, cell permeability, climate change, DOC, exopolymer, exudation, global
warming, microbial foodwebs, ocean acidification, PER, phytoplankton physiology, programmed cell death, TEP, transparent
exopolymer particles

Introduction matter (DOM) rather than particulate organic matter

The ocean covers 71% of the Earth’s surface, with (POM). Hansell et al. (2009) estimated that the oceans
photosynthesis in sunlit surface waters directly or contain 662 Pg C as dissolved organic carbon (DOC),
indirectly supporting the majority of food webs in which is within the range of the amount of carbon in
marine ecosystems. Based on satellite observations, CO2 in the atmosphere over recent history (612 Pg C
net primary productivity of the global ocean is esti- in 1850 and 784 Pg C in 2000: Emerson & Hedges,
mated to be 45–55 Pg C yr−1 (1 Pg = 1 Gt = 1015 g) 2008). The division between dissolved and particulate
(Longhurst et al., 1995; Field et al., 1998; Falkowski organic matter is operationally defined by the pore
et al., 2000; Carr et al., 2006; Westberry et al., 2008). size used by researchers to separate the two fractions.
This estimate is 40–50% of the primary productivity Marine chemists generally use GF/F filters (Whatman,
of the total biosphere. There is an estimated 1–2 Pg C Maidstone, U.K.), as these glass fibre filters may be
associated with living organisms in the ocean combusted to remove organic contamination (Wurl &
(Falkowski et al., 2000), of which between 0.25 and Sin, 2009). The average pore size of a GF/F filter is 0.7
0.65 Pg C are phytoplankton (Falkowski & Raven, µm, which is significantly larger than many abundant
2007).The pool of non-living organic carbon in the particles in the ocean; viruses, for example, are gen-
ocean is estimated to be much greater than the living erally 0.1 µm in diameter and found at concentrations
component at 1000 Pg C (Falkowski & Raven, 2007) of 109 to 1011 L−1 (Suttle, 2005). Despite the limita-
and most of this is in the form of dissolved organic tions of an operational definition, marine DOM is
nonetheless a major reservoir of carbon, and under-
standing the factors affecting the production, loss and
Correspondence to Daniel Thornton. E-mail: dthornton@ocean. turnover of DOM are essential to understand the
ISSN 0967-0262 (print)/ISSN 1469-4433 (online)/14/010020-46 © 2014 British Phycological Society

Published online 12 Feb 2014

Phytoplankton DOM release 21

dynamics of the global carbon cycle. DOM is the Release (PER). Total primary production (TPP) can
major carbon source for heterotrophic prokaryotes in be divided into particulate primary production (PPP)
the water column. Some DOM binds trace elements in and dissolved primary production (DPP). PER is sim-
the ocean and this is particularly important in the case ply DPP/TPP × 100 (Marañón et al., 2005; Morán
of iron, which limits phytoplankton growth in a sig- et al., 2006). While PER is a useful parameter to
nificant proportion of the open ocean (Emerson & understand the physiology of phytoplankton, it is not
Hedges 2008). DOM also attenuates UV radiation in as useful as the absolute measures of carbon flux for
the surface ocean and serves as a catalyst for photo- understanding the biogeochemistry of ecosystems.
chemical reactions (Emerson & Hedges, 2008). The For example, in situations where PER is relatively
partitioning of organic carbon between the dissolved constant, the amount of carbon exuded into the envir-
and particulate pools has implications for the export of onment as DOM may be highly variable because
organic matter from the photic zone and its ultimate primary productivity varies in response to environ-
fate, as while particulate organic carbon (POC) sinks, mental factors such as light availability. For this rea-
DOC does not (Borchard & Engel, 2012). son, some researchers have argued that the concept of
A number of processes cause the contents of phy- PER should be abandoned (Smith & Wiebe, 1976;
toplankton cells to be released into surrounding sea- Mague et al., 1980).
water as DOM. These processes include sloppy DPP and PPP have been measured by essentially
feeding by predators (Møller et al., 2003; Møller, the same method over the last 50 years, which is an
2007), lytic viral infections (Bratbak et al., 1993; extension of Steemann-Nielsen’s (1952) revolution-
Gobler et al., 1997, Bettarel et al., 2005), and cell ary method for measuring primary productivity using
death (Veldhuis et al., 2001). Moreover, living phyto- C as a tracer. Samples of culture or natural waters are
plankton cells exude a significant proportion, and incubated in a bottle with a radioactive inorganic
under some circumstances the majority, of their photo- carbon source (NaH14CO3). During photosynthesis
synthate into the surrounding medium (Fogg, 1983; the radioactive inorganic carbon is fixed into organic
Wood & Van Valen, 1990). There are major gaps in carbon, which may be incorporated into the cell as
our understanding of the physiology and biogeochem- PPP, exuded into the surrounding medium as DPP, or
ical significance of DOM release by phytoplankton respired back to inorganic carbon. At the end of the
(Flynn et al., 2008). timed incubation, PPP is separated from DPP by fil-
The objective of this review is to synthesize what tration. Unassimilated radioactive inorganic carbon is
is currently known about DOM release by phyto- driven off the samples by acidification and the amount
plankton, building on previous reviews (Hellebust, of radioactive carbon incorporated into the DPP and
1974; Fogg, 1983; Williams, 1990; Myklestad, 2000; PPP is counted and used to calculate PER (Hellebust,
Nagata, 2000). I will focus on the physiological 1965; Morán et al., 2006). Sources of error in this
processes that affect DOM production by the phyto- technique include the transformation of PPP to DPP
plankton themselves, rather than physical disruption through cell lysis during filtration (Sharp, 1977) and
processes (i.e. sloppy feeding and viral lysis). Within the binding of DOM to the filters (Karl et al., 1998;
this framework I will emphasize the interaction Morán et al., 1999).
between phytoplankton DOM production and global High temperature catalytic oxidation (HTCO)
climate change. The increase in CO2 in the atmo- instruments for the measurement of dissolved organic
sphere as a result of human activity (IPCC, 2013) is carbon (DOC) were developed in the late 1980s
causing the ocean to become both warmer (Levitus (Sugimura & Suzuki, 1988). The interpretation of
et al., 2000) and more acidic (Caldeira & Wickett, the data produced from this method remained contro-
2003; Royal Society, 2005) and there is an urgent versial for a number of years as it was often unclear
need to understand how ecosystems and global bio- what was being measured, mainly due to issues asso-
geochemical cycles will respond. In this review I will ciated with preparing DOM-free water for blanks and
bring together what little we know about the effects the lack of standardized reference water samples for
of ocean temperature and pH on DOM release by inter-laboratory comparisons (Hedges et al., 1993;
phytoplankton and suggest future research Benner & Strom, 1993; Suzuki, 1993). However,
directions. these issues were resolved and the HTCO technique
enabled DOM release by phytoplankton to be deter-
mined by simply measuring how much of the total
Production rates of DOM by phytoplankton organic carbon was allocated to the dissolved and
DOM release by phytoplankton has been measured in particulate fractions over time, either in phytoplank-
laboratory culture for specific organisms under highly ton cultures (Chen & Wangersky, 1996; Biddanda &
controlled conditions, and in natural populations in Benner, 1997) or in incubations of natural waters
the field, and it has been constrained in ecosystem (Wetz & Wheeler, 2003). An advantage of this tech-
models. Production rates of DOM by phytoplankton nique is that it avoids the safety issues and permissions
are usually expressed as Percentage Extracellular involved with handling radioisotopes. Dissolved and
D. C. O. Thornton 22

particulate organic carbon are usually separated by cost the organism less to take up a proportion of the
filtration and are therefore prone to the same filtration DOM that has leaked from the cell rather than to
artefacts as 14C tracer methods. prevent the leakage in the first place. While differen-
tiating between gross and net PER may be important
for understanding the physiology of phytoplankton, it
PER in phytoplankton cultures could be argued that only net PER matters ecologi-
Hellebust (1965) made the first extensive measure- cally as it is only net PER that is available to other
ments of PER by 22 species in laboratory grown organisms in the surrounding water.
cultures and concluded that phytoplankton release
3–6% of their photoassimilated carbon during expo-
PER in mesocosm experiments and natural waters
nential growth. Nagata (2000) summarized PER mea-
surements from laboratory experiments with 37 Baines & Pace (1991) determined PER based on data
species, including the work of Hellebust (1965). from both marine and freshwater systems in 16
Nagata concluded that mean PER in cultures is 5% papers. The range of measured PER was < 1 to 75%,
(range 2–10%), with higher rates in stressed cultures with the means for individual systems ranging from 3
(nutrient limitation or suboptimal conditions of light to 40%. They concluded that PER averages 13% and
and temperature) or when cells were in the stationary extracellular release increases linearly with particulate
and senescent stages of growth. Wetz & Wheeler primary productivity. Nagata (2000) also reviewed the
(2007) also found PER rates of approximately 5% in literature on DOM exudation in the field and con-
batch cultures of four coastal diatom species: cluded that there is a great variation in rates, with
Cylindrotheca closterium, Odontella longicruris, mean PER usually in the range 10–20%. These con-
Bellerochea sp., and Skeletonema sp. However, PER clusions broadly agree with Baines & Pace (1991).
for Chaetoceros decipiens was higher, at 21%. López- While there has been limited work on phytoplankton
Sandoval et al. (2013) measured DOC release using in monocultures since Nagata (2000), researchers
C as a tracer in two-hour incubations using samples have continued to measure PER in situ or in large-
from non-axenic batch cultures. Their comprehensive scale manipulative experiments with natural commu-
survey of 22 species ranged in size from the small nities in mesocosms (Table 1). Most of the research to
cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus sp. (0.12 µm3 date has focused on coastal waters; the lack of data
cell volume) to the large diatom Coscinodiscus wai- from oceanic biomes means that it is difficult to make
lesii (2 500 000 µm3). Mean PER was approximately global generalizations concerning PER from these
2% with a range of 0.3–10%. Unlike other studies, analyses. There has been a geographical bias towards
they found that both cell size and growth phase had no certain oceans that largely reflects the locations of the
effect on DOC release. The chemical composition of scientists studying DOM production by phytoplank-
extracellular DOM was shown to be different from ton. Thus, there is a significant body of work on the
intracellular composition in the diatom Skeletonema Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, while rela-
costatum (Granum et al., 2002; Puskaric & Mortain- tively little work has been done on the Arctic, Pacific
Bertrand, 2003), confirming earlier work by Mague and Indian Oceans.
et al. (1980). These observations suggest that DOM PER rates in the field are consistently higher than
release is not simply the passive leakage of intracel- rates measured with laboratory monocultures of phy-
lular metabolites into the surrounding medium. toplankton. This may reflect physiological con-
Many phytoplankton are mixotrophic, meaning that straints. For example, the early stages of batch
they are able to supplement the organic carbon fixed cultures are likely to be nutrient replete, whereas nat-
via photosynthesis with the heterotrophic consump- ural waters are often nutrient limited. However, this is
tion and assimilation of organic matter (reviewed by not the only factor, as PER is also generally higher in
Caron, 2000). Organic matter may be obtained by situ at upwelling locations, where nutrients are avail-
phagotrophy or through the uptake and assimilation able, compared with laboratory monocultures. Short-
of DOM. For example, some diatoms are able to grow term incubations using water collected in situ include
in the dark on simple organic substrates such as glu- protozoan grazing and viral lysis, processes that are
cose and acetate (Lewin & Lewin, 1960; White, 1974) usually absent in phytoplankton cultures (Nagata,
and the cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus takes up 2000; Teira et al., 2001a). In low biomass locations,
amino acids in situ (Zubkov et al., 2004). The uptake such as the oligotrophic ocean, methodological con-
of DOM by phytoplankton has not been accounted for straints may lead to an overestimation of PER based
during laboratory culture experiments to determine on incubations using 14C, as the signal is relatively
PER. Measured PER may represent ‘net PER’, being low compared with the noise, and this may be a con-
the sum of ‘gross PER’ and the subsequent re-uptake cern in the interpretation of some of the early measure-
of a proportion of the PER by the phytoplankton ments (Williams, 1990). It is difficult to compare the
(Kamjunke & Tittel, 2009). This may seem a very in situ studies presented in Table 1 due to the wide
inefficient way to retain resources; however, it may range of protocols used to obtain the data. For
Table 1. Field measurements of DOM release by phytoplankton, expressed as percentage extracellular release (PER). Measurements of PER are means unless stated otherwise under notes. Data are
taken from papers published since 2000 and grouped according to which ocean the measurements were made in.

