Assignment 1 Value Proposition Proposal G11 - T4

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Received by,
Dr. Irene Yong
Date :

1. Introduction: Problem Identified .................................................................................................... 1

a) SDG problem identified ................................................................................................................. 1
b) Vivid evidence of problem existence ............................................................................................. 2
c) Earnest need to solve the problem ................................................................................................. 3
2. Profiling the Customers/ Beneficiary .............................................................................................. 5
a) Profile the beneficiary community ................................................................................................ 5
b) Potential market size of beneficiary .............................................................................................. 9
3. Research & Market Validation...................................................................................................... 11
a) Existing products to solve the problem ....................................................................................... 11
b) Competitive Advantage Analysis ................................................................................................. 14
c) Marketing Positioning Analysis .................................................................................................. 15
4. Your Proposed Prototype (Prototype, Functionality & Value Propositions) ............................ 18
a) Visual illustration of the proposed product/service .................................................................... 18
b) List of Value Propositions of the proposed product/service ....................................................... 19
5. Operational Feasibility ................................................................................................................... 21
a) Revenue streams .......................................................................................................................... 21
b)Ccost orientation ........................................................................................................................... 22
c) Potential Key Partners ................................................................................................................. 24
d) Marketing channels ..................................................................................................................... 25
6. Conclusion ....................................................................................................................................... 26
7. References ........................................................................................................................................ 28
8. Appendices ....................................................................................................................................... 31
1. Introduction: Problem Identified
a) Clearly explain the SDG problem identified
SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) that is related to our project is number 11 to
make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable which is to ensure
access to safe and affordable housing, and upgrading slum settlements. Besides, Global cities
are rapidly urbanising, which poses serious environmental, social, and economic issues to these
expanding urban regions. Targets in SDG 11 are intended to address these issues which are to
ensure access to adequate, safe and affordable housing, provide access to green space, reduce
air pollution and prepare for weather-related risks. Additionally, it entails boosting public
transportation, developing green public areas, and enhancing inclusive and participatory urban
planning and administration.
This section focuses on ways to assist refugees who have been resettled in finding
affordable, long-term residences. The placement section addresses questions pertaining to
paying for home establishing costs. Accommodations until finding permanent residence are
discussed in the section on reception. Ensure that everyone has access to essential amenities
and appropriate, safe, and affordable housing, and improve slums. The best of both worlds have
long been available to investors through infrastructure investing: low-maintenance assets with
known risk profiles and high, steady returns, especially during turbulent times. Sustainable
transportation, according to studies, is the ability to fulfil a society's mobility demands in a way
that is least harmful to the environment and does not interfere with the mobility needs of future
generations. If not, it refers to domestic fuels, electric and alternative fuel cars, as well as
economical, low- and zero-emission transportation options.
The definition of a public space, on the other hand, is a place where individuals typically
have unfettered access and right of way. In other words, public areas and spaces are open to
everyone who has permission to be there. Public spaces include streets (especially paved ones),
public plazas, parks, and beaches. Government facilities that are accessible to the general
public, like public libraries, are in some ways public places, despite the fact that they frequently
have more restricted areas and usage restrictions. A good public place is one that celebrates
variety, inspires easy coexistence, and welcomes people to spend time on the street by
providing the circumstances for permanency. People are drawn to areas because of their
People will use the street if they feel comfortable, and the more people who use them,
the safer the environment becomes. Ten guidelines for creating a high-quality public area are
provided below. The components are interconnected; for instance, human-scale buildings and
active facades immediately support the development of the neighbourhood economy. They
work best together to guarantee that everyone has access to fair and secure settings. Combining
residential, workplace, and commercial spaces with places like cafés, restaurants, and local
businesses draws people and improves the environment's safety and friendliness. Active
facades are connected between the ground level of the buildings, the sidewalk and the street
contributes to safety and the attractiveness of urban design.
Otherwise, public space, which serves as a gathering place for people and contributes
to urban vibrancy, has an impact on the social component. Wide, open spaces such as squares,
parks, walkways, bike lanes, and urban furnishings encourage interaction between people and
their surroundings, make good use of available space, and boost the vibrancy of urban areas.
Human scale activities like large-scale, dense building can be harmful to people's health.
People's impressions of public space are positively impacted by human-scale buildings because
they feel that their needs were taken into account throughout the design process. Thus, great

public spaces have the ability to stimulate the local economy in addition to providing people
with locations for recreation and living. The safe and attractive conditions foster walking and
cycling, leading to easy access to local commerce.
Resident involvement ensures that the nature and use of public space will meet the
community’s distinct needs. If a space does not reflect the demands and desires of the local
population, it will not be used or maintained. Social participation is a central element for the
construction of safer, equitable public areas. Every day, the way we live in cities is changing
due to societal change, the advent of new laws, technology, and different modes of
transportation. Planning issues are created by urbanisation, densification, and rising
motorization rates, which prompt communities to consider alternative development strategies.
However, despite ongoing change, the value of public areas for quality of life stays consistent.
They still serve as forums for discussion, coexistence, and gatherings. They still play a crucial
role in urban wellbeing. Life takes place on the streets beyond the walls that enclose us.

b) Prove the existence of the problem with vivid evidence (truly existing)

