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1111111111111Table of Contents

TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u µ HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714752" µ1.0 INTODUCTION PAGEREF

_Toc161714752 \h µ1§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714753" µ1.1 Content of the Report PAGEREF _Toc161714753 \h
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714754" µ1.2 Project Background PAGEREF _Toc161714754 \h
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714755" µ1.3 Objective of the Consultancy Services PAGEREF
_Toc161714755 \h µ2§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714756" µ1.4 Brief Project Description PAGEREF
_Toc161714756 \h µ3§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714757" µ1.4.1 Status and Location of Project PAGEREF
_Toc161714757 \h µ3§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714758" µ1.4.2 Terrain Classification PAGEREF _Toc161714758 \h
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714759" µ1.4.3 Regional Geological Setting PAGEREF
_Toc161714759 \h µ5§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714760" µ1.4.4 Geology of the Route Corridor PAGEREF
_Toc161714760 \h µ5§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714761" µ1.4.5 Climate PAGEREF _Toc161714761 \h µ7§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714762" µ1.4.6 Collection of Data PAGEREF _Toc161714762 \h
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714763" µ1.4.7 Route Selection PAGEREF _Toc161714763 \h
_Toc161714764 \h µ9§§
_Toc161714765 \h µ10§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714766" µ3.1 General PAGEREF _Toc161714766 \h µ10§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714767" µ3.2 Desk top study PAGEREF _Toc161714767 \h
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714768" µ3.3 GPS Control Points and Benchmarks PAGEREF
_Toc161714768 \h µ11§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714769" µ3.4 Cross -Section Survey PAGEREF
_Toc161714769 \h µ13§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714770" µ3.5 Personnel and Equipment PAGEREF
_Toc161714770 \h µ14§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714771" µ3.6 Conclusions and Recommendations PAGEREF
_Toc161714771 \h µ14§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714772" µ4.0 STRUCTURES PAGEREF _Toc161714772 \h
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714773" µ4.1 General PAGEREF _Toc161714773 \h µ16§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714774" µ4.2 Site Inspection PAGEREF _Toc161714774 \h
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714775" µ4.2.1 Cross Drainage PAGEREF _Toc161714775 \h
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714776" µ4.2.2 Longitudinal drainage PAGEREF _Toc161714776 \h
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714777" µ4.2.3 Retaining Walls and Protections PAGEREF
_Toc161714777 \h µ20§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714778" µ4.3 Review of Structures Design PAGEREF
_Toc161714778 \h µ20§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714779" µ4.3.1 Design Standards PAGEREF _Toc161714779 \h
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714780" µ4.4 Structural Design PAGEREF _Toc161714780 \h
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714781" µ4.5 Other Remedial Works PAGEREF
_Toc161714781 \h µ27§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714782" µ4.6 Findings of the Design Review (Preliminary).
PAGEREF _Toc161714782 \h µ27§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714783" µ4.7 Conclusions and Recommendations PAGEREF
_Toc161714783 \h µ28§§
_Toc161714784 \h µ29§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714785" µ5.1 General PAGEREF _Toc161714785 \h µ29§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714786" µ5.2 Geometric Design Standards PAGEREF
_Toc161714786 \h µ29§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714787" µ5.2.1 General PAGEREF _Toc161714787 \h µ29§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714788" µ5.2.2 Design controls and Criteria PAGEREF
_Toc161714788 \h µ30§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714789" µSuper elevation PAGEREF _Toc161714789 \h µ31§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714790" µ5.3 General preliminary findings on the proposed road
alignment PAGEREF _Toc161714790 \h µ37§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714791" µ5.4 Setting Out Data PAGEREF _Toc161714791 \h
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714792" µ5.5 Conclusions and Recommendations PAGEREF
_Toc161714792 \h µ38§§
INVESTIGATION PAGEREF _Toc161714793 \h µ38§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714794" µ6.1 Existing Pavement Condition Survey PAGEREF
_Toc161714794 \h µ38§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714795" µ6.2 Major Pavement Defects PAGEREF
_Toc161714795 \h µ39§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714796" µ6.2.1 Existing Gravel Surfacing and Roadway Width
PAGEREF _Toc161714796 \h µ41§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714797" µ6.2.2 Sub grade Soil Investigation PAGEREF
_Toc161714797 \h µ42§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714798" µ6.2.3 Sub-Grade Soil Extension PAGEREF
_Toc161714798 \h µ43§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714799" µ6.2.4 In-situ Bearing Strength Survey PAGEREF
_Toc161714799 \h µ45§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714800" µ6.2.5 In-Situ Testing for Moisture And Density PAGEREF
_Toc161714800 \h µ47§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714801" µ6.2.6 Trial Pits for sub grade Soil Sampling PAGEREF
_Toc161714801 \h µ48§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714802" µ6.3 Laboratory Testing PAGEREF _Toc161714802 \h
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714803" µ6.3.1 Soil Classification Tests PAGEREF
_Toc161714803 \h µ49§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714804" µ6.3.2 Atterberg Limit Tests PAGEREF _Toc161714804 \h
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714805" µ6.3.3 Grain Size Distribution PAGEREF
_Toc161714805 \h µ50§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714806" µ6.3.4 Moisture-Density and CBR Tests PAGEREF
_Toc161714806 \h µ51§§
PAGEREF _Toc161714807 \h µ52§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714808" µ7.1 Borrow Material for Embankment PAGEREF
_Toc161714808 \h µ52§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714809" µ7.2 Natural Granular Material for Sub Base PAGEREF
_Toc161714809 \h µ52§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714810" µ7.3 Quarry Stone for Crushed Aggregate and Masonry Works
PAGEREF _Toc161714810 \h µ53§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714811" µ7.4 Sand Source for Concrete and Mortar Works
PAGEREF _Toc161714811 \h µ54§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714812" µ7.5 Water for compaction and Concrete Works PAGEREF
_Toc161714812 \h µ54§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714813" µ7.6 Laboratory Testing PAGEREF _Toc161714813 \h
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714814" µ7.7 Natural Gravel for Sub-base and Borrow for Embankment
PAGEREF _Toc161714814 \h µ54§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714815" µ7.8 Quarry Rocks for Crushed Aggregate and Masonry works
PAGEREF _Toc161714815 \h µ55§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714816" µ7.9 Sand Source for Concrete and Mortar Works
PAGEREF _Toc161714816 \h µ55§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714817" µ7.10 Water for Compaction and Concrete Works PAGEREF
_Toc161714817 \h µ55§§
PAGEREF _Toc161714818 \h µ57§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714819" µ8.1 General PAGEREF _Toc161714819 \h µ57§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714820" µ8.2 Existing Pavement Condition PAGEREF
_Toc161714820 \h µ57§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714821" µ8.3 Construction Materials PAGEREF
_Toc161714821 \h µ57§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714822" µ8.4 Pavement Design Input Parameters PAGEREF
_Toc161714822 \h µ58§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714823" µ8.5 Pavement Design Based on ERA Pavement Design Manual
PAGEREF _Toc161714823 \h µ62§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc161714824" µ8.6 CONCLUSIONS PAGEREF _Toc161714824 \h


Annex 1 Project Photographs

Annex 2 Report for outstanding issue on Topographic Survey activity
Annex 3 Typical sections
Annex 4 Subgrade Soil Extensions
Annex 5 Test results for subgrade Materials
Annex 6 Construction Materials Test Results

List of Tables

TOC \h \z \t "table" \c µ HYPERLINK \l "_Toc160726369" µTable 1.1: Terrain Classification

PAGEREF _Toc160726369 \h µ4§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc160726370" µTable 1.2: Mean Monthly Rainfall of the Project Area
PAGEREF _Toc160726370 \h µ7§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc160726371" µTable 1.3: Mean Monthly Maximum and Minimum Temperature
of the Project Area PAGEREF _Toc160726371 \h µ7§§

List of Figures

TOC \h \z \t "figure" \c µ HYPERLINK \l "_Toc160726407" µFigure 1.1: Location map of the project
area PAGEREF _Toc160726407 \h µ3§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc160726409" µFigure 1.2: Topographic map of the project area PAGEREF
_Toc160726409 \h µ4§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc160726410" µFigure 1.3: Geological map of the project area PAGEREF
_Toc160726410 \h µ6§§
HYPERLINK \l "_Toc160726411" µFigure 3.1: Designed alignment of the road which has shifting
nearby Guba. PAGEREF _Toc160726411 \h µ11§§
Content of the Report
This report is a preliminary Engineering Findings Report prepared in accordance with the TOR
requirement of the consultancy agreement signed by the client and the consultant on August 22, 2007
for the consultancy service “Feasibility Study, Environmental Impact Assessment, Review of Detailed
Engineering Design and Tender Documents for Gelgo–Guba Road Project and Feasibility Study,
Environmental Impact Assessment, Detailed Engineering Design and Tender Document Preparation for
Guba–Wenbera Road Project”. It describes the initial observations, findings and investigations of the
works conducted as part of Phase I- Feasibility study, Environmental Impact Assessment and
preparation RAP report. This report supposed to take in to account the 10% field investigation and
topographic survey activities promised to be carried out in the Phase 1 part of the study. However, due
to the difficulty encountered in the course of the topographic survey activity where there are no GPS
points installed by the designing consultant and shifting of the road alignment in the one end of the
road, all field engineering activities are agreed to be carried out in the Phase 2 part of the study except a
reconnaissance carried out by a Material Engineer for the feasibility study. Thus this report discusses
about mainly desk top study carried out for the design review work with little data contribution from
filed investigation as sampling and testing of materials and topographic survey work were not carried
out which are going to be carried out in the second phase of the same project.
Project Background
The estimated road network of the federal state of Ethiopia was at the end of 2003 estimated at about
33,856 kms in length, including 16,702 kms of Federal roads; 17, 154km of regional roads. Out of this
4362km (13%) are paved and the remaining 12,340km are gravel or earth surfaced. The government
efforts to improve the road network with donor assistance, improve the share of federal roads in good
condition from 14% in 1995 to 32% in 2003: some improvement are also observed in the quality of
regional roads especially in the decline in the in the share of roads in poor condition. This resulted in a
decline in the share of farms that were estimated to be more than half a day walk from an all-weather
road from 75% in 1996 to 70% in 2003.

In spite of this progress in the past years road density in Ethiopia remains one of the lowest rates in
Africa, with poor access to ports, markets and services. The road density at 31km per 1000km2,
although higher than the value of 21 km per 1000km2 in 1994, is still below the average of 50km per
1000km2 for Africa. Only about 30 percent of the country is connected with all weather roads. In
addition with a reduced access to sea port as result of the conflict with Eritrea (the predominant link to
the sea) Ethiopia is now landlocked with Djibouti port as the shortest link to the ocean. The above
situation confirms the continuing priority for the construction of the road network.

To address the problems and constraints that result from a road density of about 31 km/1000 km2 and a
population in excess of 63 million, the Government of Ethiopia formulated a ten year Road Sector
Development Program (RSPD I) in 1996. Since then road network investments have been planned and
implemented in Ethiopia within the framework of the Program. These investments include
rehabilitation or upgrading of main trunk roads, link and rural roads as well as the construction of new
roads expanding the road network.

Besides funding projects through the national budget via the RSPD II, which has been extended to June
2007, the Government of Ethiopia is preparing projects for funding by donors. After June 2007 there
will be a need to develop subsequent programs in the future. The individual road projects are selected
for inclusion in the RSPD based on needs assessments which take into account levels of traffic, area
development potential, road conditions and access problems etc.
As part of the RSPD II, the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has received
funding from the Nordic Development Fund (NDF) towards the cost Consultancy services for Package
II, feasibility study, environmental impact assessment, review of detailed engineering design and tender
documents for the Gelego – Guba and feasibility study, environmental impact assessment, detailed
engineering design and tender document preparation for Guba – Wenbera road projects. Accordingly
the client, ERA and the Consultant NIRAS-RI-BEZA signed a contract agreement on August 22, 2006
for the execution of the consultancy service in the above.