Author Location Season PER (%) Notes

Phytoplankton DOM release

Engel et al. (2013) Arctic, Kongsfjorden Summer 14 ± 8 Mean ± standard deviation in a fjord in Spitsbergen, Svalbard
Atlantic Ocean
Teira et al. (2001a) Atlantic, N. subtropical gyre Summer/autumn 11–42 Oligotrophic waters
Teira et al. (2001a) Atlantic, coastal upwelling Summer/autumn 4–9 Benguela upwelling (Mauritania) and upwelling off NW Spain
Teira et al. (2001b) Atlantic, Iberian upwelling Summer/autumn > 15 Picoplankton dominated; net heterotrophic
Teira et al. (2001b) Atlantic, Iberian upwelling Summer/autumn < 10 Coastal upwelling, cells > 2 µm diameter; net autotrophic
Morán et al. (2002a) Atlantic Spring 10.3 Coastal waters
Morán et al. (2002a) Atlantic Spring 8.4 Offshore waters
Morán et al. (2002a) Atlantic Summer 6.8 Coastal waters
Morán et al. (2002a) Atlantic Summer 6.1 Offshore waters
Teira et al. (2003a) Atlantic, Iberian upwelling All seasons 37 Highest rates during periods of lowest productivity
Teira et al. (2003b) Atlantic, N. subtropical gyre Summer 20 Cell lysis and grazing more important than exudation
Marañón et al. (2004) Atlantic, Ría de Vigo All seasons 19 Coastal upwelling ecosystem
Marañón et al. (2005) Atlantic, Celtic Sea Summer c. 20 Productivity gradient from oligotrophic to euphotic waters
López-Sandoval et al. (2010) Atlantic, Ría de Vigo All seasons 19 14% during exponential growth and 23% during senescence
Mediterranean Sea
Morán & Estrada (2001) Mediterranean, Alboran Sea Early summer 4–44 PER range at three sites
Lagaria et al. (2011) Mediterranean Summer 9.2, 15.2, 17.7 Mean values in 3 oligotrophic anticyclonic gyres
López-Sandoval et al. (2011) Mediterranean Summer 37 Productivity gradient in stratified waters
Pacific Ocean
Wetz & Wheeler (2003) Pacific, coastal off Oregon Summer 38 Chaetoceros sp. bloom during coastal upwelling
Wetz & Wheeler (2003) Pacific, coastal off Oregon Summer 15 Leptocylindricus minimus during coastal upwelling
Southern Ocean
Morán et al. (2001) Southern, Weddell & Scotia Seas Summer 13 Range 5–33%
Morán & Estrada (2002) Southern, Antarctic Peninsula Summer 24 Range 2–47%
D. C. O. Thornton 24

example, Wetz & Wheeler (2003) conducted on-deck DOC release based on Bjørnsen’s (1988) model,
incubations of 20 litres, which were sampled each day which assumes that DOC release by phytoplankton
for 7 days, whereas Teira et al. (2001a) measured is a passive process driven by concentration gradients
DOC release in 30-ml samples after an on-deck incu- across the cell membrane. In this model, small cells
bation time of 2 hours. These differences suggest that leak more than large cells and therefore the size spec-
an inter-comparison of methods commonly used to trum of the phytoplankton population was a driver of
measure PER would be a valuable exercise, poten- DOC release (Kriest & Oschlies, 2007). The advan-
tially leading to a standard protocol and enabling tage of the mechanistic approach is that it implies an
direct comparisons between datasets collected by dif- understanding of the physiological factors that affect
ferent groups at different times and locations. DOC exudation by phytoplankton and therefore it can
In summary, PER is generally relatively low be used predictively to model situations where PER
(10–20%) in nutrient-rich conditions, such as coastal measurements are lacking.
upwelling, and frequently higher in warm, nutrient- Anderson & Williams (1998) combined the empiri-
poor conditions such as the North Atlantic subtropical cal and mechanistic approaches to estimate PER in
gyre during summer. The phytoplankton that grow their model of DOM cycling in the English Channel.
under these different conditions are also very differ- They divided DOC lost from phytoplankton cells into
ent; coastal upwelling zones are dominated by large two components. Firstly, a constant 5% of carbon
taxa and subtropical gyres are dominated by small fixed by the phytoplankton was lost by leakage from
taxa with large surface area to volume ratios. This is the cells. Leakage was defined as the passive loss of
consistent with Fogg (1983), who concluded that ‘small molecules’ across the cell membrane.
phytoplankton exude 5% of the products of photo- Secondly, they distinguished ‘leakage’ from ‘exuda-
synthesis in eutrophic waters and up to 40% in oligo- tion’, which was defined as the loss of excess carbon
trophic waters. due to changes in environmental conditions such as
light and nutrient availability. The exudation contribu-
tion to extracellular DOC was calculated using two
PER in biogeochemical models different methods: it was either simply directly pro-
DOM release by phytoplankton is a potentially portional to primary production or it was calculated as
important component of biogeochemical models a photosynthetic overflow under conditions of nutrient
on a variety of spatial and temporal scales, from limitation. Total PER was calculated accounting for
ecophysiological models of individual phytoplank- both leakage and exudation. Mongin et al. (2003) used
ton cells, to ecosystem models and models of global a similar approach, assuming that 10% of the phyto-
biogeochemical cycles. Empirical and mechanistic plankton biomass was passively leaked from the cells
methods have been used to incorporate phytoplank- each day, with DOC and DON released in Redfield
ton DOM exudation into models. stoichiometry, plus a further leakage of DOC and
The simple empirical approach is to assume a fixed DON released in Redfield stoichiometry equivalent
value for PER, based on averaging data from measure- to 5% of the inorganic nitrogen uptake each day. In
ments in the field or laboratory. The value for PER is addition, when C : N > 10, 30% of the photosyntheti-
then multiplied by a measure of primary production to cally fixed carbon was exuded as DOC to simulate
estimate the amount of DOM produced. This exudation under nitrogen limitation.
approach has been used in multiple studies, as tabu- The success of DOM release models will depend on
lated by Christian & Anderson (2002), with values of accurate predictions over a wide range of naturally
PER generally around 5%. Aumont et al. (2003) occurring conditions, enabling them to be incorpo-
incorporated fixed values of DOC release into their rated into larger models of global primary production
ecosystem model of the global ocean containing two and biogeochemical cycles. Currently, the models
functional phytoplankton groups. DOC release was reflect our lack of understanding of the basic physiol-
fixed at 5 and 3% for nanophytoplankton and diatoms, ogy of DOM release by phytoplankton and associated
respectively. Recently, PER in the upper Chesapeake physiological processes, such as cell death (see
Bay was assumed to be a constant 26% (Keller & below). Mechanistic models at least enable us to iden-
Hood, 2011), a relatively high value that seems to be tify what probably drives DOM release by phyto-
based on a misinterpretation of Anderson & Williams plankton, even if the relative importance of the
(1998). different processes is currently difficult to determine.
Using the mechanistic approach, DOC release by Drivers of DOM release in mechanistic models
phytoplankton is incorporated into models as a include photosynthesis rates, cell quotas and elemen-
dynamic term that changes in response to environ- tal stoichiometry, concentration gradients across the
mental conditions. PER has been modelled using cell plasma membrane, cell size, growth rates, and cell
quotas (Baklouti et al., 2006) or N : C ratios (Flynn death (Baklouti et al., 2006; Kriest & Oschlies,
et al., 2008) as a measure of nutrient status. Kriest & 2007; Flynn et al., 2008). However, because the dri-
Oschlies (2007) modelled the effect of cell size on vers of DOM release by phytoplankton are poorly
Phytoplankton DOM release 25

