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To provide basic
To familiarize the To equip participants with
information on laws being
fundamentals for initiating working knowledge on
implemented to maintain
industrial projects, giving these laws and principles
and preserve the air,
due weight on for the harmonious and
water, land, and social
environmental effective advocacy of the
aspects of the
considerations. agency
Agency Declaration of Policy

• The State shall ensure, for the benefit of the Filipino people, the full
exploration and development as well as the judicious disposition,
utilization, management, renewal and conservation of the country's forest,
mineral, land, waters, fisheries, wildlife, off-shore areas and other natural
resources, consistent with the necessity of maintaining a sound ecological
balance and protecting and enhancing the quality of the environment
and the objective of making the exploration, development and utilization
of such natural resources equitably accessible to the different segments of
the present as well as future generations. - Title XIV, Book IV of the
Administrative Code of 1987
State Policy on Environmental Protection

• The State shall protect and advance the right of the people to a
balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and
harmony of nature. - Section 16, Article II of the 1987 Constitution
Laws Relative to
Environmental Management

Presidential Republic Act No. Republic Act No. Republic Act No. Republic Act No.
Decree No. 1586 6969 8749 9003 9275
• The Philippine • Toxic • Philippine • Ecological • Philippine
Environmental Substances Clean Air Act Solid Waste Clean Water
Impact and Hazardous of 1999 Management Act of 2004
Statement and Nuclear Act of 2000
System Wastes Act of
The Philippine Environmental Impact
Statement System

The law aims to address the country’s exigencies of socio-

economic undertakings, and to reconcile with the
requirements of environmental quality

The law establishes the requirement of an environmental

impact statement for every proposed project and undertaking
which shall significantly affect the quality of the environment
What is an Environmental Impact Statement?

• A document prepared and submitted by the project proponent

that serves as an application for an ECC.
• It is a comprehensive study of the significant impacts of a project
on the environment.
• This usually includes an Environmental Management Plan/Program
that the proponent will fund and implement to protect the
What is an ECC?

• An Environmental Compliance Certificate (ECC) is a document

issued by the agency after a positive review of an application,
certifying that based on the representations of the proponent, the
proposed project or undertaking will not cause significant negative
environmental impact.
• This also certifies that the proponent has complied with all the
requirements of the EIS System and has committed to implement
its approved Environmental Management Plan.
• It contains specific measures and conditions that the project
proponent has to undertake before and during the operation of
the project, and in some cases, during the project’s abandonment
phase to mitigate identified environmental impacts.
• ECC is a planning tool
What is a CNC?

• A Certificate of Non-Coverage is a document issued by the agency

for projects/undertakings that are deemed unlikely to cause
significant adverse impact on the quality of the environment
according to the parameters set forth in the Screening Guidelines.
• However, such non-coverage shall not be construed as an
exemption from compliance with other environmental laws and
government permitting requirements.
• Only for Category D projects
What Projects are Covered?

• Those projects which are classified as Environmentally Critical Projects or

Projects in an Environmentally Critical Area
• All other projects, undertakings and areas not declared as environmentally
critical shall be considered as non-critical and shall not be required to submit
an environmental impact statement.
• The proper agency, however, may required non-critical projects and
undertakings to provide additional environmental safeguards as it may deem
Environmentally Critical Project and
Environmentally Critical Area

• ECP – Projects or program that has high potential for significant

negative environmental impact
• ECA – area delineated as environmentally sensitive such that
significant environmental impacts are expected if certain types of
proposed projects or programs are located, developed or
implemented in it.
Proclamation No. 2146, Series of 1981

