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Coordinated by Amanda Knowles / Rob Holt

Articulating the time, cost, and benefits of a

seismic processing project
Lee Hunt, P. Geoph.

The net value of seismic is measured in various ways, but

is usually reduced to a calculation of what additional
economic benefit we expect to gain from the seismic information,
weighed against the cost of the seismic information itself. The costs of
the seismic are typically assumed to be quite small, and our focus in
measuring the value of the seismic thus often ignores the supposedly
insignificant cost side of the problem. That human resource of time
is also often also ignored. We forget to ask, “how long will it take to
obtain the seismic information?” And of course there are many kinds Figure 1. Expected value per well as the reliability of seismic changes. From Hunt (2013).
of seismic information we can aim to produce. We could shoot or buy
several different kinds of seismic data. We could process the seismic net present values. On the business line, this question of reliability is
data in a variety of ways, some of which cost more and take longer to often the only variable geophysicists can affect. Reliability thus becomes
produce. What processing should we invest in? How long will it take? the Raison d’être for many working geophysicists.
How can these choices affect our business outcomes? Let us take a
few moments and think about the cost of seismic and the time it takes Reliability has many meanings
to process the seismic data to fit our purposes. Hopefully by following
If improving seismic reliability is the thing that geophysicists are most
this line of thinking, we will lay out some general guidelines that could
directly responsible for, then let us talk about reliability in greater
be of illustrative use when discussing seismic processing projects.
detail. Reliability means many things. Ultimately, reliability has to do
with how accurately the seismic can predict a geologic outcome. It can
Decision analysis and reliability as the be measured with statistics. So we might think that reliability is only
geophysicists’ responsibility concerned with certainty, or signal to noise, or resolution. Of course
all of these things are elements of reliability, but reliability is also as
The formal science of decision making is called Decision Analysis,
much determined by another concept, that of relevance. Even high
and was discussed for seismic data in Hunt (2013). The outcome of a
signal to noise, perfectly sampled and resolved PP stacked seismic
decision analysis exercise for seismic information was shown to depend
data will have little reliability in discriminating some sands from shales,
upon many things, including: the difference in net present value of the
or some porous reefs from some argillaceous basinal shales if their
outcomes, the ultimate distribution of the outcomes, and the reliability
acoustic impedance and thickness are the same. These geologic
of the seismic data. The first two of these controlling variables are
outcomes, as different as they are in so many ways, are non-unique to
area dependent, and are key determiners of economic success for
the acoustic image of seismic data no matter how good its signal to
a company. Successful teams choose areas in which the economic
noise ratio is. We can spend 10,000 hours and 10,000,000 dollars with
outcomes can be highly beneficial, and occur commonly within the area,
that kind of seismic data and not help our science or our business.
or over a great scale. As obvious as that is, finding an advantage in the
If our techniques are non-unique, they are not relevant, and if they
first two factors is a key and sometimes tricky element of positioning
are not relevant they are not reliable. It follows that one of the crucial
that not everyone succeeds at. Once an area has been chosen, and
things that geophysicists must do is determine the most relevant
the work begins, the last variable, the seismic reliability comes to the
seismic properties to invest in. In the VIG Doodletrain course, the
forefront. The greater the reliability of the seismic, the more favourable
decision analysis term reliability is broken up into two terms: relevancy-
the economics of its use becomes. Figure 1, from Hunt (2013), shows
meaning how well and uniquely a property addresses the geologic
how the expected net present value changes in a resource play example
and economic outcome being sought, and reliability- meaning the
as seismic reliability changed. At very high seismic reliability, the net
accuracy of the data for that property.
present value increases dramatically, while for lower values of reliability
there is some cross-over point where using the seismic results in lower Decision analysis reliability = relevancy and reliability (accuracy)