As we can see, many students today have the same issue as they had in the past during
vacations or midterm breaks since all personal belongings must be removed from the dorm and
kept out of the room. Students from Borneo and other countries who wanted to go home
temporarily but did not know where to store their belongings required a secure location to store
all of their personal items, treasures, and requirements. Before returning home for midterm
break or a public holiday, students who live distant from their institution must decide how they
would handle the situation. Some students know right away that staying close to home is not a
top priority, while others recognize they will have difficulty relocating with distance comes
The commonly asked questions by the aforementioned pupils, such as how they should
handle everything without being curious or concerned before they return home for the break.
This is supported by data from a Google form that showed that the majority of students were
not just from Borneo and abroad; in fact, students from Kelantan, Pahang, Terengganu, Perlis,
Kedah, and Pulau Pinang conclude all of which are located outside of the Kuala Lumpur region
or far from University of Malaya had similar problems because the cost of transporting
everything was much higher than the cost of storing it there for an extended period. Because
the items are too heavy to carry, they must arrange a Grab to pick them up, which often requires
additional fees. From our observation, it might cost more money than if we keep it only with
our services to keep all the items safe cause if they keep wanting to bring all the items it might
be difficult and require more helpers and service to pay.
On the other hand, they continue to emphasise the trust concerns in these situations
since all students want to return home with a relaxed and cheerful mindset, but if they think
back on all the things they left at school, it makes them feel uneasy and curious at the same
time. As a result, trust difficulties are a variety of unhelpful behaviours that stem from a lack
of confidence in individuals and society as a whole. Students nowadays confront trust issues
not only in their studies but also in their daily lives, which have an influence on their daily
activities. Because there are speculations that certain students' packages in various residential
institutions have lately gone missing a lot and this problem has gotten worse, burglary incidents
on campus are highly common among students, especially during breaks. Because of this, many
students struggle to trust university officials in all situations. But, we tried to solve this by
building a system named “ Secure Storage Service” for all students in University Malaya.

A few difficulties with college regulations that all students must abide by are also
requested to be resolved before returning for the following semester. This will prevent them
from losing their personal belongings, having monkeys suddenly mess up the room because
the window is not closed, or having electrical concerns. So, based on the regulations, is it
possible that all students will struggle with finding a place to store their belongings? Living
close to UM is convenient for students, but what if they struggle with travel time
home? Nevertheless, all of the residences included storage spaces for students to keep their
belongings with other college students. This is not ideal for the students, however, since they
each want a private storage area to keep their belongings apart from others. So, by doing that,
we can also prevent losing or switching out stuff. The unique sizing we attempted to offer for
each locker had a positive effect because not everyone needs a large space to store their
belongings; instead, they can select the size of locker they desire and pay with an affordable
student price or a membership price for frequent customers who registered.
In any case, the most frequent problems that students have to do with paying for excess
baggage weight. Because it impacts certain students financially who rely heavily on
scholarships or student loans for daily assistance, it is one of the issues they need to avoid.
They must pay extra in accordance with an unreasonable price for large or heavy luggage, and
there is no student discount either. There are a lot of instances where people bring their luggage
to the airport but then have to leave it there because it exceeds the weight restriction and there
is nowhere to store it. To sum up, there are a lot of problems that can come out from students'
opinions about the storage of goods to lighten their burden and worries.

c) Persuade & convince that there is an earnest need to solve the problem
One suggestion for assisting students with home-distance difficulties, product security
concerns, and challenges with their own personal trust due to losing things is a safe storage
facility. By including a website for subscribing to the package, personal locker size, pickup and
drop-off products, and a payment mechanism, the system has been made more user-friendly
and convenient. We have a few key features on our website that can make it easier for visitors
to utilize it and get in touch with us directly if they need assistance. Additionally, there are
additional benefits for students who utilize this service, particularly for those who have signed
up as members and receive several discounts and low costs. The security system we offer also
includes a password system that only the owner of the locker can use, and our business will
watch over all the list things that belong to our clients to ensure that everything is the same
before being left in our safety room.

To lessen the issue of students securing valuables and keeping them in a safe place.
Various campus safes come with various criteria based on the layout of the safety room, the
objects they are intended to hold, and the circumstances under which they could be installed.
The moment has come to think about purchasing a physical safe. Whether you intend to put it
in your home or one of our "Secure Safety Service" locations. Protection from all unforeseen
disasters is one of the advantages we may obtain, therefore campuses are not environmentally
resistant. Disasters caused by individuals, such as theft and unreliable visitors, can bring harsh
elements into the campus and damage our priceless possessions. While dorm safes aren't
completely impure-proof, keeping our belongings in the room often has a lower level of
sanitation than keeping them in one personal area since prolonged absences from people can
lead to dust. Therefore, it is not a huge matter to fix it, but some individuals may worry since
they may be among the people who have allergies. Additionally, when the things are kept in
our safety rooms, unanticipated incidents like leaky roofs, broken lockers, and spot checks may

be avoided since electrical devices may be harmed or seized while we are not around.
Sometimes we have to overthink things to prevent having a distorted head.
By assisting students in keeping all of their belongings and sparing them from hauling
bulky luggage home, even if the goods would eventually need to be transported back to college,
the load on the students is reduced. They just left out the unneeded stuff and trusted us to take
care of them in order to avoid carrying them with them. Renting a safe storage locker is the
greatest place to save vital personal belongings, dorm materials, and important papers with the
development of the digital system. Additionally, it's critical to make well-informed choices
regarding what to keep in a safe storage container. The only security we offer is once the
customer pays the rental payment for a set period and they may obtain the password privately
soon after they reserve the locker with us. Items that students might need to access fast,
however the rooms are always available 24 hours a day. Because we don't use the same
password as previously, it might be a safe system. In actuality, we evolve throughout time,
which is quite kind to people. Because this system is only applicable for students who remain
at University Malaya, particularly for those who enrol in college up to their last year of studies,
the administration of this system must persuade consumers.
In contrast, the consequences of this project are students struggle to get home with
multiple bags they need to carry everything to their destination. Indeed, the secure storage
system is just similar to usual lockers that are available at certain departure places such as KL
Sentral or KLIA that provide personal space to keep items. But, in comparison with the
university area, there is more safety and speciality given to UM students only, especially for
those that get residential college from first until last year education. Other than that, the service
gives students a place to store their belongings in between mid-semester break without risk of
them being tampered with or stolen. In college, the items left out in the dorm are an easy target
to lose things into, like a tracking device or an incriminating item that could get the innocent
student into trouble. Security is undoubtedly the most important feature of university storage
lockers. From various faculty, the equipment and belongings can be stored in our secure storage
room. These storage lockers also in still a sense of security in the guardian of the students. In
addition to being resistant to rust and dents, lockers made from HDPE plastic lockers are
extremely strong and effective at deterring would-be thieves.
To wrap up, the main purpose of a secure storage service is to stay organized, safe, and
reduce the weight of student backpacks. Students can put clothes and heavy luggage in our
storage locker and get them out at the deadline of rent period. Some people rely on lockers to
keep their items safe and to lighten luggage. Besides, the main point is to protect their things,
keep their things somewhere clean, and so they won't have to complain about carrying
everything at once. Students should have lockers because it will stop people from stealing their
stuff. The secure storage service lockers are really smart because they are driven by leading-
edge technology, have scanners that can quickly read barcodes, and are built for rapid
collection. Our storage lockers have various dimensions, and some even fit with all types of
bags and item size. A storage locker is essentially a lockable storage box where items can be
left and stored for collection by students who want to go back home for a certain time. All the
stuff in the locker provides a safe, contactless, and streamlined delivery system.