Objective of the Consultancy Services

The Main Objectives of the Consultancy Services in the first phase are:

To carry out Detailed Feasibility Study for Gelego-Guba and Guba-Wenbera road projects under
package II;

To carry out Environmental Impact Assessment for both road projects. This includes analysis,
verification, and consideration of the recommendations of the EIA in terms of mitigating the negative
impacts for the two road projects under the package. The extent of involuntary resettlement should be
accounted in the design review process with the number of affected households properly identified and

To carry out Resettlement Action Plan and Indigenous Community Development Plan for both road
projects. This includes preparation of the Resettlement Action Planed along the route corridors and to
provide the Government and donors' partners with sufficient and adequate information as to the likely
impacts of the proposed road projects on the existing environment and socio - economic factors to
justify acceptance, modification or rejection of each proposed road project for further financing and
implementation without wasting time through finalizing detailed feasibility and environmental impact

Brief Project Description

Status and Location of Project
The Gelego-guba road project is located in two regional states: Amhara National Regional state and the
Benishangul Gumuz National Reional state. The project links two districts or Weredas, namely Quara
and Guba. The project commences at Gelego, the capital town of Quara wereda, 120km south of
Shehedi, capital of Metema Wereda and runs 148km southerly direction and terminates at Mankush
capital town of Guba Wereda.

Currently the project is inaccessible except some 12km stretch from mankush side and some 30km
from Gelego side up to Dinder River. The other section of the project is not accessible by driving.
Mankush is connected by the Injibara-Chagni-Mankush road about 237km long driving on some
stretches of the road especially in the section between Manbuk and Mankush 130km is with difficulty
condition, because this part of the road has badly deteriorated stretches particularly with deformations
and path holes at many spots.

The detail engineering design and tender document of the project has been carried out by a local
consultant SABA engineering plc as part of the shehedi-Gelego-Guba and Gelego-Tewodros Ketema
road project.

Figure 1.1: Location map of the project area

Terrain Classification
Gelego - Guba road project is located in the Abbay River Basin, which has diverse physiography of
various landforms and ranges in elevation from 490 masl, where the Abbay crosses the Sudan border,
to 4,247 masl in the eastern highlands. The project is situated in lowland area, close to the Sudan
border, which has an elevation range of 500m to 1,000 m. The topography of the project area is
dominantly flat and rolling with some mountainous section near by Gelego town. There are quite a
number of rivers flowing to the border direction joining the Dinder which is one of the biggest river
crossing the road.

The only towns in the area are those at the beginning and end of the road. The corridor runs through 4
weredas, Guba, Dangur, Tewedros Ketema and Gelego

The terrain classification is made based on ERA’s design manual for the cross fall as shown in the table
below. There are no escarpment sections as there are no transitions from the highland to the lowland.

Table 1.1: Terrain Classification

Terrain typeCross fall range in percent as per ERA design Manual 2002
Classification in percentFlat0-555Rolling5-2540Mountainous25-505Escarpment>500
Topographic map of the project area is shown in the figure below.

Figure 1.2: Topographic map of the project area

Regional Geological Setting
The road project is located in the North Western part of Ethiopia approximately 40km east of the
Ethiopia - Sudan Border.

According to “Geological Map of Ethiopia”, Scale 1:2,000,000 (Mengesha Tefera et al, 1996),
undifferentiated alluvial and lacustrine deposits of Quaternary age and volcanic rocks of Eocene
(Tertiary) age cover the project area. The volcanic rocks are deeply weathered alkaline and transitional
basalt flows with rare intercalations of tuff, and belong to the “Ashangi Formation”. The major
geologic formations encountered along the project route traverses are briefly described and discussed

Geology of the Route Corridor

A detail geological assessment of the route corridor is a subject of Phase II of the project. The geology
of the route corridor will be assessed during Phase II of the project with necessary maps collected from
the Geological Survey of Ethiopia. However; Work of the design consultant in this regard has been
assessed. Field observations were also made, and the route between Gelego to Guba traverses
numerous rock types. These are briefly reported on below, together with an assessment of their
potential use as road construction materials. The geological situation of the project area is also
presented in map given in the figure below.

Tertiary Basalts of the Ashange Formation (p2a)

The Ashange formation represents the earliest fissural flood basalt volcanism on the Northern Plateau.
It consists of predominantly alkaline basalts with interbeded pyroclastics and rare rhyolites and is
commonly injected by dolerite sills and dykes. The formation is exposed in the road section from km
135 to km 160. It varies from dark grey and aphanitic to medium grey, porphyritic or vesicular type. It
also varies from fresh and hard to weathered and decomposed type. In outcrop nature, it occurs as
stratified, sheeted and jointed (sometimes columnar), as well as blocky and isolated nature. Elsewhere,
it occurs as boulder and fragments that are scattered over large areas.

Mesozoic Adigrat Formation (Ja)

The Adigrat Formation includes the whole succession of clastic rocks resting uncomfortably on the
Precambrian basement and overlain uncomfortably by the Antalo Formation. The formation chiefly
comprises of sandstone with minor lenses of siltstone and conglomerates and laterite up to two meters
thick. It is composed of fine to medium grained, well sorted, cross bedded quartz sandstone. The
adigrat formation pre-dominates the area from km 120 – km 135 and from km 160 – km 170.

Early Granitoid Complexes (gd)

The group consists of intrusive masses of grandiorites which are grey in color, weakly to well foliated
and locally contain small lenticular xenoliths of the host rocks. They are essentially made of quartz,
oligoclase and subordinate microcline in various proportions. Most of the grandiorites contain both
hornblend and biotite but some contain only biotite. The group is exposed from km 170 – km 220
along the route.

The Tulu Dimtu group (pr2td)

The group consists of a thick succession of Precambrian low grade meta-volcanic and meta-
sedimentary unit with abundant intrusive bodies of mafic, intermediate and granitic composition. The
rock forms a relatively narrow belt along the western part of the country. Primary volcanic and
sedimentary features are locally preserved. The group is mainly exposed from km 220 – km 240 along
the Gelego – Guba road.

Precambrian rock of the alghe group (Ar1)

The group consists of uniform, grey, coarse-grained gneisses. This group mainly occurs at the last
section of the project route, roughly from km 240 up to the end of the project.

Geologic map of the project area is shown in the figure below extracted from “Geological Map of
Ethiopia”, Scale 1:2,000,000 (Mengesha Tefera et al, 1996),

Figure 1.3: Geological map of the project area

There is a meteorological station located at the Guba end of the road. The climate of the project area is
primarily influenced by altitude and the proximity to the equatorial monsoonal systems. The climate of
the region is characterized by a mono-modal rainfall pattern, which is the characteristic of the western
Ethiopia. The majority of the rainfall is in the period from June to September, brought by the
southwest monsoon originating from the Atlantic Ocean. The dry season extends from October to
March while a period of short rains may sometimes occur from April to May. Besides the latitude, the
altitude has considerable influence on the amount of precipitation, which increases with increasing

The climate type of the project area is classified as Tropical Climate with dry winter months, mean
temperatures of the coldest month above 180C, and a mean annual rainfall between 680 and 800 mm.
Temperature decreases with increasing altitude at a general rate of about 0.7oC per 100m elevation.
Temperature mean maximum and minimum and rainfall records for guba town are tabulated below

Table 1.2: Mean Monthly Rainfall of the Project Area, Guba town

MonthJFMAMJJASONDGuba/ Rainfall (mm)<1<1 <1255015015020015010010<1

Table 1.3: Mean Monthly Maximum and Minimum Temperature of the Project Area, guba town

MonthJFMAMJJASONDGuba/Mean Maximum
Temperature(oC)353535353535252530303035Guba/Mean Minimum.
Collection of Data
The consultant tried hard to get data and information relevant to the study just at the contract
commencing time. A formal request was sent to ERA to get design out put for the project and a soft
copy of the following data has been received from ERA lately.
Topographical Survey Final Report: July 2004
Soils and Materials Final Report: August 2004
Hydrology / Hydraulics and Structures Final Report: Undated
Hydrology / Hydraulics and Structures Final Report: Updated
Engineering Drawings: undated
Final Consultancy Completion Report: undated
Draft Inception Report: February 2001
Final Design Standards Report: undated
Final Engineering Report: February 2004
Final Land Acquisition Report: July 2004
Bidding Document Volume I: January 2005
Environmental Impact Assessment: December 2003

In addition to this some other data which are useful for the design review work was collected from
different agencies and government institutions as stated below

Topographic map of Scale 1:250,000 and 1:50,000 from mapping authority

Ethiopian Geologic Map for Ethiopian Geological survey, Scale 1:50000
Satellite image freely down loaded from the internet ( Land sat image)
Google earth image,
Metrological information like temperature and rainfall from Ethiopian Metrological Agency.

Route Selection

In the beginning of the study a visit was conducted to the regional government offices in Bahir dar to
discuss about the road project. In the discussion they had showed an interest of change in the road
alignment to pass it through Tewodros Ketema which town is not crossed by the original SABA design

When we refer road network map of the region, it was found out that tewodros ketema has access
through Shawra-Gelego road project which is under construction, but it was not possible to be sure. In
the end, with the help of Google earth image and information from Shawra-Gelego project it was found
that the project does not pass through Tewodros Ketema, and the town is located at the North West side
of Gelego at a distance of nearly 50km. From this we have learnt that Tewodros ketema has no access
so far and if this project supposed to touch the town it should pass through Gelego town. So the interest
of the regional officials to provide access for Tewodros ketema does not affect the SABA’s alignment
for Guba-Gelego and we adopted the designed alignment as it is for design review work.

In addition to this, residents of a village found next to Gelego, called Bemur requested the Wereda
administration to take the project route passing by their village. However, if the interest of every village
is satisfied then the road alignment would be irregular and longer. For this reason and due to other
technical factors an agreement is reached with the wereda administration to follow SABA’s alignment
as it is since it is not very far from the village. So no major realignment was envisaged in the second
phase of the project which could not affect the studies in this phase of the project.
Detail on Traffic and Axle Load Survey has been dealt and presented in the Feasibility Report and is
omitted from this report.
As per the contract requirement the consultant is required to carry out topographic survey activity for
30% of the total length of the road. The topographic survey activity includes checking the established
triangulation beacons like GPS monuments and benchmarks, reinstating damaged or lost benchmarks
and GPS monuments permanently in accordance with ERA’s design standard specification. However in
the methodology the consultant stated to carry the 10% of the topographic survey in the Phase 1 of the
study. However during desk top study and site reconnaissance survey, it was found out that the project
has no GPS points and there is shifting of the alignment near by Guba town for about 4.5km. In
addition to this, single GPS points and benchmarks reportedly installed by SABA engineering have not
been found on the ground which will make the topographic survey for design review impossible. As a
result of this it was difficult to carry out the promised 10% topographic survey in this phase of the
study. For this reason the consultant reported the case to the client and an agreement has been reached
to carry out the whole topographic survey in the Phase 2 part of the study so as not to delay other
activities in the first phase. Thus in this section of the report we will discuss the desk top study mainly
concentrating SABA’s topographic survey, the site investigation during the reconnaissance and the
identification of the problem in the topographic survey activity.
Desk top study
The desk top study was started just immediately after design data had been collected from SABA
engineering. In the design data full topographic survey report was included which contains few GPS
readings for single point, benchmark readings and their location from the centre line and vertical profile
and horizontal alignment data. The cross sectional level data for the determination of digital terrain
model (DTM) is also included in the topographic survey report.