• ECP forests
• Heavy Industries • Forest occupancy
• Non-ferrous Metal Industries • Extraction of mangrove
• Iron and Steel Mills products
• Petroleum and Petro-chemical • Grazing
Industries including oil and gas • Fishery Projects
• Smelting plants • Dikes for/and fishpond
development projects
• Resource Extractive Industries
• Major Mining and Quarrying • Infrastructure Projects
Projects • Major dams
• Forestry Projects • Major power plants (fossil-fuelled,
• Logging nuclear fuelled, hydroelectric or
• Major wood processing geothermal)
projects • Major reclamation projects
• Introduction of fauna (exotic • Major roads and bridges
animals in public private
Proclamation No. 803, Series of 1996

• The construction, development, and operation of

a Golf Course was declared as an Environmentally
Critical Project
Proclamation No. 2146, Series of 1981

• ECA occupied by cultural communities

or tribes
• All areas declared by law as • Areas frequently visited and/or
national parks, watershed reserves, hard hit by natural calamities
wildlife preserves and sanctuaries (geologic hazards, floods, typhoons,
• Areas set aside for aesthetic volcanic activity, etc.)
potential tourist spots • Areas with critical slopes
• Areas which constitute the habitat • Areas classified as prime
for any endangered or threatened agricultural lands
species of indigenous Philippine • Recharged areas of aquifers
Wildlife • Water bodies
• Areas of unique historic, • Mangrove areas
archaeological, or scientific • Coral reefs
• Areas which are traditionally
Four Fold Considerations for a Satisfactory

• Essentially, an EIS must provide the project description,

environmental baseline study, the projected environmental impact
of the project, and the proposed environmental management plan
• Each EIS must contain the following modules:
• Air
• Water
• Land
• Social
Can a Project be Initiated Without ECC?

• No person, partnership or corporation shall undertake or

operate any such declared environmentally critical
project or area without first securing an Environmental
Compliance Certificate issued by the President or his
duly authorized representative. – Section 4, P.D. 1586

• Any person, corporation or partnership found violating Section 4 of

this Decree, or the terms and conditions in the issuance of the
Environmental Compliance Certificate, or of the standards, rules
and regulations … shall be punished by the suspension or
cancellation of his/its certificate or and/or a fine in an amount
not to exceed Fifty Thousand Pesos (P50,000.00) for every
violation thereof… - Section 9, P.D. 1586
Relevance of Other Environmental Laws

• An ECC lays down the plan for an environmentally-sound project,

which necessarily includes the acquisition and compliance with
other environmental permits and clearances.
• Its absence does not in anyway, however, mean that the project
proponent need not comply with other requirements as may be
provided by other environmental laws.
Toxic Substances and Hazardous Waste

• The law covers the importation, manufacture, processing,

handling, storage, transportation, sale, distribution, use and
disposal of all unregulated chemical substances and mixtures in
the Philippines, including the entry, even in transit as well as the
keeping or storage and disposal of hazardous and nuclear wastes
into the country for whatever purpose
Let’s Clarify On Chemicals

• Chemical Substance means any organic or inorganic substance of a particular

molecular identity, including:
• Any combination of such substances occurring in whole or in part as a result
of chemical reaction or occurring in nature;
• Any element or uncombined chemical
• Chemical mixture means any combination of two or more chemical substances if
the combination does not occur in nature and is not, in whole or in part, the
result of a chemical reaction, if none of the chemical substances comprising the
combination is a new chemical substance and if the combination could have
been manufactured for commercial purposes without a chemical reaction at the
time the chemical substances comprising the combination were combined. This
shall include nonbiodegradable mixtures
Let’s Clarify On Hazardous Wastes

• Hazardous wastes are hereby defined as substances that are

without any safe commercial, industrial, agricultural or economic
usage and are shipped, transported or brought from the country of
origin for dumping or disposal into or in transit through any part of
the territory of the Philippines.
• Hazardous wastes shall also refer to by-products, side-products,
process residues, spent reaction media, contaminated plant or
equipment or other substances from manufacturing operations,
and as consumer discards of manufacture products.
Regulation and Monitoring of Chemical
Substances and Chemical Mixtures