characterized, it is possible to tune models to fit data 1994; Hu & Smith, 1998) and culture (Suratman et al.,
without realizing that the resulting model is unrealis- 2008) studies have shown that a range of phytoplankton
tic. Flynn et al. (2008) concluded that suitable data to taxa release a significant amount of dissolved organic
model DOM release limit our mechanistic understand- nitrogen (DON). Many phytoplankton are also consu-
ing of the process. The ideal data, which Flynn et al. mers of DON as a nitrogen source; it is often the largest
(2008) were unable to find in the literature, should pool of dissolved nitrogen in marine waters and it is less
demonstrate mass balance of carbon (or nitrogen). In refractory than once thought (Bronk et al., 2007). Given
the case of carbon, this would mean simultaneous that protein is a major component of phytoplankton, it is
measurements of dissolved inorganic, dissolved likely that amino acids and protein form a significant
organic and particulate carbon fractions under con- proportion of the DON released.
strained axenic conditions, to enable a budget of car- Work with cultures of diatoms has shown that
bon to be constructed with no assumed pools (Flynn Chaetoceros spp. (Poulet & Martin-Jézéquel, 1983;
et al., 2008). There is a need for integrated research, Myklestad et al., 1989) and Skeletonema costatum
specifically designed to combine modelling with (Mague et al., 1980; Granum et al., 2002) release
experimental work on phytoplankton physiology. amino acids into the growth medium. Myklestad
(2000) concluded, based on the literature, that the
following amino acids are commonly released by
Composition of DOM released by phytoplankton
diatoms: serine, glycine, lysine, alanine, glutamic
Phytoplankton release a broad range of organic com- acid, aspartic acid, ornithine and histidine. Larger
pounds. Lancelot (1984) summarized the early litera- amino acid-containing molecules may be released by
ture on the composition of DOM released by phytoplankton. For example, Thalassiosira weissflo-
phytoplankton, concluding that they were dominated gii grown at several copper concentrations released
by carbohydrates (monosaccharides, oligosaccharides the tripeptide glutathione (GSH) in response to cop-
and polysaccharides), nitrogenous compounds (amino per-induced cell membrane damage (Tang et al.,
acids, polypeptides and proteins), lipids (fatty acids) 2005). Emiliana huxleyi released thiols composed of
and organic acids (glycolate, tricarboxylic acids, the amino acids arginine, cysteine and glutamine in
hydroxamate and vitamins). As one might expect, response to heavy metals (Dupont et al., 2004).
this broadly matches the composition of phytoplank- Amino acids containing R-groups with aromatic car-
ton cells. A typical phytoplankter is composed of bon rings, and consequently delocalized electrons, are
25–50% protein, 5–50% polysaccharide, 5–20% fluorescent. Common amino acids containing such R-
lipids, 3–20% pigments and 20% nucleic acids groups are tryptophan, phenylalanine, and tyrosine
(Emerson & Hedges, 2008). Hellebust (1974) grouped and so these amino acids, and proteins that contain
the extracellular products of algae (both phytoplank- them, contribute to the fluorescent dissolved organic
ton and macroalgae) into the following categories: matter (FDOM) pool in the ocean (Coble, 1996). The
carbohydrates, nitrogenous substances, organic acids concentration of ‘proteinaceous DOM’, determined
(mainly glycolate), phenolic substances, organic using fluorescence, increased in mesocosms during
phosphates, volatile substances, enzymes, vitamins, phytoplankton exponential growth (Stedmon &
sex factors, growth inhibitors and stimulators, and Markager, 2005). Chaetoceros, Skeletonema,
toxins. This list includes categories determined on Prorocentrum and Micromonas all released ‘protein-
the basis of their chemical composition (e.g. carbohy- like’ FDOM during culture experiments (Romera-
drates and nitrogenous substances), their chemical Castillo et al., 2010). In addition, small protein-con-
properties (volatile substances) and their biological taining exopolymer particles are abundant in the
function (e.g. enzymes and sex factors). Grouping ocean. These particles are known as Coomassie stain-
extracellular products in this way is confusing, as ing particles (CSP) after Coomassie Brilliant Blue G-
there is overlap between categories; for example, 250 dye, which is the protein stain used to detect them
enzymes are nitrogenous substances as well. I have (Long & Azam, 1996). Data from my laboratory has
grouped the extracellular products based on chemical shown that CSP are a ubiquitous component of the
composition, either in broad encompassing categories exopolymers produced in diatom cultures (Figs 1, 2)
(e.g. carbohydrates) or by specific compounds (e.g. and the ocean (Fig. 3).
isoprene). The list is not exhaustive, but rather repre-
sents categories or compounds which are either extre-
mely abundant or biogeochemically significant.
Carbohydrates are used in the structural compo-
nents of the cell, such as cell walls, and as storage
Amino acids and proteins
compounds for fixed carbon and energy. The com-
The extracellular release of amino acids, peptides and position and amount of carbohydrate that an indivi-
proteins by phytoplankton has not been extensively dual phytoplankton cell contains are dependent on
studied. Field (Bronk et al., 1994; Glibert & Bronk, the physiological status of the cell and its taxonomic
D. C. O. Thornton 26

Fig. 1. Coomassie staining particle (CSP) concentration in diatom batch cultures at the end of the exponential growth phase after
7 days of growth in artificial seawater. The diatoms were Skeletonema marinoi (SM), Skeletonema costatum (SC), Phaeodactylum
tricornutum (PT), Chaetoceros muelleri (CM), Coscinodiscus wailesii (CW), Odontella aurita (OA) and Achnanthes longipes (AL).
Bars show mean + SD (n = 3 replicate cultures). Data collected by Michael Pohlen. CSP stained according to Long & Azam (1996).

2 3

4 5

Figs 2–5. Exopolymer particles observed in diatom cultures and the Pacific Ocean. Exopolymer particles were collected using gentle
filtration onto 0.4 µm polycarbonate filters and stained. 2. Coomassie brilliant blue staining particles (CSP) in a culture of
Thalassiosira weissflogii. 3. CSP particles from the surface Pacific Ocean collected off the coast of Oregon during July 2011. 4.
Transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) in a culture of Thalassiosira weissflogii. 5. TEP particles from the surface Pacific Ocean
collected off the coast of Oregon during July 2011. TEP were stained with Alcian blue according to Alldredge et al. (1993) and CSP
were stained according to Long & Azam (1996). Scale bars = 100 µm.

affiliation. Carbohydrates are a significant compo- et al., 2005, 2009; Abdullahi et al., 2006).
nent of the DOM in the ocean (Aluwihare et al., Monosaccharides commonly found in extracellular
1997; Repeta & Aluwihare, 2006; Hansell et al., carbohydrates released by marine phytoplankton
2009). include aldohexoses (glucose, galactose and man-
Data indicate that different species produce differ- nose), aldopentoses (arabinose and xylose), deoxysu-
ent extracellular carbohydrates, in terms of monosac- gars (fucose and rhamnose), uronic acids (glucuronic
charide composition and their relative proportions. It acid) and amino sugars (Aluwihare et al., 1997;
is probable that an individual phytoplankton strain or Biersmith & Benner, 1998; Aluwihare & Repeta,
species is capable of producing multiple extracellular 1999; Magaletti et al., 2004; Kragh & Søndergaard,
carbohydrates at the same time. This has been shown 2009). The monosaccharide composition of the sur-
for benthic diatoms, whose extracellular carbohydrate face ocean is similar to the monosaccharide composi-
production has been extensively studied over the last tion of phytoplankton extracellular release, indicating
few years (Underwood & Paterson, 2003; Bellinger that phytoplankton are a major source of
Phytoplankton DOM release 27

carbohydrates to the ocean (Aluwihare et al., 1997; under nutrient-replete conditions and also under condi-
Biersmith & Benner, 1998). tions of phosphorus and silicon limitation (Lombardi &
Over the last two decades there has been consider- Wangersky, 1991). Similarly, Phaeodactylum tricornu-
able interest in the role of large polymers in the ocean tum produced extracellular lipids under both nitrogen-
(see reviews by Passow, 2002a; Verdugo et al., 2004; limited and nitrogen-replete conditions (Parrish &
Verdugo, 2012). There has been the realization that Wangersky, 1987). Extracellular free fatty acids, tria-
there is a continuum of organic matter from DOM to cylglycerols, sterols, phospholipids and glycolipids
POM, with gels and exopolymer particles sharing were measured in cultures of the dinoflagellate
some of the properties of both POM and DOM. Gymnodinium cf. nagasakiense and were proposed to
Verdugo et al. (2004) estimated that 10% of the be exuded from the cells (Parrish et al., 1994).
DOM pool, or approximately 70 Pg C, is in the
form of biopolymers that are assembled into gels
Nucleic acids
such as transparent exopolymer particles (TEP).
TEP are operationally defined as particles retained There is little information on dissolved nucleic acids
on 0.4 µm (or sometimes 0.2 µm) pore sized poly- in the ocean and no specific information on the
carbonate filters that stain with Alcian blue (Figs 4, potential for phytoplankton to exude nucleic acids.
5) (Alldredge et al., 1993; Passow & Alldredge, The viral lysis of bacterioplankton is known to be a
1995; Passow, 2002a). TEP are invisible using significant source of dissolved DNA (Brum, 2005;
bright-field light microscopy, but become visible Riemann et al., 2009). Most of the nucleic acids in
after staining, indicating that TEP contain acid poly- eukaryotic cells are large molecules contained within
saccharides (Ramus, 1977; Passow & Alldredge, membrane-bound organelles, which will reduce the
1995). TEP are ubiquitous and play an important potential for leakage as each membrane will act as a
role in particle dynamics and carbon cycling in the barrier. Nucleic acids are rich in phosphorus and
ocean (see reviews by Passow, 2002a; Burd & nitrogen and therefore the loss of significant amounts
Jackson, 2009; Verdugo, 2012). For example, TEP of nucleic acid would be costly to phytoplankton
are sticky and affect the further aggregation of parti- cells, which inhabit environments where nitrogen
cles into larger aggregates that sink rapidly though and phosphorus often limit growth. Based on these
the water column, affecting the biological carbon arguments, it seems unlikely that nucleic acids are a
pump (Engel, 2000; Passow, 2002a; Thornton, significant source of DOM produced by healthy phy-
2002). Exudation by phytoplankton plays a signifi- toplankton cells. However, recent work has shown
cant role in the formation of TEP (Passow, 2002b; that extracellular DNA (eDNA) plays a significant
Gärdes et al., 2011). Numerous studies have shown structural role in the exopolymer matrix of many
that exopolymer particles accumulate in phytoplank- bacterial biofilms (reviewed by Flemming &
ton cultures (Passow, 2002b; Claquin et al., 2008; Wingender, 2010). This raises the possibility that
Fukao et al., 2010) and during blooms (Passow et al., eDNA may be exuded by phytoplankton that
1994; Engel et al., 2002; Engel, 2004; Harlay et al., produce large amounts of exopolymers, such as dia-
2009) (Figs 3, 5). Generally, TEP are not exuded toms and the colonial microalga Phaeocystis.
directly by phytoplankton cells; they form abiotically Dissolved DNA supplied 70% of bacterioplankton
from precursors released by cells. TEP accumulate in P demand in a P-limited estuary, indicating that
0.2 µm filtrate from diatom cultures that is bubbled eDNA may play a significant role in some ecosys-
with air (Mopper et al., 1995; Mari, 1999) or exposed tems (Riemann et al., 2009).
to fluid shear (Passow, 2000); therefore processes
that bring the polymeric precursors together affect
the formation of TEP.
Glycolate (C2H4O3) is produced during photorespira-
tion (Falkowski & Raven, 2007). Much of the early
Fatty acids and lipids
work on DOM release by phytoplankton was focused
Myklestad (2000) noted that there was little informa- on glycolate (also known as glycollate, glycolic acid
tion on the exudation of fatty acids and lipids by or 2-hydroxyethanoic acid), mainly in freshwater
phytoplankton, and there has been little further research model taxa such as Chlorella (Tolbert & Zill, 1956;
on this issue over the last decade. Parrish (1987) Whittingham & Pritchard, 1963). Leboulanger et al.
hypothesized that dissolved lipids he measured in (1998a) proposed that glycolate may represent 10% or
Bedford Basin (Canada) were exuded by phytoplank- more of the DOC in the ocean, though data to support
ton during the spring bloom. There has been some this estimate were not presented. Concentrations vary-
work on extracellular lipid production by marine dia- ing between 0.20 and 0.80 µM were measured in
toms grown in continuous culture (Parrish & coastal waters of the Irish Sea (Liverpool Bay) (Al-
Wangersky, 1987; Lombardi & Wangersky, 1991). Hasan & Fogg, 1987). Leboulanger et al. measured
Chaetoceros gracilis produced extracellular lipids glycolate concentrations up to 0.97 µM in
D. C. O. Thornton 28

