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The Trunk Impairment Scale: A new tool to measure motor impairment of the
trunk after stroke

Article in Clinical Rehabilitation · June 2004

DOI: 10.1191/0269215504cr733oa · Source: PubMed


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6 authors, including:

Geert Verheyden Alice Nieuwboer

KU Leuven KU Leuven


Carlotte Kiekens
Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi


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Clinical Rehabilitation 2004; 18: 326]/334

The Trunk Impairment Scale: a new tool to measure

motor impairment of the trunk after stroke
G Verheyden, A Nieuwboer Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, J Mertin Neurologic Rehabilitation Unit of the Kiliani-Klinik, Bad Windsheim,
R Preger Neurologic Rehabilitation Unit of the Klinik Kipfenberg, Germany, C Kiekens Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Unit of the University Hospital Pellenberg, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and W De Weerdt Department of Rehabilitation
Sciences, Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Received 17th December 2002; returned for revisions 2nd April 2003; revised manuscript accepted 15th June 2003.

Objective: To examine the clinimetric characteristics of the Trunk Impairment Scale

(TIS). This newly developed scale evaluates motor impairment of the trunk after
stroke. The TIS scores, on a range from 0 to 23, static and dynamic sitting balance as
well as trunk co-ordination. It also aims to score the quality of trunk movement and to
be a guide for treatment.
Design: Two physiotherapists observed each patient simultaneously, but scored
independently. Each patient was re-examined by one of the therapists.
Subjects: Twenty-eight patients in a rehabilitation setting.
Results: Kappa and weighted kappa values for item per item reliability ranged for all
but two, from 0.62 to 1. All percentages of agreement exceeded 81%. Intraclass
correlations (ICC) for the summed scores of the different subscales were between
0.85 and 0.99. Test]/retest and interobserver reliability for the TIS total score (ICC)
was 0.96 and 0.99, respectively. The 95% limits of agreement for the test ]/retest and
interexaminer measurement error were 2/2.90, 3.68 and 2/1.84, 1.84, respectively.
Cronbach alpha coefficients for internal consistency ranged from 0.65 to 0.89.
Content validity was defined. Spearman rank correlations with the Barthel Index
(r 5 /0.86) and the Trunk Control Test (r 5 /0.83) was used to examine construct and
concurrent validity, respectively.
Conclusions: Analysis of different clinimetric parameters support the use of the TIS
in both clinical use and future stroke research. Guidelines for treatment and level of
quality of trunk activity can be derived from the assessment.

Introduction little attention. D avies4 associates the loss of

selective control in the trunk with problems of
M ost literatu re concerning motor rehabilitatio n breathing, speech, balance, gait, arm and hand
after stroke focuses on the upper and lower function. Sittin g balance is also reported as a
extremity.1] 3 Trunk rehabilitation receives only predictor of motor and functio nal recovery after
stroke.5] 8 The importance of recovery of trunk
function, although often stated by clinical experts,
Address for correspondence: G eert Verheyden, K atholieke needs to be confirm ed by scientific research.
U niversiteit Leuven, F aculty of Physical Education and
In the litera ture, the use of a clinical tool to
Physiotherapy, D epartment of Rehabilitation Sciences, Tervuur-
sevest 101, B-3000 Leuven, Belgium. e-mail: geert.verheyden@ measure trunk function is poorly documented. Sometimes a 3-, 4- or 5-point ordinal scale is
# Arnold 2004 10.1191/0269215504cr733oa
T he T runk Impairment S cale 327