• Before any new chemical substance or mixture can be manufactured, processed

or imported for the first time as determined by the Department of Environment
and Natural Resources, the manufacturer, processor or importer shall submit the
following information:
• the name of the chemical substance or mixture;
• its chemical identity and molecular structure;
• proposed categories of use;
• an estimate of the amount to be manufactured, processed or imported;
• processing and disposal thereof;
• and any test data related to health and environmental effects which the
manufacturer, processor or importer has.
Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and
Chemical Substances

• A list of chemical substances which are currently used, sold,

distributed, imported, processed, manufactured, stored, exported
or transported in the Philippines
• Inclusion in the list is by way of nomination, requiring the
submission of relevant information
• Chemicals and chemical substances which are not in the list is
considered as “new chemical”, which requires the notification to
the proper agency, and the consequential nomination for inclusion
in the list
Priority Chemical List and Chemical Control

• The Priority Chemicals List (PCL) is a list of existing and new

chemicals that DENR-EMB has determined to a potentially pose
unreasonable risk to public health, workplace, and the
• DENR-EMB issues Chemical Control Orders (CCOs) that prohibit,
limit, or regulate the use, manufacture, import, transport,
processing, storage, possession, and wholesale of those priority
chemicals that are determined to be regulated, phase-out, or
banned because of the serious risks they pose to public health,
workplace, and environment.
Priority Chemicals List

• The list is provided under DENR Administrative Order No. 2005-27

• Users, importers, and/or distributors of these chemicals are
required to acquired a PCL Compliance Certificate
• The agency imposes special reporting requirements that apply
only to chemicals included in the PCL
• Usual criteria for the assessment whether a chemical substance or
mixture is included in the PCL is its persistence, toxicity, and
bioaccumulation potential
Priority Chemicals List

• Persistence refers to the property of a substance whose

half-life in water, sediment, soil, or air exceeds duration of
fifty (50) days. Sludge may be used as a surrogate for
sediment. Metals are considered to be persistent in all
• Toxicity refers to the quality of a substance which meets
any of the following criteria:
• Acute lethality
• Chronic or sub-lethal toxicity
• Teratogenicity
• Carcinogenicity
• Bioaccumulation potential is the measure of a substance’s
ability to bioaccumulate in the food chain.
Chemical Control Orders

• Chemicals and chemical substances that pose an unreasonable risk

to public health or the environment are potentially subject to
CCOs. Each year, after due consideration to industrial needs, the
health and environment risks, the Philippine commitment to
international and regional treaties and conventions, and agency’s
capabilities and resources to manage the controlled chemicals,
the agency may determine what chemicals listed as priority (PCL)
should be regulated, controlled, or phase out.
Chemical Control Orders

• Mercury and Mercury Compounds

• Cyanide and Cyanide Compounds
• Asbestos
• Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
• Ozone Depleting Substances
• Lead and Lead Compounds
Hazardous Waste

• These wastes are categorized accordingly for the purpose of regulation

• The guidelines provide for exempted waste materials, such as:
• Garbage from domestic premises and household;
• Industrial and commercial wastewaters which are disposed on-site through
sewage system;
• Industrial and commercial solid wastes which do not contain prescribed
hazardous wastes
• Materials from building demolition, except asbestos;
• Septic tank effluents and associated sullage waste waters;
• Untreated spoils from mining, quarrying and excavation works, but not
materials in the nature of tailings, commercially-treated materials, and mine
facility consumables
Prohibited Acts Under RA 6969

• Knowingly use a chemical substance or mixture which is imported,

manufactured, processed or distributed in violation of this Act or implementing
rules and regulations or orders;
• Failure or refusal to submit reports, notices or other information, access to
records, as required by this Act, or permit inspection of establishment where
chemicals are manufactured, processed, stored or otherwise held;
• Failure or refusal to comply with the pre-manufacture and pre-importation
requirements; and
• Cause, aid or facilitate, directly or indirectly, in the storage, importation, or
bringing into Philippines territory, including its maritime economic zones, even
in transit, either by means of land, air or sea transportation or otherwise
keeping in storage any amount of hazardous and nuclear wastes in any part of
the Philippines.
Ecological Solid Waste Management