To start with the desk top study, the design GPS and benchmark coordinates are exported to an
AutoCAD file and it is found out that the GPS points are not paired but single one and they are
installed for the first 40km section of the road. Then after having information from the topographic
survey report that the coordinates are tied with the National grid system, the bench mark and centreline
coordinates are overlapped with geo-referenced map. On the map it is shown that the road alignment
has a shifting for about 4.5km near Guba town and exactly fits the proposed road alignment near by
gelego town. This has been proved lately using GPS coordinates taken during site visit following the
proposed road alignment in Gelego and Guba town. The absence of GPS points for the whole section of
the road and shifting in the road alignment was reported to the ERA in our letter of Ref.
No.GG-GW/001/07 and dated 22.01.07 (please find the report submitted to ERA in Annex 2), at the
time of this writing, still it has been an outstanding issue of the project with regards to the scope of the
project. See figure below which shows the shifting of the road alignment near by Guba town.

Figure 3.1: Designed alignment of the road which has shifting nearby Guba.

GPS Control Points and Benchmarks

According to the terms of reference of the consultancy agreement the consultant is supposed to carry
out exploration of GPS points and Benchmarks installed by the designing consultant and verify their
coordinates. In addition to this the consultant has also the responsibility to reinstate the damaged or lost
GPS pint or benchmarks. However, almost none of the GPS points or benchmarks are found during
exploration of the control points except a damaged GPS point.

In the topographic survey report of SABA, it was stated that GPS points are installed every 5km and
benchmarks every 500m. However, in the list of GPS points only 9 single GPS points are reported with
their coordinates in the first 40km stretch of the road. The benchmarks are reportedly installed every
500mts and the coordinates are given in the list. The GPS points are not paired but single one which
can not be used for the running of traverse to determine and cross check bench mark elevation. The
other draw back in the SABA’s topographic survey is that most of the benchmarks are reportedly
situated on nails hammered on trees root instead of the standard bench mark monuments.

During site visit it was tried to locate the GPS points and Benchmarks along the road corridor having
coordinates of reference points and using hand held GPS. However it was not possible to get GPS and
benchmark monuments from Guba side rather movable stone are found on which “BM” is labeled.
These movable stones can not be Bench marks and in this stretch of the road most of the bench marks
are reportedly located on roots of trees. These roots of trees in the surrounding are inspected but no
bench mark and GPS point was found.

From Gelego side, the same exploration was made to locate GPS points and benchmarks since the
whole project area was not accessible. However, a damaged GPS point (GPS 125A) and another GPS
mark on a tree are found (Probably the nearest GPS point is GPS 126A). At these points the coordinate
readings are taken and there is a shifting of above 100mts from the coordinates of the same GPS point.
The list of coordinates of GPS points installed by SABA engineering and readings taken during site
visit are given in the table below.

Table 2.1: List of GPS coordinates and readings taken during site exploration

As we can see from the above, it is possible to say that none of the GPS points installed by the
designing consultant can be used for the design review work. Installation of GPS points for the whole
stretch of the road is required. In the absence of the GPS points it could be difficult to make design
review work since there are no existing GPS points on the ground to cross check them and to review
the secondary control point accordingly.

Concerning benchmarks none of them were found except markings on trees even though it was
reported that benchmarks are installed every 500mts along the road corridor. In the desk top study also
the benchmark coordinates have a shifting nearby Guba town when it is exported to a geo-referenced
map of the project area. This shifting of the benchmark coordinates is confirmed by coordinates of the
proposed road taken during site reconnaissance following paintings along the road. The major problem
is not absence of the benchmark monuments, but the available coordinate has a shifting and it is
difficult to reinstall them from the primary control points since they are not valid GPS points along the
road corridor. Due to this problem it seems to be difficult to undertake design review work since there
is no valid control point to check DTM of the road. Rather it is advisable to install new GPS and
benchmark monument to take DTM again to redesign the road.

Cross -Section Survey

According to the requirement of the terms of reference of the consultancy agreement, the consultant is
suppose to take cross-sectional level data to produce digital terrain model which will be used for the
checking of SABA’s DTM. The cross-sectional level data should have been taken in selected sensitive
sections which accounts for less than 30% of the total length of the road. For this purpose, the
following locations were identified for checking of the survey activities.

All settlement area and town sections for obstructions interference

Stretches where curve realignments are proposed
Stretches where there is a significant earthwork in mountainous sections

However, it was not possible to carry out this activity since no control points are found along the road
corridor. And it was not possible to reinstall them for two reasons
There are no GPS points installed by the consultant for the project except few single GPS points which
are not valid for traversing Benchmarks.
The bench mark coordinates have a shifting from the proposed road nearby Guba town and they are
misleading one.
Due to the above reasons it seems that there is no way to cross check DTM of SABA as required in the
design review scope. Rather it is advisable to install the control points as new so that we will be able to
produce the DTM again to redesign the road.

SABA engineering did topographic survey activity for the whole length of the road and it is
continuous. The cross-sectional level data was taken every 20m interval for 120m road corridor left and
right side of the centerline. In addition, detail topographic survey activities are also carried out at
crossing station for a length of 100m following the channel. Differential leveling was also carried out
along the road for an interval of 75m and for lesser interval when it is necessary.

Personnel and Equipment

There is no much deployment of manpower and equipment since there was a no significant topographic
survey activity on the ground. This is because it was not possible to continue with the survey activity
after the shifting in the design alignment had been identified. Instead an extensive desk top study using
GIS and road design software was carried in connection with the shifting of the road alignment.

A number of experts were deployed during the study period for the purpose of topographic survey
activities on the ground. In the beginning the highway engineer together with other project experts
visited the project site to see actual situations on the ground and to make work plan. Then after a group
consists of a senior surveyor and two junior surveyors equipped with Total Station and Hand Held GPS
instrument were deployed at the project site to explore control points and to take their coordinate
readings for verification and checking. The filed activities were suspended after the shifting in the
alignment had been identified and due to absence of valid GPS points along the road corridor.

Conclusions and Recommendations

It seem that SABA did a complete topographic survey work when we look in to the reports but the
absence of GPS points for the whole length of the road corridor is a crucial issue to undertake the
design review work. Moreover to this the shifting in the design road alignment has a significant impact
in the execution of the design review work. This has been an out standing issue in the progress of the
consultancy service. In our special report on the issue we recommend resurvey and redesign of the road
is a recommendable option to resolve the problem. If we chose the option to reinstate the control points
and to cross check the SABA’s DTM, and then it would not be possible to be sure that we would get
errors in the allowable limit. The problem can not be resolved with the scope of design review work
and ERA should involve in the decision in which way we should resolve the problem since the
different options have their own cost and time implication.
This Chapter describes the investigations and studies of major and minor cross drainage structures,
inspection of longitudinal drainage features performed as part of the feasibility study.

A road performs well if it is designed in such a way that it has sufficient cross slope that drains surface
water to the longitudinal drains (side drains).The side drains should also be sufficient and well designed
with adequate capacity, depth and slope that no water ponding neither erosion occurs which endangers
the performance of the pavement. And lastly, there should be cross drainages which traverse the road
and are provided at small, medium or major streams and river crossings and which serve as relief to the
side drains. Hence the drainage investigation of the road has been carried out in light of the above
requirements and it consisted of the following;

Inspection of the single existing bridge along the project at km 9+924.

Assessment of existing structures condition (i.e. Box culverts, slab culverts, metal and Concrete pipes
culverts) and required work for repair or rehabilitation.
Preliminary Investigation of new cross requirements

The field studies were performed between Feb.24th and March 15, 2006.
Site Inspection
A thorough survey of the location, dimension and condition of all the existing drainage structures has
been carried out. In as much this task is a review work for which detail inventory and design has
already been done by a previous consultant, the schedule of Culverts prepared by the design consultant
has been used in the investigation and confirmed that the inventory has been done satisfactorily.

There are several large culvert structures along the route. These include slab culverts, box culverts,
half-round steel culverts and RC pipe culverts. And there is only existing bridge on the project at stat.
km 9+924.

In this project a total of about 223 existing culverts have been identified during our site investigation.
Of these, 70 are slab culverts, one is a double box culvert with 3.0*2.50 m size, 12 are steel pipe arches
on masonry foundations, 41 are metal pipe culverts, 84 are concrete pipes, and the remaining 9 are
composites of concrete pipes, slabs and metal pipe culverts. Many of the existing pipe culverts are
undersized, below the current ERA minimum requirement of 900mm diameter, and silting up, and at
some locations complete burial of these pipe culverts is not uncommon. The design consultant has
proposed a replacement of these undersized culverts and there was no need of making an inventory on
such culverts. However, with a view to assessing the existing defects and determining type of outlet
and inlet end structures, channel maintenances work and other requirements, it was tried to inspect each
minor and major culvert along the project.

During our site surveys, we also tried to identify locations where new structures have been proposed by
the design consultant and found them to be a necessary requirement. The design consultant has
recommended a total of 78 new structures as additional cross-drainage. In addition; we have also noted
some locations where signs of water ponding have been observed and have either to be provided with a
cross drainage or the road profile has to be raised so as to prevent sub grade saturation.

The results of this survey with a remark column on assessment of each culvert condition are included in
appendix 6.
The slab culverts have varying sizes from 1m to 5.15 m clear spans, and most of them have normal
crossing (few are with skew crossing). Almost all of them are without or damaged headwalls or
railings. The road alignment requires the structures to be extended in either direction.

The steel pipe arches have got 1500mm to 2100mm arch radius, the steel pipes are placed on masonry
abutment foundations and most of them are draining well. Most of these culverts are located on the
marshy areas and there was difficulty of access on some of these to inspect the possibility of corrosion
on the underside of the pipes. Hence, a further check on these shall be done during our next phase.

Most of the pipe culverts are concrete pipes of size 500mm, 600mm, and 800mm. almost all concrete
pipes with size less than 600mm are either partially or totally silted up. These pipes are under-sized,
and most of them have been placed with deep invert levels. They will need to be replaced by larger
pipes (900 mm) to meet the minimum requirements of the ERA drainage manual. Pipe culverts which
are highly undersized and with a visible capacity problems were observed and these will need to be
replaced either by slab or box culverts.

The steel pipes are corrugated steel pipes of size 500mm to 900mm, with one 1500mm pipe at around
km 89+800. Corrosion on the invert of the pipes was the major defect observed. Pipes placed under
high fill were observed to have some segments at inlet and outlets disjointed and require re-fixing. In
general, those with adequate hydraulic capacity and are to be retained will have channel maintenance
and other protection measures. Concreting of the invert shall be one such option to protect from erosion
and corrosion.
A short summary of the defects and observations collected on the various roadway drainage features is
presented as follows;
Cross Drainage
Many culverts are silted and some completely blocked. Water was also observed stagnant inside the
barrel. This has resulted mainly due to flat invert slopes of the pipes. And also, most channels require
channel excavation and outlets were not draining well. Hence, provision of sufficient invert slopes and
proper channel outlets shall be the main focus in the design of the new culverts .Those culverts which
are to be retained or extended shall also be desilted and cleared.

Although Most of the slab culverts are located in the marshy areas, no structural defect was seen on any
of the masonry abutments. However, it was not possible to inspect the foundation conditions. The
design consultant has proposed a replacement slab culverts on some of these marshy areas. The
founding material condition will be assessed and a box culvert could be recommended based on our

Almost all culverts have no visible headwalls, no guide posts

Some pipes were placed under high fill; especially those from around km 107 to kibremengist and had
some of their pipes near outlet were disjointed.

Eroded gully formation at outlets was the feature on most of the culverts especially on the erodible
soils of contract 2 and contract 3.

Some culverts might require Inlet shifting or relocating, or drain deepening.

E.g. C-46+858, C-45+738
On some locations like C-46+858, where catchments look big size, detail check of the catchment’s size
and the corresponding run off shall be done.

Very Dense vegetation on Inlet and outlet was a common feature on most of the culverts. At some of
the culverts it was even difficult to locate the culvert inlets and outlets.
Most outlets and inlets have no paved water way. And where the outlet had a chute structure no
dissipating stilling basin was provided at its foot that severe erosion has been noticed.

Some culverts discharge to farm land, and in between houses and these need to be relocated if possible
or appropriate protections measure shall be provided.