used without mentioning origin or basic statistica l sit upright. Exclusion criteria were a hip prosthesis
characteristics. 5,7,9 The Sittin g Balance Scale devel- at the nonhemiplegic side or a score of 0 on the
oped by N ieuwboer et al.10 showed poor reliability, comprehension or speech item of the European
especially for the items evaluating the quality of Stroke Scale.19 F urther data collection to define
trunk activity. The Trunk Control Test by Collin the population consisted of patient’s age, sex,
and Wade is a quick and reliable measure with hemiplegic side, type of stroke, days since stroke,
predictive validity.11,12 Limitatio ns of the test are Barthel Index,20 BrunnstroÈ m-F ugl-M eyer test 21 for
that it does not take the quality of movement into upper and lower extremity and Trunk Control
account 11 as well as the moderate correlation with Test.11
trunk strength, 13 measured using a hand dyna- Twenty-eight patients (14 female and 14 male)
mometer. The latter was explained by Bohannon were included in the study. Eleven had a right
because it needs more than trunk muscle strength hemiplegia, 15 a left hemiplegia and two were
to complete the tasks of the Trunk Control Test. 13 bilaterally affected. Eight patients suffered from
In several existing scales, (isolated) trunk activity is a haemorrhagic stroke, 20 had an ischaemic
scored as one component. Examples are the `leg accident. M edian age was 63 years, media n days
and trunk’ scale of the R ivermead M otor Assess- since stroke 61 (Table 1). The majorit y of patients
ment, 14 the `balanced sittin g’ item of the M otor had moderate AD L function and limited motor
Assessment Scale, 15 the `postural control’ part of recovery (Table 1).
the Chedoke-M cM aster Stroke Assessment, 16 the Ethical approval was obtained from the Ethical
`lying and sittin g’ tests of the Postural Assessment Commission, M edical Faculty, K .U.Leuven, Bel-
Scale for Stroke Patients17 and the `verticality’ and
gium. Informed consent was obtained from all
`abdominal manual muscle testing’ items of the
Stroke Impairment Assessment Set. 18
For the reliability study, each patient was
The aim of this study was to develop a
examined twice. On one occasion, two phy-
comprehensive tool to measure motor impairment
siotherapists scored the TIS concurrently but
of the trunk after stroke, the Trunk Impairment
Scale (TIS), and to examine reliability, internal independently. On another occasion, one of the
consistency and validity of the TIS. The scale therapists assessed the patient alone. The therapist
should include the observation of quality of trunk who examined the patient alone also instructed the
movement and be a guide for the treatment of the patient when both observers were scoring simulta-
trunk in stroke patients. neously. The two observations were always on the
same day, separated by 1 or 2 hours of recovery
time. D uring that time no treatment was offered.
The observations were planned every half hour, so
at least two different patients were evaluated before
Methods seeing the same patient again. To further minimize
recall bias, the observers filled in the score sheet
The TIS consists of three subscales: static sittin g but did not add up the scores. Allocation of the
balance, dynamic sittin g balance and co-ordina-
tion. Each subscale contains between three and Table 1 Patient characteristics
ten items. The TIS score ranges from a minimum
of 0 to a maximum of 23. Median (Q1,Q3)a Range
In a preliminary study, scoring the symmetry Age (years) 63 (47,71) 32 ]/87
and manual lengthening of the hemiplegic and Days since stroke 61 (46,94) 21 ]/2341
nonhemiplegic side of the trunk were considered as Barthel Index 60 (33,80) 5 ]/100
well. D ue to poor reliability, these items were BrunnstroÈm-Fugl-Meyer 9 (4,54) 0 ]/66
Test (arm)
removed from the scoring system. Other parts of BrunnstroÈm-Fugl-Meyer 19 (6,25) 0 ]/31
the scale were redefined. The current scale is given Test (leg)
in the Appendix. Trunk Control Test 75 (43,94) 0 ]/100
Stroke patients were recruited in rehabilitatio n
centres and were included if they were allowed to Q1 means quartile one; Q3 means quartile three.
328 G Verheyden et al.