• Utilize environmentally-sound methods that maximize the

utilization of valuable resources and encourage resource
conservation and recovery
• Ensure the proper segregation, collection, transport, storage,
treatment and disposal of solid waste through the formulation and
adoption of the best environmental practice in ecological waste
management excluding incineration
Ecological Solid Waste Management

Sources of
Solid Waste
Ecological Solid Waste Management

of Municipal
Solid Waste
Ecological Solid Waste Management

Unclean, unsightly and foul

smelling streets and


Attract all types of insects and

Impacts of
rodents that spread infectious
Improper Solid
Clogs canals and esteros and
Ecological Solid Waste Management

Impacts of Improper Solid

Waste Management
Contaminates water body or the ground
water source
Uncontrolled burning of wastes causes
the spread of dioxins in the air which
when inhaled, may cause certain types of
Contributes to climate change
Ecological Solid Waste Management

• Solid waste shall refer to all discarded household, commercial

waste, non-hazardous institutional and industrial waste, street
sweepings, construction debris, agricultural waste, and other non-
hazardous/non-toxic solid waste.
• Municipal waste shall refer to wastes produced from activities
within local government units which include a combination of
domestic, commercial, institutional and industrial wastes and
street litters
• Agricultural waste shall refer to waste generated from planting or
harvesting of crops, trimming or pruning of plants and wastes or
run-off materials from farms or fields
Ecological Solid Waste Management

RA 9003
What is Solid Waste?
Discarded waste from the following:
Classification of Solid Waste
Compostables Recyclables

Residual Special Waste


Compostable Recyclables

Special Waste Residuals


SEGREGATED collection
The use of separate collection
schedules and/or separate trucks or
haulers shall be required for specific
types of wastes.

Otherwise, vehicles used for the

collection and transport of solid
wastes shall have the appropriate
compartments to facilitate efficient
storing of sorted wastes while in
MRFs shall be established in every
barangay or cluster of barangays in
barangay-owned, leased land or any MR F
suitable open space designated by the

The MRF shall receive biodegradable wastes

for composting and mixed non-
biodegradable wastes for final segregation,
re-use and recycling.
in the Philippines
MRFs by Regions as of 2020
Waste Diversion

Waste diversion refers to activities

which reduce or eliminate the
amount of solid waste from waste
disposal facilities

Under RA 9003, composting and

recycling are means to meet the
mandatory waste diversion
Composting is the biological
decomposition of biodegradable solid
waste under controlled predominantly
aerobic conditions to a state that is
sufficiently stable for nuisance-free
storage and handling and is satisfactorily
for safe use in agriculture

"It is estimated that composting could reduce

the weight of organic waste by 50% or more and
vermicomposting by 70-80%, the latter capable of turning
biodegradables into a high-quality vermicompost

- National Solid Waste Status Report 2010-2018

Recycling is the treating of used or waste
materials through a process of making
them suitable for beneficial use and for
other purposes, and includes any
process by which solid waste materials
are transformed into new products in
such a manner that the original product
may lose their identity, and which maybe
used as raw materials for the production
of other goods or services
Waste Disposal and Disposal Sites
Discharge, deposit, dumping, spilling, Areas where solid waste is finally
leaking or placing of any solid waste discharged and deposited
into or in any land

The law mandates the closure and
rehabilitation of all dumpsites and
their replacement with sanitary

Photo from DENR Calabarzon and

* Number of Illegal
dumpsite from 2004 to
* There is about 21%
decrease of illegal
169 out of 233 operating
dumpsites have been
2020 decreased from dumpsite from 2019 to closed as of March 14,
1044 to 261 2020 2021
Sanitary Landfill
Waste disposal site designed,
constructed, operated and
maintained in a manner that exerts
engineering control over significant
potential environmental impacts
arising from the development and
operation of the facility

Residual wastes from communities

are transferred to SLFs.
Prior to 2004, the country had only four sanitary landfills - located in
Capas, Tarlac, Inayawan, Cebu City, San Mateo, Rizal and Carmona, Cavite.