Some outlets need wing wall type End wall. E.g. 67+614

Approach drains to culvert inlets are narrow and constricted, and at others the inlets were placed at
higher elevation. Hence, the inlets of the culverts shall be fixed with due regard to the drain flow depth.

The following types of End wall have been observed: Drop inlet type, Type “A” End wall, Wing wall
Type, Cascade Type with chute. However, the drop inlets were not similar to the current ERA standard
drop inlet Detail and are of a longer headwall length.

Some Outlet and inlet channels are meandering, eroded and they need proper channel maintenance and

Some culverts with skewed approach channels have been placed Ortho to the road and scouring near
end walls have been observed.

On some culverts overtopping has been reported from local peoples. These locations were investigated
and it was observed that, though capacity problems were common to all, some had not been placed at
proper lowest profiles and might require shifting/relocating. This however, shall be a task during detail
design work in phase II.
Longitudinal drainage
Side drains

In general, in most of the road section, the side drains are in good condition. This might have been
presumably due to the recent road maintenance operation that has been carried by ERA. However,
sections with very shallow or nil Drains depths were also uncommon. Standing water along the side
drains has been observed on most sections of the road length, particularly at drain approaches to culvert

It was also observed that significant erosion of side drains has occurred in the hilly and mountainous
sections of the road. At around km 134+700 Lhs of the road , ground was severely eroded that gulley
deep as 10m and wide as 10-15m ,and which runs for about 100ms length was observed. This type of
gulley erosion was particular feature of the section from kibremengist where the sub grade material is
an erodible sandy Silty –clay and the terrain is hilly. It was also on this section of the road that masonry
lined drains have been provided at selected steep gradient locations. Wooden pegs as erosion subsiding
measures have also been used and some of them were seen as performing well.

Another major problem noted was at sharp curves. No proper turning radius was provided for the
drains and the water was not following the curved path and flows across the road. Hence, on such sharp
curves, the drains shall be paved and shall be made deep. Ditch turn-outs were infrequent or not
properly provided and the water was flowing for greater depths with out diversion and hence causing
erosion. Most paved drains were not provided with proper cut-off wall at their discharge toe points that
erosion initiated from their last paved segments.

Furrow ditches/secondary drains that run parallel to the road were also provided on some sections of
the road. Some of these have been silted up and need to be reconstructed. Those on the erodible soils,
especially on the last sections of the contract 2 are severely eroded and at some sections the erosion is
progressing towards the road endangering its future. Hence, erosion protection measures need be taken
on these gullies also. For some of them, filling up of the gulley would be appropriate solution, with
provision of check dams and plantation of grass thereafter. New secondary drains might also need to be
provided on mountainous and hilly sections and these locations shall be defined during the detail
design stage.
Retaining Walls and Protections
No retaining wall has been observed except a 15m long slope protection masonry wall at around km
25+00. It looks has been provided at later stages of time as part of maintenance to either prevent side
slope erosion or sliding. However, new locations that require retaining walls might be identified during
our detail design of the road geometry and x-sections review.
Review of Structures Design
A preliminary review of the Reports prepared by the design consultant namely; Structures and
hydrology report, and Final Engineering Report was made. The standard drawings and the schedule of
culverts were also reviewed and the following is our initial findings on these, and detail review of same
will be continued during phase II of the project.
Design Standards
The main objective of drainage study is:

Determination of flood discharges that originate from the catchments that drains towards the road
( Hydrologic Analysis)
Check the capacity of the existing drainages to accommodate this flood and if found insufficient
determine appropriate hydraulic structure to accommodate the flood (Hydraulic Analysis).

The design consultant has adopted the ERA Drainage Design Manual and ERA Bridge Manual for
checking hydraulic and structural capacity of the existing as well as new proposed drainages structures.

Although a detail design of the hydrology is not task of this phase, a preliminary review of the
approach and methodology followed by the design consultant in the hydrology and hydraulic
assessment of the culverts is summarized as follows:
Hydrologic Design Standards
Collection of all available data

Topographic maps at scale of 1:50,000 covering the catchments areas of the culverts for the entire
Rainfall data
Stream flow data for Kola bridge at km 9+924
Size of the Catchments areas was estimated from the maps and three categories of catchments sizes
were defined: >35km2, between 0.4 km2 and 35km2 and less than 0.4 km2.

Flood Estimation
Rational Method –only for drainage areas less than 50 hectares (0.5 km2);
SCS and other Unit Hydrograph Methods – for Area> 50 hectares;
Frequency analysis – frequencies of high flows on the basis of recorded maximum rainfalls and peak
stream flows will be computed

Selection of Design Frequency

Drainage works shall be designed for storms having a recurrence interval of at least that shown in
Table 2.1.

Table 3.1 Design Storm Frequency (years) by Geometric Design Criteria

Structure TypeReturn
Period (yrs)Gutters & Inlets*2Side Ditches10Ford/Low – Water Bridge-Culvert, pipe [see Note]
(span<2m); A < 1.0km210Culvert (2m<span<6m); A < 10km225Short Span Bridges (6m< span<15m);
A < 50km250Medium Span Bridges (15m< span<50m); A < 200 km250Long Span Bridges (spans>50
m)100Check/Review Flood200
All bridges and major culverts shall be checked for performance under a storm event less frequent than
the design storm event shown in the table as the Check/Review Flood. All other drainage structures
shall be checked for the storm having the next lower frequency than the design storm event. For
example, minor culverts designed for a 10-year storm, shall be checked for adequate performance with
a 25-year interval storm event.

Estimation of Rainfall Frequency

Statistical analyses of Rainfall data for the project area were done to develop rainfall intensity-duration
relations for commonly used design frequencies. The rainfall data available in the study area is only 24-
hr rainfall depth. The 24-hr rainfall depth records were used to estimate the frequency of 24-hour
rainfall depths. The results are shown in Table4.2.2 in the form of frequency factor.

Table 4.1 Frequency Factor Vs Return Period (years)

ReturnPeriod Frequency Factor21.0051.33101.57251.90502.151002.40

Hydraulic Design Standards
As per the design consultant’s report, the following criteria were applied in the hydraulic design of the
roadside channels, culverts and bridges:

Longitudinal Ditches

Channel side slopes should not exceed the angle of repose of the soil and/or lining and shall be 2:1 or
flatter in the case of rock-riprap lining.
Flexible lining shall be designed according to the method of Allowable Tractive Force.
The design discharge for permanent roadside ditch linings should have a 10-year frequency while
temporary linings shall be designed for the 2-year frequency flow. All roadside channels and/or ditches
shall be hydraulically designed as per this manual.
Channel freeboard shall be 0.30 meter

Side Drains
The design consultant relying on ERA’s drainage Design-2001 manual has recommended the following
types of side drains designed according to the different terrain configuration.

Side drains Flat Areas (grade slopes up to 5%):

Trapezoidal unlined ditch; bottom width 2.0m, depth 0.50m and side slopes of 1V:2H

The max.limiting length of drain above which erosion is initiated is not defined. But the consultant has
shown that up to a length of 1km no erosion would occur. However, on expansive areas, they have
recommended lined ditches of same dimension to that of the rolling sections

Side drains Rolling Areas (grade slope varying b/n 5% and 7%):
Trapezoidal masonry lined ditch; bottom width 1.0m, depth 0.50m and side slopes of 1V:1H

GradientLength of the drain not to exceed5%950 meters6%750 meters7%650 meters

Side drains in hilly, mountainous and escarpment Areas (grade slopes >7%): Rectangular masonry
lined ditch; bottom width 0.60m, depth 0.60m

GradientLength of the drain not to exceed7%450 meters8%400 meters9%350 meters10%300

meters10,5%300 meters
Side drains in Urban Areas: masonry lined ditch; bottom width 0.60m, depth 0.60m and side slopes of

GradientLength of the drain not to exceedFrom 0 to 5%No limitation5%950 meters6%750

meters7%650 meters
A runoff volume of 2.50m3/sec used for analysis of culverts in the small catchments areas was also
used for the hydraulic analysis of the side drains in all the terrain configurations. However, this
assumption shall be reviewed and checked in detail design work of phase II. And also where the
existing soils are very prone to erosion especially on sections of contract 2 where many gully
formations have been observed, the requirements of lined drains or other erosion protections at
additional locations shall be reviewed.

Culvert Design Criteria

The following design limitations are required for the culverts.

Allowable Headwater is the depth of water that can be ponded at the upstream end of the culvert that
will be limited by one or more of the following:

Non-damaging to upstream property;

No higher than the shoulder or 0.3 m below the edge of shoulder;
Equal to an HW/D not greater than 1.5;
Not higher than the low point in the road grade; and/or
Equal to the elevation where flow diverts around the culvert.

The Review (Check) Headwater is the flood depth that:

Does not exceed 0.5 cm increase over the existing 100-year in the vicinity of buildings or dwellings,
Has a level of inundation that is tolerable to upstream property and roadway for the review discharge.

Maximum Velocity: For the maximum velocity limit in the culvert barrel:
Minimum Velocity
use 0.8 meters per second when streambed material is not known,
if clogging is probable, consider installation of a sediment trap or size culvert to facilitate cleaning.

Flood Frequency: The flood frequency used to design or check the culvert shall be based on:
the values given in Table 3.1
an economic assessment or analysis to justify the flood frequencies greater to lesser than the minimum
flood frequencies listed in Table 3.1

For a given channel geometry, slope, and roughness, and a specified value of discharge, a unique value
of depth occurs in steady uniform flow. It is called the normal depth. The normal depth is used to
design channels in steady, uniform flows and Manning's Equation as given by Q = (1/n) AR2/3S1/2 is

C) Bridge Design Criteria

Only one bridge at Kolla River (near Aleta Wondo) is identified. The following are the criteria related
to the hydraulic analyses for the sufficiency of the bridge.

Design Floods: For such purposes as the evaluation of backwater, clearance, and overtopping shall be
established. The design discharge was calculated from the maximum daily flows of stream data
available from ministry of water resources

Backwater: Backwater and/or increases over existing condition up to 0.5 m during the passage of the
100-year flood, if practicable.

Clearance: A minimum clearance conforming to the requirements of the Bridge Design Manual shall be
Structural Design
Kola is the only bridge in the project. The existing structure is adequate in terms of hydraulic capacity
and structurally also it is in good condition. However, the carriageway width is much less for a two-
lane upgraded road and a new concrete girder bridge upstream of the existing bridge is recommended
and the design has been conducted by the previous design consultant. The following Table summarises
the specifications and design criteria used in the design process.

In the design of the bridge, the following general criteria and loading were used.

Bridge carriageway width: 7.32 meter

Sidewalk width: 0.80 meter
Railing height: 0.85 meter
Minimum freeboard: 1.00 meter
Transverse Cross fall: 2%
Live loading: AASHTO HS20-44 +30%
Design specification: AASHTO Standard Specification for
Highway Bridges, 1996.
Materials Properties:

The following material properties have been used for the design of the bridge.


TypeCompressive strengthElasticity modulusClass “A” 24 Mpa (3500 psi)23200 MpaClass “Y”

27 Mpa (4000 psi)24800 Mpa
Reinforcing steel

Diameter of barSteel gradeYield strengthElasticity modulusUnit weight<20 mm 40273 Mpa200 x

103 Mpa78.50 KN/m3> 20mm 60413 Mpa200 x 103 Mpa78.50 KN/m3

A 18 meter-long deck girder superstructure has been designed for the Kola River bridge. The
superstructure was designed using the load factor design method.
In the design of the superstructure, the following loads were considered.
Dead load including 5cm-wearing surface ;
Live load ;
AASHTO HS20-44 truck and lane loading ;
Impact, according to AASHTO (Art.3.8) ;
Load combinations were applied according to AASHTO article 3.22
The design loads (shear forces and bending moments) were calculated at each section.
Dead load and live load deflections are checked for the allowable limits and camber is provided at mid
span for the calculated dead load deflection.