patients to the observers as well as the order of the lated for item 3 (test ]/retest reliability) and item 4
two observations were randomized. Each observer (test ]/retest and inter-rater reliability) of co-ordi-
examined a group of 14 patients twice, amounting nation because of a skewed distribution of the
to 28 patients in total. data. Percentage of agreement for these items
In this study, every item of the scale was ranged from 86% to 100%.
performed three times to avoid a possible scoring ICCs for static and dynamic sittin g balance,
bias if a patient reached the maximum score after co-ordination and the total TIS are presented in
one or two attempts. Table 3 and were between 0.85 and 0.99. The 95%
Test ]/retest reliability was measured by compar- test ]/retest and interexaminer measurement error
ing the results of the therapists who examined the interval on the total TIS score was 2/2.90, 3.68
patient twice. To determine inter-rater reliability, and 2/1.84, 1.84, respectively.
the results of both therapists who observed the Internal consistency by means of Cronbach’s
patient simultaneously were compared. alpha was calculated for the subscales static sittin g
Test ]/retest and interobserver reliability were balance (0.79), dynamic sittin g balance (0.86) and
determined for all scale items. K appa and weighted co-ordination (0.65). Cronbach’s alpha for the
kappa values were calculated for dichotomous and total Trunk Impairment Scale was 0.89.
ordinal scales, respectively. Percentage of agree- Content validity of the TIS was achieved
ment was also determined for all items. Test ]/retest through literatu re review, observing stroke pa-
and interobserver reliability for the subtotals and tients, clinical experience of the authors and
total score was examined by means of intraclass discussing the content of the scale with specialists
correlation (IC C). The 95% test ]/retest and inter- within the field of stroke rehabilita tion. Spearman
examiner measurement error interval according to rank correlation between the TIS and the Barthel
H aas22 was determined. Cronbach’s alpha was Index (construct validity) was 0.86, between the
calculated to check for internal consistency of the TIS and the Trunk Control Test (concurrent
subscales and total scale. Content validity was validity) 0.83.
evaluated. The TIS total score was compared with The time needed to complete the TIS ranged
the Barthel Index by means of Spearman rank from 2 to 18 minutes. All obtained scores ranged
correlations for determining constru ct validity and between 0 and 21. The median score (quartile 1,
with the Trunk Control Test for concurrent quartile 3) was 14 (10, 16).
Item per item reliability was established when
the kappa or weighted kappa statistic exceeded
0.6023 or when more then 80% agreement was Discussion
observed. Test ]/retest and interobserver reliability
of the subtotals and TIS total was reached when
The aim of this study was to develop a measure-
the ICC was 0.80 or higher. Cronbach’s alpha
ment tool to evaluate the impairment of the trunk
should exceed 0.70, which is suggested as a value of
scale reliability and indicates underlying con-
struct. 24 Clinical messages

. The Trunk Impairment Scale (TIS) is a new

Results tool to measure motor impairment of the
trunk after stroke.
As seen in Table 2, most kappa or weighted kappa . The TIS evaluates static and dynamic sittin g
values ranged from 0.62 to 1. Test ]/retest agree- balance as well as co-ordination of trunk
ment of item 2 of static sittin g balance (0.51) and movement.
item 2 of co-ordination (0.46) were insufficient. . The TIS has sufficient reliability, internal
For these items, a high percentage of agreement, consistency and validity for use in clinical
89% and 93% respectively, was observed. N o practice and stroke research.
kappa or weighted kappa values could be calcu-
T he T runk Impairment S cale 329

Table 2 Kappa or weighted kappa, lower value of the 90% con® dence limit of the kappa or weighted kappa and percentage of
agreement for test]/retest and inter-observer agreement

Item j /j wa Test ]/retest agreement Inter-observer agreement

Valueb 90%lclc %d Valueb 90%lclc %d

Static sitting balance

Item 1 j 1 1 100% 1 1 100%
Item 2 j 0.51 0.11 89% 1 1 100%
Item 3 j w 0.87 0.77 86% 0.97 0.92 96%

Dynamic sitting balance

Item 1 j 0.70 0.47 86% 1 1 100%
Item 2 j 0.78 0.59 89% 0.93 0.81 96%
Item 3 j 0.62 0.37 82% 0.84 0.66 93%
Item 4 j 1 1 100% 1 1 100%
Item 5 j 1 1 100% 1 1 100%
Item 6 j 0.78 0.59 89% 0.93 0.81 96%
Item 7 j 0.93 0.81 96% 1 1 100%
Item 8 j 0.73 0.49 89% 0.91 0.76 96%
Item 9 j 0.62 0.37 82% 0.84 0.67 93%
Item 10 j 0.71 0.40 93% 0.76 0.49 93%

