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The term 'ecotourism' was first coined in 1983
by Ceballos-Lascurain, defining it as traveling
to relatively undisturbed natural areas to study,
admire, and enjoy nature and its cultural
aspects. However, the widespread use of the
term has led it to be applied indiscriminately to
various activities related to nature, potentially
diluting its meaning.

Ecotourism is a matter of global

concern, and the United Nations World
Tourism Organization (UNWTO) has
redefined it with a strong emphasis on
sustainability. The International Year of
Ecotourism in 2002 highlighted the role
of tourism in sustainable development.
Ecotourism — A subset of
nature-based tourism

- b a s e d t o u r ism o fte n
or at e s lo c a l c u lt u re a n d
is a s u b se t o f n a tu re - s t yle s a s a tt r a ct io ns, as
Ecotourism indigenous life e
m . E c o to u ris m a n d in te r t w in e d w ith t h
based tou ris these are closely
s e d t o u ris m ( o r n a tu re a l e n vir o n m e n t in m a ny
Nature-ba natu r
th e ir c on s erv a tio n ris m d es t in a tio n s .
tourism) differ in ecotou
u ris m in th e Ifu g a o Ric e
Indigenous to s
r t he r n P h ilip p in e
Nature-based tourism Terraces in the n o
rio u s for m s, ons tr a te s th e p r o fo u nd
encom passe s v a dem
m , w h ic h n b e tw e e n t ra d itio n a l
t u r e to u ris connectio
including adven a l e n v ir o n m e nt ,
ca le , s p or t- o rie n t ed , culture and the n a t u r
can be small-s e t w e en c u ltu re a n d
le , su c h a s sa fa ris . blurring the lin e s b
or large-sca is m d e s t in atio n s.
nature in e c ot o u r
Ecotourism - A form of
sustainable tourism

Ecotourism is recognized as a form

of sustainable tourism. It has
evolved from Ceballos-Lascurain's
1996 definition to encompass
sustainability, environmental
education, and ethical
Ecotourism - A form of
sustainable tourism

d N e e d h a m (2 0 0 6)
Donohue an
k e y
Björk (2 0 0 0 ) ou tlin ed identified six frequently
ain a b ilit y p r in cip le s for tione d qu alit ie s of
sust men
lu din g : o u ris m lit era tu re,
eco to ur ism , in c ecotourism in t
* Nature-based
u s ta in a ble
* Ecolo gically s * Nature-based
e nt a lly e d uc a tio na l a tion /c on s e r v a tion
* Environm * Pre s e rv
* Locally beneficial * Education
o u rist e x p erie n ce.
* High quality t * Sustainability
Distr ib utio n o f b en e fit s
on s ibility / a w a reness
Principles of ecotourism Three
core elements of Ecotourism

Principle 3:
Principle 2: is
Principle 1: The m a n a g e m e n t o f to u ris m
tr ip le - b ott o m
The interactions of the bas e d o n th e
Tourist tou rist s w it h th e at t r a c tions approach of sustainab
t in ation s n t. T h e p ro v is io n of
attra ct io ns / de s us e d o n le a rn in g o r develo p m e
. are fo c c e a nd th e
a rily n a tu re -b as ed tou ris t e x p e ri en
are prim education. The learning e lo pm e n t o f e c o to u rism
Natural areas whether t o ur is m is de v
co m p o n e n t o f e co a n c h o re d o n the
o w ne d, produ ct a re
priv at e ly o r p ub licly se n tia l e lem e n t in to urist c h model
an es trip le - b o tto m a p p ro a
are major tourist experience. of sustainable developm

Ecotourists are individuals who visit

relatively undeveloped natural
destinations and engage in
recreational and leisure activities
compatible with sustainable tourism.
They exhibit responsible behavior,
respect for the local community, and
sensitivity to the environment.
The 'new' tourists as described
by Poon (1993) are ecotourists
who are:

s ensitive an d w illing to
ving More
More dis cerning in achie ut t he envir o n m e nt of
More experienced, learn abo
ible , a n d ind ep e n d en t quality experience the destination area.
tra ve ler s in ch oo sin g
tion a nd a ct ivit ie s.
Throughout their travel
experience, ecotourists
demonstrate responsible behavior:

During the trip:
Pre-trip: o u ris t s a p p ly t h e ir ins ig hts
ts e n s u r e th a t t h eir th e t rip in
Ecotouris an d le ar n in g fr o m
uris ts c on d uc t t fu l o f lo c al
Ec oto behav io r is re sp e c their daily lives, such as
ss es sm e n ts t o a r e a n d
p re - trip a culture and natural bec o m in g m o re a w
re s po n s ible t o ur ism, b y a v o id in g in co n s e rv at io n e ffo rts,
ensure envir o nm e n t involved
c ing c ia t iv e o f lo c a l
checking if tourism s ocia l d isr up tio n , re d u more a p p r e
y m p a thetic
im p a c t, a nd cult ure , a n d m o re s
providers are env iro n m e n t a l
l h e w e lfa re o f t h e lo c al
s o c ia to t
environmentally and avoid in g a n n o y in g
socially responsible. . intrusion.

Ecotourists are often classified according to their demographic profiles,

travel patterns, preferences, behavior, and motivations.

* Ecotourists, compared with 'other' tourists tend to be older, university

educated, and with higher disposable income.

* The majority of international tourists coming from developed countries

tend to be more environmentally aware and active than other types of

* Lindberg (1991) classifies nature tourists into four categories based on

their motivation and time spent on destinations.

* Tourists can be categorized into two main types based on their ethical
perspective. Hardcore tourists and Soft tourists.
Kusler suggests three main groups
of ecotourists.

do-it-yourself tourists
- independent, flexible, mobile

ecotourists on tours
- up-market group tours

school or scientific groups

- principal focus on environmental
education or research.

Ecotourism emerged as an Mass tourism, which has been
alternative in the early 1980s, associated with environmental
aiming to be environmentally issues, focuses on large-scale
friendly and socially development to attract many
responsible. tourists. It often offers
commodified and contrived
tourist experiences.
The development of
Ecotourism as an Industry
The demand for ecotourism has grown significantly since the
environmental movement of the 1960s. It is considered a fast-
growing industry, offering a spectrum of products and experiences.

In the Philippines, the supply component of 'ecotourism' is often

driven by economic and political forces at the expense of the
environment and well-being of the local community.

Sustainable tourism management should be both environmentally

responsible and socially responsive to the needs and aspirations of
the local community.

* The adverse effects of tourism are
minimized or regulated

* The tourism activities are socially

and culturally sensitive and

* The local community is involved in

the planning and management of
tourism and given the opportunity
to own a tourism enterprise and
gain benefits therefrom.
Veronica Agrabio
Desiree Brusas
Aleyah Love Arnaiz
Leisle Solis
Juvirly Capendit

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