In 2020, there are 189 sanitary landfills nationwide.

How can you help
address our waste
7 Rs
Identify first where
your waste is
coming from
Refuse what you don't need. Learn to say NO!

The more we accept things that will
end up in landfills, the more demand
we generate from them. 1
Reduce the things we want. Simplify your life.

The less you bring home, the less
trash you have to deal with.
Refrain from disposables.

From disposables to reusables
Turn organic matter into usable compost.

Try composting.
Recycling, downcycling, upcycling

Give new life to your things.

Consider other green options.
Share what you know and what you have learned.

Educate others.
Ecological Solid Waste Management Plan

• Ecological solid waste management shall refer to the systematic

administration of activities which provide for segregation at
source, segregated transportation, storage, transfer, processing,
treatment, and disposal of solid waste and all other waste
management activities which do not harm the environment
• Both public and private sectors are encouraged to provide their
respective management plans, particularly the Local Government
• The plan shall made provisions for the eventual closure and phase
out of open dump sites.
Let’s Clarify

• Disposal site shall refer to a site where solid waste is finally discharged and
• Open dump shall refer to a disposal area wherein the solid wastes are
indiscriminately thrown or disposed of without due planning and consideration for
environmental and Health standards
• Materials recovery facility - includes a solid waste transfer station or sorting
station, drop-off center, a composting facility, and a recycling facility
• Sanitary landfill shall refer to a waste disposal site designed, constructed,
operated and maintained in a manner that exerts engineering control over
significant potential environment impacts arising from the development and
operation of the facility;
Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999

• The law aims to preserve, maintain and improve the

quality of air, and to abate or mitigate air pollution
sources, be it from industrial/stationary, mobile, or
other emission sources.
Air Quality Management Systems

• Annually, a National Air Quality Status Report is provided by the

agency in formulating the Integrated Air Quality Improvement
Framework. This Report includes:
• The extent of air pollution in the country, per type of pollutant, and per
type of source
• Analysis and evaluation of current state, trends and projections
• Identification of critical areas, activities, or projects which will need closer
monitoring or regulation;
Designation of Airsheds and Non-Attainment

• Airsheds are designated on the basis of, but not limited to, areas
with similar climate, meteorology, and topology which affect the
interchange and diffusion of pollutants in the atmosphere, or
areas which share common interest or face similar development
programs, prospects or problems
• Non-attainment areas are designated where specific pollutants
have already exceeded ambient standards.
Pollution Sources

• Stationary Sources
• Mobile Sources
• Other Sources
Stationary Sources

• Permits are required, where the same shall cover

emission limitations for the regulated air pollutants to
help attain and maintain the ambient air quality
Ban on Incineration

• Incineration was defined by law as the burning of municipal,

biomedical, and hazardous waste, which process emits poisonous
and toxic fumes.
• Prohibition shall not apply to traditional small-scale method of
community/neighbourhood sanitation “siga”, traditional,
agricultural, cultural, health, and food preparation and
Motor Vehicles

• Differing parameters are provided, depending on the type of

vehicle (either light commercial vehicles or heavy duty vehicles),
and type of engine (compression-ignition engines, or spark-ignition
• Any imported new or locally-assembled new motor vehicle shall
not be registered unless it complies with the emission standards
set, as evidenced by Certificate of Conformity
Other Sources of Air Pollution and Pollutants

• Smoking
• Other Mobile Sources
• Ozone Depleting Substances
• Greenhouse Gases
• Persistent Organic Pollutants (dioxins and furans)
• Radioactive Emissions
Philippine Clean Water Act

