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Transfer in different school

When I was 3rd year high school in Guinhalaran I learn to skip class because of my friends
that thought me to play league of legends and because of that my grades was got very

So the way to make my grades higher is to participate in athletics again

on first my family won't allowed me to play because of my past surgery but I told them that
I really want to play for the last time so they have no choice they said if I got to play
athletics again you should have to be careful

So I participated again

After all of the challenges that i have been encounter all the stupid things that ive
done ive also graduated in high school

Senior high days

In my sinior high school I was graduated on SILAY INSTITUTE The strand that I take was
(ICT) Information and communications technology

In my 1st year in silay institute Me and my friends decided to make our band because of
the silay institutes battle of the band program .We practice every day after class and
knowing our differences We don’t win the program but we win the crowd of the students
after that here comes the pandemic and the face2face class was suspended

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