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Khối 10


1. and so on (idiom): etc. (‘et cetera’), vân vân Examples:
a. Economic growth makes us all richer, provides jobs, and so on.
b. We saw lots of lions, tigers, elephants, etc.
2. nation (n) : quốc gia/dân tộc national (adj) thuộc về quốc gia nationally (adv)
international (adj) quốc tế internationally (adv)
3. flat (n): apartment (NAE), căn hộ
4. corner (n) góc shop: cửa hàng ở góc đường
=> in the conner of the house :
on /at the conner of the street:
5. worry (v)/(n) : lo lắng worrying (adj) worried (adj) : cảm thấy lo lắng
worryingly (adv) worriedly (adv) : about về điều gì , for cho ai đó
6. get stuck (adj) bị kẹt
7. similar (adj) like somebody/something but not exactly the same : tương tự to
similarity (n) dissimilar (adj) : không giống nhau dissimilarity (n)
8. attitude (n) thái độ
9. opinion (n) quan điểm

1. conversation (n) cuộc đối thoại
2. have a rest = take a rest
3. have a headache :đau đầu have a stomach ache have/catch a cold
catch flu: have the flu have
toothache: đau răng have (a)
backache: đau lưng
4. See you!/ See you around!/ See you later!/ See you soon! / so long!

1. Games console (n) a small electronic device for playing video games : máy chơi game
2. present (n) gift : quà B

You are going to hear a conversation about hobbies. Match the activities (A-E) and the people (1-4).
Write the appropriate letter (A, B, C, D or E) in the right box. You’ll hear the conversation twice. One
activity is extra and does not match any of the people.

People Hobbies

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Khối 10

Jim A fishing

Victor B sports

3 Gavin C computer games

4 Will D reading
E painting

1. fill in (phrasal verb): điền vào
2. first name (n) tên
3. surname (n) last name, family name, họ
4. marital (adj) connected with marriage or with the relationship between a married couple
marital status (n): tình trạng hôn nhân
5. single (adj) not married
6. block capitals: block letters, capital letters , chữ in hoa Ex: Please fill out the form in block capitals.: chữ
in hoa
7. apply (v) : nộp đơn applicable (adj) có thể áp dụng >< not
applicable (n/a)
inapplicable (adj)
Ex: The law is applicable to everyone.
8. male (adj) : nam male (n)
9. female (adj) nữ female (n)
10. nationality (n) quốc tịch
11. specify (v) explain or describe something clearly and exactly chỉ định specification
(n) specific (adj) specifically (adv)
Examples: ghi nhớ
a. Remember to specify your size when ordering clothes.
b. The money was collected for a specific purpose.


Review Verb Forms + Bài tập chuyên đề Verb Forms đề cương tiếng Anh Khối 10

1. nervous (adj) lo lắng nervousness (n) nervously (adv)

2. improve (v) cải thiện improvement (n)
3. pay attention to: notice, chú ý, chú tâm
4. busy doing something: bận làm gì
5. have trouble doing something: gặp khó khăn khi làm gì

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6. miss doing something: to feel sad because you can no longer do something that you like

Give the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I want to travel because I enjoy (meet)meeting________ people and (see)seeing_________new
2. I try to avoid (go)__going________ shopping on Saturdays because the stores are so crowded.
With : (đông đúc)/ crowd of( đám đông người mua sắm)
3. We regret (inform) to inform you that your application has not been successful. ( hối tiếc
khi phải làm gì to V,Hối hận vì đã làm gì hoặc hối hận khi đã không làm gì v-ing)
4. He tries (please) pleasing to please himself with an ice-cream.
5. The body of the individual(cá nhân) is not harmed by (come)coming___ into contact with the
6. This new order will mean (work) working overtime.
7. My elder brother threatened( đe dọa)+to V (tell)__to tell_________ our mother if I used his
cellphone again.
8. Australia is now considering (nếu tân ngữ hoặc be V3 thì cộng to V)
(remove)_removing________humpback whales from the endangered species list.
9. Fitness games, which are very popular, allow ( như trên) you (practise) to practise__________ sports
techniques like balancing or hitting balls. 1
10. The matter continued (discuss)_discussing_being discussed__________ after the break. 2
11. She suggested (attend)__attending___________ that conference.
12. How did you manage (xoay sở)+ to V= succeed in Ving(persuade)_to persuade ___________ him?
13. As he crossed the street, the bus just missed( suýt nữa)+Ving (hit)_to hit_hitting____________ him.
14. 3.You must practise (speak) speaking______ English as much as possible to become more fluent.
15. After his business started (bring)_bringing/ to bring______ in profits, his health started going
downhill.(đi xuống) (Starting+ to V)
16. Parents often have trouble=have dificulty= have problems dùng Ving (find)_finding__________
good babysitters( trông trẻ) for their children.
17. We’re looking forward to (meet)_meeting_________ my grandparents this summer.
18. In the end, we decided (go)_to go______ to the theatre.
19. I'd expected (put)_to put(tăng cân)= gain weight .trái nghĩa Lose weight________weight on when I
gave up smoking, but I didn't.
20. There is evidence that some players can become addicted to their games and begin (prefer)__to
prefer/preferning______ their ‘virtual’ lives.
21. Her father opposed( phản đối)+ danh/Ving( gerund=> danh động từ) her
(become)__becoming___________ a missionary.( người truyền đạo)
22. The couple appeared( trông có vẻ) (have)__to have_________nothing in common. Have nothing in
common( ko có điểm chung)
23. It seems( trông có vẻ) (be)____ be to be some kind of jellyfish. Do not go near it.