Relevancy insurance: specialization •• It must enable the production of more reliable pre-stack image
gathers, and then
and integration
•• AVO analysis on such gathers would yield more reliable
For as many times in the VIG columns of 2013 and 2014 as someone
elastic properties
said we need to be integrated, they could also have said that we need
to be specialized experts. In order to address relevance, we must be The reliability of the gathers and AVO results to predict Viking gas
able to put a foot into both worlds: we will often have to be both good sand reservoir quality was discussed in several papers including
integrated team-mates, and good physicists. Ken Matson at the first Hunt et al (2008 and 2010). The economic benefits of the work were
of the 2014 University of Alberta talk series seminars pointed out that first estimated in Hunt et al (2012b), which was part of the 2011/2012
some problems actually require that we know our physics, and know it CSEG Distinguished Lecture Tour. Those benefits were estimated
deeply and well. Ken was referring to a specific problem in modeling, by comparing wells drilled without seismic versus wells drilled with
but he was also right in general. We do need to understand our less reliable seismic processing (no interpolation) and less relevant
physics to know what might be the most relevant property to invest in techniques (stack amplitudes) versus wells drilled with the more
or how to process the data for better reliability (accuracy). Even if we relevant and reliable interpolation-imaging-AVO method. The differ-
cannot be specialized in every aspect of geophysics, we had better ences in value were estimated in the millions of dollars per well using
know someone who is an expert and we had better know enough to the natural gas price deck of the time. Reliability and relevance caused
reach out to that person and articulate the problem at hand. On the economic benefit.
other hand, all those VIG columnists were not wrong in suggesting
we need to be integrated. We do need to work with our colleagues in The key properties that we might
engineering or geology to understand the play parameters so that we
can think about what really is relevant and how we can apply ourselves
process for
to address it. Integration is not really a magic word; it is as simple as Hunt et al (2012a), proposed the notion that there are only a few
actually working with our peers and sharing the question of relevance fundamental seismic properties that can be produced from seismic
and data with them. In order to manage the problem of relevance, we data, along with many measures of those properties which could be
have to reach into the multi-disciplinary world and we have to know called their attributes. Our concern now is primarily with those few key
enough about our own discipline. To those who say we cannot be both seismic properties. This discussion does not benefit from an exhaus-
broad and deep, the advice here is that we have to be broad enough tive exploration of all of the properties that could be produced. Our
and deep enough. We have to reach out like butter to cover the whole illustration is best made as simple as it can be while also making a
toast, and we had better be deep enough to make it taste good. reasonable representation of the common major properties. This
illustration will be land-centric and tuned to the Canadian Deep Basin
Reliability and processing for accurate in particular. For the sake of illustrative simplicity, we also lump the
properties to key processing milestones. Our key properties are:
properties: the benefits
1. Stack. This heading refers to a time migrated and stacked image.
There are many things that we can do with seismic data, but the
In our example, the data is 5D interpolated and pre-stack migrated
aims of the work are to achieve economically beneficial knowledge.
under an AVO compliant processing flow. Reprocessing projects
Choosing relevant properties and processing them to maximum
may be initiated with the goal of producing higher reliability of the
reliability are how we achieve those benefits. This relationship is causal
stack or of the AVO compliant gathers produced at this stage in
as evidenced by the application of decision analysis. This causal
the processing.
relationship justifies the simple approach that we take in this note,
which is to directly consider the benefits of the work to come from 2. Curvature and Coherence. This heading represents any and all of
increases in reliability and relevance. It is reasonable to wonder if this the myriad of the volumetric structural attributes that are readily
argument has been demonstrated by case study. The VIG Doodletrain available today. These measures, somewhere between being
course illustrated several examples of this reliability/relevance-eco- a property and an attribute, are commonly estimated from the
nomic relationship. One example of relevance, reliability and economic migrated stack (#1).
benefit has played out in recent Canadian literature: that of the Viking 3. Diffraction Imaging. This represents a twist on migration where the
play, interpolation, pre-stack imaging, and amplitude versus offset kinematics of faults, fractures, and edges are used to image these
(AVO) analysis that was first published in Hunt et al (2008). This work features from the wavefield as opposed to the rest of the more
followed the argument that: continuous reflectors. See Edie and Negut (2014).

•• If interpolation improved the kinematics of pre-stack 4. AVO. This represents AVO analysis and AVO inversion of compres-
migration, then sional seismic data, together with all of the many elastic properties
that may result from such work.

Continued on Page 30



Continued from Page 29

5. Azimuthal. This represents azimuthal

AVO and azimuthal velocity analysis of
compressional 3D seismic data.
6. 3C. This represents a full three component
3D seismic processing project, together
with the major properties that can be
currently estimated from it.