2. Profiling the Customers/ Beneficiary

a) Clearly profile the beneficiary community (characterize them as accurate as possible -

demographic, geographic, behavioural, psychographic, etc.)


A sort of market segmentation technique known as "behavioural segmentation" includes

breaking the overall market down into smaller, homogeneous segments based on consumer
purchasing patterns linked to occasion, usage, benefits, loyalty, etc. Organizations create
behavioural segments based on consumer purchasing habits, such as frequency of use, brand
loyalty, advantages required, occasion of purchase, etc. Based on the conduct they exhibit, it is
done with their needs and wants in mind. There are 4 types of behavioural segmentation.

• Occasion orientated.

When a product is only utilised or bought for a specific occasion. The event may occur
repeatedly or only once in a lifetime. Segmenting based on occasion is another term for this.
For example, for student, during the holidays, such as mid-semester break and celebration day,
they will have problems regarding their belongings whether they need to bring all of them back
home or put it somewhere. But for some students who live far away from the university, they
will face this kind of problem especially when they are using public transportation. So, our
service will provide them a temporary space to store their things. We will provide various
selection of size with affordable price so that it will help them to secure their belongings
without worrying about the safety.

• Benefits needed.

Additionally, consumer segmentation is carried out based on the many benefits that various
consumers consider to be beneficial. A person looks for particular advantages in a product.
There are numerous such items on the market that satisfy customers' expectations and have a
wide range of options and prices. To help you obtain the best service, we provide many options
of locker size, and also we provide pickup service with a low price. It is easier for people who
do not have any transportation for their stuff and belongings. For example, when someone
wants to renovate their house, they will face difficulties when it comes to moving their stuff
around the area that they want to renovate, so, we provide a space for them to move their stuff.
We also provide no long-term contract. So that it is flexible for our customers to use the space
since they can adjust their rental term depending on their needs. The other example is when a
business owner who want to keep their products at one space but don’t want to rent a room,
they can rent our locker depending on what size do they want so that it is easier for them to
store it or want to pick it up since our working hour are flexible.

• Customer loyalty

Consumer retention rates, a reliable indicator of their brand loyalty, are used to segment
markets. A brand with a high level of customer loyalty has an extremely high retention rate and
doesn't have to worry as much about attracting new clients. However, a firm with low levels of
brand loyalty must constantly entice new customers to buy its products. Because it's how people
remember you, good service is essential for growing consumer loyalty. It’s vital to segment by
customer loyalty because these people generate the bulk of our revenue, cost less to retain than
acquiring new customers, and have the highest lifetime value. For example, we will provide
RM1 off for the first time user so that we can attract people to use our service. It will also be
something that people will be interested in since that will be an attraction for new customers.
We will also provide a membership offer for our regular customers and other extra benefits so
that they will stick to our service and will use it multiple times.

• Usage frequency

Different categories may be developed depending on how much a product is used by the
customer. We refer to them as either heavy user groups or light user groups as a result. It rests
on the understanding of how often a consumer buys and uses a product. For a heavy user, they
will use our website more frequently. There are also more benefits provided for our regular
customers. This will increase their interest in renting our locker/personal storage from our
service. For example, for students, we know they need this personal storage, we can save them
a space by providing this service at their university so that we can make a special space only
for students so that they can rent there and not to worry about sharing the space with non-
students. It is also easier for us to sort the information so that their belongings will be more
secure. We also provide 24 hours service so that it is convenient to all people to access it. This
will make them use our product more frequently due to its flexibility.


In demographic terms, there are five main segments in consumer demographics: age group,
gender , income level , education and occupation. Demographics are an important component
of your small business marketing plan since they allow you to pinpoint certain audience
members based on their traits, preferences, and demands. Businesses use demographic
information to understand the products and services that various client segments are interested
in and able to afford. Traditionally, censuses, surveys, and official records have been the
primary sources of demographic information. Because of the growth of search engines, social
media platforms, and specialised list suppliers in recent years, the depth of the demographic
data that has been gathered about people has increased dramatically.

• Age Group:
Based on the locker/personal storage that we work on , in term of age group ,
this service will be popular among students which is college students and
employees in the age range of 25 to 34 years old. As KL Sentral is where the
main station of public transportation. The mainly age group who use the public
transport usually students and employees. This shows that this service is
beneficial to students and employees. This service gives them a lot of options
in choosing the locker size as well as the period of time. From this, our targeted
customers for our website will be students and employees and less from older

• Gender:
For the gender, self-storage research indicates that women comprise up to 84%
of self-storage patrons. Although women seem to lease the units, it appears that
over 95% of the actual move-ins are performed by men.

• Income Level:
The Malaysian household income classifications are B40, M40, and T20. B40
(<RM4850) stands for the bottom 40% of household income in Malaysia, M40
for the middle 40% (RM4850-RM10970), and T20 (>RM10971) for the top
20%. For the services that we provided as low as RM1 to RM 5 , all type of
household incomes can enjoy this service.

• Education:
Preschool education, primary education, secondary education, post-secondary
education, and higher education make up the educational system. National and
private education are further split. The majority of Malaysians in employment
in 2020 had a secondary education, with 8.3 million having this level of
education, making it the most prevalent. There were around 15 million people
working that year. Overall , with the employees are one of the majority who will
use this service , our targeted customers will have the secondary education as
the minimum level of education they have.