mesotrophic waters and 0.22 µM in oligotrophic The physiological functions of DMSP and DMS are
waters of the tropical Atlantic Ocean (Leboulanger uncertain, though they may be components of an
et al., 1997), and 0.32–1.17 µM during a phytoplank- intracellular antioxidant system (Sunda et al., 2002).
ton bloom in coastal Mediterranean waters The release of DMSP and DMS generally depends on
(Leboulanger et al., 1994). Relatively high glycolate processes that disrupt cell integrity, rather than exuda-
concentrations (0.89–4.50 µM) have been measured tion by healthy cells (Kiene et al., 2000). Examples
in coastal waters off Belgium (Billen et al., 1980). It is include senescence, grazing (Wolfe & Steinke, 1996;
likely that there is rapid turnover of the glycolate pool Wolfe et al., 1997) and viral lysis (Malin et al., 1998).
in the ocean due to production associated with photo- However, a modelling study estimated that
synthesis and consumption by heterotrophic prokar- Prorocentrum minimum (a dinoflagellate) exudes 1%
yotes. This is shown by the diurnal cycle in glycolate day−1 of its cell quota of DMSP, whereas Phaeocystis
concentrations in the upper ocean, indicating net pro- sp. (a prymnesiophyte) exudes from 3 to 11% day−1 of
duction during daylight and net consumption during its cell quota of DMSP (Laroche et al., 1999). Given
the night (Leboulanger et al., 1997, 1998b). that the DMSP concentration in Phaeocystis sp. cells
is 71–150 mM (Stefels & van Boekel, 1993) and that
DMSP may form a significant component of the car-
bon cell quota, the exudation or leakage of even a
Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and small proportion of cell DMSP may be a significant
dimethysulfide (DMS) source of DOM during phytoplankton blooms of high
The production of DMS (C2H6S) and its precursor DMSP producing species.
compound DMSP (C5H10O2S) by phytoplankton has
been studied extensively over the last 25 years. Early
research focused on the production of DMS, as it is the Isoprene
major source of non-sea salt aerosol over areas of Shaw et al. (2003) grew a range of phytoplankton
ocean remote from the continents (Stefels & van species and found that they all produced isoprene
Boekel, 1993; Gondwe et al., 2003), it affects cloud (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene, an alkene with the formula
formation and has a hypothetical role in climate reg- C5H8) during exponential growth in laboratory cul-
ulation (Charlson et al., 1987; Ayers & Cainey, 2007; tures. The range of isoprene production rates were
Quinn & Bates, 2011). However, recent research has between 1 × 10−21 and 4 × 10−19 mol cell–1 day−1.
focused on DMSP, which is often a significant com- Shaw et al. (2003) also measured the production of a
ponent of the carbon quota of phytoplankton cells and range of light non-methane hydrocarbons (C2 to C6);
may play a significant role in prokaryote production however, only isoprene was consistently produced by
and the microbial loop (Kiene et al., 2000). Major the five phytoplankton species studied. Bonsang et al.
determinants of DMSP and DMS concentrations in (2010) grew a range of phytoplankton species, repre-
the ocean are phytoplankton biomass and community senting different major phylogenetic groups (cyanobac-
composition (Malin et al., 1998). Representatives teria, diatoms, coccolithophores and chlorophytes), in
from most of the major phylogenetic groups of eukar- laboratory cultures. All the phytoplankton investigated
yote phytoplankton are known to produce DMSP emitted isoprene, with the highest production rates (per
(Malin & Kirst, 1997). Simó et al. (2002) found that unit chlorophyll a) occurring in the cyanobacteria
DMSP synthesis was proportional to photosynthesis (Trichodesmium and Synechococcus) and the lowest
in the North Atlantic and that phytoplankton invested in the chlorophyte Dunaliella tertiolecta. Isoprene pro-
7% of net primary production into DMSP production. duction was also shown to be elevated in waters ferti-
Compiling data from a range of in situ experiments lized with iron during the SOFeX experiment
and culture work, Kiene et al. (2000) concluded that (Wingenter et al., 2004). Mean (± SD) isoprene con-
DMSP forms <1 to 39% of the cell carbon quota of centration was 560 ± 13 pptv in the fertilized patch,
phytoplankton, with most values lying in the range of compared with 139 ± 6 pptv outside the patch in
1–5%. Dissolved DMSP concentrations in surface unfertilized water (Wingenter et al., 2004). Recent esti-
waters were in the range 0.1–25 nM, with a turnover mates of isoprene flux from ocean to atmosphere are
rate of 0.3–129 nM day–1 (Kiene et al., 2000). DMS 0.11–1.9 Tg isoprene year−1 (Palmer & Shaw, 2005;
production was associated with high in situ phyto- Arnold et al., 2009).
plankton productivity during the Southern Ocean
Iron enrichment Experiment (SOFeX). In a patch of
water in which productivity was stimulated by the Why do phytoplankton produce extracellular
addition of the limiting nutrient iron, the mean (± DOM?
SD) DMS concentration was 7600 ± 480 pptv, com- John Sharp (1977) originally posed the question
pared with 1560 ± 90 pptv outside the fertilized patch ‘Excretion of organic matter by marine phytoplank-
(Wingenter et al., 2004). ton – do healthy cells do it?’ as the title of a well-cited
Phytoplankton DOM release 29

paper. It was his contention that the observed release depending on the physiological status of the cell. In
(which he called ‘excretion’) of DOM by phyto- Fig. 6, leakage is defined as any passive loss of DOM
plankton was a methodological artefact arising from from the cell, including losses associated with defined
the 14C tracing methods used to determine photo- processes (such as the diffusive loss of recent photo-
synthesis rates and DOM production. He identified synthates) and a general loss by passive diffusion.
several potential problems that could lead to over- While passive diffusion is constant, other processes
estimates of DOM release by phytoplankton, includ- associated with leakage and all active exudation pro-
ing residual inorganic 14C contamination in the cesses will vary in response to environmental factors
medium and the rupture of cells during filtration. such as nutrient availability. For example, one could
Data over the last 35 years have convincingly hypothesize that the loss rate of DOM across the cell
answered Sharp’s (1977) question and demonstrated membrane via passive diffusion is relatively constant
that healthy phytoplankton do release DOM. in a healthy cell, whereas the loss of organic carbon
Considerable progress has been made in determining associated with photorespiration will depend on
the composition and amount of DOM released photosynthetic activity, which in turn will depend on
by phytoplankton. However, the next logical ques- environmental factors such as light availability and
tion – Why do healthy phytoplankton release dis- temperature. Under such a scenario, the proportion
solved organic matter? (Bjornsen, 1988) – has not of total DOM lost due to passive diffusion would be
been adequately addressed. Generally, DOM greater during the night than during daylight. The
released by phytoplankton can be divided into two balance of low molecular weight and high molecular
categories: compounds that have specific functions weight DOM released by the cell will depend on the
(e.g. extracellular enzymes, siderophores and toxins) relative proportions of DOM released through leakage
and compounds that have no known function. It is the or exudation. The DOM released through leakage will
production of the latter that dominates phytoplankton tend to be dominated by small, uncharged molecules
DOM release (Nagata, 2000). The release of DOM that can easily pass through cell membranes, whereas
has a cost in terms of resources lost (fixed carbon and exudates are often dominated by large polymers that
energy), which implies that the release of the major- do not diffuse across the cell membrane (Baines &
ity of DOM must either have a negligible impact on Pace, 1991; Myklestad, 2000). At present, there is no
the phytoplankton or have an unknown function. method to directly measure the contributions of leak-
Figure 6 summarizes the major mechanisms that age and exudation to total DOM release.
may account for the loss of fixed carbon by phyto- Consequently, the relative contribution of these pro-
plankton through DOM release. These mechanisms cesses is inferred, often on the basis of indirect evi-
are not mutually exclusive; it is likely that an indivi- dence, such as the size of the molecules released.
dual organism will lose fixed carbon through multi-
ple mechanisms simultaneously. However, not all
DOM release by passive diffusion across the cell
mechanisms will apply to all phytoplankton all of
the time.
DOM release by phytoplankton is the sum of leak- There is a 106 times increase in DOM concentration
age across the cell membrane and active exudation, moving across the cell membrane from the external
with the relative balance of these two processes environment into the cell (Flynn et al., 2008). This

leakage exudation / leakage

Passive diffusion Photosynthetic overflow
exudation leakage / exudation
Density reduction Autocatalytic cell death
exudation exudation/ leakage
infochemicals Photorespiration
exudation exudation
Defence mechanisms Resource acquisition

Fig. 6. Mechanisms affecting the release of dissolved organic matter (DOM) from phytoplankton cells via leakage and exudation.
Leakage is passive loss, while exudation is the active transport of DOM to the environment outside the cell. A. Passive diffusion
losses driven by the concentration gradient across the cell membrane and membrane permeability. B. Removal of excess carbon fixed
during photosynthesis by photosynthetic overflow. C. Loss of cell membrane integrity during autocatalytic cell death. D. Loss of
glycolate from the cell during photorespiration. E. Exudation of exoenzymes and siderophores used in the acquisition of nutrients.
F. Exudation of compounds as chemical defense against predators or infectious agents. G. Exudation of molecules that carry
information between organisms. H. Exudation of polymers which stick to the surface of the cell and reduce sinking rates by density
reduction or increasing frictional resistance.
D. C. O. Thornton 30