The substructure of this bridge consists of masonry abutments at both ends.

The following loads were considered in the design of the substructure.
Dead loads;
Live loads (AASHTO HS20-44 truck and lane loading);
Wind loads on structure;
Wind load on live loads;
Longitudinal forces.
The load combinations according to AASHTO article 3.22 were applied in the stability analysis of the
The stability of the abutments was checked against overturning, bearing pressure and sliding.


Bridge Railing: Reinforced concrete posts and railings are provided.

Bridge Bearings: Steel plate bearings are provided to transmit the loads from the superstructure to the
substructure and accommodate the differential movements.
Deck Drains: are provided at quarter points of the deck of the superstructure.
Deck Joint Seals: Joint seals of the pre-molded expansion joint filler type are provided at the ends of
the superstructure.
Other Remedial Works
Design for retaining walls, guidepost, and safety barriers are based on ERA design manuals. And also a
detail drawing for gabion protections has been included in the typical drawings.
Findings of the Design Review (Preliminary).
Extended slab culverts are not detailed to be monolithic with the existing ones. This shall be reviewed
and its implication with respect to structural integrity and others shall be studied.
Retaining walls details proposed by the design consultant are of concrete only in terms of economy,
availability of materials and ease/or difficulty of construction, alternative masonry wall Retaining
details will be considered unless other factors govern.
Water chute proposed is in concrete only and option for masonry should also be included.
Since most of the existing end walls are with wing type end walls, details for such end walls types
should be provided.
The Minimum design slopes considered in the computation of hydraulic capacity of the culverts are not
shown in the schedules and due consideration shall be given to this.
Inconsistencies like a culvert is shown to be replaced in the schedule of culverts whereas it is shown as
to be retained on the plan-profile are discovered. For example, C-123+219 is an existing metal arch
culvert located on a marshy area. The plan profile shows this to be retained whereas the schedule
recommends replacing with Slab culvert.
Details for concrete pipes extensions are not shown and shall have to be prepared.
Where the outlets discharges in between houses and where shifting or relocating of becomes
impractical, protection masonry chute walls have to be constructed for a reasonable distance.
Inlet inverts of the culverts given in the schedules shall be checked and reviewed.

And most important is the design of the longitudinal grade of the drains. The profile grade of the side
drains is shown in the plan-profile sheet. However, from review of the plan-profile it has been noticed
at some locations the drain profile has rise ups and discontinuities. On such conditions the drain water
couldn’t flow freely and water ponding would occur. Thus, thus all locations shall be reviewed for
ensuring smooth and uninterrupted drain flows and this shall be carried out in conjunction with the
detail geometric design review work.
Conclusions and Recommendations
The general approach and design standards followed by the design consultant are satisfactory is for this
phase of the project. However, detail review check of the hydrologic, hydraulic and structural
calculations shall be dealt in phase II of the project.
The project road is situated in terrain ranging from flat to mountainous, although the majority of
the road could be classified as being flat and rolling terrain. In which cases we do not expect many
departures in the horizontal and vertical alignment of the road.

There is no road running from Gelego-guba only dry weather road for few length of the road as
access to the border. It will be almost new construction. The road design has been carried out by SABA
Engineering after topographic survey had been carried out.

The geometric parameters are determined according to design standard values for DS5 as per
ERA geometric design manual – 2001, and ERA/TCDE design standard data, where details are not
given in the former design Manual.

At this stage of the study it was not possible to carry out a design review work on the ground
since topographical information could not be collected; rather an extensive desk top study was carried
out in the design documents and drawings. It will be further carried out in the following parts of the
design in the phase 2 part of the study.

Plan Profile drawings showing the horizontal and vertical alignments

Road cross-section drawings - urban and rural
Road furniture drawing and all relevant drawings and documents

Geometric Design Standards


Geometric design is the design of cross-sectional elements, horizontal and vertical alignments of a road
to give a comfortable, smooth and safe riding surface following a certain design manual (standard).

The geometric aspect of the project which consists of the design elements such as the x-section, the
horizontal and vertical alignments is designed based on the following general design standard values
for road standards as per ERA geometric design manual – 2002 the design review work will be also
carried out using the same design standard. Design parameters of the selected standard are discussed
below with their compatibility to the project situations.
Design controls and Criteria
The most important of several design factors that controls the geometric parameter’s is design speed. It
is the most vital controlling factor of highway geometric design element. Design speed is the maximum
speed that vehicle can travel on the road with safety and comfort, where only geometric consideration
governs. In most cases the horizontal and vertical curvature will predominantly act as constraint on
design speed. Further, design speed standards are modified depending up on the terrain. The selection
of design speed entirely lean on character of terrain, the density of high way (Traffic volumes expected
to use the highway and by economic and environmental considerations.

Design of Horizontal alignment

Often changes in the direction are necessitated in highway alignment due to Obligatory points. The
alignment should enable consistent, safe and smooth movement of vehicle operating at designed speed.

Horizontal alignment contains the elements tangent, circular curve and transition curve. These elements
should be combined to produce a smooth flowing alignment that provides the driver comfort and
safety. The alignment is also selected in way that it is beautiful esthetically and environmental friendly.

The maximum length of tangent section should not exceed 4km. this is normally expected along level
or flat terrain. Tangents between consecutive curves should be long enough to provide sufficient

The circular curve

The minimum horizontal radius, Rmin, for a particular design speed, the fallowing equation shall be
Rmin = VD2
127 (e+f)
Where Vd = Design speed (km/hr)
e = max. Super elevation (in %*100)
f = side friction coefficient
Super elevation

One of the safety measures taken was super elevating circular curves on the outer side of the curve.
This measure was taken to counteract the centrifugal force effect on vehicles. The circular curves are
super elevated taking in to account the terrain through which the road traverses and the degree of
curvature of the specific curves.

The maximum rates of super elevations used in the design were 8% and 4% for rural and town sections
respectively. Accordingly the rate of super elevation for each curve was taken from the tables attached
which are calculated taking into account the maximum rates of super elevation (8 and 4%) and design
speeds given for different terrains.

Pavement Widening
To make operating conditions compatible to those on tangents and the wheel tracking width is
increased at high fill sections and curves, it is necessary to widen the curves on the inner side.

Widening of the circular curves is provided considering the radius of curvature of the specific curves
and the height of fill. The following table shows the relation between radius of curve and fill height
with widening.

Widening Table
Widening for CurveWidening for fillRadius of Curve (m)Widening (m)Fill Height (m)Widening (m)20
– 401.50.0 – 3.00.040-601.23.0 – 6.00.360-1200.96.0 – 9.00.6120-2500.6Over 9.00.9Over 250-
Design of Vertical Alignment
The two major aspects of vertical alignment are vertical curvature, which is governed by sight distance
criteria and gradient which is related to vehicle performance and level of service .vertical curves are
applied to effect the transition between straight grades. there are two types of vertical curves, crest
(summit) and sag (valley) curves.

1.4.1 Gradients
While aligning a high way the gradient is decided for designing the vertical curves. Very steep
gradients are avoided as it is not only difficult to climb the gradient but also the vehicle operation cost
is increased. The factors to be considered in fixing gradient are:
construction cost
practical problems in construction at the site and
the vehicle operation cost
The performance consideration and other related factors have formed the basic limiting criteria for
gradients. Maximum gradient in itself is not a complete control hence the length of a particular gradient
must be checked.

1.4.2 Crest and sag curves

The minimum lengths of crest and sag curves have been designed to provide sufficient stopping sight
distance. The design is based on minimum allowable “K” values, as defined by the formula K = L/A
Where K = limiting value, horizontal distance required to achieve a 1% change in grade
L = Length of vertical curve (m)
A = Algebraic difference in approach and exit grades (%)
Minimum lengths of crest and sag vertical curves have been recommended based on design speeds and
stopping sight distance requirements. They provide for ride comfort, appearance, and most importantly,
safety. These are shown in tables 1.2.3 and 1.2.4 respectively, in terms of “K” values (ERA 2002

Table minimum values for crest vertical curves

Design speed
(KM/h)Rate of Vertical Curvature, K
for Stopping Sight DistanceK, For passing
sight Distance20 21030 35040 59050 1013060 1818070 3125085 60350100 105480120 210680

Table minimum values for sag vertical curves

Design Speed
(KM/h)Rate of vertical Curvature, K
for stopping Sight DistanceK, for Passing
Sight Distance20210304504089050121306018180702525085363501005148012074680
1.4.3 Sight distance
Sight distance is generally a direct function of design speed on rural roads. Minimum stopping sight
distance (SSD) must always be provided as safety requirement .Overtaking sight distance (OSD) can
only be provided where topography dictates.

Roadway x-section Elements

The x-section elements considered in these projects are the carriageway, the drainage features (side
ditches), the earthwork profiles (the side and back slopes) and the parking lane and footway in towns &

The roadway x-section in rural sections has two lane 7.0m total width, surfaced with 200mm thick
gravel material on top of 100mm capping layer with 4% crown slope. In towns and villages the total
width is 19.0m where the carriage way is two lane 7.0m wide followed by 3.5m parking lane and 2.5m
wide footway on both sides of the carriage way and surfaced with 200mm thick gravel material on top
of 100mm capping layer like the rural sections.

The carriage way in towns and villages has a crown slope of 4% followed by 6% for the parking and

The carriage way in rural sections is widened by 0.60 – 1.5m for curvature depending on the degree of
curve of the circular curves and 0.3 – 0.9m for high fill depending on the height of fill. (Typical
sections which represent the different sections of the road are included in Appendix II).

1.6 Comparison of design standards

For the comparison study, the geometric design standards of the Ethiopia Roads Authority (Notably,
the ERA geometric design manual 2002) along with the fallowing internationally recognized design
standard were compared
AASHTO high way design standards 1994 (A policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets)
Kenya land Design manual (part III), 1987
TRL Overseas road note 6, 1988 (a Guide to geometric Design )
SATCC (Draft ) code of practice for the geometric design of trunk toads,1998
On top of these, the under listed reports were consulted.
TRL contractor Report 94, 1988 (Review of geometric Design and standards for Rural roads in
developing courtiers)
TRL Review Research report 114, 1987( review of same road geometric road standards)
ERA Geometric Design manual -2002
The “Description of the service” is for the upgrading of the existing road from Guba to Wenbera and
new gravel wearing course road for the stretch from 64+500 to end of the Project.
We have consulted ERA’s Geometric Design manual 2002, chapter 2 (summary of standards and
Departures from standards) containing what is understood to be the geometric standards of ERA. The
manual considers five types of terrain: flat; rolling; mountainous; escarpment and urban. Most of these
terrain types are found on the route alignment of Gelego-Guba. Under the road functional
classification, there are potentially 5 “Design standards’’ (DS2 to DS6) for link roads depending upon
the design traffic flow. The relevant table is given below.

Table Design Standards (Link Roads)

Design StandardDesign Traffic Flow
AADTSurface TypeWidth (m)Design Speed (km/h)Rural TerrainUrban/
table 2.3120100857050DS31,000– 5,000Paved7.0See table 2.310085706050DS4200-
1,000Paved6.7See table 2.38570605050DS5100-200Unpaved7.0See table 2.3


Gelego -Guba road (from current observation) will Likely fall (from just Consideration of traffic
volumes) mostly into the DS5 design category. It is safe to assume the design
Two-way traffic flow will be between 100 and 200 AADT.
Table Geometric Design parameters for Design standard DS5 (Unpaved)
Design ElementUnitFlatRollingMountainousEscarpmentUrban/
UrbanDesign Speedkm/h7060504050Min. Stopping Sight Distancem11085554555Min. Passing Sight
Distancem275225175125175% Passing Opportunity%252515020Min. Horizontal Curve
radiusm175125855085Transition curves requiredNoNoNoNoNoMax. Gradient (desirable)
%45777Max. Gradient (absolute)%67999Minimum Gradient%
Superelevation%88884Crest Vertical CurveK311810510Sag Vertical CurveK251812812Normal
Cross-fall% of Waym5050505050
The ERA “standard” design elements (relating to Geometry) for unpaved Design standard DS5 is given
in table (Refer Table 1.2.2of ERA geometric design) Essentially one has to define the design standard
[design class ] based on design traffic flow, define the terrain type [and this usually varies by section
along the length of a road depending upon alignment and existing topography ] and this then gives the
applicable cross sections to apply and the applicable design speed (which sets all the geometric
parameters).for instance table has applicable design speeds ranging from 40 km/h on
escarpment terrain to 70k m/h on flat terrain for the nominated DS5 standard.