Item 1 j w 0.76 0.57 86% 0.71 0.48 86%
Item 2 j 0.46 2/0.07 93% 0.78 0.44 96%
Item 3 j w *e 86% 0.70 0.50 82%
Item 4 j *e 100% *e 96%

j /j w indicates the use of a kappa (j ) or weighted kappa (j w) for statistic analysis.
Value of the calculated kappa or weighted kappa.
Lower value of the 90% confidence limit of the kappa or weighted kappa.
Percentage of agreement.
No Kappa or weighted Kappa could be calculated because of the skewed distribution of the data.

after stroke and to investigate its reliability, inter- respectively, were found in combination with a
nal consistency and validity. high percentage of agreement. H aas22 points out
that if there is a large percentage of agreement but
most of that agreement is limited to one of the
Reliability possible scores, the kappa value is not an appro-
For item 2 of static sittin g balance and co- priate index of reliability. In this study this would
ordination, low kappa values of 0.51 and 0.46, suggest that these items are too easy. This conclu-
sion would not be sound because a number of
Table 3 ICC for test]/retest and inter-observer agreement patients scored 0 on the tests. Secondly, we expect
that the evaluation of the static sittin g balance will
Total Test]/retest Inter-observer be particularly relevant when examining an acute
agreement agreement stroke population. Limited variance was also
Static sitting 0.91 (0.83) 0.99 (0.99) found for items 3 and 4 of co-ordination as well.
balance These items evaluate the symmetry of the (timed)
Dynamic sitting 0.94 (0.89) 0.98 (0.96) co-ordination of the lower part of the trunk.
balance Symmetric trunk movements are apparently diffi-
Co-ordination 0.87 (0.76) 0.85 (0.74)
Trunk Impairment 0.96 (0.93) 0.99 (0.97) cult for stroke patients. Because the TIS should
Scale also be a guide for treatment, inclusion of these
items seems appropriate. Besides if fast, alternating
Values are presented as ICC (90% lower confidence limit). trunk movements are difficult to achieve, there will
330 G Verheyden et al.

