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LITERARY CRITIQUE: “Trick of the light”

The story “Trick of the Light" is a fictional story. The main themes of this
fiction story are the negative effects of excessive consumerism and the impact of
mental health issues, particularly schizophrenia, on one's perception of reality.
The story shows the protagonist's struggle with online shopping addiction and
the subsequent difficulties during a hospital stay. It also highlights the blurred
lines between imagination and actual experience, emphasizing the consequences
of losing touch with reality. This fictional story demonstrates how a certain kind
of mental illness can impact a person's actions and thoughts. It depicts Mira's
experiences of happily living in her own small world while being unaware of the
situations that surround her.

The characters in the story are Mira, who is the primary character, who
initially develops a shopping addiction before coming to terms with the possibility
that she may be mentally ill. Her friends Lotty and Cyra who were introduced to
her in the hospital, giving the narrative more emotional depth. Meanwhile, Mira's
mother is a helpful figure who shows compassion and empathy. In addition to
Mira, Lotty, Cyra, and Mira's mother, there's Nurse Janice, who introduced Lotty
and Cyra to Mira in the hospital. The doctor who was mentioned briefly during
Mira's time in the emergency room contributes to the plot by emphasizing the
severity of her condition. Furthermore, The story begins in a variety of settings,
beginning with Mira's home, where she engages in excessive online shopping
during the summer. Followed by the hospital that is transformed into a
significant setting, divided into two rooms; one loud and busy and one that looks
like a simple home. The contrast emphasizes Mira's shifting viewpoint. The last
scene takes place in Mira's house, where a disturbing discovery is made. In
addition, the narrator conveys what she saw everywhere she went. The narrator
initially does not provide a clear explanation for the location of the scene;
however, it does identify some commonplace items found in such types of
places, such as hospitals. Nevertheless, the location of the scene is revealed
when the narrator describes what she saw there. As for the narrative of the
story, the story is told in the first person by the main character. Since it
presented the story the author intended to tell from the perspective of
individuals who were dealing with those kinds of conditions, it became more
persuasive. The narrator doesn't voice her opinion; instead, she gives an
in-depth description of how she feels in the narrative. Moving on, the plot is
organized chronologically, beginning with Mira's shopping habits, progressing to
her hospitalizations, building friendships, and finally with a shocking revelation.
The plot twist revealing Mira's schizophrenia adds to the story’s complexity.
When mira questions her reality, the climax occurs, and the resolution takes
place in her home, where the true nature of her experiences is revealed. Now,
the conflict of the work of fiction emerged from Mira’s struggle to accept that all
that happened was simply in her head due to her psychological condition. It
showcases how much she thoroughly enjoyed her own little world inside her
head because when she realized it was nothing but a fabrication, it was as
though someone had stabbed her in the chest. Mira's experience was
undoubtedly devastating for her, especially for her mother, who saw how her
daughter was acting in a way that no one could possibly understand and how her
daughter could end up as a victim of something she wasn't aware of and doesn’t
want to happen in the first place. On the other hand, the narrator employed
mind tricks and confusion, in order to keep readers engaged and interested in
the plot. They came up with such an idea mainly because they want to spread
knowledge and awareness about a significant topic, and in the modern era, it's
kind of common to have eye-catching concepts that clings to the viewers'
interests. Moving forward, some of the examples of literary devices that are used
in this story are foreshadowing, which is giving a hint about what will happen
throughout the whole story as well as its plot twist that is later on revealed at
the end of the story, and hyperbole, which is an exaggerated statement or
reaction from the characters due to the emotions they felt throughout the story's
rollercoaster situation.

In real life, such a story could serve as a metaphor for the consequences
of unchecked behavior, the impact of mental health issues on one's perception of
reality, and the importance of seeking help when needed. The excessive online
shopping might symbolize a coping mechanism or a way to escape from
underlying emotional or mental challenges. The protagonist's realization of their
condition and the impact it has on their life echoes the importance of
self-awareness and seeking professional help. The twist at the end, where the
friends and parcels turn out to be products of the protagonist's imagination,
underlines the isolating and sometimes terrifying nature of mental health
disorders. It emphasizes the need for understanding, empathy, and support from
friends and family. The story prompts reflection on the significance of mental
health awareness, destigmatizing conditions like schizophrenia, and the
importance of a support system in helping individuals navigate their challenges.
It serves as a reminder that mental health struggles are real and often require
both self-awareness and external assistance for healing and recovery. Moreover,
in this story, we can see that early signs of schizophrenia are already evident
even at an early age. This states the importance of early assistance and
comprehensive support are to helping those who have suffered from childhood
trauma to properly address and manage their symptoms. Additionally,
understanding the relationship between childhood trauma and schizophrenia can
aid researchers and healthcare professionals in developing targeted prevention
strategies and treatment approaches for those at high risk or already diagnosed
with schizophrenia (Xie et al., 2022). In the context of schizophrenia, it is
imperative to acknowledge and manage the effects of childhood trauma in order
to improve the prospects for those who are affected. Moreover, considering the
long-lasting effects of childhood trauma on cognitive function in individuals with
schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders highlights the need for
comprehensive assessment and treatment approaches that address both
psychological and cognitive aspects of the condition (Cheng et al., 2020).

As a summary of everything, literary pieces are most effective when the

author connects with the reader through affective characters and techniques; in
order to do this, the author needs to develop a plot that is relatable to the
intended audience. The story's author drew inspiration for the story's narrative
from the widespread addiction to internet shopping. Since a lot of people can be
connected with the story, it becomes even more convincing. For readers who are
addicted to internet shopping, the story ought to serve as a wake-up call since
similar situations may arise in real life. As the author's imagination had its roots
in actual illnesses the story had greater impact on the reader. It is an incredibly
successful way of raising awareness of mental diseases, which many people are
unaware of. Instead of creating a novel exclusively for entertainment, the author
included awareness, a moral lesson, and knowledge about persons with
schizophrenia—those who have been seeing a different kind of vision in what
they are thinking.


Xie, M., Xuemin, Z., Tang, Y., Zhu, L., Liquan, L., Zhao, Z., Lv, Q., Tao, S., Dai, M., Wu, Y.,
Huang, Y., Liu, Y., Liu, X., Wu, J., & Wang, Q. (2022, September 13). Childhood trauma and
suicide risk in schizophrenia inpatients: the sequential mediating roles of COVID-19 related
psychological impact, sleep quality, and emotional distress.
Cheng, F., Cui, S., Zhang, C., Zhang, L., Wang, L., Yuan, Q., Huang, C., Zhang, K., & Zhou,
X. (2020, August 13). Association Between Cognitive Function and Early Life Experiences in
Patients with Alcohol Use Disorder.

Arnejo, Aleslie Klaire R.
Buenconsejo, Danielle T.
Lacatan, Andrea Nicole O.
Llorin, Shaine N.
Olivar, Louise Mikhail

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