1.6.2 AASHTO Comparison

The values in the ERA geometric design manual Table Shown on page seven, whilst by no
means identical to AASHTO values, are close (to identical) in some instances, and elsewhere are
sufficiently similar(given that the classification in AASHTO are some what different from those in
Ethiopia) that ERA values could be used without any modification.

1.6.3 Conclusion and Recommendation

Based on the above different international standards, a design standard has been selected, compiled
mostly from the ERA (Ethiopia) 2002 design standards.
General preliminary findings on the proposed road alignment
The highway geometry as found on the Plan and Profile drawings of the Bid Documents, has been
designed according to a number of existing parameters as listed below, and following the DS4
geometric design standards of ERA (except where specific departures have been granted by ERA) :

The existing horizontal alignment and vertical profile were followed as closely as possible, improving
where feasible the curves which were grossly under standards;
The limits of the existing “visible” right-of-way has basically not been exceeded to keep land
acquisition to a minimum ;

the structure, condition and cross-section of the existing road have been considered to determine the
final proposed typical cross sections basically conforming to the DS4 design standard of ERA;

The existing drainage structures and various culverts, to be rehabilitated or widened, were also duly
considered in finalizing the highway geometry;
The presence of built-up areas where encroachment on the right-of-way or on the immediate road
surroundings is generalized has been another important constraint. Specific urban sections as outlined
in ERA’s manual for a DS4 section have been utilized;
The road alignment was also rectified to fit geometric requirements of the road at existing junction
which are found in few towns of the region that the road traverses.
Environmental features were largely taken into account according to the laws and guidelines in effect.
Setting Out Data
The findings of the setting out data given on the different drawings and additional electronic files
appear to be adequate for setting out of the road works of the project road. However, the accuracy
thereof will be verified in detail in the second phase of the assignment.
Conclusions and Recommendations
It is accepted that the nature of the terrain, plus the presence of certain villages and urban areas
required the alignment design to depart from the DS4 design standards in a number of locations. The
proposed departures which were accepted by ERA seems fair and within acceptable design limits.

The general approach and design standards followed by the design consultant are found satisfactory for
this phase of the project. However, a detail review check of the proposed design standards, geometry,
setting out data and miscellaneous design aspects shall be done in phase II of the project assignment.


Existing Pavement Condition Survey
The existing pavement condition survey was conducted visually for the whole project road stretch, as
indicated in the “Approach and Methodology”, from 20th, February to 20th March 2006. Before
commencing the task, the available Feasibility Report conducted by the Design Consultant (BCEOM,
2002) was thoroughly reviewed and as expected, the condition of the existing road has changed. This
may be due to the fact that the rating had been carried out before four years, that might been changed
and do not show the actual case due to an increased damage and/or periodic maintenance on the same
section of alignment.

The Design Review Consultant commenced the visual pavement condition survey by preparing a
format to record the visual inspection of both the pavement surface and subgrade condition (included in
Appendix-1). This pavement condition survey conducted by the design review consultant also shows
the prevailing condition of the project road during the site investigation period. Before the
commencement of the detailed field investigation activity the condition of the existing road has been
assessed. The common types of pavement distress with associated information as shown in appendix 1,
have been measured and recorded at interval of 1km. over 100m section of the road.
Major Pavement Defects
The modes of distress recorded are controlled by the strength of the subgrade soils, thickness and
quality of the road base and surfacing material. The condition and status of pavement drainage have
also been recorded, which include:
Surface erosion &
Rough riding surface
These are holes of various sized formed on the carriage way under traffic action. A number of such
potholes of varying size and shape have been observed. In addition, it is aggravated by the presence of
oversized stones that are often displaced by traffic action, leaving spots for potholes to originate. This
has lowered the riding quality over the roads resulting in higher vehicles operation costs. Potholes were
the most common defect observed over the road and were measured in terms of their depth and number
within the 100-meter long representative section.

The severity of potholes is normally ratted in terms of their number within a 100-meter long
representative section as P1 through P3 (See Appendix 1).
EMBED MSPhotoEd.3 µ §
Figure 7.1 Sta.22+000 Pothole being measured

Rutting is a permanent deformation on wheel paths, which develops when the surface or roadbed
materials have inadequate shear strength under the traffic loading and prevailing moisture condition. It
is the most common road defect through out the project road, mainly due to the inadequate gravel cover
and over stressing of the roadbed.
EMBED MSPhotoEd.3 µ §
Figure 7.2 Rutted road surface
Corrugations are ripples across the carriageway, formed due to the lack of cohesion in the surfacing
material and segregations of the particles caused by moving vehicles. Corrugations were measured in
terms of their wavelength and amplitude in millimeters. A number of corrugations have been observed
on most of the road segments especially in the 2nd & 3rd contract where the surfacing gravel is
dominantly sandy.
The road stretches are not properly drained. Surface and subsurface drainage are not provided on most
of the stretches, and those having side drainage are not functioning well. Generally the road stretches
are not well drained. The major serious drainage problem observed was the inadequacy or non-existent
of road cross slopes for draining away surface water from the road surface. In most places, the road
surface is flat with no crown. Especially on steep slope sections of the mountainous and hilly terrains,
formation of gulley that along the road surface were not uncommon and has deteriorated the pavement.
The existing surface & subsurface condition observed are recorded in appendix-1.
Existing Gravel Surfacing and Roadway Width
The type and condition of the existing surfacing has been identified and recorded during the pavement
condition survey. The width of the existing road surface has been measured with a meter tape. The
thickness of the surfacing gravel was measured in each of the test pits.

At some stretch the width of the existing road become narrow due to deterioration of road edge by
different cases. As an example due to unavailability of ditch turn out, impounded water has damaged
the carriageway and traffic use shoulder for passing. The present pavement condition survey, type and
gravel thickness measured in the test pits provide that there is not much re-usable amount of gravel
cover that could be integrated in the new pavement for the upgrading works. The project road is
entirely covered with a very thin layer of low quality natural gravel with embedded and scattered
oversized stones. In addition to the above improper provision of surface and side drainage causes
roadway deterioration and edge failure along the road. The width of the existing roads and visual
classification of subgrade soil has been identified and recorded in Appendix-1. The site inspection
revealed the following road conditions:
From Aposto to Kibre Mengist (0-148.5km): the existing pavement condition in this section generally
covered with inadequate and poor quality gravel with embedded oversized stone Telfored base. The
major portion of the road covered by 3.2 and 3.5 meter wide Telfored. The roadway in this section has
also variable road width from 4 to 9m. Potholes, rutting, corrugation and depression are the main types
of the pavement defect of the section. However currently the regional road authority has started to
clearing and regraveling existing roadway for temporary uses from Bore to Kibre Mengist and from
Kibre Mengist to Negele.
From Kibre Mengist to the project end, the road is covered by thin quartzite and basaltic gravel.
The detail pavement condition survey including the pavement thickness and roadway width of the
existing pavement of the project is shown in Appendix 1.
The roadway width was sectioned by fairly broad homogeneity and the average width is presented in
Table 1 hereafter.
The present pavement condition survey (2006) only states the prevailing condition of the existing
proposed project road.
Table 7-1 Summery of Roadway WidthChainageType of Surface MaterialAverage Road width
(m)Average Pavement Thickness
(mm)0.0 - 26.1Thin embedded and scattered oversized basaltic gravel6.764.426.1 - 66.6Thin embedded
and scattered oversized basaltic gravel, bare surface6.461.366.6 - 106.1Weathered yellowish basaltic
gravel mixed with light red silty clay6.0120.8106.1 - 139.1Oversized basaltic gravel embedded and
scattered mixed with silty clay but telford exposed at few place7.087.6139.1 - 201.8Quartzite gravel
with quartzite sand and reddish brown silty clay6.384201.8 - 234.7Compacted brown silty clay overlaid
by decomposed quartzite sand7.047.7234.7 - 239.7Oversized basaltic gravel mixed with quartzite
gravel and brown silty clay6.386.2239.7 - 245.7Quartzite and basaltic gravel embedded in to light
brown silty clay6.647.8245.7 - 249.7Basaltic gravel with few quartzite gravel & light brown silty
clay6.5108.5249.7 - 251.8Basaltic gravel mixed with sandy quartzite6.6125251.8 - 257.8Embedded
basaltic gravel overlaid by crushed basaltic gravel7.8101.2257.8 - 261.7Oversized basaltic gravel
embedded over light brown silty clay subgrade6.980.3261.7 - 264.7Pinkish decomposed basaltic gravel
mixed with few quartzite6.490.0264.7 - 267.5Thin scattered and embedded few oversized basaltic
gravel with light brown silty clay7.478.3Sub grade Soil Investigation
The subgrade soil investigation was conducted in conjunction with the pavement condition survey. This
task was performed in accordance with the requirements of the TOR as outlined in the “Approach and
Methodology”. Thus, sub grade and pavement condition survey, in-situ and laboratory testing was
executed for the whole road stretch. However, only 10% of the work is reported in this preliminary
engineering findings report as feasibility stage and the remaining 20% will form part of Phase II-
detailed design review stage. The following information was collected from our soil investigation
which includes:
Sub grade soil extension,
In-situ bearing strength survey,
In-situ testing for moisture and density, and
Trial pits for sub grade soil sampling.
The sub grade soil investigation was made to;
Identify locations, depth and nature of unsuitable soils to determine if such soils need to be replaced;
Determine thickness and quality of the existing pavement layers to determine if the materials are of a
quality suitable as a foundation for overlays or for incorporation in the new pavements which is
included in the pavement condition survey; and
Provide a basis for pavement thickness design.
Before the subgrade soil investigation was carried out, a visual assessment of the whole project was
conducted by driving along the project road.
Sub-Grade Soil Extension
The subgrade soil extension and description was carried out before commencement of the field soil
investigation (Appendix 2) in order to determine the extent of the subgrade materials that make up the
whole roadbed stretch. The project road subgrade soils with nearly similar soil formation were grouped
in fairly homogeneous sections and were recorded their soil formation accordingly.

The type of subgrade soil encountered in the route corridor is found to be mainly dependent on
topography and geology. Therefore, there are mainly three types of subgrade soil formations. These

Colluvial Soils

Colluvial soils basically coarse- grained however has fine grained soil matrix, which are the weathering
product of rocks and transported mainly by the action of gravity and deposited along foot slopes. They
are commonly brownish in colour and some times susceptible to sliding up on wetting. Colluvial soil is
mainly brown to light brown silty gravel.
Residual Soils

Residual Soils are the result of insitu weathering of parent rocks that are not subjected to any sort of
transportation and are at the place of their origin. They often grade in to decomposed (with weak relict
structures and fabric of the parent material still preserved) and weathered rocks with depth. The
residual soils are commonly reddish to yellowish brown silty clays.

Alluvial Soils

The alluvial soils are commonly those that have been transported by rainwater from hill slops and
deposited over the lower ground (sag area). They are brown, reddish brown and dark brown
predominantly fine grained, silty clay soils. This soil is mainly high plastic and weak in strength.