concentration gradient is the major factor that drives Overflow hypothesis

the passive leakage of DOM from phytoplankton
DOM exudation as a consequence of excess carbon
cells. Factors affecting the rate of DOM leakage by
being fixed by photosynthesis (Fig. 6) is frequently
diffusion across the cell membrane are cell permeabil-
invoked as the major mechanism to explain DOM
ity, surface area to volume ratio of the cell, and the size
release by phytoplankton. Like passive diffusion, the
of the intracellular pool of the compound in question
loss of DOM from photosynthetic overflow is gener-
(Bjørnsen, 1988):
ally regarded as a consequence of inefficiencies in cell
physiology with the extracellular products serving no
E A function outside the cells. The release of photo-
’P (1)
S V synthate under conditions of high light (Hellebust,
1965; Zlotnik & Dubinsky, 1989) and nutrient scarcity
Where E is leakage rate of a compound by diffusion may be an overflow mechanism when photosynthesis
(mol s−1), S is the intracellular pool of the compound occurs more rapidly than is required for growth (Fogg,
(mol), P is cell membrane permeability (cm s−1), A is 1983; Wood & Van Valen, 1990). For example, if a
cell surface area (cm2), and V is cell volume (cm3) cell is growing under conditions of nitrogen limitation
(Bjørnsen, 1988). As equation 1 shows, the surface there will be insufficient nitrogen to support growth of
area to volume ratio of the cell, and therefore cell size, the cell, which requires the synthesis of proteins,
is an important determinant of how much DOM is lost nucleic acids and other nitrogen-containing com-
via diffusion. Consequently, Bjørnsen (1988) argued pounds. Equally, there may not be enough available
that this passive loss of DOM was analogous to a nitrogen to ‘switch off’ photosynthesis, as this would
‘property tax’ on phytoplankton biomass rather than require the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids to
an ‘income tax’ determined by primary productivity. reorganize the photosynthetic apparatus. After the
Cell membranes are more permeable to uncharged low carbohydrate storage capacity of the cell is exceeded,
molecular weight compounds, therefore the passive the excess organic carbon is exuded from the cell. As
loss of DOM from phytoplankton will be dominated light and usable inorganic carbon sources are readily
by small molecules such as urea. Work with synthetic available under this scenario, the strategy has little or
lipid bilayers shows that membrane permeability to no cost to the phytoplankter.
ions (e.g. H+) < large uncharged polar molecules (e.g. Batch culture experiments have shown that phyto-
sucrose) < small uncharged polar molecules (e.g. H2O plankton release more DOM under conditions of nutri-
and urea) < hydrophobic molecules (e.g. O2) (Alberts ent limitation (Guillard & Wangersky, 1958; Marker,
et al., 2008). Bjørnsen’s (1988) use of the word ‘tax’ 1965; Myklestad, 1974, 1977; Obernosterer & Herndl,
implies a direct cost to the organism; the significance 1995). Myklestad (1995) concluded that phytoplankton
of this cost is not known. release carbohydrates into the surrounding medium
Subsequent work has both supported and contra- under conditions of severe N or P limitation, as carbo-
dicted the passive diffusion model of DOM release. hydrates do not contain these potentially limiting nutri-
For example, Baines & Pace (1991) concluded that ents. Myklestad et al. (1989) found that the rates of
DOM release is constrained by the total availability of release of carbohydrates and amino acids by
photosynthates, rather than phytoplankton biomass, Chaetoceros affinis were highest in the growth phase
and therefore active processes are more important compared with stationary phase batch cultures.
than diffusion. However, constant PER throughout However, the photosynthesis rate of nutrient-limited
the water column, which only increased at very low cells was lower and therefore DOM release accounted
light conditions, led to the conclusion that DOC for 58% of productivity in stationary phase cells, com-
release was the result of passive diffusion rather than pared with 10% during exponential growth. It is
photosynthetic overflow (Marañón et al., 2004, 2005). assumed that the accumulation of DOM in phytoplank-
The passive diffusion model implies that a population ton cultures indicates the uncoupling of growth and
dominated by small cells should have a higher PER photosynthesis. This is supported by the observation
than populations of larger cells. Measurements of that the greatest release of DOM occurs during the
DON release using 15NH4+ as a tracer in two size transition between different phases of phytoplankton
fractions (< 94 µm and < 20 µm) of natural phyto- growth (Granum et al. 2002; Wetz & Wheeler, 2007),
plankton showed that the smallest size fraction had the which was explained by Williams (1990) as a ‘tempor-
greatest PER with respect to organic nitrogen, though ary loss of control’ of the organic matter pools within
the amount of DON released was greatest in the the cell as growth rate slows down. It is rarely consid-
fraction containing large cells (Hasegawa et al., ered that other processes, such as phytoplankton cell
2000). This reiterates that while PER is a useful con- death resulting in lysis (Franklin et al., 2006), may also
cept, it does not give any information about the mag- affect the release of DOM in batch cultures. In addition,
nitude of the DOM release (Mague et al., 1980; there may be taxonomic differences: Skeletonema cost-
Williams, 1990). atum and Phaeocystis sp. have relatively constant DOC
Phytoplankton DOM release 31

release rates (which fits the passive diffusion model of photorespiration. Glycolate is produced by phyto-
DOM release), whereas Synechococcus bacillaris and plankton during photorespiration (Tolbert, 1974;
Emiliania huxleyi release more DOC during the sta- Falkowski & Raven, 2007), and while the majority
tionary phase (which fits the overflow hypothesis) of glycolate is metabolized, a proportion is released
(Biddanda & Benner, 1997). into the surrounding environment (Falkowski &
If the overflow hypothesis is applicable, then it is Raven, 2007).
probable that once the cell content (the cell quota: Carbon fixation occurs via a carboxylase reaction
Droop, 1968, 1983) of key nutrients (such as N or P) affected by the enzyme ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate car-
drops below a threshold, the excess organic carbon is boxylase–oxygenase (RuBisCO). Whether RuBisCO
exuded from the cell. Alternatively, exudation may acts as an oxygenase or carboxylase depends on the
not be dependent on a quota or absolute amount of kinetics of RuBisCO within the organism and the
limiting nutrient, but rather the stoichiometric ratio of steady state concentration of CO2 and O2 (Falkowski
carbon to potentially limiting nutrients. Most models & Raven, 2007). Photorespiration is affected by the
of phytoplankton growth use ratios, as nutrient quotas oxygenase activity of the enzyme, leading to the pro-
are normalized to carbon (e.g. Geider et al., 1998; duction of phosphoglycolate, which is a sink for phos-
Sunda et al., 2009). Determining the degree to which phorus and an inhibitor of photosynthesis (Falkowski
C : N : P stoichiometry of phytoplankton deviates & Raven, 2007). Hydrolysis of phosphoglycolate pro-
from the canonical Redfield ratio of 106 : 16 : 1 is duces inorganic phosphate and glycolate, thereby
seen as an important step in understanding of the reducing the concentration of phosphoglycolate and
role of phytoplankton in biogeochemical cycling recycling valuable phosphorus.
(Falkowski, 2000; Geider & La Roche, 2002).
However, the Redfield ratio of 106 : 16 : 1 is a mean
C : N : P ratio for marine organic matter and there are Allelochemicals
significant differences in the C : N and C : P ratios in Allelopathy was a term first used by Molisch (1937;
different phyla of phytoplankton (Geider & La Roche, cited by Rice, 1979) to describe ‘biochemical interac-
2002; Quigg et al., 2003). Variation in the C : N : P tions between all types of plants including microor-
ratios (and indeed the C : X ratios of other nutrients) is ganisms’. The consequences of those interactions
a combination of phylogenetics and the physiological could be either beneficial or detrimental to the organ-
status of the cells (Geider & La Roche, 2002; Arrigo, isms involved. Allelochemicals, according to the ori-
2005). Consequently, it is unlikely that there is a ginal definition, can have stimulatory effects;
single threshold value of C : N or C : P ratio, which however, the vast majority of work has focused on
if exceeded, would predict exudation as a result of the inhibitory effect of allelochemicals (Gross, 2003).
photosynthetic overflow. This is logical when consid- Indeed, Legrand et al. (2003) defined allelochemicals
ered in the context of the variation in threshold stoi- associated with phytoplankton as secondary metabo-
chiometric ratios indicating limitation. For example, lites that are released into the surrounding medium
the critical N : P ratio indicating the transition between where they act as infochemicals or injurious agents.
nitrogen and phosphorus limited growth is generally They concluded that allelopathic interactions between
higher than the Redfield ratio and varies between 20 phytoplankton are an important aspect of competition.
and 50 (Geider & La Roche, 2002). For example, cell-free filtrate from the prymnesio-
β-1,3-glucan is a carbohydrate storage product of phyte Prymnesium parvum inhibits the growth of the
many diatoms and is used as a carbon source to produce diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii and the nutrient sta-
exopolymers (EPS) by epipelic diatoms (Smith & tus of the diatom affects its response to the filtrate
Underwood, 1998, 2000). The glucan content of (Fistarol et al., 2005). The most common effects of
Chaetoceros affinis increases rapidly during the station- allelochemicals are cell lysis and growth inhibition
ary phase in nitrate-depleted batch cultures (Myklestad (Legrand et al., 2003). Being defined by function,
& Haug, 1972). Granum et al. (2002) dismissed the allelochemicals have diverse chemical structures and
overflow hypothesis as a significant carbon sink and molecular weights (Leão et al., 2009). Karenia brevis
proposed that excess carbon in nitrogen limited produces multiple small (500 to 1000 Da) allelochem-
Skeletonema costatum was stored within the cell as icals containing aromatic groups that inhibit the
β-1,3-glucan. However, the storage of excess carbon growth of the diatom Asterionellopsis glacialis
within the cell and overflow are not necessarily (Prince et al., 2010). In contrast, the raphidophyte
mutually exclusive; it may be that overflow occurs Heterosigma akashiwo releases a high molecular
once the storage capacity of the cell has been exceeded. weight polysaccharide-protein complex (> 1 000 000
Da) that inhibits the growth of the diatom Skeletonema
costatum by binding to the surface of the cells
Photorespiration and glycolate production
(Yamasaki et al., 2009). There is an extensive and
The stressful conditions (particularly high light) that rapidly growing literature on allelopathy associated
affect photosynthetic overflow may also lead to with phytoplankton, which is beyond the scope of
D. C. O. Thornton 32

this review (see reviews by Gross, 2003; Legrand

et al., 2003; Leão et al., 2009).
Resource acquisition
Phytoplankton, like all microorganisms, produce
extracellular proteins in the form of enzymes. B
Extracellular enzymes are used by phytoplankton to
acquire inorganic nutrients. Extracellular enzymes
may be closely associated with the cell, such as
located in the periplasmic space, or adhered to the
cell surface. They may also be released into the sur- A
rounding medium, where they will contribute to
DOM. Examples of extracellular enzymes produced
by phytoplankton include carbonic anhydrases (CA)
(see reviews by Raven, 1997; Giordano et al., 2005)
and extracellular alkaline phosphatase (AP) (Xu et al.,
2010). Extracellular DOM may play other roles in Fig. 7. Cell permeability in the diatom Thalassiosira weiss-
resource acquisition. Exopolymers released by micro- flogii (CCMP 1051) visualized by epifluorescence microscopy.
organisms may act to trap exoenzymes in the proxi- Cells were stained with SYTOX Green (Invitrogen, Life
mity of the cell, thereby ensuring that the cell that Technologies, Grand Island, U.S.A.), a membrane-imperme-
released the enzymes benefits most from the resources able nucleic acid stain. Chlorophyll autofluorescence is shown
created by the enzyme activity (Decho, 1990). in red and SYTOX Green stained nucleic acids are shown in
Extracellular saccharides enhance the bioavailability green. A. Intact cell containing chlorophyll but no SYTOX
Green staining and therefore intact cell membranes. B. Intact
of iron to eukaryotic phytoplankton in the Southern
cell containing chlorophyll with compromised cell membranes
Ocean (Hassler et al., 2011). This may be a significant revealed by the staining of an intact nucleus with SYTOX
finding, given that iron is the primary limiting nutrient Green. C. Dying cell with low chlorophyll autofluorescence,
over a significant area of the world ocean and carbo- a disrupted nucleus and compromised cell membranes. Image
hydrates are a major component of the DOM released courtesy of Jie Chen. Scale bar = 10 µm.
by phytoplankton.
photosynthesis. Subsequent work has shown that
Autocatalytic cell death stresses such as low irradiance or nutrient limitation
affect compromised plasma membranes and autocata-
The process of death in phytoplankton has been over-
lytic cell death in phytoplankton (Berman-Frank et al.,
looked until the last decade. It was generally assumed
2007; Timmermans et al., 2007; Franklin et al., 2012).
that individual phytoplankton cell lines were immortal
unless an external factor (predation, viral infection or
sinking into prolonged darkness) caused their death
DOM release and microbial food webs
(Kirchman, 1999; Bidle & Falkowski, 2004; Franklin
et al., 2006). Recent research has shown that phyto- In the ‘classic food web’ organic carbon fixed by
plankton also undergo the physiological process of photosynthesis is passed as POM from phytoplankton
autocatalytic cell-suicide, which can lead to lysis of to herbivorous grazers and then to fish, whereas the
the cells; this process is analogous to programmed cell microbial loop is driven by DOM (Azam et al., 1983;
death (PCD) in metazoans (Bidle & Falkowski, 2004; Ducklow, 1983). The release of DOM by phytoplank-
Franklin et al., 2006). Autocatalytic cell death is a ton is a significant driver of secondary production by
process that is indicated by multiple changes within heterotrophic prokaryotes. Generally, DOM release
the phytoplankton cell and it is often difficult to char- by phytoplankton is considered insufficient to support
acterize such cells as clearly dead or alive (Franklin the observed heterotrophic bacterial growth (Baines &
et al., 2006, 2012). Cell membrane integrity is used as Pace, 1991; Nagata, 2000; Morán et al., 2002b; Teira
an early indicator of cell death (Veldhuis et al., 2001). et al., 2003b). In addition, processes such as viral lysis
Veldhuis et al. (2001) showed that a significant pro- and sloppy feeding contribute a significant amount of
portion of phytoplankton populations grown in cul- the phytoplankton DOM that is utilized by bacteria.
ture and in the field (North Atlantic during March) had Baines & Pace (1991) concluded that the DOC
compromised cell membranes, as indicated by released by phytoplankton supports less than 50% of
SYTOX Green staining (Fig. 7). Veldhuis et al. bacterial carbon requirements, based on a review of
(2001) hypothesized that ‘automortality’ is a signifi- data from freshwater, estuarine and coastal environ-
cant source of DOM leakage, particularly as cells with ments, and modelling. Recent work has challenged
compromised cell membranes are often still capable of this general assumption: DOC released by
Phytoplankton DOM release 33

