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=e BUREAU FOR PARANORMAL RESEARCH AND DEFENSE CREATED BY MIKE MIGNOLA GUERRA™SAPOS STORY BY PENCILS BY INKS BY COLORS BY JOHN ARCUDI | HERB TRIMPE } GUY DAVIS | DAVE STEWART LETTERS BY COVER AAT BY COVER COLORS BY CLEM ROBINS § MIKE MIGNOLA § DAVE STEWART assistant efor RACHEL EDIDIN. ealtr SCOTT ALLIE Y pubisher MIKE RICHARDSON . a vA, 7. wes 'y as ete kon” a ea 7, *. al, x oe Pg a all = a rs a wee “ox a V * DS ee aes B.P.R.D."": War on Frogs #1, June 2008. Published by Dark Horse Comics, Inc., 10956 SE Main Street, Milwaukie, Oregon 97222. B.P.R.0."": War on Frogs is Copyright © 2008 Michael Mignola. Hellboy’, Abe Sapien’’, Roger the Homunculus", and all other prominently featured characters are trademarks of Michael Mignola. Dark Horse Comics® and the Dark Horse logo are trademarks of Dark Horse Comics, Inc., registered in various categories and countries. All rights reserved. No portion of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the express written permission of Dark Horse Comics, Inc. Names, characters, places, and incidents featured in this publication either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), events, institutions, or locales, without satiric intent, is coincidental. PRINTED IN EANADA PRECISA DE UMA REFRESCADA? "ENQUANTO HELLBOY ESTAVA OCLIPADO COM RASPUTIN, SADU - HEM, € ALGUNS SAPOS, A MINHA INVESTIGAGAO ME LevOU RS "FRA BAIKO DO ' JAZIGO DA FAMIL 'ELES PARECIAM c ESTAR LEVANDO SUA NE PARA O JAZIGO, PARA ENTERRAR O CADAVER... TUDO BEM. a E NINGUEM oe lve we NUNCA MAIS | 6 co¥apeO DO SALAO CAVENDISH, MAS SE O FIZERAM, OS DOIS ERAM DA PRIME/RA GERAGAO DE SAPOS, E AGORA, NOS ESTAMOS LUTANDO CONTRA A GERAGAO SEGUINTE. QUE NAQUELE MOMENTO NAO PARECELI MUITO SIGNIFI- CATIVA, MAS AGORA... AGORA, TERIAMOS QUE SABER SE OS PROCE- DIMENTOS DE ROTINA DO DEPARTAMENTO SAO O ‘SUFICIENTE. KATE PARE DE TENTAR ME MANDAR DE VOLTA PARA O CAMPO. ESTA DECIDIDO | ‘SIM VAMOS ENVIAR LIMA FORCA ESPECIAL TATICA LA FORA, PARA UMA ANALISE MAIS APROFUNDADA... EXATAMENTE O QUE ELI ESTAVA PENSANDO. E JA BEM, ENTAO QUEM VAI? neve Neng Eu VI UM E MONTE DE SAPOS: LES NESSES GLTIMOS =“ MESES, MAZZEI. BEM, NAO FOI? ANTES DE ME JUNTAR A B.P.R.D. EU ESTAVA VIVO. FOLA PRIMEIRA BATALHA NA GUERRA. ME DISSERAM QUE ELES VENCERAM. +«POR QUE NAO ME PARECE Foe? COMO ELI SEI EXATAMENTE AONDE IR’ EU POSSO SENTIR O CHEIRO Dees, MAS VOCES NAO PODEM SE ESCONDER DE MIM, GRANDES COMPANHEIROS. LEMBRAR-SE DE QUANDO Ef HUMANOS? DEVERIA PASSAR LIM RADIO PARA 0S OLITROS. DIGA A ELES QUE DEIXE! NA JAQUETA. MANDE-OS VIR CORRENDO. & : § 3 g2 as 88 3 a8 Ss a ae 5 ay & & ig w 3 8 2 POR ISSO QUE DEUS INVENTOU AS: GRANADAS DE MAO. CASO ESTEIA ESCUTANDO. 1 \ Ss MAZZEl. ESTA CoIsA lé FORTE, RAPIDA NN eaperta sap d QUE ESTAVA FAZENDO. O QUE ESTA FAZENDO. EM... EM UM pee TUDO BEM. RESPIRE MAIS TARDE. ) 4 Nia E VOCE ESTA SE SENTINDO: MELHOR TAMBEM?: MELHOR PARA LUTAR! /SENHOR. Noe Ouvimos VOEEN NON Nos ARMA. CONTACTOU?, E QUEM ELES FIZERAM EXATAMENTE CERTO ESTRAGO EM ELES INCOMO- VOCE. MAS ACHO QUE DARAM EM. NAO INCOMODARAO PRIMEIRO- MAIS NINGUEM. LUGAR? Cee ee Se aS URE eRe Lere) Pee Renee ce Since sheres not a letter from Matt Strackbein this round, I'l say it myself. I miss Roger! Dear Scott: As an avid science fiction and superhero fan, I've always been a comic book kind of guy, but never the type who goes out and buys new titles every month. As a boy, I couldn't afford it, and by the time I could, I was too intimidated by the decades-old continuities to get invested in any particular book. That changed last spring with Buffj Season 8. So changed with the prospect of a new story every month to look forward to, I began to look for other titles to pick up. Luckily, Darkness Cals started around the same time. Ever since the movie, Id always been a casual Hellboy fan, and this new arc gave me a chance to dive into the world. I worked my way backwards through the stories in order co fully appreciate all che epic zaniness going on. This still wasn't enough. I resisted the call of B.PR.D. at firs, but was evencually drawn in by the pretty