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Week 1: Greek Legacy

Ebenstein & Ebenstein, Roots of Western Political Thought, pp. 1-4 3. Conception of love; Christians
 Incorporated Greek rationalism and Jewish monotheistic
20th century is a western century on a worldwide basis ethics
Birthplace in Mediterranean: Greece, Palestine, and Italy; spreading  Love as basis for relation with God and each other;
into Europe and Middle East unconditional and universal; life itself
o Egypt was a Christian country before Islam
o Greco-Judeo-Christian civilization in Europe Roots of western life is encompassing
 Transplant of Europe to other continents All three derives contradictory political and philosophical systems
o Spain and Portugal in South and Central  Conceptions have never been fully lived up to in western
America o Merely ideals with lagging practice
o England in North America and Australia  Not completely complementary; tension
o French in Quebec o Greeks: Jews were fanatical puritan; strict code
Western civilization is often a veneer over non-western civilization o Jews: Greeks were ethical barbarian
 Spain in Latin America o Christians is not a merger but attempt to
 British in India and Africa transcend: burning pagan Greek and Roman
 Dutch in Indonesia books and persecution of Jews
 Japan with forced westernization in 1865 Greco-Judeo-Christian harmonized through Albert Schweitzer
United States is the center (economics, politics, culture, and military)  Scholar-philosopher-artist
 Athens, Jerusalem, Rome were leading points  Conviction of moral belief in action with no allegiance
 Dark Ages: Byzantium (cultural, literary, and other than God
administrative)  Work on poorest places
 17th and 18th century: Paris
 19th century: London Week 2: Greek Legacy (Plato)
 20th century: New York (artistic, scientific, intellectual) Ebensten and Ebenstein, Plato, pp. 18-29
 Next century: Tokyo
Western civilization has geographical mobility → adaptable, Greeks → western civilization lies in taming of man and nature
dynamic, enduring through reason
 Universal ideas > core of racial or ethnic links like Pre-Greek: practical knowledge associated with demons and myths,
fears and hopes, punishment and rewards
traditional Chinese
 Independent reasoning for a higher end like supernatural
 Not all European nations have western outlook
system (religion)
o Renunciation by Nazi Germany
o Polytheism → difficult for Greeks for basic
Asian and African societies gain independence by western methods
oneness of mankind
 Condition of colonials was worse before colonialism
 Religious pluralism → inability to
transcend intellectually and
Communism is western in origin
 Lenin from Marx:
o Bible was opposed to slavery on principle and
o Economic ideas from British
has protective rules
o Political ideas from French
 Greek inventiveness lay in the discovery of scientific study
o Philosophy from German
 Appears to be quickest way → modernization and First work to be called political science is Plato’s Republic
westernization  Systematic reasoning and critical inquiry to political
Principles where the ethical, legal, economic, social, and political
 Main assumptions: right kind of government and politics
structures of western civilization are founded
can be legitimate object of rigorous, rational analysis >
1. Belief in reason; Greeks
muddling through fear and faith
 Peaked in 17th and 18th century French during Age of
 Socio-political issues can be clarified by argument rather
than force and dogma
 Invented in 6th BC Greece
o Orientals influenced Greek Socrates is the chief figure in the Republic
o Greek civilization is original  First Social Democrat
 Rationalism was and is core political concept  Endless searching through argument behind accepted
 Supreme: think clearly ideas
 Thought and life in sympathy and friendship  Totalitarians usurped Plato as first intellectual ancestor
o Aristotle: basis of social and political
organizations Intellect can discover the nature of good life by attaining it by
o Love: Plato’s Symposium philosophical inquiry
 Lower level: fierce demon →
mad Plato never starts out with hypothesis of homo politicus
 No theory of politics can be sound unless based on the
2. Belief in one God (monotheism); Jews study of man
 Ethical precepts of greatest political significance Healthy society cannot be composed by those haunted by fear and
o Brotherhood of mankind insecurity
o One world ruled by higher law
 Jews were first to build their whole life in monotheism Plato is not aware of individual vs state
 Reflected in moral code as the foundation of western  City-state was spiritual and religious material wants
law and ethics through principle of division of labor
 Supreme: act justly  Glaucon: community of pigs
 Classical Jewish: compassion and charity  Expansion and refinement by luxury → wars
 Upbringing and fighter classes
Guardians or rulers  Misleading by ruled is an offense; fatal and subversive in a
 Pick and train auxiliaries state
 Quality: wisdom  Fable of the origins of class system: gold, silver, iron/brass
 Socialism is authoritarian service rather than sharing of  Relates to the root of inequality of threefold class system
happiness and enjoyment  Adhering to creed of certainty

