Some Other Fanfic

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The Music We Make is Unnatural, But it Sounds Just Like Falling in Love

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu & Sigma
(Bungou Stray Dogs)
Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: Female Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Female Sigma (Bungou
Stray Dogs), Lesbians yay, I'm literally the No. 1 Sigzai shipper, can't be
debated, slight angst, Happy Ending, Bisexual Dazai Osamu (Bungou
Stray Dogs), lesbian sigma, Lesbian Character, wlw, Soft Sigma
(Bungou Stray Dogs), Soft Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Fluff,
First Kiss, author is a lesbian, Love Confessions, Confessions
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-10-20 Words: 2,162 Chapters: 1/1
The Music We Make is Unnatural, But it Sounds Just Like Falling in
by Monster_Cereals


The moon shone brightly over the waters of Yokohoma’s harbor, casting an ethereal glow
over the shimmering water. Dazai sat with her legs dangling over the edge of the pier. It was
truly a beautiful night for a suicide, she thought with a small smile on her face. Suddenly, a
soft voice pulled her from her thoughts.

“Dazai.” The voice rang out.

Of course She didn’t need to turn around to know who the voice belonged to. It was a lovely
voice, dainty and delicate, yet stern.

“Ah, Sigma, you found me.” She said, smiling warmly. “What are you doing out here this

“I should be asking you the same thing. Though, of course, I fear I already know the answer.”


Hi, I literally adore Sigzai so much it's like my no. 1 ship ever. Anyway, yeah I love lesbians
so I made them lesbians. Yay yuri! Please feel free to leave comments! I love getting
feedback! Thanks so much for reading!

P.S. I'm planning on making a second part to this story but erm... with more... smut in it...
Okay bye
The moon shone brightly over the waters of Yokohoma’s harbor, casting an ethereal glow
over the shimmering water. Dazai sat with her legs dangling over the edge of the pier. It was
truly a beautiful night for a suicide, she thought with a small smile on her face. Suddenly, a
soft voice pulled her from her thoughts.

“Dazai.” The voice rang out.

Of course, She didn’t need to turn around to know who the voice belonged to. It was a lovely
voice, dainty and delicate, yet stern.

“Ah, Sigma, you found me.” She said, smiling warmly. “What are you doing out here this

“I should be asking you the same thing. Though, of course, I fear I already know the answer.”

Sigma had a sullen look on her face, seemingly concerned for the other woman. Although she
didn’t like to show it. Sigma had recently had the honor of joining the Armed Detective
Agency. Her time helping Dazai in Meursault served as her entrance exam of sorts. Neither of
them have fully emotionally recovered from their time spent in that awful place, especially
Sigma. But the two had bonded while trapped there, and their bond continued to grow after
they escaped. Sigma knows that Dazai doesn’t care to show how much the whole ordeal
affected her, but everyone knows it rests heavily within her.

“Hm.” She laughed. “Sigma, of course you would fear the worst. I’m merely out here
enjoying the moonlight, that’s all.” Her brown eyes glimmered in the glow of the moon, as
she beckoned the other woman with a bandaged hand.

“Care to join me?”

Sigma didn’t say anything, she instead simply sat down next to Dazai, letting her legs hang
off the edge. They sat there for a while, staring out at the boats that passed. Only the sound of
Dazai’s soft humming filled the silence. The two stayed like that for a while before the
brunette finally spoke.

“Say, Sigma, we’ve spent so much time together, yet there’s still so much I don’t know about
you” She said, turning to look at the other woman.

“Hmm? What do you mean by that?” She questioned, expression quizzical.

“Well, for starters, what’s your favorite food?” She giggled as she asked the question. Sigma
looked confused.

“Why on Earth would you want to know something so meaningless?”

Dazai pouted at the response.

“Wahh, Sigma’s so mean~ I just wanted to start with something more tame before I move on
to the real heavy hitter questions.” She smirked as she spoke.
Sigma’s expression grew concerned. What could Dazai possibly want to know that would be
considered “untame”? She was silent for a few moments, thoughts spinning around in her



“My favorite food. It’s cheesecake.” Her face was dusted with a slight shade of pink. For
some reason admitting that seemed so… embarrassing?