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24. In 1948, nations agreed (name)_to name________ the centigrade scale after the man who developed
an earlier version of the scale Name st after sb( đặt tên đồ vật theo tên người đó)
25. The college's aim is to help students (achieve)__achieving___________their aspirations/ inspiretion/
respiration(hô hấp)


I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. A. ideal B. similar C. provide D. remind
2. A. lunch B. school C. children D. teacher
II. Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others.
3. A. safety B. profession C. semester D. forget
4. A. similarity B. entertainment C. Nationwide(toàn quốc) D.
III. Multiple choice. - Choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D).
5. _______ Blackpink’s members were very different, they seemed to get on well (hòa thuận) when
they met.
A. Because of B. In spite of C. Because D. Though
6. They decided to put off their journey till the end of the month __________the epidemic( lan rộng ở
1 khu vực nhỏ)/ pandemic(khu vực lớn).
A. because of B. though C. because D. despite
7. The Ministry of Health has officially announced a message featuring 5K to contain( kiểm soát) the
spread of
COVID-19 infections. (SYNONYM)
A. include B. cover C. control D. maintain
8. There was only one room left so we had to share and have become roommates since then.
A. a single B. a double C. a luxurious D. an updated
9. Young children enjoy helping with household tasks. (ANTONYM)
A. dislike B. like C. love D. think
10. Some of the maths questions were far too complicated for your average 10-year-old.
A. same B. now C. common D. simple
11. If you want to ask about someone’s ______________, you can say “Where were you born?”
A. place of birth B. date of birth C. surname D. occupation
12. Your change in ____________status should have no effect on your career.
A. marrying B. marry C. married D. marital
13. Caroline regretted ______ the interviewer's questions in English. Now, she is trying her best
_______ English.
A. not to answer/ learning B. did not answer/ with learning
C. not answer/ in learning D. not answering/to learn
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14. The City Committee agreed ________ the flower festival earlier this year.
A. to hold B. holding C. to be held D. being held
15. Most students are hoping ________ to sit the exam again.
A. to allow B. to be allowed C. allowing D. being allowed
16. I have had trouble ____________ recently. I am afraid that this will affect my grades.
A. studying B. to study C. study D. studied
17. He denied ____________the suspect.
A. meeting B. meet C. to meet D. to have met
18. Please avoid ___________in areas where sharks are known to appear suddenly.
A. swimming B. to swim C. swim D. swam
19. "________ did they arrive?" - " Ten minutes ago."
A. How long B. How much time
C. How many times D. When
20. are you living at the moment? - In Sydney.
A. Where B. What C. Which D. When
21. On________ occasions do you have to fill in a form?
A. Which B. What C. Who D. Whom
22. ________ ? - Due to the bad weather.
A. Why were you absent yesterday? B. What was the weather like
C. How was the weather D. Why was the weather bad

IV. Choose the suitable word or phrase (A, B, C, or D) to fill the blanks in the following passage.
Although many students are sick and tired of putting on their school uniform day after day, a uniform
does have its advantages. For a start, students have no need to worry about what to put on when they
get up (23) ______ the morning. Students know that in uniform they look more or less the same as
their classmates. As a result, their parents don't feel under pressure to provide a huge wardrobe of
clothes for them to wear. Moreover, it seems that children wearing the same colours and styles of
clothing gain a sense of belonging, something (24) ______ improves morale at school and reduces
levels of violence.
This theory has been supported by a study at a school in Long Beach, California. Staff members there
have noticed that since school uniform became compulsory, the number of arguments amongst pupils
has dropped by as much as 91%. This suggests that students who are all dressed in the same simple
school shirts and trousers are less likely to disagree with one (25)______. On the other hand, Cozette
Buckley, an Education Officer from Chicago, holds a rather different view, based on experience in her
schools. In her opinion, school uniforms are not a permanent solution but only a temporary aid to
playground problems (26)______they do not address the real source of conflict between children. It
seems, therefore, judging by these (27) ______ findings, that the school uniform debate isn't closed
(Adapted from “Mastering the FCE examination” by Adrian Simmons)
23. A. at B. in C. on D. until
24. A. which B. who C. whom D. where
25. A. other B. another C. every D. each

