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Procedure Name: Training and Competency Issue No: 1

Procedure Ref: AV-SP-02 Date: 20/09/2019
ISO 9001 Clause Ref: 7.2 7.3

1 20/09/2019 Gareth Haines Tom David Tom David Initial Issue

Issue Date Author Reviewed Approved Reason for Change

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Procedure Name: Training and Competency Issue No: 1

Procedure Ref: AV-SP-02 Date: 20/09/2019
ISO 9001 Clause Ref: 7.2 7.3

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Procedure Name: Training and Competency Issue No: 1

Procedure Ref: AV-SP-02 Date: 20/09/2019
ISO 9001 Clause Ref: 7.2 7.3

Additional Notes
Selection criteria are adjusted by Senior Management or departmental Manager based of needs of the business and level of seniority required.
Education, training and competency through previous employment to be registered and retained within Personnel files.

Basic Induction training will be completed within 2 days of commencing employment. Additional detailed training to be delivered within 2 weeks.
Training will be recorded on AV-TC-01 Induction Pack. Induction Pack and supporting training documents to be given to HR department.

As part of the Induction process, the company’s Quality Management System key points shall be presented, in particular:
- Introduction to the Quality Management System
- Quality Policy
- Policy objectives and targets
- Personnel’s individual contribution to the Quality Management System
- The implications of not conforming to the Quality Management System

Performance Appraisal between Manager and Employee shall review/ evaluate the skills and competence in AV-TC-F02 Office Employee Assessment form.
For Tradesman, AV-TC-F03 Employee Assessment form, which is used for project by project basis, shall capture performance related training requirements.
In addition to annual appraisals, skills and competence may also be discussed periodically and training matrix updated. Customer specified and/ or customer provided
training will be included.
Employee shall source the training provider or shall request HR to source the training providers. AV-TC-F04 Training Request and Analysis form shall contain the planned
date and cost.
For project related mandatory trainings, HR shall track the expiry date through their training register and co-ordinate with the employee. A training request form is not
required in this case. A training evaluation might not be applicable here.
AV-TC-F05 Training and Evaluation Record to be used for recording the attendance and self-evaluation of training performed within the Company.
After the completion of training, the benefits of the training will, be assessed against the original objectives; training evaluation will be done and results recorded in the
Performance Appraisal.
Competence levels will be a judgement made by the appropriate Manager, unless a qualification obtained through an external body. e.g. Welder Approvals.

General Notes:

1) Employee undergoing any external training (company sponsored) should inform the HR Dept. and hand over a copy of the training certificate.
2) Records to be retained within Personnel files.


AV-TR-01 Training Register

AV-TM-01Training Matrix
AV-TC-F01 Induction Pack
AV-TC-F02 Office Employee Assessment form
AV-TC-F03 Employee Assessment form
AV-TC-F04 Training Request and Analysis form
AV-TC-F05 Training and Evaluation Record

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