Wow! Cheesecake! How unexpected! Even Sigma’s favorite food is just as cute as she is~”
her eyes were filled with excitement as she spoke.

Sigma only grew more flustered at the complement. Cheeks growing darker, averting her
eyes from dazai’s gaze. She could hear the brunette’s soft chuckle from beside her. All this
time spent together, and she still wasn’t used to how infuriatingly charismatic Dazai could be.

“I am not cute.” She said with a glare.

“Whatever you say!”

“Dare I ask what other questions you have in store for me?” Her voice was hesitant. She
didn’t know whether or not she wanted Dazai to ask more questions. She barely even knows
much about herself.

“Ask and you shall receive! Something I’ve been curious about is how do you like being a
part of the ADA?”

Sigma thought this was still a relatively normal question. However, she still took some time
to think about it. She pondered over her answer for some time before speaking.

“Well, if I’m being honest… It feels like I finally have a place I can call home. I always
thought the Sky Casino was that for me, but I think I was wrong. It feels like I’m part of
something bigger now. It feels nice to finally feel like I belong.” And for the first time that
night, she smiled. It was small but genuine.

Joining the Armed Detective Agency truly was the best thing that had ever happened to her.
Being surrounded by so many supportive individuals and never needing to fear that she’ll be
used as a pawn for the downfall of others has only made her life more fulfilling. Even though
she had been a member of the Decay of Angels, nobody seemed to view her as a threat, of
course, she was never really a threat to begin with, just merely collateral. She looked over at
Dazai who had been seemingly staring at her the whole time. She had a wide smile on her
face and her eyes were bright.

“I’m sure that would make everyone at the agency happy to know, Sigma. Especially the
President. But I want you to know that you’ll always have a family with us. We’ll always be
here for you.”

Suddenly Dazai had clapped her hands together, startling the other woman.
“Next question!”

Sigma groaned.

“Now this is very different from the other questions, but I’m just dying to know what Sigma’s
type is!”

“M-My type? Surely she didn’t mean what Sigma thought she meant.

“Yes, that’s right! What type of person are you attracted to?”

Sigma’s face grew red hot. What kind of a question was this? If she was being honest, she
had never really thought much about romance. She was usually too distracted with her duties
at the casino to notice people in that way. Although, she couldn’t help but think back to the
first time she had met Dazai. The way they had danced in Meursault. They way Dazai had
dipped her, and her face had gotten so close and– She stopped her thoughts dead in their

“I don’t have a “type”.” She said bluntly. She didn’t make eye contact with the brunette.

“Mhmm… Is that why you’re blushing so much?”

“I am not.” She said firmly. Like if she said it with enough belief, it would make it true.


“W-Well.. What about you, huh? What’s your type?” She smirked, feeling confident that she
diverted the conversation away from herself.

Dazai had a shocked look on her face like she wasn’t expecting the other woman to throw the
question back at her. But she quickly brushed it aside and replaced the shock with a smug

“Hmmm… My type… Well, for starters, I’m rather attracted to people shorter than myself.
And then of course they have to be easy to tease.” She said with a giggle.

Easy to tease?

Sigma thought to herself. Wondering who Dazai could be referring to.

“And I like people with long hair! It’s so fun to play with!”

At this point, she could be referencing literally anyone. And without thinking curiosity
overtook her.

“Like, long hair for men or for women?” Sigma didn’t know why she felt the need to ask. But
she just had to know. She had to know if Dazai liked girls.

“Hm, both. But women with long hair certainly make me swoon…” She had a look on her
face that Sigma couldn’t quite discern.
Sigma couldn’t believe it. Dazai actually liked women. She felt her face begin to heat up
once again at the mere thought of it. Dazai was smiling now, and Sigma noticed how she
moved slightly closer to her. Slightly.

“I have a thing for ethereal women.” She began. “In fact, there’s this girl… she’s beautiful
but I don’t think she sees it the way I do… She’s like an angel walking amongst mankind.
I’ve never seen anyone quite like her. And sometimes, I wonder if she feels the same way
about me.”