• Occupation
Anyone who needs to find a place to keep their stuff in the storage area in a long
period of time will be our target market. It can be students, employees or even
the elderly.


The research method known as psychographic segmentation is used to examine consumers and
categorise them based on psychological traits such as personality, lifestyle, social status,
activities, interests, opinions, and attitudes. It is mostly carried out based on "how" people think
and "what" they want out of life. As customers segment themselves into ever-shrinking
"interest tribes" . Psychographic segmentation is becoming more and more crucial nowadays.
Because people now reveal their interests through social media, psychographic segmentation
as a tool is much simpler to apply. Psychographic variables are the factors that help you to
identify and split your customers into different categories: personality, lifestyle, social status,
activities, interests and opinions(AIO) and attitudes.

• Personality:
Customers are less likely to buy products that don't fit their personality, and vice versa.
For customer that use our service on the website, the major personality type our
customer would have is artistic. According to personality characteristic theories, those
who are seen as cautious for their stuff safety will be attracted to use this service.

• Lifestyle:
Lifestyle is a means of expressing our individuality, interests, and behaviour. It
represents a way of life. Lifestyle reflects our views and opinions. Lifestyles can be
classified into many categories. Numerous categories can be used to categorise
lifestyles. Depending on our lifestyles, we can differ from one another. It's feasible to
lead multiple lifestyles. A person's tastes, work, and culture can all influence their way
of life. Various lifestyles include active lifestyle, healthy lifestyle, solo lifestyle, rural
lifestyle, urban lifestyle, nomadic lifestyle, bohemian lifestyle and digital lifestyle. Our

customers’ major life style would be urban lifestyle and digital lifestyle. Cities have a
higher concentration of urban lifestyle. This way of life moves quickly. This way of life
is popular with those who enjoy trying new things. A lot of students and employees
lives in cities because of works and studies.
• Social Status:
A person's place in society is referred to as their social status. This may be given to
them by others or acquired by them as a result of their accomplishments. The place one
occupies in society is known as social standing. They may have been given this by
others or they may have earned it through their accomplishments. Three types of social
status :Master, achieved and ascribed. Acquired status is a status that a person either
chooses or earns. It displays a person's skills, efforts, and decisions in life. It may be a
title like "doctor" or "professional athlete" that one would be proud to hold. this is
mostly for adults. As our customer are adults, the social status will be achieved. On the
other hand, an ascribed status is out of a person's control. People either have it naturally
or without any choice in the matter; it is not something they can earn. This is mostly
for children. Our targeted customer also can be the mix of these two statuses.

• Activities, Interests and Opinions:

You may better grasp the target audience's preferences and what appeals to them by
learning about their interests, activities, and viewpoints. When creating the buyer
personas for your product or service, this information is useful to have. The activities
for our targeted customers are someone who the daily routine would be works or
studying. The interests will be someone who is having a big interest in designing or
marketing. Opinions will be subjective as our targeted customers’ views towards brands
and these services will be different.

• Attitudes:
Attitudinal segmentation, in essence, describes the worldview of your target audience.
In order to connect with people on a human level, you must comprehend their views
toward life and how your product fits into it. You must understand the fundamentals
and why they would utilise your product or service (needs-based).Attitudes are how the
targeted customers thinks. In this case, our customer may think that using our
service make their life easier . but this can be separated with 2 types of thinking : 1)the
targeted customer may think that people who use our service are for their stuff safety
and 2)the targeted customer just don’t have any place to keep their stuff.


Geographic segmentation entails dividing up your audience according to the area in which they
reside or are employed. Customers can be categorised in a variety of ways, including by their
nation of residence, or by more specific geographic divisions, such as city, region, or even
postal code. Depending on our goals as a business, we will alter the size of the area we target.
Generally speaking, the locations you'll be targeting will be larger the larger the firm. After all,
with a bigger potential audience, addressing each postcode separately just won’t be cost-
effective. There are several geographical parameters for example:

• Location:
Products that cater to the various requirements and desires of residents
of rural and urban areas use rural and urban segmentation to reach prospective
clients. It's an effective strategy for businesses with significant domestic or

international markets since it may target the individual needs, desires, and
cultural traits of diverse consumers in various countries. We need to know the
exact location where it is effective for us to expand our business. For example,
there are more people who need extra space to store their stuff in the town. This
is because they have a very limited space since most of them were living in a
condominium and apartment.
Most of the university is also located in a town where there are also
students from different states. We can provide our locker/storage space in the
universities so that it is easier for all students to access it. Normally, when they
are going back to their hometown, they need to pack all of their stuff and empty
their room because it is the college rules. So, they can place the extra stuff for
example, the laundry basket, pail and also extra luggage at our storage
space. Next, we also can place our locker/storage space at the shopping mall or
transportation station. You won't have to carry your belongings far because they
are frequently available at train or bus terminals. As soon as you exit the train,
you can immediately place them in a locker room. However, even longer stays
can indicate some problems with luggage. It might not be possible for them to
fit all of your baggage in their home, for instance, if you are spending a few
days with some of your relatives. Even though you can simply bring a backpack
with all your requirements, some of your heavier stuff could be a bit
uncomfortable to handle and we all want to avoid troubling our family members
with it. Therefore, using a storage unit seems to be the most reasonable and
convenient solution.

• Climate:
Climate and Season: this type of segmentation ensures that the products
you are marketing adhere to an area’s climate. Luckily in Malaysia, we do not
have any climate and season change, but in some places in Malaysia, they have
faced flash floods during heavy raining seasons. Some of their furniture was
damaged and they do not have any space to place it while cleaning their home.
Here, our service is really useful for it.
You can keep the objects in a secure location after they have been
thoroughly cleaned. Make sure to look for any indications of damage and keep
detailed records. The damage must be recorded for insurance purposes. Until
your home is prepared to have belongings brought back in without running the
danger of additional water damage, storage might be the best choice in some
circumstances. You might require either short- or long-term storage while your
property is being renovated, depending on the extent of the damage.
b) Demonstrate the potential market size of the beneficiary (% of them in the market)

The term "market size" refers to the greatest volume of sales or clients your company can
handle, frequently calculated over the course of a year. Before introducing a new product line
or line of company, it's useful to evaluate the prospective market size because that can help you
decide whether it's a reasonable investment of your time and money. Market share is a related
idea that describes the entire portion of the market that a company possesses as sales or
customers. If you're launching a novel product or one that stands out significantly from the
competition, you'll need to consider the possible new market and calculate its size based on
expected demand. Your prospective market size might exceed the size of the current business,
for instance, if you were able to offer a new car for just $5,000. This would almost certainly
result in a significant increase in new car sales. We need to do market potential analysis.

