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Queensborough Community College

CH-127 Introduction To Chemistry Laboratory

Lab Report # 3


Lab Instructor: Dr David Sarno

Date Performed: 09/21/2022

To test out a tlc paper and see the changes in color when dipped in the

liquid and how long till it reaches its point.

The chromatography experiment is to determine if the tlc would

separate compounds in a mixture. The tlc is also used to determine the purity

and the reaction of the mixture of compounds. In the experiment the plan is to

test out different tlc paper, make a spot on it and dip it in water to see how

long does it extend to the end of the paper with the mixture of colors and

what color stays the longest on the paper. As it reaches its distance they

choose a color that's been standing out the longest.


● Water

● Beakers

● Graduated cylinder

● Tlc paper

Methods/Procedure First Step of Boiling

First step of the chromatography: The first way is to get the beakers

ready with the water and having the tlc paper in standby to make a dot and

test it inside water and see the distance and how the mixture of colors. In

addition, after the distance we would measure and record the data to see how

long the distance was from the start to finish and calculate it. It would change

in a variety of colors from red, yellow, brown, orange etc. Depending on the

dot it also depends on the distance it would go the bigger the dot compared to

a small one which the distance wouldn't be as high as the bigger dot.

Source of Error

One possible error we people could of done in the experiment is putting the

TLC paper inside the beaker with force it splashed with the water which

wouldn’t give you an accurate result. In addition it depends on the marker

being used.


In result the experiment was based on the mixture of the compound amd

ultimately seen if it changed different color and see what type of mixture

occurred that switched color.

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