The project alignment is predominantly covered by red and reddish brown silty clay, clayey silt and
clayey sand. Dark expansive soils (called black cotton soils) occur in a few localities (259+800 –

Generally, the subgrade material qualities may be affected by the location of alignment on the terrain,
i.e., whether the alignment is followed the top, side or bottom of the hill, mountain and escarpment
since this also determine the type of the formation of subgrade soil. The detail subgrade material type
along route is presented in the Appendix-2.
In-situ Bearing Strength Survey
As communicated in our progress reports, the in-situ strength survey of the project road was carried out
for the entire road length. Accordingly, the DCP test was conducted on appropriate uniform intervals of
1.50-3km and also where sub grade soil variations are encountered.

The main purpose of the DCP testing is to assess variations in the penetration resistance of the sub-
grade with depth, primarily caused by variation in the sub-grade moisture conditions. Insitu CBR
values for the subgrade have been established based on the results of the penetration resistance using
the correlation formula recommended by the manufacturer of the equipment.

The DCP tests were conducted using 8kg hammer freely falling from a height of 575mm driving an end
tipped 600 Cone having a diameter of 20mm.While the cone penetrates through the pavement layer the
depth of penetration with a let number of blows was read and recorded in mm from a fixed meter rule
(See Figure-3, below).
EMBED MSPhotoEd.3 µ §
Figure 7.3 DCP test activity
The following DCP resistance – CBR correlation formula, which is recommended by TRL, has been
used for translation of DCP tests in to CBR values.
Log10CBR = 2.48 – 1.057log10 (mm/blow)
It has a good correlation with the CBR values of gravels since gravels are less affected by differences
in moisture content. In clay subgrade it exaggerates their CBR values if the clays are dry and
undermines if clays are wet, as clays are sensitive to moisture. Therefore, DCP test results needs to be
calibrated for the maximum or equilibrium field moisture condition for clayey subgrade especially in
expansive clay subgrade.

For those gravel road constructed from Telfored base, DCP test were taken by excluding the top
Telfored base layers. In such locations, the DCP tests give the result only for lower layer, i.e., sub base,
selected materials and the sub grades. The DCP tests were performed up to 1m depths.
The penetration vs. number of blows recorded during the DCP test was used as an input in the UKDCP
software developed by TRRL in order to estimate the likely subgrade soil in-situ strength in terms of
CBR values. A sample of 27 points along the road with the in-situ CBR values vs. depth graph is
included in Appendix 3. The field CBR values determined from the DCP test results (BKS) is plotted in
figure-4 below.
EMBED Excel.Chart.8 \s µ §
Figure 7.4 Field CBR values along the road
The CBR values determined from DCP tests of the Design Review Consultant (BKS, 2006) are slightly
exaggerated than that of feasibility study by BCEOM (2002) in areas of clay subgrade since the tests
were conducted during dry season, where the strength (CBR) of clayey material depends on its
moisture –i.e. while the moisture content increases, the corresponding CBR value decreases and vise
In-Situ Testing for Moisture And Density
The work for this task has also beens approached in such away that the 10-percentile sampling has to
be distributed uniformly for the whole stretch and where the subgrade soil changes encounter thereof.
Bearing in mind this concern, field densities and natural moisture were measured using the sand
replacement method at 20-25 cm below the pavement surface.

The bulk density of the sub-grade soil was determined upon completion of each test on site and sample
was collected in a polyethylene bag being tightly sealed for the subsequent natural moisture content
determination in the laboratory.

The comparison between the field and laboratory determined dry density and moisture content of the
sub grade soil will guide to verify the level of compaction of the underlying sub grade is presented in
table-2 below for a total of 39 in-situ density and natural moisture relationship.

The Design Consultant (BCEOM) has carried out the in-situ density determination at an interval of
1km. The range of values is between 1.11g/cc and 2.17g/cc while the average is 1.64g/cc and its
compaction level ranged from 80% to about 108% as compared to the laboratory determined MDD as
per AASHTO T-191 (standard compaction). The test results indicate that the existing subgrade soil has
moisture content approximately about optimum.

Table-2, on the following page, shows the range of values of the in-situ density is between 1.03g/cc and
2.1g/cc, while the natural moisture content varies from 2.9% to 45%. It is clear from the table that the
level of compaction and moisture level of the existing subgrade soil is between 72% to 124% and 11%
to 176% respectively.
Trial Pits for sub grade Soil Sampling
Test pits were dug up to one-meter depth near to the location where field density moisture content and
at some locations where DCP test was conducted in order to correlate the field strength with that of
laboratory-determined tests. From this test pits representative sample of the subgrade soil was taken for
further laboratory tests. The laboratory tests that were conducted on the sampled subgrade soils
include; soil classification, gradation, Atteberge Limits determination, moisture density relationship,
and CBR and swell. The laboratory test results are included in Appendix 5.

Upon completion of the sampling process, the test pits dug were carefully replaced by material from
the side of the roadway.

Table 7-2 In Place and Laboratory Determined Density and Moisture Content
StationField Bulk
densityField Dry
densityLab. Dry Density (MDD)Percentage Compaction (%)Natural Moisture
content (%)Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) (%)Percentage Moisture
Laboratory Testing
The samples collected during the field investigation have been brought to Gondwana and BEZA
Consulting Engineers Laboratory Center, for a detailed laboratory investigation. The laboratory test
results for the sampled sub grade soil and construction materials are included in Appendix 5.

The types of tests conducted in the sampled subgrade soils include; Soil Classification, Atterberg
Limits, Sieve Analysis, Determination of Moisture-Density Relationship, and CBR and Swell tests and
are briefly discussed as follows. The summery of laboratory test results are included in appendix-5.
Soil Classification Tests
The tests conducted for AASHTO classifications were liquid limit, plastic limit and wet sieve analysis.
These tests are indicators of the physical properties of subgrade soils and borrow materials. They are
usually done at short intervals in the investigation of subgrade soils to reduce the number of CBR tests,
and they are required to satisfy the suitability of natural subbase.

In order to verify the test results of the Design Consultant, additional samples were taken at some
selected and few random points. The samples were tested at laboratory of BEZA Consulting Engineers
Laboratory Center and Gondwana Engineering Plc and their results are included in Appendix 5.
Atterberg Limit Tests
Expansive clays exhibit higher shrinkage and swelling upon change in moisture. The degree of their
expansiveness can be obtained by conducting shrinkage limit test. This test determines the moisture
content at which the soil stops volume reduction with loss in moisture.

In general, soils that exhibit plastic behavior over wide ranges of moisture content and that have high
liquid limits have greater potential for swelling and Shrinking. For this reason, the Design Review
Consultant (BKS) focused on the subgrade soils with swell measured from CBR values greater than
2%. With the purpose of preventing any damages would occur due to expansiveness of soil to the
pavement, some special treatment shall be proposed depending on the severness of the soil type. At this
level, the usual recommended measure is excavate top 60 cm of expansive soils and replace with fill
material having swell less than 2% and in conjunction to the design CBR for respective sections. Table-
3 below shows the locations of expansive soil locations along the route.
Table 7-3 Expansive subgrade soilsChainageDescriptionCBR Swell (%)31+100Reddish
brown silty clay underlain by few weathered and highly decomposed material3.2155+500Brown to
dark brown silty CLAY2.2136+200Light brown silty CLAY (highly silca content)6.03155+700Dark
brown silty CLAY3.28188+600Reddish brown silty CLAY2.61229+500Reddish sandy clayey
SILT3.02265+700Black cotton soil6.86Grain Size Distribution
Wet sieve analysis was employed to determine the grain size distribution of subgrade soils. The
distribution of the different grain sizes in a material is a good indicator of the qualities of gravely

Gravelly materials react well to loadings (high CBR) when their grain size distribution is parallel to
some known envelopes usually within the envelope: % Pass required = (d/D) 0.3to0.6. Where d is the
grain size passing through any sieve size and D is the maximum aggregate size specified for the
material. The sieve analysis was carried out to determine the grain size distribution of subgrade soil and
used in the classification of the soil type.
Moisture-Density and CBR Tests
The subgrade soils were subjected to the determination of maximum dry density (MDD) and optimum
moisture content (OMC) in the laboratory in accordance with AASHTO T-180. This will help the
designer to understand the natural condition of the subgrade soils materials and based on the test results
the he will have idea to choose the design moisture content and level of compaction to be attained.

The Design Consultant tested three point CBR and swells on subgrade soils and borrows materials to
be used as fill, capping and/or subbase. The method of testing followed for subgrade is AASHTO –

Based on the results of the Design Consultant and the visual inspection during the site investigation,
sampling of subgrade soils and borrow materials was made at some selected and few random points by
the Design Review Consultant. The samples were tested at BEZA Consulting Engineers plc and
Gondwana Engineering Plc. laboratory center and the summary sheet of the test results are presented in
Appendix 5. The method of testing employed for subgrade and for borrows is AASHTO – T180. The
modified compaction test is employed to represent the actual site and construction conditions and to
observe the changes on the subgrade material density with increased compaction efforts. The test
results are used in the structural pavement design study (Section 9.4).


During the field investigation period, construction materials assessment was also carried out at
locations where the design consultant pointed out at his “Soil and Material Report”. The objective of
the trip was to locate, sample and verify construction materials that would be used for the construction
of the proposed road project. The search for construction materials includes:

Borrow material for embankment

Natural granular material for Sub base
Quarry stone for crushed aggregate and masonry works
Sand source for concrete and mortar works
Water for compaction and concrete works
For the purpose of this Phase I reporting, for each contract sections, it was tried to identify three to four
potential sources of construction materials at appropriate interval. All these identified sources of
construction materials were sampled for laboratory testing and the laboratory test results are provided
in Appendix-5.

The location and estimated quantity of all the construction materials are presented in Appendix-4. The
photographs that show the condition of all the construction materials are also included in Appendix-6.
Borrow Material for Embankment
The project road is rich in borrow material for embankment and capping layer construction. Borrow
material sources for fill sections and for subgrade replacement have been inspected through out the
route. More emphasis is given to stretches with weak and expansive soil is predominant, in order to
reduce excessive haulage distances. Hence, detail exploration was made and some additional sources
identified with few sampling for testing. The locations of borrow and their approximate quantities are
presented in the Appendix-4 Table 4.1.
Natural Granular Material for Sub Base
The locations of borrow pits of natural gravel to be used for gravel wearing and capping layer has been
closely inspected to determine their amount and hauling distances. However, the quality of the natural
gravel is highly erratic especially in it's grading, from source to source. To obtain the required quality
gravel for wearing course it is necessary either to blend or screen or crush. During our site
investigation, we have observed a new active crusher site established by ERA Shashemene district
office for their maintenance work on the project road. The crushed surfacing material was almost
basaltic gravel with no plastic fines so that they were making an on-road mix blending with clayey
borrow material. This is evidence of the scarcity of suitable natural gravel material. The quality of
natural gravel sources decreases, as the weathering degree increases. The location of these materials are
recorded using a hand held GPS.

The location and estimated quantity of the natural gravel materials that would make up the road
pavement are included in Appendix 4 Table 4.2.

The quality tests were conducted include: Gradation, AASHTO Soil Classification, Liquid Limit,
Plastic Limit, Plasticity Index, and 3-Point CBR and Swell.
Quarry Stone for Crushed Aggregate and Masonry Works
Quarry stone sources are going to be used for crushed aggregate and masonry works in the project road.
During the site investigation period, potential sources of quarry stone were identified using the
available information made by the design consultant (BCEOM) and communicating with the local
people. The aim of conducting this task is to verify that the indicated available potential sources by the
design consultant and to point out another additional quarry sources.

As stated in detail design report section 4.1 (BCEOM), there is scarcity of natural gravel for wearing,
which can satisfy the standard specification set in Technical Specification of ERA, 2002. However, the
Design Review Consultant recommends adapting to the ERA Technical Specification Manual, 2002 for
the road project.

The geology formation of the area has dictated that it is difficult to find quarry stone sources with
suitable strength for production of aggregates for concrete and masonry works. Moreover, most rock
units within the project area are characterized by a high degree of weathering and low strength.
Despite this fact an attempt has been made to locate potential material sources of suitable strength

The samples taken from quarry sources were subjected to different laboratory tests which include: Los
Angeles abrasion (LAA), Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV), Soundness (SSS), Water absorption and
Specific Gravity and Asphalt affinity (Stripping) tests. The laboratory test results are included in
Appendix 5.