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26. A. despite B. though C. because D. because of

27. A. conflicting B. conflict C. conflicted D. to conflict
V. Error identification.
27. The children were surprised(A) when the teacher had (B) them to close (C) their books
28. Do you know (A) what was happened (B) to our car when (C) we were (D) away on holiday?
29. Teachers divided (A) the class into small groups (B) and giving (C) the students more time to
practice speaking English(D).
VI. Supply the correct forms of the words in brackets.
1. The artist looked at his works with _________. (satisfy)
2. _____________ (occasion) I'll have a piece of chocolate, but it's very rare.
3. Mary was very _________ (attend), taking notes in her class.
4. He lost his job although he worked _________. (effect)
5. She doesn't get on well with her _________ (team), so she asked to change groups.
VII. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning.
1. She likes Steven Spielberg's movies.
______________________________________________________________ 2.
He has played for Real Madrid for 5 years.
______________________________________________________________ 3.
She is working on a project about Nelson Mandela.
4. Listening to songs by Trinh Cong Son will help your mother relax completely.
______________________________________________________________ 5.
Thousands of people attended Mother Teresa's funeral.

I. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answers to the questions that follow.
In the early years of television, educational specialists believed that it would be very useful in
teaching and learning. Many schools have brought television sets, intending to use them effectively to
improve the quality of education; but actually they are rarely used properly in classrooms. Meanwhile,
children spend the majority of their out-of-school hours watching TV and their typical school days
proceed as if television did not exist.
There are some explanations for the failure of television to get the interest of the teachers.
Firstly, the schools that purchased television sets have not set aside money for equipment repairs and
maintenance so these television sets are sooner or later out of work. Secondly, these schools have not
found an effective way to train teachers to integrate television into their ongoing instructional
programs. Lastly, most teachers do not regard the quality of television and its usefulness in the
Teachers at the schools work hard for at least twelve years to train their students to become good
readers. However, according to a recent statistics, teenagers seldom spend their free time reading books
and newspapers but watching television instead.

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1. The text is about

A. the use of television at schools B. teaching and learning television
C. educational specialists D. watching television outside school
2. When TV first appeared, educational specialists
A. did not appreciate it
B. did not think it would be useful
C. believed it would be useful for schooling
D. banned children from watching TV
3. According to the text, TV
A. has not been used properly in classrooms
B. has not existed in classrooms
C. has been used effectively in classrooms
D. has not attracted students’ interest
4. Children spend their free time
A. reading books B. reading newspapers
C. learning foreign languages D. watching TV

II. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions.

1. She prefers walking to school ______ riding her motorbike.
2. Bob told Jess he wanted to share his life her.
3. You can learn _____ your friends to gain some insight into the difficult math problems.
4. They will hold an introductory course for those students who are unfamiliar ______ computers.
5. After retiring ______ the company, she has done voluntary work for a charity.

III. Give the correct tense or form of the verbs in brackets.

1. The police couldn't find out who ____________ (break) into the house that night.
2. No one knew how the plane crash ___________ (happen).
3. We know that Roy _________ (study) very seriously at the moment for the test tomorrow.
4. When I got home, the technician ________ (repair) my computer.
5. I ________ (work) late last night when I heard a very strange noise in the kitchen.
IV. Rewrite the following sentences without changing the meaning.
1. He won Tour de France racing competition seven times.
______________________________________________________________ 2.
She was crying because her mother got sick.
______________________________________________________________ 3.
Picasso had lived in France before he died in 1973.
______________________________________________________________ 4.
Sir Arthur Conal Doyle created the character of Sherlock Holmes.
______________________________________________________________ 5.
Martin Luther King was killed in 1968.

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V. Complete the following sentences with a suitable word from the box. (There are more words
than needed.)

continual resit course skills

fee health continuous evening class

1. Education helps us to acquire knowledge and learn new .

2. He did not get a good grade the first time he did his IELTS exam, so he decided to it.

3. Because so many students find exam stressful, some colleges offer a system of assessment instead.
4. I've been going to to improve my German.
5. Nowadays, education is promoted a lot in school.

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