A general project
In Table 1, we lay out the time, cost, reliability,
and relevance of a 3D compressional seismic
processing project. The example is loosely
based on a recent deep basin project of the
Table 1. A summary illustration of key seismic properties, their reliability, relevance, cost, and time to produce.
author’s. The prices and time-lines have been
The illustration is generalized and simplified. Actual times, cost, value, relevance, and reliability will vary
modified to protect the confidentiality of the significantly. Increases in reliability and relevance are general indications of greater benefits by virtue of the
work that it is based upon. Modification was causal relationship between reliability and NPV in the decision analysis model we use. Relevance is given by a
made through discussion with several other qualitative coding based on the breadth of relevance.
processing company representatives who
shall not be named in this note. The modifi-
cations, simplifications, and generalizations
made here are necessary for several reasons:
the first being that we do not want this illus-
tration to be viable as a negotiating tool, to
negotiate for prices or timelines in current
projects. The second key reason for the
generalization and simplification here is that
a more detailed example would not serve our
purposes any better. Prices vary enormously
based on volume of work, the difficulty of that
work, the shot density of the 3D survey (which
we purposefully do not define) and other
factors. So, be warned prices and times can Table 2. A timeline or Gantt chart of key seismic properties. This illustration is general and simplified: actual
timelines will vary significantly. Color coding is arbitrary.
vary by more than a factor of two from this
example. A more detailed illustration would
not likely yield an improvement due to these Discussion
variances, so we have kept the picture simple.
It would not be of great surprise if Table 1 and Table 2 creates some discussion or even contro-
Despite this apology, the data in Table 1 is
versy. We might argue about whether any of the prices or times is way out or not. Of course
illustrative of a typical, current, deep basin
such things may vary; these prices and times are valid for the purposes being presented and we
reprocessing project.
suggest no one take them personally.
Table 2 is a Gantt chart illustration of the same
You can do it, too.
data as outline in Table 1. An actual seismic
Send in your own chart to illustrate time, cost, reliability and relevance.
reprocessing project would have a much more
detailed Gantt chart. This table is a reduc- The measures of reliability and relevance given qualitatively in Table 1 are more likely to generate
tion to our key properties and is probably as controversy. We have suggested that AVO has somewhat concerning reliability and that the
detailed as a geophysicist would typically azimuthal methods have very poor reliability. We stand by that assessment. Most deep basin 3D
need to take in to a business discussion. Note surveys are poorly sampled in offset and azimuth, making azimuthal studies, even with 5D inter-
how all of the properties except the 3C work polation, highly problematic. AVO analysis on these 3D surveys also have very poor near offsets,
follow the AVO compliant migrated stack. making AVO at least somewhat inaccurate. We do not suggest that AVO or azimuthal methods
should not be attempted because of their poorer reliability relative to (say) the stack, but we do
want to be clear that these properties are less reliable. Even if it seems pessimistic with respect to
these properties, being honest is important to the validity and credibility of our economic