Your target market is characterised by the market size. It's also known as the TAM, or total
addressable market. You need to estimate the proportion of prospects in your potential target
market for whom your product is even somewhat relevant and valuable.
The first step will be identify market size and demand. The total population in our target market
are 1.8 million as these are the amount of people who lives in Kuala Lumpur. the demographic
, psychographic, behavioural and geographic aspects will narrow down the amount as there are
lot of deduction need to made. It can be around 2000 or more than as the location is at the
middle of Kuala Lumpur and all Malaysian can use this service.

Next step will be examining the competition. Part of your prospective market is already
occupied by competitors. They can be pushed by your fresh offering. An accurate assessment
of the market potential requires competition study. You must first determine who your real
rivals are. Businesses that cater to the same target market and offer a comparable product are
considered true competitors. You conduct research on the businesses with the highest degree
of similarity between their products, target consumers, and price points in highly competitive
areas like automobiles or apparel. Since, there are a lot. A lot of competitors with several years
in this industry will usually be preferable than a new start up. The estimation of market size
will be smaller because of these competitors.

After that, evaluate the market growth rate first and foremost, make sure that your product will
continue to be in demand so that you may profit from it. It's important to identify market trends.
You can decide when to introduce your product at the ideal time by recognising trends. Simply
said, the three types of trends that we regularly observe in our study of technical analysis are
short-, intermediate-, and long-term trends. This market for this service is very young, so we
need only need to look only a few years back. Investigate past trends in detail and identify the
variables that influenced them and led to changes. We need to dig in the equipment that we
used for this service.

The 4th step will be calculating profitability. You need to establish profitability once you've
determined the realistic market share you could potentially capture. The size of the possible
market may influence the price you can charge for the goods and the potential profit margin.
The potential profit need to be calculate with the renting cost , cleaning cost and security cost.
The legal fees and certificates are also included. After all these calculation , these profit able
to help this business service printing run in a long time.

We have examined the market thus far as though it were impervious to extraneous influences.
Markets, however, are not like that. Since they are open areas, when it rains, all of their
potential is lost. It's true that concerns about the actual weather are uncommon for digital
products. But there are other things to consider. Your capacity to provide a particular market,
for instance, may be impacted by recent or anticipated political, social, or economic changes.
The same holds true for impending regulatory constraints or current local regulations that may
have an influence on price or lead time. New markets may be created by trade agreements.
Market activity can be slowed down by regional conflicts, sanctions, and a long variety of other

3. Research & Market Validation

a) Clearly identify the existing products in the market that solve this problem currently &
discuss critically with evidence on how well(or badly) the problem is being solved by these
existing product

Lockers are defined as narrow storage compartments that are commonly found in large
numbers in various public places such as transport hubs, workplaces and schools. They vary in
size, purpose, construction and security and are usually made of painted sheet metal. Lockers
are normally quite narrow, of varying heights and tier arrangements. There are a few
characteristics that commonly distinguish them from other types of cabinet or storage container
or cupboard such as lockers are usually equipped with a lock and as stated before, they are
usually intended for use in public places and for the short or long term private use of individuals
(storing clothing or other personal items).

Lockers are mostly found at transport hubs or malls that are connected with public
transportation for people to store their belongings without carrying around those heavy stuff
while they are going around or would like to leave their stuff when they want to leave for a far
place as they ride using public transportation. Dr. Locker, luggage storage service which is
placed at level 1 and level 2 KL Sentral is one of the existing services that has been provided
for people to store their stuff and personal items. This service targeted the public as it is placed
at the transport hubs (KL Sentral).

Most students in University Malaya also have the problem of storing their belongings as they
face a few problems which make them have to leave their stuff behind when they are going
back to their hometown, especially for the Sabah and Sarawak students. The first problem is
many students have the issue of removing all their personal belongings in the dorm and keeping
it clean during the mid-semester breaks due to the policy of the college. It is a problem for
students from Borneo and other countries or even states who wanted to go home for a short
time as they did not know where to store those stuff at the secure place and near the campus.

However, to store their belongings at KL Sentral is quite far and quite hard for them to carry
those stuff all the way from University Malaya to KL Sentral. Dr. Locker does not provide the
service to pick up the customers' belongings to their port. So, that person has to travel from one
place to another using their own blood and sweat such as ride the public transport to come to
KL Sentral as it is quite far from University Malaya or if the stuff is heavy to carry, they have
no choice but to arrange a grab to pick them up and of course it will cost them more money to
go there and to store it. So, this service does not solve this first problem well.

But, Beam Smarter Storage, which is another example of existing products, is a storage and
logistics concierge on a mobile app. They offer an affordable storage space or storage box
without contracts, deposits or minimums as well as can choose for long term or short term
storage. Furthermore, they provide the moving services so that people just give their packing
list and requirements and let their movers take care of everything. The renters never have to
arrange transport with a separate provider as they have their own pickups and deliveries
services. Hence, this service is suitable for students as they don’t have to spend their money to
go to that storage warehouse.

The second problem is that, most frequent problem that students face is to pay the excess
baggage weight if they have to go home by airplane. They must pay extra money with

unreasonable prices for those heavy luggage if they exceed the weight restriction. We must
take into account that students do not have stable finances and mostly rely on scholarships or
loans to survive in university. So, they have no choice but to find a place to store their
belongings instead of paying so much more money on the excessive weight luggage during the
mid-semester break or public holidays.

The rental cost at Dr. Locker for a small locker per day is RM10, medium locker is RM20 or
RM30 and for large locker is RM50. These prices are actually so expensive for students to pay
as they have to rent for a few days or weeks. Thus, this service does not really solve the problem
and helps students to store their belongings for days and does not have a student-friendly price.