be no ceiling effect of the scale. The level of describe literatu re where useful alpha coefficients
difficulty for the various items could be determined are reported under 0.70 or 0.60. In this study
by means of a Rasch analysis. H owever a very large Cronbach’s alpha was mainly used to examine the
number of patients is needed for this analysis. underlying construct of the subscales and total
Although the percentage of observer agreement TIS, which seems confirm ed by the presented data.
is high and exceeds the proposed limit, several
authors point out that the agreement due to
chance alone is not taken into account when Comparison with other scales
percentage agreement is presented. 22,25 To establish K appa and weighted kappa values for the test ]/
the reliability of items 1 and 2 of static sittin g retest and inter-rater agreement of the individual
balance (easy items) and items 2, 3 and 4 of co- items of the TIS ranged from 0.46 to 1 and from
ordination (difficult items), a new study should be 0.70 to 1, respectively. K appa values reported
set up examining the TIS on an acute ward with for the lying and sitting items of the Postural
severely impaired stroke patients and on a nearly Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients 17 are simila r.
fully recovered stroke population, respectively. They ranged between 0.45 and 1 for intra- and
between 0.64 and 1 for inter-rater reliability.
N ieuwboer et al.10 reported lower values from
Measurement error 0.20 to 1. Items regarding quality of movement
In this study, values for inter-rater reliability ranged from 0.20 to 0.64. The previous two studies
exceeded those for test ]/retest agreement. This do not mention percentage of agreement if there
could be explained by the fact that in the case of was a low kappa value. Total scale score of the TIS
the inter-rater reliability, both observers were is highly reliable. Reported Spearman rho correla-
scoring the patient at the same time, so all possible tion coefficients for the inter-rater agreement of
areas of bias and variability were minimized. the Trunk Control Test 11 was 0.76, for the sittin g
Variation within the patient’s performance can balance item of the M otor Assessment Scale30
also be a possible reason for lower test ]/retest 0.99. Product moment and rank order correlation
reliability. This is confirm ed by the higher test ]/ coefficients only have a limited value as indices of
retest examiner measurement error, 3.68 (16% of reliability. Systematic errors are not taken into
TIS total) in comparison with the 1.84 (8% of TIS account. 22,25,31,32 Adding up dichotomous and
total) for the interexaminer measurement error. ordinal items is a widely used method in scale
The latter is comparable with the reported limits of development. The total score can thus be seen as a
agreement of the Action Research Arm test continuous variable. Therefore ICC can be used as
(between 10 and 10.88%) and the BrunnstroÈ m- an appropriate statistic for examining reliability.
F ugl-M eyer assessment scale (between 7.58 and F ranchignoni et al. 12 reported for the Trunk
10%).26 For the Sickness Impact Profile, Becker- Control Test Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of 0.83
man et al .27 also found a minimum decrease of and 0.86. Benaim et al. 17 found for the Postural
9.26% before an unbiased improvement can be Assessment Scale for Stroke Patients 0.95 as
considered. The test ]/retest examiner measurement coefficient of internal consistency. These are in
error of the TIS (3.68) was based on a method line with the results for the TIS in this study (0.89).
suggested by H aas,22 an alternative to the method Content, construct (r5 /0.86 with Barthel Index)
of Altman and Bland.28 An increase of 4 points on and concurrent validity (r 5 /0.83 with Trunk Con-
the TIS can be seen as an improvement without trol Test) of the TIS were established. Construct
reproducibility bias. validity of the Trunk Control Test was examined
by comparison with the F unctional Independence
Internal consistency M easure (F IM ). Correlation coefficients ranged
Cronbach’s alpha for the subscale co-ordination from 0.71 to 0.79 and from 0.82 to 0.86 for the
was under the suggested value of 0.70. This reflects total F IM and for the motor part of the F IM ,
only moderate reliability according to N unnally.24 respectively.12 Benaim et al.17 found a correlation
Still the ICC values for the subscale co-ordination of 0.73 between the Postural Assessment Scale for
are well above the critical value. F urther, 0.70 is Stroke Patients and the F IM . A correlation of 0.28
only a rule of thumb. H atcher and Stepanski29 was found between the sittin g balance item of the
T he T runk Impairment S cale 331

M otor Assessment Scale and the BrunnstroÈ m- References

F ugl-M eyer assessment.30
An additional aim of the TIS was to score the 1 M oreland J, Thomson M A. Ef®cacy of
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T he T runk Impairment S cale 333

Appendix ] Trunk Impairment Scale (TIS)


The starting positio n for each item is the same. The patient is sittin g on the edge of a bed or treatment
table without back and arm support. The thighs make full contact with the bed or table, the feet are hip
width apart and placed flat on the floor. The knee angle is 908. The arms rest on the legs. If hypertonia is
present the positio n of the hemiplegic arm is taken as the starting positio n. The head and trunk are in a
midline position.
If the patient scores 0 on the first item, the total score for the TIS is 0.
Each item of the test can be performed three times. The highest score counts. N o practice session is
The patient can be corrected between the attempts.
The tests are verbally explained to the patient and can be demonstrated if needed.