The way Dazai spoke about this woman, Sigma could tell this wasn’t one of Dazai’s silly
jokes. The more she thought about her words, the more Sigma’s heart began to ache.
Whatever she was going to say died in her throat and she felt a strong urge to run away. She
couldn’t believe she had ever held out hope that Dazai could possibly reciprocate her
feelings. Of course she would be in love with someone just as beautiful as she is.

“Sigma.” Dazai’s voice had cut through her thoughts.

She refused to look at the other woman, instead keeping her attention on the glimmering
water in front of her.

“Sigma, look at me.”

She didn’t. She couldn’t. She couldn’t bear the thought of making a fool out of herself in
front of Dazai.

And without warning, Sigma felt a warm, gentle hand on her face, drawing her towards the
brunette next to her. And she didn’t know why, but she could feel the tears begin to well up.
Grey eyes met brown ones and before Sigma could say anything she felt Dazai’s lips on her
own. The kiss didn’t last very long, maybe only a few seconds, but it was enough for Sigma
to be left awestruck. When Dazai pulled away she had the same expression as earlier, but
only now could Sigma pinpoint what it was.


It was love.

“Do you see now? Sigma, the woman is you. I can’t get you out of my head. I’m absolutely
crazy about you. Ever since we first met, you’ve been all I can think about.”

Sigma was astonished. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. The whole time Dazai had
felt the same way? A thousand responses ran through her mind but none would come out of
her mouth. She just sat there, blinking dumbly.

“I waited so long to tell you because I was afraid.. Which is a little embarrassing for me to
admit because I’m not usually afraid of anything.” She said with a small laugh.


“Yeah. Afraid you wouldn’t feel the same way. I know I can be kind of obnoxious and I
thought maybe that’s all you thought of me. And the idea of that really scared me because I
fell so hard for you. I just wanted to make sure you felt the same way before I came clean…”

“Well, I feel as though it was very obvious from the beginning that I had feelings for you. I’m
honestly surprised you didn’t figure that out sooner, given how stupidly smart you are.” She
said with a scoff. “I-I’m sorry, that came off kind of rude… I just meant that you’re so good
at picking apart little details and predicting things, that's all.”

“You’re certainly right, I’m surprised with that fact myself. But I’m kind of happy it turned
out this way. It seems much more… fulfilling. Knowing that we can discuss our feelings

By this point, Dazai was practically pressed up against Sigma’s side. She lifted a bandaged
hand to card her hand through the other woman’s long hair. And without thinking about it,
Sigma had kissed her. She didn’t know what she was doing. This was technically only her
second kiss after all. But it felt magical. Just the way she always imagined it would be. After
a few moments, she broke this kiss, face burning a bright shade of red. Dazai giggled.

“I can’t believe I get to be Sigma’s first kiss! I’m so happy!” She exclaimed, throwing her
hands in the air.

“Ugh, you’re such a dork.” Sigma said, smiling wide.

“Yeah. But I’m your dork~”

“Wow, smooth.”

They were both laughing, loud and exuberant. For a moment, Sigma sat and thought about
the last time she felt this genuinely happy. Maybe when she joined the Agency, but besides
that? Nothing came up. Her life while in the Decay of Angels had left her feeling empty. But
now she knew that there were people out there who cared. People who would be there to pick
up every broken piece and put them back together again. She had finally found the home that
she was so desperately searching for. Dazai stood up, holding out her hand for Sigma to grab.
She did so, pulling herself to her feet.

“It’s pretty late,” Dazai began. “We should probably get going.”

Dazai’s hand felt warm and soft in Sigma’s, and she smiled at the feeling.

“You’re right.” She agreed. “Let’s go.”

The two walked hand in hand the entire way back to the agency dorms. Their stroll back was
full of soft giggles and little kisses sprinkled in here and there. Both of their lives had been
full of much pain and turmoil, and yet… The weight of Sigma’s past seemed to lift off her
shoulders. It was replaced by the hope for a brighter future. One with a certain brunette in it.
And as Dazai held open the door to her agency-owned dorm, Sigma realized that home isn’t
always a physical place. She now understood that sometimes, home is Dazai Osamu.
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