covers Mignola drew for Garden of Souls, Before I knew it, I was heading back to my local comic store, buying Lobster Jobnson and every B.PR-D. backstory I could get my hands on. “This leer is to say thanks to you, Mike, and all che very talented writers and artists for giving me something new to obsess over, and for finaly giving me an in to the comic book world. I recently made the transition from college to dull-as-hell 9-to-5, and the Writers’ Guild strike caused television to abandon me in my hour of need, but ® NEXT MONTH * Hellboy: The Crooked Man #1 Mignola + Corben luckily you guys were there to keep me enthralled and entertained. Suffice to say, the comic-book adapration I'm most looking forward to this summer involves a golden army, and The Wild Hunt can't come soon enough. Keep up the great work, Eamon R. Mclvor Hi Scott, I've been reading Hellboy since it first came out, and all the subsequent stuff (B.PR.D., Lobster johnson, etc.) And Tve been reading the “Hellmail” letters columns in each issue, anxiously looking for an answer to my one burning question: Is Mike EVER going to draw a whole book again? Are covers all we will ever get? Has he given up art to only do writing? Will he draw another Hellboy again, ever? Is Mike all done with drawing comics? Will I ever see anything but covers by him again? What's up? Cheers, Doug Linder For the most part, my answer’ the same as Scotts has been. Mike bas a whole mess o' stories to tell, and if be (or even any ‘one person) were drawing them all—or even most of them— there no way you'd get to sce even a fraction of the mythos hes been able to develop by opening the Hellboy Universe to other writers and artists But that doesn't mean hes given up drawing comies—and especially not Hellboy. You can get a short fix in the Darkness Calls trade paperback, which hit the shelves last month. And if an eight-page epilogue isn't enough, Mikes going back to the drawing board for a brand-new Hellboy one-shot in October. First, though, Richard Corben’s stepping up to bat on ‘The Crooked Man, which starts in just a few weeks and takes Hellboy to my old stomping grounds—the Appalachian Mountains—in one of the coolest, creepiest stories you'll read this year. And I've heard something about a movie eet ue Lee the Masonic Temple in Portland, Oregon. | couldn't See eer) alter the course of my life, or at least my eventual choice of occupation. |had no idea what to expect, Pe ee someone had super-sized my beloved comic-book shop. An ocean of long boxes, the musty odor of See ee eT See Re en there. (However, I've carried it with me since, neatly een oa) Nene Lenco SU ee ay at comics conventions, book firs, and trade shows all over the world To say enjoy that aspect of my job would be a bit lke saying Frank Miller has passing Seem a bit lke being on the frontlines ofthe industry. There ate few things I enjoy more than rubbing elbows Cee ee an ne o with our international publishing partners at the Frankfurt Buchmesse (loose translation: Book Mess), or most importantly, getting feedback from our fans Se eee Cae cy Peet eee ees Pee ee Some things have changed since 1981. While “con Pe ee CO en ee Cea ee Or nee ee ecu eee cued Pe eee Ue se eT OUR Cea ee a PO eC ee eck Ra ae Sure, conventions have become giant media-driven eee ee ees eet Se ee poeta ae ee Ue ee emer in your life, no matter how young or old you are, no DC ees TR ee eee ee ee eee ac eee ea toa Star Wars artist, and they both have the same Cee ees AS | write this, we're hitting the ground running on CARE cn PROM RU a eee ee ‘booth in New York, or even at London Book Fair. If eS On eee Can going to show up, but you can bet we'll have great creators there, fantastic giveaways, and a staff full Cicer s Ta Sometimes my life feels like an endless series of hotel rooms, Sharpies, pallets, boxes, and shrink- ‘wrap. Then the doors to the show open, fans rush BO eae aac e ‘my buddy Sterling; smelling the dusty past, and see- ig my future. Ceca Sa a Pierce eae) Tra me ni E “Wh ny oO &: ~ -_ 2 LJ U Li ae = ee oO I oO NS NG cy i - a

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