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9/11 Interview

Interviewee- James Bush

Interviewer-Madeline Bush

Why does 9/11 matter?

“Because there was a bunch of terrorists on our own land.”
How did it impact people in my family?
“I don’t know if we had a direct impact, but it probably raised concerns about our
personal safety.”
Did you know anyone directly affected?
What were you doing when you learned about the attacks?
“I was at work at the Microshop.”
Did you watch the events on tv?
“Yes, we did. Once it started to happen, that was all that we would do. I remember when
it was airing on all TV stations for about a week before they were fighting to keep it off
the air. I think it was because of “nationalism.”
How did you feel as you watched the events unfolding?
“Probably a mix of anger and sorrow.”
What were everyone’s reactions around you?
“Probably we would all say anger and sorrow.”
Do you remember what you were wearing that day?
“No, but I’m sure it was blue jeans.”
In what ways has the world changed that are not discussed in the story?
“The perception that the world is a scary place. More terrorists are more homegrown
and international. 9/11 was also not the first attempt to bring down the towers. Terrorists
beforehand tried to park a van in the parking garage underneath it and I don’t know how
far it got or what they were doing but it never happened.”
Did you see your community come together as a result?
“Well, the thing that I remember is at the time there were lots and lots and lots of first
responders from around the country going up there to help. Because when the towers
collapsed it killed a bunch of first responders.”
Did these events impact your political views and voting habits?
“Not really, I mean I was a conservative to start with.”

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