Tugas Conditional Sentese

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NIM : 202010300023
Matkul : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : 1 – B1 Akuntansi

Conditional tense

I am Fresha, I am a student first semester of the accounting study program, my motivation to take a
major in the faculty of economics. because it was my dream, If I pass college, I will to work in a big
company. But now after learning a little about stocks, I am interested in becoming a stockbroker or
working in a securities company. A stockbroker is a person providing recommendation information to
investors to invest their shares. If you want to invest, you need a stockbroker. If I become a
Stockbroker, I will help customers or investors to find profitable investment options. And try our best
not to disappoint the customers. Although it is not easy to make it happen. If I keep trying, studying,
I don't give up easily, I can definitely succeed. If currently I had a lot of money, I would like to buy
shares. I think, if in the past I liked to save money, now I would have a lot of money to bought stocks.
If you save stocks, you can benefit from dividends and capital gains. I think saving stocks or investing
is a way to make profits easily no need to work hard. But in saving stocks there are risks. If you are
not good at reading capital market movements, you might lose. therefore you need a stockbroker.
which helps provide information based on capital market analysis. But don't be afraid. if we intend,
surely you can.

Thank You…

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