arguments. This honesty is also crucial in be made that acquisition can be designed Hunt
regards to directing us towards investing such that it yields more relevant properties.
in processes or acquisition that may yield
better reliability.
Shooting a three component 3D seismic
program could be an example of this. 4D
•• was the 2011/2012 CSEG Distinguished
Lecturer, and is one of the founding
seismic is another example that is relevant to members of the VIG steering committee.
The economic reason to invest in some of the
production monitoring, and should therefore Lee is an Ironman triathlete. He
less reliable properties is at times embedded
be considered when monitoring questions graduated from the University of
in their crucial relevance. AVO may be
are relevant. Greater reliability of any seismic Alberta with a B.Sc. in geophysics in
somewhat less reliable than stack data, but it
program can be achieved through more 1990, after which he started his career
is almost always of unequivocal relevance and
optimal field parameters. We suggest that working for PanCanadian Petroleum
importance. Properties obtained from AVO
it is better to acquire the original seismic Ltd. His experience ranges from
analysis, if reliable enough, are capable of
data such that it is well suited to produce interpretation to managing a business
overcoming most of the classic non-unique-
relevant and reliable properties than to unit, and he has conducted numerous
ness problems of compressional seismic data.
depend solely on processing. The greatest winter access only drilling campaigns
Properties from AVO analysis are also crucial in NEBC and Northern Alberta. He has
reliability and relevance will be achieved with
in assessing resource play reservoirs, their drilled over 300 wells in most of the
a suitable acquisition type and geometry for
quality, and to some degree, their fracability. play types within the Western Canadian
the economic problem, followed by the most
Azimuthal methods may be worth investing Sedimentary Basin. These drilling
suitable processing.
in despite their reliability problems because experiences include heavy oil, shallow
of their potential to provide insights into gas, deep carbonate exploration, deep
bedding, fracturing, and stress. Summary basin, Peace River Arch, Saskatchewan
This short note presents a simple illustration and Manitoba oil, and include vertical as
A key to understanding Table 1 is in identi-
of the costs, required time, reliability and well as horizontal drilling. His work has
fying what the technical and economic controls
relevance of a project to process key seismic focussed on performing quantitative
are on the project at hand. If strain, faults,
properties. Reliability and relevance are argued analysis of multiple attenuation,
or fractures are deemed to be relevant in a
to be causally related to benefit, making this resolution enhancement, depth and geo-
project, then curvature, diffraction imaging,
illustration one of cost-benefit. While the hazard predictions, AVO, AVAz, VVAz,
and possibly azimuthal studies become
example presented was indeed simple, it may curvature, and the prediction of fluid,
crucially important. While curvature/coherence
provide a useful framework to discuss the lithology, porosity, fracture treatment
and diffraction imaging are not given broad
nature and cost-benefit of prospective projects characteristics, and production.
relevance, they are very relevant to certain
within a business setting or within a decision
things such as strain, fracturing, faulting, and Lee and his co-authors won Excellence
analysis exercise.
other structural concerns. of Oral Presentation for the 1997 SEPM
Convention, the 2000 CSEG Convention

Cost of processing Best Paper Award, the 2008 CSEG

References Convention Best Geophysical Abstract,
The cost side of processing is very low. The the 2008 CSEG Best Technical Luncheon
Edie, C., Negut, D., 2014, Diffraction Imaging Case
“CUM % shoot” in Table 1 is the percentage of Study- Slipping Through The Cracks: CSEG Convention Talk, the 2010 CSEG Convention Best
the cumulative processing costs as compared Abstracts, 1-4. Geophysical Oral Presentation, the Best
to the cost to shoot, and the “CUM % License” Hunt, L., H., Hadley, S., Hadley, M., Downton, J., Exploration Paper at VII INGPET in 2011,
is the percentage of the cumulative processing Durrani, B., 2008, Interpolation, PSTM, AVO, and a Thin
Honorable Mention for Best Paper in The
Gas Charged Viking Shoreface in West Central Alberta,
costs as compared to the cost to license the 3D CSEG Annual Convention. Leading Edge in 2011, and Best Paper in
data. Processing costs are low even compared Hunt, L., J. Downton, S. Reynolds, S. Hadley, D. Trad, the CSEG RECORDER in 2011. He was a
to the cost to license data where they typically and M. Hadley, 2010, The effect of interpolation on participant in the creation of the CSEG
represent less than 10% of the licensing costs. imaging and AVO: A Viking case study: Geophysics, 75, MLA, APEGGA’s Q.I. Practise Standard,
6, WB265-WB274.
The low cost side is another reason, together as well as APEGGA’s Guideline for the
Hunt, L., R. Reynolds, S. Hadley, J. Downton, 2012a,
with relevance, to take a chance on the Quantitative Interpretation part I: method: CSEG
Ethical Use of Geophysical Data.
reliability of some of the properties. RECORDER, 37, 1, 7-17.
Hunt, L., R. Reynolds, S. Hadley, J. Downton, 2012b,
What about acquisition for Quantitative Interpretation part II: case studies: CSEG
RECORDER, 37, 2, 44-54.
reliability and relevance? Hunt, L., 2013, Estimating the value of Geophysics:
decision analysis: CSEG RECORDER, 38, 5, 40-47.
This article does not consider the benefits of
superior acquisition. Similar arguments could


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