phytoplankton is sufficient to support the observed its complete genome sequenced (Gärdes et al.,
bacterial growth in the Southern Ocean (Morán 2010). Subsequently, it has been grown with the
et al., 2001, 2002b; Morán & Estrada, 2002) and in diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii in a model system
an area of coastal upwelling off the Iberian Peninsula (Gärdes et al., 2012) in experiments showing that the
in the Atlantic (Teira et al., 2003b). interaction between the diatom and the bacterium
Bacterial growth efficiency (BGE) is a key factor in depend on the nutrient status of the culture. Under
determining whether sufficient DOC is released from ‘balanced’ nutrient conditions (N : P of 16 : 1), the
phytoplankton to support bacterial growth. BGE is bacterium enhanced exudation and TEP formation in
simply the proportion of the total bacterial carbon batch cultures compared with axenic controls.
demand that is used for bacterial production: However, if the cultures were grown under condi-
tions resulting in nutrient limitation, M. adhaerens
BGE ¼ BP=ðBP þ BRÞ (2) did not enhance TEP production. Aggregate forma-
tion is an important process, as it changes the size
where BP is bacterial production and BR is bacterial distribution of particles in the water column and
respiration (Robinson, 2008). BGE depends on a affects the efficiency of the biological carbon pump,
number of factors, including DOM composition and because larger particles sink faster than small parti-
composition of the microbial community. The median cles. Diatoms, particularly under nutrient-limiting
value of BGE in the coastal ocean is 0.16 (0.19 ± 0.16; conditions, exude sticky polymers (such as TEP pre-
mean ± SD) compared with 0.08 (0.14 ± 0.14) in the cursors) that affect aggregation (Thornton, 2002).
open ocean (Robinson, 2008). Therefore, although Gärdes et al. (2011) showed that bacteria are impor-
PER in oligotrophic waters is relatively high, the tant in the aggregation of Thalassiosira weissflogii;
DOC released by phytoplankton is generally insuffi- aggregation did not occur in axenic cultures of the
cient to support bacterial growth (Teira et al., 2003b; diatom, whereas bacteria attached to T. weissflogii
López-Sandoval, 2011). This is probably because the cells enhanced aggregation.
nutrient limitation that drives the photosynthetic over- The interactions between phytoplankton and het-
flow of organic carbon into the DOC pool also limits erotrophic prokaryotes that affect DOM release by
the ability of bacteria to utilize the DOC pool. phytoplankton are complex and largely unpredictable
The interactions between heterotrophic prokar- with our current knowledge. Bacterial community
yotes and phytoplankton are poorly understood. An composition affects the composition of the phyto-
early concept used to describe the relationship plankton community and vice versa. Environmental
between phytoplankton and bacterioplankton was factors, such as nutrient limitation, moderate these
the ‘phycosphere’ (Bell & Mitchell, 1972; Stocker, interactions by affecting the physiology of the organ-
2012), which described a zone surrounding a phyto- isms and their allocation of resources. Consequently,
plankton cell in which bacterial growth is stimulated the concentration and amount of DOM released by
by DOM released from the cell. Bell et al. (1974) phytoplankton in natural waters are an emergent prop-
grew two strains of bacteria with the diatom erties of the interactions between organisms and the
Skeletonema costatum and found that the growth of surrounding environment.
one bacterial strain was stimulated by the presence of
the diatom while the growth of the second was inhib-
Phytoplankton DOM release and global climate
ited. They concluded that the release of DOM by
phytoplankton is important in determining bacterial
community structure. Modern culture-independent A major research challenge over the coming decades
molecular methods enable detailed investigations of will be to evaluate the impact of global climate change
the bacteria associated with phytoplankton. For on ecosystems and the ecosystem services that sustain
example, there was a succession of bacterial species human populations. The carbon dioxide mixing ratio
attached to cells of the dinoflagellate Lingulodinium in the atmosphere has risen from a pre-industrial value
polyedrum during a bloom off the Californian coast of 280 ppm (Caldeira & Wickett, 2003) to a current
(Mayali et al., 2011). value of 394 ppm as measured at the Mauna Loa
Interactions between bacteria and phytoplankton Observatory, Hawaii (NOAA, October 2013 value).
may be both ‘top down’ and ‘bottom up’ at the same The increasing amount of CO2 in the atmosphere is
time. While the composition of the DOM released by both trapping more heat in the troposphere and sig-
phytoplankton may affect the growth and community nificantly altering the carbonate chemistry of the
structure of the bacterial community (Sapp et al., upper ocean. These changes have resulted in a mean
2007; Pete et al., 2010), the bacteria will also affect warming of the Earth’s surface by 0.85°C over the
the amount and composition of DOM released by the period from 1880 to 2012 (IPCC, 2013) and a
phytoplankton (Bruckner et al., 2011; Gärdes et al., decrease in the pH of the surface ocean from a pre-
2011, 2012). Marinobacter adhaerens was isolated industrial value of 8.2 to approximately 8.1 today
from marine particles in the German Wadden Sea and (Royal Society, 2005). Key questions are: How will
D. C. O. Thornton 34

a warmer and more acidic ocean affect the structure Thornton, 2012), which may be affected by the
and function of marine ecosystems? Will the ability of enhanced release of DOM by phytoplankton at ele-
these altered ecosystems to sequester carbon change, vated temperatures. Aggregate formation at elevated
and how will this feedback to the amount of carbon temperature has been hypothesized to be due to sticky
dioxide in the atmosphere? polymers on the surface of the diatoms (Thornton &
Processes affecting the partitioning of organic car- Thake, 1998) or the production of TEP (Piontek et al.,
bon between the dissolved and particulate phases will 2009). Seven of eight phytoplankton species studied
play a significant role in determining the fate of carbon by Claquin et al. (2008) produced more TEP with
in the ocean as the climate changes. It is predicted that, increasing temperature when grown in batch culture.
as the Earth warms, the surface ocean will become The trend continued until a maximum TEP production
both warmer and more stratified (Sarmiento et al., rate was reached, with higher temperatures resulting
2004; Behrenfeld et al., 2006). An increasingly stra- in lower TEP production rates. The exception to this
tified surface ocean will be increasingly nutrient lim- trend was the prymnesiophyte Emiliana huxleyi,
ited, as there will be less mixing between the nutrient- which showed no relationship between TEP produc-
depleted surface waters and the nutrient-rich deep tion rate and temperature. There is evidence from
waters. Thus, the photic zone will support a lower mesocosm experiments for increased DOM release
biomass of primary producers. In addition, the pH of by natural phytoplankton grown at elevated tempera-
the surface ocean will continue to decline, with a pH ture (Engel et al., 2011; Wohlers et al., 2009). The C :
of 7.9 predicted for the end of the century and 7.4 N ratio of the DOM increased at a higher temperature
predicted for the end of the millennium (Caldeira & due to increased production of dissolved carbohy-
Wickett, 2003). Potentially, therefore, phytoplankton drates (Engel et al., 2011). Short-term (6 h) warming
living in large areas of the future ocean will be grow- experiments with natural phytoplankton communities
ing in an environment that is warmer than today, with from the Southern Ocean showed that increasing tem-
a lower pH and lower availability of inorganic nutri- perature from ambient (−1.4 to 0.4°C) to 2°C resulted
ents. These predicted changes will result in a more in an increase in PER from 35 to 54% (Morán et al.,
stressful environment for phytoplankton growth and, 2006). While PPP remained relatively constant (0.7
as already discussed, stresses such as high temperature mg C m−3 h−1), there was an increase in DPP from 0.5
and nutrient limitation affect DOM release by phyto- to 0.9 mg C m−3 h−1 (Morán et al., 2006).
plankton. Moreover, conditions of increased stratifica- An increase in PER with climate change may not
tion and nutrient limitation would be expected to result in an increase in the total amount of DOM
favour small-celled taxa (Finkel et al., 2010) with released by phytoplankton if the ocean supports a
relatively large surface area to volume ratios and lower phytoplankton biomass. Long-term field data-
therefore greater potential for DOM loss via leakage. sets with sufficient coverage and resolution to enable
Successful integration of processes that occur over a scientists to determine whether global warming affects
range of temporal and spatial scales, from the physiol- changes in phytoplankton distribution and abundance
ogy of individual phytoplankton cells to ocean circu- are lacking. Boyce et al. (2010a) concluded that glo-
lation, is required to meet the challenge of bal phytoplankton concentration is declining rapidly
understanding the effect of climate change on carbon in the ocean at a rate of approximately 1% year−1 in
cycling in the ocean. Over the next few paragraphs I response to warming temperatures, using pigment and
will explore the evidence to support the hypothesis Secchi depth data going back to 1899. However, this
that phytoplankton PER will be greater as a result of conclusion was immediately challenged by several
climate change induced by increasing CO2 in the groups (Mackas, 2010; McQuatters-Gollop et al.,
atmosphere. 2010; Rykaczewski & Dunne, 2010). More work has
been done at the regional scale. In the North Sea and
North Atlantic, the Continuous Plankton Recorder
Temperature and stratification (CPR) survey has produced data since 1931 on the
There is convincing evidence that the upper ocean is distribution of larger phytoplankton (Leterme et al.,
becoming warmer (Levitus et al., 2000; Barnett et al., 2005). CPR data is generally collected from latitudes
2005; Lyman et al., 2010). Environmental tempera- higher than 40° N and is biased towards shelf waters
ture has a profound effect on the physiology of phy- (Boyce et al., 2010b). The plankton colour index
toplankton metabolism and there are several reviews (PCI), a crude estimate of phytoplankton biomass,
that address these effects in relation to climate change has increased since 1958, with a decline in the relative
(Beardall & Raven, 2004; Finkel et al., 2010; Winder abundance of diatoms compared with dinoflagellates
& Sommer, 2012). However, the effect of temperature (Leterme et al., 2005). Based on satellite-derived
on DOM release has generally been overlooked. ocean colour data, the area of waters with the lowest
Diatoms become more ‘sticky’ at elevated tempera- chlorophyll concentrations (< 0.07 mg chl m−3) asso-
tures and prone to forming aggregates (Thornton & ciated with the subtropical gyres (waters from 5° N to
Thake, 1998; Piontek et al., 2009; Rzadkowolski & 45° N, and 5° S to 45° S) has expanded globally by 6.6
Phytoplankton DOM release 35

