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Procedure Name: Health Surveillance Issue No: 1

Procedure Ref: AV-SWP-04 Date: 27th January 2020

1 27/01/2020 Gareth Haines Tom David Tom David Initial Issue

Issue Date Author Reviewed Approved Reason for Change

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Procedure Name: Health Surveillance Issue No: 1

Procedure Ref: AV-SWP-04 Date: 27th January 2020

Although it is the policy of Avantis to prevent ill health in the workplace by the use of suitable workplace
precautions, it is recognised that, on occasions a programme of health surveillance is also necessary to identify,
at the earliest stage, any adverse effects on our employee’s health due to work related causes and to enable
steps to be taken to prevent further harm.


The requirement for health surveillance will be identified as part of the relevant risk assessment.

Where identified by the relevant risk assessment, and there is a legal obligation, Avantis will ensure that
arrangements are made for the provision of health surveillance at the appropriate intervals.

The frequency, level and procedure for health surveillance will be determined either by reference to suitable
general guidance or following the advice of a qualified medical practitioner or occupational health specialist.

Where identified by a noise risk assessment, and there is a legal obligation, Avantis will ensure that arrangements
are made for persons at risk, the provision of hearing tests and surveillance at the appropriate intervals (at least
annually or in-line with local legislation). Persons at risk of a noise hazard will be nominated by the Compliance
Department dependent upon their exposure. All full time workshop personnel are to be considered as
nominated for surveillance.

Attendance to arranged hearing tests is a mandatory requirement for those nominated.


Where it is identified that health surveillance is necessary, Avantis will ensure that the arrangements continue
throughout the individual’s employment unless the risk and associated health effect are rare and short term.

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Procedure Name: Health Surveillance Issue No: 1

Procedure Ref: AV-SWP-04 Date: 27th January 2020


Avantis will ensure that employees or their representatives have the opportunity to discuss and comment on the
proposed health surveillance arrangements. Access to an appropriately qualified practitioner for advice before
the health surveillance takes place and to discuss the results will also be provided.

Records will be kept of:

• risk assessments and safe working procedures

• the personal details of employees who are exposed to hazards which could cause ill health
• type, level and frequency of the health surveillance
• name of qualified medical practitioner or occupational health specialist
• health records, including pre employment questionnaires where appropriate
• results of health surveillance undertaken (with permission of employee)

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