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ABSTRACT E-commerce is an online platform for purchasing and selling gout aly of the transactions are done through the intemet ‘Transaction costs will be significantly’ ewit of electronic commerce. B2B, B2C, and C2C E-commerce are some of the several categories of F-commetce B2B E-commerce is becoming more popular. B2B E-commerce companies require pesuisive communication with their customers. Because commerce is conducted online, identifying instvorthy Estakeholders is difficult. In B2B E-commerce, game and queing theory is applied to identity trustworthy F-stakeholders. Information fiom E-stakeholders 1s gathered for specific products, Game theory is utilised to identify trustworthy and genuine E-stakeholders. A dataset is created as a resule of this. Based on specific parameters, queuing theoryis applied'to Getermine the lead time of E-stakeholders. B2B Bot assists in the identification of trustworthy and genuine E-stakeholders, Sigh anit Implementation of B28 Bot using Game and Quening Theory LITRETUARE SURV ‘pis chapter gives information about the jo ng Uurnals tind papers re ferred. implementation of Chabot in ontine comme: ree, and open innovation Authors: ia D. Mlese; no, Noel Vicente Lopez, Nuno Afonso Gone: Description: This. study describes the chatbor joumey. and) focuses on its: implementation within the dig mnrketing strategy in the first part of a company's sales fannél. The main goa! was to apply chatbor via Favebook Messenger s the ipported by the Many Chiat plattorm to inerease the number of leads, compari churbot with the previous strategy used by the company to obtain contact information: This research work lakes a step further and show's that implement if & chatbot through the Many Chat platform hy @ company that markets online has @ positive impact on the capturing of leads [1] A chatbots platform used with the hatention of obtaining leads s ems to be an agile and powerful tool: in fact; the main conclusion of this work ps that inchiciing this method can be one of the main axes of obtaining information about co: sumers with the ‘of performing marketing actions ii a two-way communication that facilitates sales by companies dvantages * Full implementation of the chatbot to help highlight the brand and offer a linked value proposition. * The chatbot was implemented successfully and its functions include immediate response Lead achievement was increased by 25%, which represents an improvement of 5% with respect to the sevond objective set advantages * Facebook changed its restrictions on the use of its Messenger application APL “OLISE, SNNCE, Shimoga jectronie market ang a # lysis using game theory i J. Tarokh , 8. Sohrabi, H. Shatiag} ors: M: pestiption: In te explosive growth-of Business to Business (aan ) Electronig Trades, electronic markets have ied pent deal oF attention recently Th abisined proftat tradins B2B market encourages market aivoipants to remait it the market. Market partici: llers, buyers, snd market owner. In this ints consist of: pete exposed profit unetion for cach market partcipans has been defined in a neutral market based on ouble auction, Also, the model is simulated and jase t0 exhibit the capability of the proposed rnd to support the de io making process. Then the spiel cxesip fed 823 Glesronic: market isthe cline scexat tbat ttn lates the transactions between fusiesios to eXchange their fabric and products ‘Thee are extensive studies analyzing the design and implementation of electronic marker BEB E-commerce was accurately predicted by Wang and Lin (2009) for saull'and medium enterprises, They suggested that the implementation of coasuming and the lone-t siecbanisms, The sucess off B2B E-commerce is time erm impact on ai organization mia Wy be unclear forsome time. In the research by. Wang und Beparoch (2004), & mathematical med] is intieduced that compared the condition of buyers and (electronic) market and offline (traditional) market silles in both online ( Advantages posed the expected profit in an electronie market that ses « double gusto. The proposed model has a scties of separated but related expected profit finetions for the selfers, Sujets and market owner (auctioneer) ‘The proposed fictions have the Farc\pants profit in/a separated fametion but related to other market participants expected profit. Same varables that lielp the analyzer to consider each market Dshdvantages * The meds|caniiox be applica soame cayes, uttors: Dink Son scription: ‘The requirements of lients are n tightened sehedule duc to ore Complex With higher expectations a 4 development of science and technology, In the context of