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Procedure Name: Resources Issue No: 1

Procedure Ref: AV-SP-01 Date: 20/09/2019
ISO 9001 Clause Ref: 7.1

1 20/09/2019 Gareth Haines Tom David Tom David Initial Issue

Issue Date Author Reviewed Approved Reason for Change

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Procedure Name: Resources Issue No: 1

Procedure Ref: AV-SP-01 Date: 20/09/2019
ISO 9001 Clause Ref: 7.1


(Determine provide & manage the infrastructure needed to achieve conformity of product/ service & enhance
customer satisfaction)

1. The Directors shall establish, provide and maintain the facilities needed to achieve the conformity of product/
service to meet Customer requirements. This will include existing assets as well as new equipment/ investment,
housekeeping and maintenance. Capabilities and constraints of existing internal resources shall be considered,
as shall what is required from external providers

2. For existing assets, financial records will be maintained & those required to comply with legal or regulatory
Additional records should be maintained to include:
• Workspace and associated facilities
• Equipment including key process equipment, information and communication technology/ systems
(including computer hardware and software)
• Supporting services including telecom
• Transportation of products, materials and personnel

3. The Company will assess and review additional/ alternative facilities formally at least as part of the
Management Review Meeting and Sales Process when reviewing requirements

(Determine & provide facilities to achieve conformity of product/ service)

1. The Directors shall determine, and manage the human and physical factors of the work environment needed to
achieve conformity of product and/ or service. This includes:
• the applicable physical conditions (noise, hygiene, temperature, heating, humidity, lighting, airflow, or
• social (Non-discriminatory, calm, non-confrontational)
• psychological (stress reduction, burnout prevention, emotionally protective)
• ensuring a state of order and cleanliness and repair consistent with the manufacturing needs

2. The Company will review work environment as a part of the Management Review

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