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Ultimate AI Prompts

for the Workplace

The search engine that helps

YOU accomplish more.
1. For Sales

Create pitches, write sales generation emails,

consolidate feedback and more.

Sample prompts:

Craft a sales prospecting email for {product or


Generate a sales pitch for {product or brand}

targeting {customer persona}

What are some questions I should ask

{customer type} regarding {product/service}
2. For Strategy

Find new approaches, solve problems, identify

patterns, and enhance your decision making.

Sample prompts:

“Complete a SWOT analysis for {company


Generate a list of cost-saving strategies for

{business type}

“Can you create 5 SMART goals for {team

type} of a {company type}”
3. For Marketing

Create names, logos, marketing copy, and visuals

for social media and blogs.

Sample prompts:

Generate a vector logo of {company type}

specialized in {products/services}, using shades
of {colors}

Portrait of {customer type} using a {product


I need a name for a {business/product type}

inspired by {person, object, place}
4. For Customer Success

Create impactful content, consolidate data,

understand customer conversations, and streamline

Sample prompts:

Summarize the following customer reviews

{insert reviews}

Generate a list of frequently asked questions for

{brand type}

Create personas based on these customer

reviews {insert reviews}
5. For SEO

Develop content strategies and make keyword

research and analysis a breeze.

Sample prompts:

Create relevant h1 and h2 heading tags for

a blog post titled {blog title}

Generate a list of transactional and

informational keywords for {company type}

Generate a list of popular questions related

to {keyword}
6. For Product

Improve features, differentiate your products,

conduct pricing research, and more...

Sample prompts:

Generate a list of potential features for


What pricing models are commonly used in

{industry} for products similar to {product}

Give me 5 ideas to differentiate {product}

from competitors in the market?
Ready to get started?

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