million km2, or 15%, from 1998 through to 2006 species of diatom and two flagellates and found that
(Polovina et al., 2008). The expansion correlated growth rate increased with temperature, but cell
with an increase in mean monthly sea surface tem- volume decreased at a rate of 4% °C−1. A meta-ana-
perature and was hypothesized to be the result of lysis of the literature also found that protists decreased
increased stratification causing an expansion of oligo- in cell volume with temperature at a similar rate (2.5%
trophic waters. Modelling studies have also shown an °C−1; Atkinson et al., 2003). Results from short-term
expansion of the subtropical gyres and increased stra- laboratory experiments, during which natural phyto-
tification of the ocean since the industrial revolution, plankton communities from the Baltic Sea were
in response to warming of the surface ocean exposed to varying degrees of nutrient stress at differ-
(Sarmiento et al., 2004; Bopp et al., 2005). ent temperatures, support the hypothesis that nutrient
Behrenfeld et al. (2006) used satellite-derived ocean limitation mediates temperature effects on cell size
colour data to relate the annual productivity of the (Peter & Sommer, 2013).
ocean to climate variability. Annual global productiv-
ity was low in years in which there was enhanced
stratification, as this resulted in a larger area of low Ocean acidification
latitude, low productivity waters. Phytoplankton pro- The dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentration
ductivity is predicted to increase at high latitudes in a of seawater is approximately 2000 µM (Falkowski &
warmer ocean due to an extended growing season Raven, 1997; Morel et al., 2002); however, the con-
caused by reduced mixing; however, this will be centration of dissolved CO2 is only 10–20 µM
insufficient to balance the reduction observed at (Falkowski & Raven, 1997; Morel et al., 2002). This
lower latitudes (Bopp et al., 2005; Doney, 2006). value is below the half saturation constant of 30–40
These examples illustrate that the effect of global µM for diatom RuBisCO (Badger et al., 1998; Morel
warming on phytoplankton biomass is regional and et al., 2002), which suggests that phytoplankton
there is currently no robust global integration of these photosynthesis could be CO2-limited in the contem-
observations (Polovina et al., 2008). Lower biomass porary ocean. Culture work has shown that the growth
would be predicted to result in a lower release of DOM rate of diatoms is limited by CO2 supply under optimal
if the phytoplankton community does not change. conditions of light and nutrients (Riebesell et al.,
However, it is unlikely to be this simple as the changes 1993). Increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide
that affect phytoplankton biomass also affect commu- in the atmosphere will result not only in higher DIC
nity composition. concentrations in the surface ocean, but also in a shift
Coupled climate and biogeochemical models indi- in the equilibrium of the different components of the
cate that the biomass of diatoms will decrease with DIC systems as the ocean acidifies, resulting in higher
predicted climate change, relative to small phyto- dissolved CO2 concentrations (Royal Society, 2005).
plankton, as a result of increased stratification and Carbon fixation rates may increase if more CO2 is
consequent decreased nutrient supply to surface available, resulting in photosynthetic overflow if the
waters at mid latitudes (Bopp et al., 2005; Marinov increased availability of organic carbon is not matched
et al., 2010). The prediction of smaller cells in a by an increased availability of other nutrients within
warmer ocean is also supported by the geological the phytoplankton cell. There is evidence that elevated
record (Falkowski & Oliver, 2007). Falkowski & dissolved CO2 concentrations facilitate photosynth-
Oliver (2007) hypothesized that the negative correla- esis and affect the release of DOM by phytoplankton
tion between the surface area of diatom frustules and (Riebesell, 2004). However, phytoplankton response
ocean temperature over the last 65 million years was to increasing dissolved CO2 concentrations is unlikely
not a direct function of temperature, but rather the to be straightforward as most have carbon concentrat-
result of lower nutrient supply to the surface ocean ing mechanisms (Giordano et al., 2005) and, there-
caused by reduced vertical mixing in warmer oceans. fore, are not limited by the current concentration of
Similarly, resource availability is key to explaining the dissolved CO2 in seawater. Consequently, photo-
success of different algal size classes at different tem- synthesis may not be significantly stimulated under
peratures in the contemporary ocean (Marañón et al., ocean acidification conditions (Beardall & Raven,
2012). Data from the Atlantic Ocean show water 2004; Royal Society, 2005) and there may be shifts
temperature affects phytoplankton cell size, with pico- in phytoplankton community structure as the ocean
phytoplankton becoming more dominant at warmer acidifies based on the competitive costs and benefits of
temperatures (Morán et al., 2010). Communities different inorganic carbon acquisition strategies.
dominated by picophytoplankton in the Atlantic Low pH may affect the rate of processes transform-
Ocean have higher PER than phytoplankton commu- ing DOM, such as the formation of exopolymer parti-
nities dominated by larger cells (Teira et al., 2001a, cles from dissolved precursors and the enzymatic
2001b). However, in the field it is difficult to uncouple hydrolysis of organic matter in the ocean. Research
nutrient limitation and temperature effects. In the has shown increased abiotic TEP formation with
laboratory, Montagnes & Franklin (2001) grew five decreasing pH (Mari, 2008) and increased production
D. C. O. Thornton 36

of extracellular carbohydrates by a diatom with carbon from the upper mixed layers of the mesocosms
decreasing pH (Thornton, 2009). However, as pointed grown under acidified conditions. Riebesell et al.
out by Passow (2012), the work of Mari (2008) and speculated that TEP may have played a significant
Thornton (2009) is not representative of the future role in the transformation of DOC to POC and the
ocean, as both researchers added acid to titrate the sinking of POC from the upper layer of the meso-
seawater to a lower pH under current atmospheric cosms with high pCO2. However, analysis of the
CO2 mixing ratios, resulting in a change in total alka- TEP concentrations from the same experiment by
linity. In the future ocean the low pH will be asso- Egge et al. (2009) showed no difference in TEP pro-
ciated with higher DIC concentrations, but no change duction between the different pCO2 treatments.
in total alkalinity (Passow, 2012). Passow (2012) Recently, experiments using mesocosms in Arctic
showed that the abiotic formation of TEP from pre- waters showed enhanced production of DOC by phy-
cursors is not affected by ocean acidification. These toplankton grown under elevated CO2 (Engel et al.,
examples illustrate that many of the apparent discre- 2013).
pancies between results from ocean acidification
experiments arise from the experimental design.
Future research
The degradation of phytoplankton-derived DOM in
the future ocean will depend on complex interactions DOM release by phytoplankton has been a subject of
between microorganisms as ocean acidification will research for more than 50 years. Despite this sustained
affect the composition and concentration of the DOM interest, there remain many unresolved questions
produced by individual taxa, the composition of the regarding the physiological processes that affect
microbial community and potentially the chemistry of DOM release by marine phytoplankton and its bio-
extracellular enzymes (Arnosti et al., 2011). The com- geochemical significance. Many of our current expla-
plexity of these relationships is shown by recent nations for DOM release are hypotheses that require
research. For example, extracellular glucosidase activ- further testing. Fortunately, new instrumentation for
ity was enhanced under conditions simulating ocean analytical geochemistry, the ‘omics’ methods of biol-
acidification, leading to a greater degradation of algal- ogy, and the data handling tools of bioinformatics will
derived polysaccharides (Piontek et al., 2010). Other make it feasible to open the ‘black box’ of DOM
work has found that acidification had negligible biogeochemistry over the next few decades. In the
effects on some enzymes and reduces the activity of following section, I will highlight some of the gaps
others (Yamada & Suzumura, 2010). in our current knowledge and suggest how future
Several experiments have been conducted in which research can fill those gaps.
natural populations of phytoplankton were grown in
experimental systems with elevated atmospheric car-
bon dioxide mixing ratios to simulate future climate Physiology of phytoplankton DOM release
change scenarios. Kim et al. (2011) grew natural The physiological status of the cell affects both the
populations of microorganisms from Korean coastal amount and composition of the DOM released into the
waters under control (ambient) conditions, acidifica- surrounding medium. Flynn et al. (2008) considered a
tion (900 ppm CO2), and acidification with warming lack of understanding of DOM release by phytoplank-
(3°C warmer than ambient), in 3000 l mesocosms. At ton to be a significant gap in our knowledge of phy-
the end of the batch experiment, during nitrogen toplankton physiology and a limitation for current
depletion, DOC concentrations were lowest in the biogeochemical models of primary production. If exu-
control treatment and highest in the acidification- dation is an active process, then presumably it is of
with-warming treatment. The ratio of DOC to POC some benefit to the phytoplankton. In some examples,
was lowest in the control and highest in the acidifica- such as extracellular enzymes, it is easy to envision
tion-with-warming treatment. This suggests that PER the potential return on the investment of synthesizing
was greater than the control under conditions of acid- the DOM and transporting it across the cell membrane
ification, and greatest under conditions of acidification into the external environment. However, with other
with warming. However, Kim et al. (2011) did not processes, such as photosynthetic overflow, the costs
measure the photosynthetic allocation of carbon into and benefits are harder to discern. If exudation of
PPP and DPP and therefore their measurements are carbohydrates in the stationary phase is really photo-
not equivalent to PER. Riebesell et al. (2007) con- synthetic overflow when growth is limited, then why
ducted mesocosm experiments with natural phyto- is it often exuded in the form of complex heteropoly-
plankton assemblages grown under atmospheres mers (high molecular weight [HMW] DOM) rather
containing three different CO2 mixing ratios (350, than low molecular weight (LMW) DOM? For exam-
700 and 1050 ppm) and found that the drawdown of ple, the mean proportion of HMW (> 12 000 Da)
DIC increased with increasing DIC concentrations, carbohydrates produced by Skeletonema costatum
though the drawdown of other nutrients was not increased from 20 ± 11% (mean ± SD) in the expo-
enhanced. There was an increase in the loss of organic nential phase to 72 ± 18% in the stationary phase
Phytoplankton DOM release 37