The third problem is students nowadays usually confront trust issues in their daily lives and
studies such as students who lost their parcel in various college residences and it keeps getting
worse. Burglary incidents on campus are common among students especially during breaks
and because of this, students having trust issues towards college residences staff. At Dr. Locker,
their lockers are automated lockers that are operated based on high-facial recognition and
thumbprint. Each payment, the locker’s door will open twice only; one to store your belongings
and one to collect your belongings. This shows that the security for the locker is pretty high
and there is no way for another person to access and to open that rented locker during the rent
time as it uses our thumbprint to open it. This kind of security is needed to prevent theft from

Other than by using the locker to keep stuff, people also can have their private storage area to
keep their belongings apart from others and prevent losing or switching out stuff. Most people
don't like to put their belongings together with strangers and people they do not know as they
have trust issues to leave it just like that with an unsupervised. Hence, most of the locker
services in Malaysia have various security levels to store stuff to ensure that people do not have
to worry of having their stuff stolen.

For example, Flexi Storage, that have all their storage space equipped with high-resolution
CCTV and have a 24 hours security system to ensure their renters belongings are safe and
secured. More interesting info, Flexi Storage has insurance protection for everything that the
renters stored with so they do not have to worry about the stuff. To add, they even have 24/7
access so that renters could access their storage anytime they want based on their own

Flexi Storage Review

Dr. Locker review

To conclude, some locker services provide their service really well while some of the locker
service kind of lack in some aspects.

b) Do Competitive Advantage Analysis (Table) to demonstrate the problem gap left
unaddressed by others (examples: cost, quality of the materials, selling price, technology,
user-friendliness, cultural features, etc) - Make sure the features highlighted for comparison
are substantially significant.

ECHO Secure Safety Service Dr. Locker at KL Sentral

(Our prototype)

• Lockers Service • Lockers

• Pickup stuff provided

Locker (per day): Price Locker (per day):

Medium RM5 Small RM10
Large RM7 Medium RM20-30
Large RM50

Pickup service RM3 - 5 No pickup. Come on your own.

TnG, QR Pay Type of payment Cash only

• Passwords that change Security • Picture of yourself from built-

every hour in camera
• Biometric keypad • Thumbprint scan
(fingerprint and pin

The size of the locker will be Locker check Not provided. No way to check the
provided before reservation. exact size of the locker until you
open them

Website Where the Locker control panel at KL Sentral


Annual subscription fees Subscription Don’t have a subscription. Pay per


c) Do Marketing Positioning Analysis (Quadrant) to highlight the market position of your
proposed prototype

Marketing Positioning Analysis (Quadrant) for Locker Storage Services

High level of security with high price

1. Dr. Locker
Dr. Locker is the only luggage storage service left located at Kl Sentral. These
lockers are automated lockers that are operated based on high-tech facial recognition
(camera) and thumbprint. The rental cost at Dr. Locker for a small locker per day is
RM10, a medium locker is RM20 or RM30 and for a large locker is RM50. For each
payment, the locker’s door will only open twice (2): one for you to deposit or store your
belongings, and one for you to collect your belongings. This shows that the security for
the locker is pretty high and there is no way for another person to access and to open
that rented locker during the rent time as it uses our thumbprint to open it.

2. BEAM Space - Smarter Storage

BEAM Space is ideal for keeping things like old files and archive boxes that
you don't use every day in storage. You can maximise your current space with BEAM
Space Smarter Storage without needing to add more storage. Additionally, BEAM
Space Smarter Storage has a patented locking mechanism to stop objects from being
removed from storage, giving you assurance that your items are safe. The rental price
per month depends on what type we are renting, either rents on boxes or the space. For
every box, they will charge RM4 for a small box, RM8 for a larger box, and RM12 for
odd sized items. In terms of space, they will charge up to RM100 over 15 sq/ft, RM200
for 30 sq/ft and RM360 over 50 sq/ft. They also value their customer’s belongings as

BEAM Storage will not open the boxes. Items in BEAM Space are also protected by
insurance coverage which are up to RM100 per box stored and RM500 for space

High level of security with low price

1. Flexi Locker
Flexi Locker is based in Kuala Lumpur, Petaling Jaya, and Seri Kembangan.
They are offering different storage sizes and offer premium self-storage lockers.
Modern RFID technology, PIN code access, double-sized lockers with discrete and safe
access, protected by insurance coverage, and 24/7 high-resolution CCTV surveillance
are all equipped for the lockers. For college students, they provide a wide array of self-
storage and locker-based services, including both short- and long-term storage
alternatives. Students can enjoy additional special offers and incentives as launched the
‘RM1/month’ offers, be it small, large, extra-large locker type.

2. ECHO Secure Storage Service

ECHO Secure Storage Service is a company that offers pickup from clients and
medium-to-large sized lockers. The cost of renting a locker depends on its size; a
medium-sized locker costs RM5 per day, while a large-sized locker costs RM7 per day.
The cost of the pickup service from ECHO varies by location and ranges from RM3 to
RM5. The price rate for this service by ECHO is really affordable for university
students also with the pickup service provided. Their primary payment options will be
the Touch N Go e-wallet and QR Pay. Users can enter their fingerprint and an hourly
changing pin code on the biometric keypad found on ECHO's lockers. This
demonstrates how securely your belongings will be handled by ECHO Secure Storage
Service. Before making a reservation, customers will also be given the locker's exact
size. All reservations will be made online.

Low level of security with high price

1. Cube Self Storage

Cube Self Storage is located at Petaling Jaya. The climate-controlled storage at
Cube Self Storage sets it apart from other storage facilities, helping to safeguard
delicate belongings. It has a secret entrance code, CCTV surveillance, a security officer
on duty, fire alarms, smoke detectors, insurance for valuables worth up to RM1000, and
24/7 safe access. Moreover, Cube offers flexible storage space, which ranges in size
from 16 square feet to 250 square feet. This business offers Cube Mini Boxes, whether
they are large, normal, or long crates, for RM25 each box. Unique numbered security
seals will be used to seal Cube Mini Boxes.