• The law aims to strengthen the mechanisms for prevention,

control and abatement of pollution control of country’s water
• The law likewise aims to encourage cooperation and self-
regulation among citizens and industries through the application
of incentives and market-based instruments and to promote the
role of private industrial enterprises in shaping its regulatory
profile within the acceptable boundaries of public health and
Water Quality Management

• Water Quality Management Areas are designated using appropriate

physiographic units such as watershed, river basins or water
resources regions.
• Factors, such as, similar hydrological, hydrogeological,
meteorological or geographic conditions which affect the
physicochemical, biological and bacteriological reactions and
diffusions of pollutants in the water bodies, or otherwise share
common interest or face similar development programs,
prospects, or problems
• Similarly, Non-attainment areas are designated
Beneficial Use of Water

• The use of the environment or any element or segment

thereof conducive to public or private welfare, safety and
health; and shall include, but not be limited to, the use of
water for domestic, municipal, irrigation, power
generation, fisheries, livestock raising, industrial,
recreational and other purposes.
• Use of water for domestic purposes - means the utilization
of water for drinking, washing, bathing, cooking or other
household needs, home gardens and watering of lawns or
domestic animals
• Use of water for municipal purposes - means the utilization
of water for supplying water requirements of the
Beneficial Use of Water

• Use of water for irrigation - means the utilization of water

for producing agricultural crops
• Use of water for power generation - means the utilization
of water for producing electrical or mechanical power
• Use of water for fisheries - means the utilization of water
for the propagation of culture of fish as a commercial
• Use of water for livestock raising - means the utilization of
water for large herds or flocks of animals raised as a
commercial enterprise
Beneficial Use of Water

• Use of water for industrial purposes - means the utilization

of water in factories, industrial plants and mines, including
the use of water as an ingredient of a finished product
• Use of water for recreational purposes - means the
utilization of water for swimming pools, bath houses,
boating, water skiing, golf courses and other similar
facilities in resorts and other places of recreation.
Water Classification


CLASS AA Public Water Supply Class I – Intended primarily for
waters having watersheds, which are uninhabited
and/or otherwise declared as protected areas, and
which require only approved disinfection to meet
the latest PNSDW
CLASS A Public Water Supply Class II – Intended as sources
of water supply requiring conventional treatment
(coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and
disinfection) to meet the latest PNSDW
CLASS B Recreational Water Class I – Intended for primary
contact recreation (bathing, swimming, etc.)
Water Classification


CLASS C 1.Fishery Water for the propagation and growth of
fish and other aquatic resources
2.Recreational Water Class II – For boating, fishing
or similar activities
3.For agriculture, irrigation and livestock watering
CLASS D Navigable Waters
Marine Water Classification


CLASS SA 1.Protected Waters – Waters designated as national or
local marine parks, reserves, sanctuaries and other areas
established by law, and/or declared as such by
appropriate government agency, LGUs, etc.
2.Fishery Water Class I – Suitable for shellfish harvesting
for direct human consumption
CLASS SB 1.Fishery Water Class II – Waters suitable for commercial
propagation of shellfish and intended as spawning areas
for milkfish (Chanos chanos) and similar species
2.Tourist Zones – For ecotourism and recreational
3.Recreational Water Class I – Intended for primary
contact recreation (bathing, swimming, skin diving, etc.)
Marine Water Classification


CLASS SC 1.Fishery Water Class III – For the propagation
and growth of fish and other aquatic resources
and intended for commercial and sustenance
2.Recreational Water Class II – For boating,
fishing or similar activities
3.Marshy and/or mangrove areas declared as
fish and wildlife sanctuaries
CLASS SD Navigable Waters
Discharge Permit

• Owners or operators of facilities that discharge regulated

effluents are required to secure such permit
• It specifies among others, the quantity and quality of effluent that
said facilities are allowed to discharge into a particular water
body, compliance schedule and monitoring requirement
Thank You!

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