(Malej & Harris, 1993). Complex heteropolymers different ways. For example, does P limitation limit
should have a relatively high cost to synthesize and the ability of phytoplankton to repair their cell mem-
transport out of the cell, in contrast to, say, glucose, branes, resulting in significant leakage? Dyhrman
which is a direct product of photosynthesis and more et al. (2012) showed that Thalassiosira pseudonana
likely to diffuse out of the cell. Photosynthetic over- changes the composition of its lipids in response to P
flow is invoked as a mechanism for coping with limitation, though they did not investigate whether
excess fixed carbon during nutrient limitation. these changes affected DOM release by the diatom.
However, the cellular machinery (RNA, proteins and Rhythms of phytoplankton activity in response to
vesicles) necessary for the synthesis of polymers the light–dark cycle and other stimuli may affect the
requires likely limiting nutrients (e.g. N and P). balance between exudation and leakage and the com-
These inconsistencies suggest that photosynthetic position of the DOM released. Such effects have lar-
overflow is more complex than we currently appreci- gely been overlooked, though it is well established
ate, or that photosynthetic overflow is not the reason that EPS production by benthic diatoms is affected by
for this form of exudation. light–dark cycles (Staats et al., 2000; Smith &
Little is known of the physiology of DOM release Underwood, 2000). Crocosphaera watsonii, an eco-
by eukaryotic phytoplankton and there is a need for logically significant N-fixing cyanobacterium, has
more research on the intracellular assembly, transport diel cycles of carbohydrate accumulation and release,
and subsequent extracellular release of DOM by phy- with the internal carbohydrate pool decreasing as the
toplankton. The term ‘exudation’ is poorly defined, cells release EPS and TEP into the surrounding water
reflecting our limited understanding of the physiolo- (Dron et al., 2012).
gical mechanisms affecting the release of DOM by Finally, the new ‘omic’ approaches have great
phytoplankton (Chin et al., 2004). The secretion of potential to contribute significantly to understanding
polymers via exocytosis was observed in the prymne- the physiology of DOM release by phytoplankton.
siophyte Phaeocystis globosa, which is known to The draft genomes of several important phytoplank-
produce copious amounts of polymeric gels (Chin ton species have been published over the last decade
et al., 2004). The secretory vesicles inside cells of (Rynearson & Palenik, 2011). Publication of the anno-
P. antarctica were shown to contain DMSP and tated genomes of the diatoms Thalassiosira pseudo-
DMS in addition to polymers (Orellana et al. (2011), nana (Armbrust et al., 2004) and Phaeodactylum
suggesting that these small molecules may also be tricornutum (Bowler et al., 2008) produced a vast
secreted via exocytosis. The relative contributions of amount of data on the potential physiology of these
exudation and leakage to DOM release, and how the organisms, including information on nutrient trans-
physiological status of the cells affects them, remain port and metabolic pathways. A new understanding
to be determined. Novel methods will be required to of the diatom genome has led to research on gene
distinguish between the DOM released by passive expression in stressed diatoms using transcriptomic
leakage across the cell membrane and the DOM that and proteomic approaches. For example, recent work
is actively exuded. with T. pseudonana has shown that it has a sophisti-
The ecological significance of autocatalytic cell cated suite of biochemical strategies to deal with
death of phytoplankton is unknown and there is phosphorus deficiency (Dyhrman et al., 2012) and
much to be learnt about the physiology of the process putative death-related genes play a role in acclimation
(Bidle & Falkowski, 2004, Franklin et al., 2006). It is to low iron conditions (Thamatrakoln et al., 2012).
well established that cell membranes become more Similar approaches could be used to investigate gene
‘leaky’ during cell death (Fig. 7; Veldhuis et al., expression associated with metabolic pathways and
2001), but how much DOM this produces is unknown. transport proteins associated with exudation and leak-
It may be that the few dying cells in a population age. Genomics provides information on which genes
determine the amount and composition of the DOM are present in an organism and transcriptomics tells us
released, as they have such high rates of leakage under what conditions those genes are expressed.
compared with the general population. There is a However, neither of these approaches tells us anything
need to investigate the effect of phytoplankton cell about rates of processes. Consequently, ‘omic’
death on the partitioning of the organic matter released approaches should be used in conjunction with tradi-
between the dissolved and particulate pools. Factors tional physiological measurements of rates for the
affecting the permeability of phytoplankton cell mem- greatest insight into DOM release.
branes and the subsequent leakage of organic matter
from the cells are largely unknown. Stress is predicted
to make cell membranes more leaky, but there is little Chemical characterization of DOM released by
information on how stress affects the composition and phytoplankton
amount of DOM passing through the cell membrane, The chemical characterization of marine DOM is an
or how the cell membrane itself changes. It may be on-going challenge for geochemists (Kujawinski,
that different stresses affect DOM production in 2011). It is sobering to consider that even measuring
D. C. O. Thornton 38

the concentration of DOC in seawater, let alone its pH (using HCl and NaOH) or by bubbling the system
composition, was a challenge until the 1990s (Sharp, with air containing an elevated mixing ratio of CO2
2002). Marine DOM is basically treated as a ‘black (Rost et al., 2008; Hurd et al., 2009). Manipulating the
box’ in biogeochemical models or crudely character- pH and DIC system in seawater is complex, as CO2
ized by molecule size (LMW or HMW) or reactivity both dissolves in and reacts with seawater (Dring,
(labile or refractory) (Christian & Anderson, 2002). 1982). Furthermore, phytoplankton physiology
Better characterization of the DOM released by phy- affects the pH of seawater, as photosynthesis increases
toplankton will contribute to continuing efforts to pH and respiration decreases it. Koeve & Oschlies
understand the composition of marine DOM in rela- (2012) suggested that DOM release by phytoplankton
tion to its sources, reactivity, transformations and (e.g. organic acids) may be a further source of error in
sinks. The complexity and chemical diversity of the characterization of the DIC system during acidifi-
DOM mean that opening the ‘black box’ of DOM cation experiments. These effects are pronounced in
composition will remain a significant challenge over phytoplankton cultures where cell concentrations are
the coming decades. However, new analytical tools generally high. Poor control and characterization of
are being developed that may provide significant the DIC system during culture experiments may
insights into this problem. For example, electrospray explain some of the inconsistencies in experiments
ionization coupled to mass spectrometry is being used conducted with single species, such as Emiliania hux-
to explore the composition of the largely uncharacter- leyi (Hurd et al., 2009; Hoppe et al., 2011). Flynn
ized LMW fraction of DOM (Kujawinski, 2011). et al. (2012), in a recent modelling study, showed that
HMW DOM has been better characterized than the pH and DIC system may be significantly different
LMW DOM (< 1000 Da), even though small mole- at the cell surface than in the bulk medium. This
cules make up the bulk (approximately 70%) of the difference will become more pronounced as the
DOM pool (Kujawinski, 2011). Characterization of ocean acidifies and the buffering capacity of the
the composition of LMW DOM, both in phytoplank- ocean is reduced. Differences were greatest between
ton cultures and in situ, is the first step in determining the surface of the cell and the bulk medium in cells
its sources and biogeochemical significance. At the that were large with a greater metabolic activity. These
other end of the size spectrum, the HMW DOM that results suggest that research considering the effects of
contributes to exopolymer particles has been poorly climate change on phytoplankton permeability and
characterized. It is likely that both TEP and CSP DOM release should consider the microenvironment
contain chemical components other than those that immediately surrounding the cell in addition to the
stain with the dyes that define them (Figs 2–5). TEP bulk medium. Collectively, these results suggest that
plays an important role in the biogeochemistry of the researchers need to pay more attention to the design of
biological carbon pump (Passow & Carlson, 2012) ocean acidification experiments with phytoplankton
and consequently there is a need to better define its cultures, in terms of how to control conditions within
composition to determine its origin and biogeochem- the experiments and accurately monitor DIC (Rost
ical significance. Much of the recent detailed work on et al., 2008; Hurd et al., 2009; Hoppe et al., 2012).
the composition of EPS produced by diatoms has been Most experiments investigating the effect of cli-
conducted with laboratory-grown cultures of benthic mate change have been relatively short term.
epipelic diatoms (Underwood et al., 2004; Bellinger Laboratory grown cultures are generally acclimated
et al., 2005; Abdullahi et al., 2006). There is no reason to experimental conditions for 7–10 generations
why the techniques used in this research could not be before the experiment begins and the experiment is
applied to ecologically relevant taxa of completed within a few days or weeks (Hurd et al.,
phytoplankton. 2009). These experiments show how individuals
change their patterns of gene expression, but the
genetic composition of the population does not sig-
Climate change and phytoplankton DOM release nificantly change over the course of the experiment
Determining how phytoplankton will respond to a (Collins, 2012). The ocean is warming and acidifying
warming and acidifying ocean is going to be a key rapidly; nonetheless, significant climate change in the
research theme over the coming years. While much surface ocean will encompass a time span of thou-
progress has been made, there are as yet too many sands to tens of thousands of generations of phyto-
unknowns to enable scientists to make reliable predic- plankton and so phytoplankton will be evolving as
tions on how phytoplankton will respond to climate well as acclimating in response to the observed rate of
change. Understanding phytoplankton DOM release ocean change. Microevolution may be occurring
is one component of this significant problem. through the selection of particular clones or genotypes
Creating experimental conditions that realistically within a species and from de novo mutations (Collins,
simulate ocean acidification remains a challenge (Rost 2012). Researchers have started to investigate the
et al., 2008; Hurd et al., 2009). Acidification is gen- evolutionary adaptation of phytoplankton to climate
erally achieved by titrating the culture to the desired change and indeed, phytoplankton make good model
Phytoplankton DOM release 39

organisms for investigating evolution in eukaryotes, is at present. Increased stratification will result in a
as they are small and have generation times of one or lower supply of nutrients to the photic zone. These
two days. Significant phenotypic changes in some stresses (elevated temperature, acidification, high
strains of the freshwater green alga Chlamydomonas light and low nutrients) all cause phytoplankton to
occurred when they were grown under elevated CO2 release more DOM into the surrounding water,
for more than 1000 generations (Collins & Bell, through a combination of processes associated with
2004). Lohbeck et al. (2012) conducted evolution leakage and exudation (Fig. 6). In addition, low nutri-
experiments that lasted at least 500 generations with ent, stratified conditions will select for small phyto-
Emiliania huxleyi grown under control and elevated plankton, which tend to leak a greater proportion of
CO2 conditions. When both control and elevated-CO2 their organic carbon to the surrounding water.
strains were grown under ocean acidification condi- Therefore, I hypothesize that a greater proportion of
tions, the elevated-CO2 strains were better adapted to total phytoplankton primary production will be
acidified conditions, as they had faster growth rates released into the surrounding water as DOM as the
and were able to calcify better than the controls. In surface ocean warms and becomes more acidic. This
contrast, there was little evidence of adaptation after will have implications for the entire marine carbon
100 generations in the diatom Thalassiosira pseudo- cycle: potentially less organic matter will be available
nana grown under CO2 and pH predicted for the end for metazoan grazers and their predators, more organic
of the century, compared with contemporary condi- matter will pass through microbial food webs, and the
tions (Crawfurd et al., 2011). Temperature has also efficiency of the biological carbon pump will be
been used as a selection pressure in phytoplankton reduced, as less POC will be exported from the eupho-
growth experiments, with significant adaptation to tic and mesopelagic zones into the deep ocean.
elevated temperature observed over multiple genera-
tions (Huertas et al., 2011). Similar experiments could
be conducted to determine how the amount and com- Acknowledgements
position of DOM released from different phytoplank- This research was supported by the National Science
ton taxa will change as they adapt in response to the Foundation (U.S.A.) under Grant No. OCE 0726369
selection pressure of climate change. from the Division of Ocean Sciences. Any opinions,
Perhaps the greatest challenge to determine the findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed
effect of climate change on DOM release by phyto- in this material are those of the author and do not neces-
plankton is accounting for interactions between dif- sarily reflect the views of the National Science
ferent abiotic and biotic components of marine Foundation. The author would like to thank two anon-
ecosystems (Rost et al., 2008). Much of the work ymous reviewers, Julie M. Rose and the students who
that has been carried out so far has looked at either helped him develop his ideas (particularly Jie Chen and
warming or acidification in isolation, whereas in rea- Michael Pohlen, who generously shared their data).
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