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Ahmed Imtiaz Khan | +923165870344
LinkedIn Profile

National University of Science and Technology
Sept 2019 - July 2023
Bachelor of Computer Engineering
Courses: OOP, Data Structures, Compilers, Algorithms, Operating Systems, Digital Image Processing,
Database Engineering, Artificial Intelligence
CGPA: 3.15
Hx2Labs USA
Software Engineer
Aug 2022 – May 2023
● Worked on a variety of cutting-edge technologies, including Next.js, GraphQL, REST API,
Node.js, Laravel (PHP), Jira, and Slack, to develop web applications.
● Developed skills in server-side development using Node.js and Laravel (PHP).
● Utilized project management tools like Jira and communication platforms like Slack to
effectively collaborate with the team and ensure the timely delivery of projects.

Centre for Advance Research and Engineering

Islamabad, Pakistan
Web Engineering Intern
Aug 2021 – Sept 2021
● Implemented a robust web application for XYZ Construction, enabling the company to
streamline its operations by 15%.
● Integrated Vue.js on the front end with Node.js on the back end, resulting in a 2-point
increase in user rating.
● Designed complex forms and skillfully managed their state across the front-end and
back-end of the application, ensuring a smooth and responsive interface for the users.
● Authored comprehensive documentation of the application, including technical
specifications, which improved the application maintenance lifecycle.

SQA Intern
Aug 2020 – Sept 2020
● Spearheaded the comprehensive unit testing of the Avaya app, ensuring the highest
standards of quality and reliability.
● Developed and implemented innovative testing strategies, methodologies, and tools,
resulting in a 10% reduction in bugs and errors and improving the overall performance of
the application.

Languages JS, Python, SQL, HTML, CSS, Flutter, C#

Technologies MATLAB, VScode, Latex, Unity, Linux, Colab,

Cisco Packet Tracer, Microsoft SQL, Machine
Learning, Computer networking, Pandas,
Tensorflow, Matplotlib, Sklearn, Figma

Operating Systems Ubuntu 14.04, Windows 10


Designed and Developed complete full stack web app and deployed on Azure (FYP)
● Lead the development of a cutting-edge web application for a biomedical project,
leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms and computer vision techniques to
classify X-rays on 14 different diseases.
● Implemented an intuitive and user-friendly interface for the application, allowing
healthcare professionals to easily upload and classify X-ray images.
Technologies: Figma, React.js, Microsoft Azure, flask

Classification of CXR Images based on CNN architecture

● Implemented a CNN architecture to classify CXR images based on 14 different lung diseases,
generating an accurate classification of diseases using image processing.
Technologies: Python, CNN, Matplotlib, Pandas

3D Pathfinder using A* Search Algorithm

● Developed enemy AI in the game environment.
Technologies: Blender, Unity3d, C#

Other Experience
● Microsoft Student Ambassador (Alpha)
● Web Dev Lead (Google Developers Club)
● Vice President (Entrepreneurship Club)
● Organising team (APICTA)
● Director Registrations (COMPECC)
● Developer at Guleshaoor (Startup)
● The Complete Web Developer in 2022 - Udemy
● React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)
● Intermediate React by Brian Holt - Frontend Masters
● Javascript Certification - HackerRank
● Programming Foundations: Data Structures - LinkedIn Learning
● Fundamentals of Digital Marketing - Google Digital Garage

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