eoncur t and ylobal economy, satisfaction ments is an important key in the engines ag product-service design process, One of the ats and squirements'from customers is to reduce the costs, including cost of development, materia ion cost. Thus, cost reduction has become an i portant challenge in product-service design while pe satisfaction of the customers’ requircnents is still ensured. An approach based on the queuing theaty is roposed in this paper to solve these’ problems [5]. A ma hematical mode! analysis to determine the nportant parameters as the mean waiting time, number of service plicforms, and probability of customer ting an quene is presented th the paper, The service designer can use.them to find the optimized solution ibe designed service. Thus, the Waiting time of customers is «very important factor influencing om the lity of designed service, Need to find out a complei¢ answer for the following scientific questions: jow to develop 2 mathematical model expres ssing the Waiting time of customer ina service’? jow fo optimize the waiting time according to the requirements of customers? vefore, a mathematical model using the quewing theory to calculate the watting time of customer in the igned service will be developed. In addition, a method to minimize the waiting time regarding to strains front the requirements of custorey Will be presented in the paper As a resull, an application of siomer service design in a bank company 1s also presented namtages: * Reduced the waiting time of customer and cost of service is minimized * Application of queuing thoury in service design will help designers Select the best solution satisfying the needs of the customer by: minimizing the waiting time of customers and ‘operating costs of desipned service, advantages * Castomer arrival rate in each day of the week is different, even in each hour. * Customer service time should be continuous. SUSE, INCE, Shimoge py1 Queue is Sed 10 find the Leng tp, ne Of the K, 40 calculate the fy mils: 1 Utilization factor wathe ine “Stakeholders ad Lime of MsilY / Utilization neu NOM parameter Bugy period soar the MATES Which i use -stakcholders fean arrival rate ; = mean ge wwnere = M H= mean service pate test > +n Single Server model ony y that exactly ze probability tha exactly 260 nis are inthe sya yatem Pot / 4 probability that exactly ‘n’ units in the sy peobabilit sin the system Py= Bua. /y yn (LS Wy J rbebity that n OF more units inthe system Pas yy Ch uy more than *n” means n should be ns Expected number of umits in the queue / queue length Ly 02 / win 2) Expected waiting time in the queue W.= Ly. Expected number of units in the system L= Ly Expected waiting time in the system W=W, + 1/ Expected number of units in queue that from time to time — (OR) non « enpty queue size D=p/(u-2) Probability that an arrival will have to wait in the queue for service Probability = 1 — Po Probability that an arrival will have to wait in the queue more than w ( where w > 0), the waiting time in the queue Probability = (2./ ye? Probability that an arrival will have to-wait more than v(y > o) waiting (ime in the system is ie , sie for service =P Probability that an arrival will not have to wait in the queue for service = Po Iileseas-Manzano, Noe} Vicente 1 » and Open Tnovatjon PS, fine Commerce, NY Afonso Gon, “Implementation of Chath SPAMMEH OF f25 aa 4120 Altri, Spun; 2991 "eM OF Economica ang Business, Universidad de ‘ owe | Bottan, E,, Centobell, P., Gallo, M, Kevioni, M4, sun Ve and id vlte co-eteation in B2B. saleg Asti, sag, 2 ~And Marino, T, “Artificial intelligence (Aty a rs esurces gysems, Vol. 119°No. 4, pp. 638-718 in 9919 g} Bubara Roberts. “Stakeholder p, Thdustrial Management a (ata ower ih E-business Adoption with a G ing and Develo, HM 1. Tarokh .S. Sohrabi, H. 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He Sun, Xiamen, Fl, “Analysis on the problems in Online Shopping Under Prisoners Dilemma” Advance in Semmics, Business and Management’ Research, Volume 178, Published in Proceedings of Bilniemational Conference on Enterprise Management and Economic Development on 2021 ’ Niiiya Zheng and Li Welgang, “A Game theory based Model for Analyzing — Psion tn 17th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, pp. 6 5 Pine, Spain on April 2015. 1, Jembere, “Performance Mao Akingbesots, M,O Adigun, $.S Xulw, ortment of Computer Science University of Zulu uation of Cloud Es Di bsss using Non Preemptive Queuing Model’, Dep 71901, KwaDlangerwa, 3886, South Aiea in a ‘of Dynamic Pricing in Business-to-Business bs ns BGreg “Phe Value Propositio' Fessens and C, Brousseau,

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