Static sitting balance

1 Starting position Patient falls or cannot maintain starting position for 10 seconds e 0
without arm support
Patient can maintain starting position for 10 seconds e 2
If score5 /0, then TIS total score5 /0

2 Starting position Patient falls or cannot maintain sitting e 0

Therapist crosses the unaffected leg over the hemiplegic leg position for 10 seconds without arm support
Patient can maintain sitting position for 10 seconds e 2

3 Starting position Patient falls e 0

Patient crosses the unaffected leg over the hemiplegic leg Patient cannot cross the legs without arm support on bed or table e 1
Patient crosses the legs but displaces the trunk more than 10 cm e 2
backwards or assists crossing with the hand
Patient crosses the legs without trunk displacement or assistance e 3
Total static sitting balance /7

Dynamic sitting balance

1 Starting position Patient falls, needs support from an upper extremity or the elbow e 0
Patient is instructed to touch the bed or table with the hemiplegic does not touch the bed or table
elbow (by shortening the hemiplegic side and lengthening the Patient moves actively without help, elbow touches bed or table e 1
unaffected side) and return to the starting position If score5 /0, then items 2 and 3 score 0

2 Repeat item 1 Patient demonstrates no or opposite e 0

Patient demonstrates appropriate shortening/lengthening e 1
If score5 /0, then item 3 scores 0

3 Repeat item 1 Patient compensates. Possible compensations are: (1) use of upper e 0
extremity, (2)
contralateral hip abduction, (3) hip flexion
(if elbow touches bed or table further then proximal half of femur),
(4) knee flexion, (5) sliding of the feet
Patient moves without compensation e 1

4 Starting position Patient falls, needs support from an upper extremity or the elbow e 0
Patient is instructed to touch the bed or table with the unaffected does not touch the bed or table
elbow (by shortening the unaffected side and lengthening the Patient moves actively without help, elbow touches bed or table e 1
hemiplegic side) and return to the starting position If score5 /0, then items 5 and 6 score 0

5 Repeat item 4 Patient demonstrates no or opposite e 0

Patient demonstrates appropriate shortening/lengthening e 1
If score5 /0, then item 6 scores 0
334 G Verheyden et al.


6 Repeat item 4 Patient compensates. Possible compensations are: (1) use of upper e 0
extremity, (2)
contralateral hip abduction, (3) hip flexion
(if elbow touches bed or table further then proximal half of femur),
(4) knee flexion, (5) sliding of the feet
Patient moves without compensation e 1

7 Starting position Patient demonstrates no or opposite e 0

Patient is instructed to lift pelvis from bed or table at the shortening/lengthening
hemiplegic side (by shortening the hemiplegic side and lengthening Patient demonstrates appropriate shortening/lengthening e 1
the unaffected side) and return to the starting position If score5 /0, then item 8 scores 0

8 Repeat item 7 Patient compensates. Possible compensations are: (1) use of upper e 0
extremity, (2) pushing off with the ipsilateral foot (heel loses contact
with the floor)
Patient moves without compensation e 1

9 Starting position Patient demonstrates no or opposite shortening/lengthening e 0

Patient is instructed to lift pelvis from bed or table at the Patient demonstrates appropriate shortening/lengthening e 1
unaffected side (by shortening the unaffected side and lengthening If score5 /0, then item 10 scores 0
the hemiplegic side) and return to the starting position

10 Repeat item 9 Patient compensates. Possible compensations are: (1) use of upper e 0
extremities, (2) pushing off with the ipsilateral foot (heel loses
contact with the floor)
Patient moves without compensation e 1
Total dynamic sitting balance /10

1 Starting position H emiplegic side is not moved three times e 0
Patient is instructed to rotate upper trunk 6 times (every shoulder Rotation is asymmetrical e 1
should be moved forward 3 times), first side that moves must be Rotation is symmetrical e 2
hemiplegic side, head should be fixated in starting position If score5 /0, then item 2 scores 0

2 Repeat item 1 within 6 seconds Rotation is asymmetrical e 0

Rotation is symmetrical e 1

3 Starting position H emiplegic side is not moved three times e 0

Patient is instructed to rotate lower trunk 6 times (every knee Rotation is asymmetrical e 1
should be moved forward 3 times), first side that moves must be Rotation is symmetrical e 2
hemiplegic side, upper trunk should be fixated in starting position If score5 /0, then item 4 scores 0

4 Repeat item 3 within 6 seconds Rotation is asymmetrical e 0

Rotation is symmetrical e 1
Total co-ordination /6

Total Trunk Impairment Scale /23

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