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Topic 3

Examiner’s copy
Task 1
We are going to talk about sleeping habits.
 What time do you get up on weekdays?
 Do you use an alarm clock to wake up or what makes you wake up?
 Do you feel rested, awake and energetic or sleepy and awful?
 What time do you go to bed when there’s school the next day?
 Would you change school start times if you could?
 Are you an early bird or a night owl? Are you happy with that?
 What are the advantages/disadvantages of being both?

Task 2
These pictures show a family at the turn of the 20th century and a family nowadays, at the turn of the 21st
century. Compare and contrast them. Include the following points:

 what family life was like a hundred years ago

 how families have changed in the past few decades
 your own family
 how you imagine your future family

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