Fighters and auxiliaries  Plato is hostile against artists

 Internal unrest → special class of fighters that require  Feeling and passion < reason and intellect
training and instilling principles that make the city worth o Poets should only further training of rulers, not
defending present gods humanly, must stress elements in
 Quality: courage from understanding stories → moral education
o Below shoemaker and smith
Life of guardians and auxiliaries excludes individual interests  Sets vicious form of government; imaginative literature can
 Communal life: armies, monastic orders, clergy of be more dangerous than facts and analyses
 Purpose of politics in Republic: realization of a Threefold division of society = division of individual soul
predetermined social ideal of justice 1. Rational: highest, duty to keep two in line
 Absolute sharing is not socialism 2. Spirited: follow and assert claims of reason
o Outlook of socialism is hedonistic 3. Appetitive: harbor desire and emotion
o Maximum happiness for maximum number of
people 20th century books against totalitarian government
1. Arthur Koestler - Darkness at Noon
Working population 2. George Orwell – 1984
Quality: appetite 3. Boris Pasternak - Dr. Zhivago
4. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - One Day in the Life of Ivan
First city is a product of unconscious growth Denisovich
Second city of the Republic is a product of rational direction
Planned sector is only guardians and auxiliaries Truth
Modern philosophers: experience; engless procress, made and
Republic is opposed to democracy remade; relative, empirical, social-cooperative
1. More obvious explicit level Plato: absolute and individual-aristocratic
 Rests on threefold division of population: rulers,
fighters, and producers (4/5 of population; 80-90% of Freud: human mind has three components
the second city) 1. Id: undirected and unconscious instinctual drives
 Extension to the principle of the division of labor 2. Ego: conscious level of mind
 Ruling and defending state is a specialized craft 3. Superego: civilized rational conscience
 Objection: nature of ruling and administering is a They are coordinated
specialized craft → simply add these crafts to the first Mental health and stability depends on balance
 Principle of division → more specialized crafts but not Degeneration into progressively lower types of constitution
to a class system based on hierarchical values 1. Timocracy: ambition and love of honor and war (Crete,
 Ruler-philosophers: political wisdom; human 2. Oligarchy and plutocracy: rule of wealthy
problems; values and ideas 3. Democracy: rule of people
4. Despotism: anarchy of democratic state
 Producers: technical knowledge; not phenomena of
nature and society
1. Material of philosopher is mankind and cosmos;  Glory of democracy is buoyant diversity and creative
material of craftsman is limited and finite pluralism but a path to dissolution and disintegration when
2. Knowledge of the craftsman never attains the members forget their duties
height of wisdom and understanding that the  If Plato makes democrats more keenly conscious how
philosopher reaches in his study of ultimate difficult the life of freedom and fellowship is, then it is
values, intrinsic forms, and cosmic law benefit of democracy

 Democratic theory of politics: Plato assumes that the Republic

capacity to govern is possessed by only a small class Socrates: narrator and chief figure
o Can be transmitted by selective breeding Starts in house of Cephalus, retired wealthy businessman
With Polemarchus (Cephalus’s son), Glaucon and Adeimantus
 Democratic view of man: wisdom and understanding
(elder brothers), and Thrasymachus (sophist)
may be found in the most unexpected places
What is justice?
2. Less obvious implicit level: fundamental and irreconcilable
 Cephalus: honesty and rendering what is due to gods and
Plato: truth is eternal, unchanging and unchangeable;
accessible to few by training
 Polemarchus: helping friends and harming enemies
 Preparation of rulers begins before they are born
 Thrasymachus: just and right is nothing, what is to the
 Highest physical and mental qualities of offspring
interest of the stronger party
 Training is mere preparation for ascent to the vision of
Goodness; final stage partakes the nature of revelation →
mystical and socially incommunicable experience
o Bases the rule of people on a personal and
unique innermost experience
o Contemplate realities themselves
o Philosophy and vision of good are highest form
of human activity
o Ruled do not hope to attain but can only believe
 Recommends use of “medicinal lie” and censorship

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