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The People

Hamas is a Palestinian political and militant organization. It was founded in 1987

during the First Intifada, a Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation, and it has since
evolved into one of the most prominent Palestinian political entities. Hamas's name stands for
"Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya," which translates to the "Islamic Resistance Movement."

Hamas has both a political and a military wing. Its political wing governs the Gaza
Strip, an area under Palestinian control, while its military wing engages in armed resistance
against Israel. The organization is known for its resistance to Israeli occupation and its
commitment to the Palestinian cause.

Hamas's goals and methods have been a subject of controversy and conflict. It is
designated as a terrorist organization by Israel, the United States, the European Union, and
other countries due to its use of violence and terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians.
However, it also enjoys support among Palestinians, who view it as a legitimate resistance
movement fighting for Palestinian rights and statehood.

The Palestinian people, on the other hand, are a diverse group of individuals who live
in the geographic region of historic Palestine, which includes the West Bank, the Gaza Strip,
and parts of present-day Israel. They have a rich cultural and historical heritage, and they
have been at the center of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for decades. Palestinians seek self-
determination and statehood, and their struggle for these rights has been a significant focus of
international attention and diplomacy.

It's important to note that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a complex and deeply
rooted issue, and there are varying perspectives and narratives on the history and ongoing
dynamics of this conflict. The conflict involves multiple stakeholders, including Israelis,
Palestinians, and various international actors, making it a highly contentious and sensitive

In summary, Hamas is a Palestinian organization with both political and military

wings, known for its resistance to Israeli occupation, while the Palestinian people are a
diverse group seeking self-determination and statehood in the region of historic Palestine.
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict, of which Hamas is a part, remains a highly complex and
contentious issue with differing viewpoints and ongoing efforts toward resolution.
The Palestinian people, a diverse group living in historic Palestine, have been at the
center of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for decades. They seek self-determination and
statehood, a topic of international attention and diplomacy. The conflict is complex and
involves multiple stakeholders, including Hamas, a Palestinian organization. The conflict
remains contentious with differing viewpoints and ongoing efforts for resolution.


The beliefs of people in Hamas and Palestine can vary widely, as they encompass
diverse religious, political, and social perspectives. However, I can provide an overview of
some key elements:

1. *Hamas:* Hamas is a Palestinian political and militant organization. Its beliefs and
goals include:

- *Islamism:* Hamas is an Islamist organization, which means it seeks to establish an

Islamic state in historic Palestine. It draws inspiration from Islamic law (Sharia) in its

- *Resistance:* Hamas believes in armed resistance against what it perceives as the

Israeli occupation of Palestinian lands.

- *Social Services:* In addition to its military activities, Hamas operates social

programs and provides services to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, where it governs.

2. *Palestinian Beliefs:* Palestinians, in general, have a range of beliefs and goals

related to their national identity and struggle for statehood. Some key points include:

- *Right to Self-Determination:* Palestinians seek the right to self-determination,

which includes the establishment of a sovereign Palestinian state.

- *Two-State Solution:* The Palestinian leadership, as well as many Palestinians,

support the idea of a two-state solution, which involves the creation of an independent
Palestinian state alongside Israel.

- *Refugee Issue:* Many Palestinians and their descendants are refugees, and the
right of return is a deeply held belief for them, which means they should have the option to
return to their ancestral homes in what is now Israel.
It's important to note that beliefs within both Hamas and the broader Palestinian
population are not uniform, and there are differing opinions on the best strategies for
achieving Palestinian statehood and addressing the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


The Palestinian people are largely ethnically, linguistically and religiously

homogenous, being Arab, Arabic-speaking and Sunni Muslim (with Christians constituting
the largest religious minority). Over 5 million Palestinians live in the West Bank, Gaza and
East Jerusalem, which have been occupied by Israel since 1967 (also known as the
Palestinian Territories).

1 An additional 1.6 million remain in Israel where they make up approximately 20%
of the population (see the Israeli profile).

2 The experiences of those living in the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), Gaza
and Israel vary significantly, as they are affected by different political and physical
circumstances. Millions of Palestinians also live in foreign countries across the world (often
as refugees and stateless peoples), having fled due to the impacts of conflict, occupation and
exile in the region.

Palestinian society was historically agriculture-based and very locally diverse, with
many customs varying between regions. However, culture and daily life have been
significantly impacted by decades of conflict, Israeli occupation, dispossession and
displacement. Resilience has become an essential trait of the Palestinian character instilled as
a result of these experiences over multiple generations.

While many traditional social structures have collapsed under occupation, most
Palestinians continue to be guided by Islamic principles and Arabic cultural values, such as
hospitality, loyalty, honour and respect for elders. Family solidarity and community networks
also remain strong cultural features, providing crucial support in difficult circumstances.
Nevertheless, Palestinians are generally unified by a profound connection to the land, a recent
history of dispossession and aspirations for greater dignity, recognition and freedom from
Historical Background

Hamas is a Palestinian organization founded in 1987 during the First Intifada against
Israeli occupation. It has both political and militant wings. Hamas is considered a terrorist
organization by some countries, while others view it as a legitimate resistance movement
fighting for Palestinian rights. The conflict between Israel and Hamas has been a long-
standing and complex issue in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The historical background of
Palestine is complex and has been shaped by centuries of cultural, political, and religious
influences and has been ruled by numerous groups, including the Assyrians, Babylonians,
Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Fatimids, Seljuk Turks, Crusaders, Egyptians and
Mamelukes. From about 1517 to 1917, the Ottoman Empire ruled much of the region.

The origins of the Palestine problem as an international issue, however, lie in events
occurring towards the end of the First World War. These events led to a League of Nations
decision to place Palestine under the administration of Great Britain as the Mandatory Power
under the Mandates System adopted by the League. In principle, the Mandate was meant to
be in the nature of a transitory phase until Palestine attained the status of a fully independent
nation, a status provisionally recognized in the League’s Covenant, but in fact the Mandate’s
historical evolution did not result in the emergence of Palestine as an independent nation.

Political Stand

The politics of the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) take place within the
framework of a semi-presidential multi-party republic, with a legislative council, an
executive president, and a prime minister leading the cabinet.

The President of the State of Palestine is the highest-ranking political position, the
equivalent to head of state, in the Palestinian National Authority (PNA). The President is
elected by popular elections. The last presidential election was the 2005 Palestinian
presidential election.

The Prime Minister is appointed by the President and not directly elected by
the Palestinian Legislative Council (parliament) or Palestinian voters. Unlike prime ministers
in many other countries, the Palestinian Prime Minister does not serve as a member of
the legislature while in office. Instead, the appointment is made independently by the ruling
party. The Prime Minister is expected to represent the majority party or ruling coalition in the
Legislative Council.

Political stand and aspiration Hamas is considered a Palestinian political and militant
organization. It was founded with the goal of establishing an independent Palestinian state.
Some countries, including the United States and the European Union, have designated Hamas
as a terrorist organization due to its history of violence and attacks in pursuit of its political
objectives. However, it's important to note that opinions on Hamas vary, and some view it as
a legitimate resistance movement. Hamas is a Palestinian organization that has both political
and militant aspects. Its main goal is to create an independent Palestinian state, but it's
controversial because it has used violence to achieve its aims. Some see it as a freedom-
fighting group, while others label it as a terrorist organization.

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