2. Lax 24/7 Locker Rental

Lax 24/7 Locker Rental is a storage company based in Los Angeles, United
States. It provides 4 kinds of lockers, which are medium-sized, large-sized, tall-sized
and closet. The price rate will be decided by the size of the locker and the rental periods
which are ranging from $8 for 2 hours until $14 per day for 9 days and above. Lax 24/7
Locker Rental enables you to store your bags, backpacks, travel accessories, and other
personal belongings. They operate a self-service store so you can get in and out quickly

and easily whenever you want. Lax offers two-way audio contacts with a representative
at any time of day as well as 24-hour video surveillance.
Low level of security with low price

1. AK Movers
AK Movers based in Shah Alam, operated in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor
region, which are specialized in high-quality packing and moving things for homes and
offices. However, they also provide storage rental services. It can be for a day or even
a year. In order to secure their customer belongings, scheduled pest control monthly to
prevent any pest break into storage rental. AK Movers are equipped with 24-Hours
security cameras placed inside and outside the storage property. The price rate for their
storage rental will be decided with CBM units, which will be RM50/CBM.

4. Your Proposed Prototype (Prototype, Functionality & Value Propositions)
a) Able to put forth a relatable visual illustration (picture) of your proposed product
(reasonable & acceptable resemblance of the intended real product & clearly explain the
functionality of your product (How it works?)

How does our website work?
1. The size of the locker will be provided before reservation at the website. Students or
customers will have a choice to choose between medium or large size.
2. Next, customers will click to our website’s link to book their locker’s size. link:
3. From the website, do follow these steps to rent a locker:
i. Click ‘Learn more’.
ii. Select size of locker.
iii. Select rental period.
iv. Enter the pin code or customer’s fingerprint for security access.
v. Make the payment via TnG or QR pay.

b) Able to pin pointedly list out your Value Propositions of your prototype (Most significant
- least) Note: The prototype functionality should aptly address the claimed VPs

1. Cost-effective: By using our locker storage service, students will be able to save money
on locker rental fees compared with other competitors such as Dr Locker in KL Sentral
or Flexi Locker.
2. Security: The website will provide a secure and efficient way for students to rent a
locker in the physical locker room, ensuring that their personal belongings are protected
from theft or damage.

3. Convenience: The website will make it easy for students to rent and access their locker,
eliminating the need to physically go to the locker room during the rental process.
4. Accessibility: The website will be accessible from any device with internet access,
making it easy for students to rent and manage their locker storage from anywhere.
5. Reliability: The website and locker storage service will be highly reliable, ensuring
that students can always rent and access their locker when they need to.

5. Operational Feasibility
a) Clearly identify the revenue streams (practical & sufficient)
A revenue stream is a business's source of income. It denotes the money earned by a company
from the sale of goods or services. A company may have multiple revenue streams, and the sources of
revenue may differ depending on the type of company and the products or services it provides.
Customers' sales of products or services, rental income, and licensing or royalty fees are all examples
of revenue streams. Subscriptions, advertising, and investment income are all possible sources of
revenue. To ensure financial stability and growth, businesses must carefully manage and diversify their
revenue streams.
Revenue streams, also known as revenue strategies, can be divided into three categories, which
are transaction-based revenue, recurring revenue, and project/service revenue.
Transaction-based revenue is the income generated by a business from the sale of goods or
services on a per-transaction basis. This type of revenue is usually associated with businesses that
operate on a retail or e-commerce model, where customers make regular purchases. Transaction-based
revenue can be a useful measure of a company's performance because it reflects the demand for its
products or services as well as the company's ability to generate income through sales. It is also an
important part of a company's financial statements and is used to calculate important financial ratios
like the gross profit margin and net profit margin.
Recurring revenue is income that a company receives on a regular basis, usually monthly or
annually. This type of revenue is critical for businesses because it provides a consistent source of
income and can aid in cash flow planning. Subscription fees, membership fees, and recurring payments
for services or products are all examples of recurring revenue. Recurring revenue is frequently
regarded as a sign of a healthy and stable business, indicating that the company has a dependable
customer base willing to continue paying for its products or services on an ongoing basis.
Service revenue is revenue generated by providing a service to customers and is calculated on
a time basis. For example, the number of consulting hours provided.
Project revenue is one-time projects with existing or new customers generating revenue.

The sufficient and practical revenue streams that we can get from our prototype which is a
website that provides secure storage and pickup services are lists below:

No Revenue Explanation Percent Contributes

Streams to Total Revenue (%)

1 Annual 10
subscription Users can use the secure storage service
fees website at cheaper prices by paying an
annual subscription fee.

2 Pay-per-use 70
fees Customers will be charged a fee for each
usage of the secure storage service online.

3 Advertising 5
fees Companies who wish to advertise their
goods on our website may be charged a fee
by the website.

4 Referral fees 5
The website also provides referral
payments to existing clients who suggest
new consumers to us.

5 Premium The secure storage service website 10

packages fees provides an economical bundle that
includes pickup service.

Total = 100

b) Clearly verify cost orientation (What orientation & why; List the important costs involved;
Estimate the cost to develop the product)
Based on the market validation we conducted and the website prototype we created, the cost
orientation for our website is most likely cost leadership.
This is evident since our website offers storage services at the lowest feasible cost while
retaining service quality and dependability. This is a significant component in attracting price-sensitive
clients like University of Malaya students and increasing market share by offering lower prices to
When developing a website that provides secure storage with pickup services, there are various
significant expenditures involved. The following are the major costs:

Important Costs Description

Website Designing, building and maintaining the website, which includes web
Development Costs development, web design and any other web-related costs.

Storage Facility Renting or leasing storage units, which includes maintaining and
Costs securing the storage facility.

Transportation Costs Transporting customer’s items to and from the storage facility, which
includes cost of fuel, labour, and other associated costs.

Security Costs Implementing security measures such as cameras and alarms to

ensure the safe and secure storage of customer’s items.

Insurance Costs Insuring the stored items against loss or damage.

