2014 2nd Sem Eng Test II

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Directions: Choose the one that means the same as the underlined word in each sentence.

-----1.I don’t like people who look down on others!

A. Insult B. imitate C. disrespect D. stare at
-----2. The noise was completely deafening! It looked as if no one was going to survive !
A. Deliberate B. unexpected C. very loud D. killer
-----3. Very good result is anticipated from the treatment as the operation was successful.
A. Expected B. unexpected C. doubted D. unknown
___4. To our relief, we, finally, got accommodation near the park.
A. Transportation B. a tour guide C. temporary housing D. destination

Directions: Choose the phrasal verbs that best complete the sentences.
A. look for B. set out C. look after D. give in
E. look in to F. drop in G. look up E. worn out
------5. They _________for Hawassa very early; they should be there by now.
------6. I think we should __________the matter very carefully before we pass a decision.
------7. Could you please __________the baby until I finish the cooking?
------8.Where’s Ali gone? I’ve been ___________him the whole day.
------9. Keep fighting! You shouldn’t __________.
Directions: Choose the one that best completes each sentence.
___10. A new conflict _______in border areas of the country.
A. Broke up B. broke down C. broke out D. broke into
___11. I couldn’t duplicate the worksheet because the photo copier _______.
A. Broke up B. broke down C. broke out D. dropped out
___12. A ______ is a set of instructions for making food.
A. Recipe B. brochure C. play D. novel

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