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Phos 29

Today’s Light OCTOBER

A Spirit Guided Devotional 2023


" I have told you all this so that you may have peace in
me. Here on earth, you will have many trials and
sorrows. But TAKE HEART, because I have overcome the
(JOHN 16:33)

In our opening passage, we see our master the Lord Jesus With PS MIKE
Christ having a session with his disciples about what was to
For More happen as they carry on ministry here on earth. Notice, what he
Info: spoke to them from verse 1 up to verse 32, was for them to have
peace in Jesus Christ. Not all the master told them, was direct, not
really; for example, in verse 2, he told them they will be put out
Vade Mecum
+256 – 781 854 499 of the synagogues, and be killed, and yet he concludes by telling
them to have peace in him!

Notice, Jesus doesn’t say, because I have overcome the world,

you shall have it all smooth for you. Rather, he tells them, yes, as
much as I have overcome the world, you shall have tribulation
(pressure from all sides of life, affliction from the enemy, distress
on your souls) in this world. The word ‘overcome’ simply means to
#When you get victory, prevail, etc. Victory doesn’t eliminate the operations
are confident of the enemy; it simply disarmed the enemy.
and certain,
you easily Here is where it gets more interesting for the believer; The
access master says in this world you will have tribulation, BUT take heart,
victory. I have overcome the world. Notice, he says take heart first and
then tells you he has overcome the world! He didn’t say, “I have
overcome the world, now take heart”! This is the implication;
today, for you to recognize the victory Christ attained for us, you
must take heart. Take heart simply means (to be of good cheer,
to be courageous, be confident, certain).
When you are confident, certain, you easily access VICTORY over # Take heart, I
the world. have overcome
the World.
˹Our Father, thank you for victory; our TODAY
eyes are now open than ever before. We
see and access victory so easily over the
world because our hearts are Certain and READ & STUDY
Confident, because it is your Word LUKE 16-17
against the world’s. AMEN! ˼



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