Payment Processing Processing payments from customers, which include the transaction
Costs fees.

Legal and Complying with any legal or regulatory requirements such as

Regulatory Costs obtaining any necessary license or permits from the authorities.

The estimates of the costs to develop the website that offers secure storage with pickup services
in University of Malaya depends on several factors list below:

Web A modest website with a few pages and basic functionality might cost
Development between RM 5,000 and RM 10,000.

Web Design A simple design might range between RM 2,000 and RM 5,000.

Web Hosting and The cost of registering a domain name and hosting the website on a web
Domain Costs server are often in the range of RM 50 to RM 200 each month.

Technology The price of any extra technology or software required to run the
Costs website, such as a content management system, a payment gateway, or
a customer relationship management system, can range between RM
1,000 and RM 5,000 depending on the system's sophistication.

Storage Facility Cost of renting or leasing storage units including the cost of
Costs maintaining and securing the storage facility needs to be negotiated
with the University of Malaya to get the best price.

Thus, based on the factors listed above, the overall estimated costs to develop a website offering
secure storage with pickup services will be around RM 8,000 and RM 20,000 excluding
monthly fees of RM 50 to RM 200 for web hosting and domain costs and the renting fees of
the storage facility that is located in University of Malaya.

c) Clearly identify the potential Key Partners (Who & verify how they contribute)
We would want to engage with the following prospective major partners on our secure storage
with pickup services website:

Potential Key How they Contribute (or Examples

Partners (Who) Why)

Storage Facility They run the real storage

Providers units where clients'
belongings are kept.

Security and They provide the

Surveillance appropriate security
Companies equipment and cameras to
guarantee that the clients'
valuables are safe and

Delivery and They are in charge of

Transportation retrieving and transporting
Companies customer belongings from
the storage facility.

Marketing and They may help promote the

Advertising Firms service to all University of
Malaya students who live in
residential colleges.

Insurance They can give coverage in

Companies case that a customer's
property is lost or damaged.

d) Clearly identify and verify marketing channels you would use (for both information &
A marketing channel is a way for a firm to interact with and reach out to its target audience.
Both online and offline marketing platforms are viable options.
The best marketing channels to utilize will be determined by the target client, budget, and
business type. To reach a larger audience and obtain better outcomes, a multichannel strategy might
be employed.
As a result, because the target customers for our website that provides secure storage with
pickup services are university students and we only have a small budget for our business model, the
best marketing channels to use are likely to be those that are cost-effective and can directly reach the
target audience. We will employ the following marketing channels:

Marketing Descriptions

Campus Use campus bulletin boards, fliers, posters, and banners to promote our
Advertising website.

Student Collaboration with other student groups, such as dorm councils, to

Organizations advertise the service to particular UM students.

Social Media Using social media sites such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to
Marketing establish a strong presence on campus.

Email Marketing Sending promotional emails through a student's university email account
to raise awareness of the availability of our website.

On-Campus Participating in or sponsoring on-campus activities to raise awareness of

Events the service.

Referral In order to recruit new clients, encourage existing UM students who have
Marketing used our service to promote their friends in exchange for discounts or
other incentives.

6. Conclusion
The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 11 to make cities and human
settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable relates to our project and asks for ensuring
access to secure and affordable housing as well as upgrading slum communities. As we can
see, the majority of students at University Malaya struggle to store their belongings since they
frequently encounter difficulties that require them to leave their belongings behind when
returning home, particularly the Sabah and Sarawak students. Due to the college's mandate,
many students struggle to remove all of their personal belongings from the dorm and keep it
clean during the midterm breaks. Students from Borneo and other regions or even states who
wanted to return temporarily home encountered difficulties as they had no idea where to store
their belongings nearby and securely. Some students know right away that staying close to
home is not a top priority, while others recognize they will have difficulty relocating with
distance comes independence.
A safe storage service is one option for helping students with home-distance issues,
product security issues, and difficulties with their own personal trust due to losing stuff. The
system has been made more user-friendly and practical by adding a website for subscribing to
the package, personal locker size, pickup and drop-off products, and a payment method. Our
website has a few essential aspects that might make it simpler for users to use it and contact us
directly if they need assistance. Students who use this service also gain additional advantages,
especially if they have registered as members who get a variety of discounts and low prices. In
addition to the password system that is part of the security system we provide, our company
will keep an eye on all the items on the list that belong to our clients to make sure that
everything is exactly the same before being placed in our safety room.

A secure storage facility's primary goals are organisation, security, and weight
reduction for student backpacks. Students can store heavy bags and clothing in our storage
locker and retrieve them at the end of the rental time. Lockers are used by some people to
store their belongings safely and to reduce luggage weight. Furthermore, the main goal is to
keep their belongings safe and organised so they won't have to complain about having to
carry everything at once. Lockers should be provided to students since they will prevent theft
of their belongings. Because they are powered by cutting-edge technology, feature scanners
that can swiftly read barcodes, and are designed for quick pickup, the safe storage service
lockers are super intelligent. Our storage lockers come in a variety of sizes, some even
contain multiple bag types and item sizes. In essence, a storage locker is a locked container
where students can leave belongings to be picked up when it's time for them to return home.
The entire contents of the locker serve as a secure, efficient, and contactless delivery

We offer a wide range of locker size options as well as pickup service at affordable
pricing to assist you get the greatest quality service. For people who do not have access to
transportation for their belongings, it is easier. For those that use our services frequently, we
will also provide memberships and other benefits to encourage them to continue using us.
Additional benefits are also offered to our loyal customers. This will spark their interest in
using our service to rent a locker or for personal storage. Moreover, we will offer a 24 hour
service to make it convenient for everyone to use. Because of the flexibility of our product,
they will use it more frequently as a consequence. We may offer our storage/locker space in
the universities so that it is more accessible to all students. Next, we can also set up a locker or
storage area at a mall or a train station. Your stuff won't need to be carried very far because

train or bus stations typically have them. You can put them in a locker room as soon as you get
off the train.

7. References

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8. Appendices

SDG 11 Sustainable Development Goals - Resources centre


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