The location and estimated quantity of the natural gravel materials that would make up the road
pavement are included in Appendix-4 Table 4.3.
Sand Source for Concrete and Mortar Works
For the design review, totally three sources have been identified from river streams and open pits that
are currently in use for the local construction activities. During the investigation, all of the samples
taken for laboratory have low quality unless it is washed to improve clay and organic content to be used
for concrete and mortar works.
The location and estimated quantities of all sand sources identified during the site investigation period
are included in Appendix-4, Table 4.4.

The samples taken for further quality assurance tests were subjected to different tests which include;
Silt/Clay Content, Organic Impurities, and Soundness. These laboratory test results are included in
Water for compaction and Concrete Works
Water is abundantly available in project area except for the third contract section. There are also small
streams at different location of the project route. However for the purpose of earthwork especially for
the third contract i.e. for compaction, it may need to conserve storm water by preparing temporary
pond at selected place so as to minimize the hauling distance water shortage. The samples were taken
from the perennial river for laboratory quality test. A summary showing the possible locations with
respective estimated quantities of water sources in the project area is presented in the Appendix 4,
Table 4.5.
Laboratory Testing
The samples collected during the field investigation have been brought to Gondwana and BEZA
Consulting Engineers Laboratory Center, for a detailed laboratory investigation. The laboratory test
results for the sampled sub grade soil and construction materials are included in Appendix-5.
Natural Gravel for Sub-base and Borrow for Embankment
Laboratory testing for Sub-base and Borrow for embankment were also conducted, which include:
Soil Classification, AASHTO
Atterberg Limits,
Sieve Analysis, AASHTO T-27
Determination of Moisture-Density Relationship AASHTO T-180, and
CBR and Swell results AASHTO T-193.
Quarry Rocks for Crushed Aggregate and Masonry works
Stone quarry for crushing aggregate and masonry works have been identified and sampled for
laboratory testing. The type of tests conducted includes:
Los Angeles Abrasion (LAA) AASHTO T-96,
Soundness (Magnesium sulfate) AASHTO T-104,
Aggregate crushing value (ACV) BS 812: 1990
Water Absorption, and
Specific Gravity and Water Absorption AASHTO T-85.
Sand Source for Concrete and Mortar Works
A total of three samples were taken from the identified potential source for series of laboratory testing,
which include:
Organic Impurity, AASHTO T-21
Grading, AASHTO T-27
Soundness (Mg2SO4), AASHTO T-104 and
Specific gravity and water Absorption.
Water for Compaction and Concrete Works
The readily available sources of water are mainly from rivers, which are perennial rivers. Samples for
laboratory testing were collected from respective sources and were subjected to the following tests.
Chloride Content, CL g/Lit
Sulfate Content, SO4 g/lit
PH value
Total dissolved solid, TDS g/lit.
The pavement design of the project described below was based on the prevailing conditions observed
during the site investigation period. All the soils and material investigation results were well thought-
out while designing the pavement. It is more of review of the study conducted by the previous design
consultant (BCEOM). The design consultant (BCEOM) carried out the design based on the Transport
Road Research in Road Note 31 and the results obtained were compared with other international design
procedures such as: TRH4 (South Africa), AASHTO (USA), AUSTROADS (Australia), and CEBTP-
BCEOM (France). The final pavement design adopted was that of TRRL, Road Note 31.

The pavement design of the project road is presented briefly based on the prevailing conditions of the
project road during the study period and to verify the pavement design made by the design consultant
(BCEOM). In order to determine the structural pavement thickness, it is required as an input to
determine the sub grade design CBR and Mean Cumulative Number of ESA and it is made in
accordance with the ERA Pavement Design Manual – Volume I Flexible Pavement and Gravel Road,
Existing Pavement Condition
Most pavement design methods take the subgrade strength and traffic level of a road project as a
parameter. Thus, it is vital to thoroughly investigate the bearing strength of the subgrade material and
traffic condition currently using the road and projected traffic that will likely use the new road after
construction. Moreover, the existing pavement surface has to be investigated whether to incorporate
with the new pavement material or not.

As it was discussed in the pavement condition chapter, the prevailing condition of the existing
pavement surface is in a poor to very poor condition. This can be described as: 1) the thickness of the
surfacing material is generally thin, so that it cannot be used as a material in the newly constructed
pavement, 2) the upgrading of the proposed road involves widening to a standard level, while it can be
said that the width of the existing road is generally narrow. Thus, it would be better not to incorporate
the existing surfacing material as a construction material.
Construction Materials
The construction materials sampled were subject to various laboratory tests in order to assure their
quality whether to incorporate in the pavement construction. These include: Borrow materials for
embankment and capping layers (if any), selected granular subbase, and Crushed aggregate.

Borrow Material for Embankment and capping layer

The strength of borrow materials that could be used for embankment and capping layer were subjected
to various laboratory tests to verify their quality whether to integrate in the pavement structure as a
construction materials. All materials must comply with the Specifications: Liquid Limit less than 80%
and CBR > 5.

Selected Granular subbase

The selected sources for subbase were determined and taken for further laboratory tests and the results
are shown in Appendix 5. All the test results should satisfy the specifications for use as a subbase
which include: CBR at 95%MDD > 30% and PI < 12.

Quarry sites for Crushed Aggregate

The project road is going to be upgraded to an asphalt pavement, which calls for quality aggregate as
base and wearing courses. This entails, the crushed aggregate to be used for base and wearing courses
must be subjected to various quality tests in the laboratory and satisfy the requirements of the
specifications. The laboratory test results are included in Appendix 5 and some of the specifications
requirements for quality-crushed aggregate for use in pavement courses (base and surfacing) include:
LAA < 35 for granular base course
LAA < 30 for bituminous wearing course
LAA < 25 for surface treatment
ACV < 25
MSS < 12
WA < 2
Pavement Design Input Parameters
The main design procedure adopted here is ERA Pavement Design Manual – Volume I Flexible
Pavement and Gravel Road, 2002. This guide uses the CBR value to characterize the bearing capacity
of the existing sub grade and the design traffic determined in cumulative mean standard axel load as an
input parameter in the structural pavement design. These input parameters are briefly discussed below.

Design Sub grade Strength

The strength of the sub grade is assessed in terms of CBR value. This CBR value of the sub grade
depends on the nature of the soil, its density and moisture content. Field soil survey, sampling and
testing of the alignment soil, Dynamic Cone Penetration (DCP) test and in-situ density measurements
were conducted. The field DCP testing was carried out to assess the residual strength of the pavement
and sub grade materials, while the in-situ density measurements were conducted to evaluate the relative
compaction of the roadbed soil with respect to their remolded density that can be achieved at laboratory
(MDD and OMC).

During the field sub grade investigation, while field DCP test was undertaken, the weather condition of
the rout was dry condition. Generally, it was assumed that the in-situ CBR values of the sub grade
along the project road determined from DCP test at dry condition would be higher than that of
laboratory CBR values determined from saturated condition. Thus, the values determined from DCP
test are used only for determination of the condition of sub grade soils and not included in the selection
of design sub grade strength.

To determine the sub grade strength, which would be used for design of the road pavement, it is
apparent that it is necessary to ascertain the density-moisture content-strength relationship(s) specific to
the sub grade soil(s) encountered along the project road. Figure-2 below shows the distribution of field
sub grade soil density.
As discussed on section 7.2.3, the range of level of compaction and moisture determined by the Design
Review Consultant (BKS) varies considerably as compared to the range determined from BCEOM,

Figure 9.1 Dry Density Along the sub grade road

Figure-2 above shows the field dry density along the road and whole road can be sectioned based on
the field density. As indicated in the figure, there would be three fairly broad homogeneous sections.
Table 9-1 Section Based on Field Density
Section No.FromToAvg. Dry Density10.079.81.3279.8155.71.43155.7267.81.7
The design consultant (BCEOM) used the design CBR value from laboratory determined at 95% MDD
assuming that this value can be achieved after compacting the upper sub grade up to a depth of 50cm
and sectioned the road in accordance with the method recommended by AASHTO Guide for Design of
Pavement Structures ‘Analysis Unit Delineation by Cumulative Difference.

However, to determine the design soaked CBR value to be used in the design of pavement thickness,
the Design Review Consultant (BKS, 2006) used preferably CBRs at 93% MDD. This is chosen, in
view of the range of level of natural sub grade soil compaction varies considerably and assuming that
93%MDD compaction level can be achieved after compaction the upper sub grade soil up to a depth of
50cm. Table-5 in the following page shows the laboratory determined CBR values at 93% and 95%
MDD compaction level.

Table 9-2 Laboratory Determined CBR valuesSr.NoStationCBR @ 93%

MDDCBR @ 95%
Using the methodology recommended by AASHTO guide for “Analysis Unit Delineation by
Cumulative Differences” was carried out for the determination of homogeneous sections in respect of
the bearing strength of the subgrade soil and five sections have been determined. Whereas, for the soils
having expansive nature needs special treatment which include replacement of 60cm top soil with the
same soil class on respective sections.

TRL Overseas Road Note 31 advises, “The best compromise for (pavement sub-grade strength) design
purposes is to use the lower ten percentile value (of CBR) i.e. that value which is exceeded by 90 per
cent of the readings.” Table-6 below shows design CBR values for all the five sections and subgrade
strengths are classed according to ERA Design Manual, 2002.

Table 9-3: Traffic Classes for Pavement DesignSection No.Chainage Design CBR ValueSubgrade Soil
ClassFrom To1043.17S3243.155.520.1S5355.5178.53.6S24178.5229.515S55229.5267.84.3S2Traffic
and axle load determination
The first step towards pavement design is to determine an appropriate design period. Many factors may
influence this decision, including budget constraints. According to ERA road classification guideline,
the project road is classified as a link road and thus, the appropriate design period is 20 years.

The traffic study discussed on the Review of the Feasibility Study, EIA and RAP Report (2006) was
adopted for the determination of design traffic. Accordingly, the whole project road is subdivided into
six traffic sections and the traffic classes for pavement design purpose were subsequently determined
based on the definition of traffic classes according to the ERA pavement design manual, shown below.

Table 9-4: Traffic Classes for Pavement DesignSECTIONFrom ToDescriptionDesign Traffic Class
(Optimistic)10.0016.40Aposto - Aleta WendoT5216.4092.20Aleta Wendo - Yirba
MudaT5392.20147.60Yirba Muda - Kibre MengistT54147.60201.36Kibre Mengist -
WaderaT55201.36244.50Wadera - BitataT46244.50267.82Bitata - NegelleT5
Pavement Design Based on ERA Pavement Design Manual
The design of flexible pavement, as given in ERA manual is based on the catalog of pavement
structures of TRL Road Note 31 (Ref. 1). The design catalog in the manual offers, in eight different
charts, alternative pavement structures for combinations of traffic and sub grade classes. From the
subgrade strength class and traffic class, the proposed design for the project road is shown in table-8.

For sections of expansive soils, it is proposed to excavate and replace the top 60cm soil with the same
subgrade soil type of each respective section.

The design of pavement thickness proposed by BCEOM, 2002, has relatively lower thickness as
compared to ours, BKS, 2006. This is because; the Design Review Consultant determined sub grade
soil strength at 93% MDD and the traffic classes are generally higher. Whereas, the feasibility study
(BCEOM, 2002) determined the subgrade soil strength at 95% MDD which gives higher CBR values.
SectionChainage Subgrade Soil ClassDesign Traffic Class (Optimistic)Proposed Pavement
ThicknessRemarkFrom ToSurfacingGranular Base GB1Granular Subbase GSCapping Layer
GC1016.4S3T5DBST200325 216.443.1S3T5DBST200325 Around 31+100, Expansive soil area needs
replacement of 60cm of top soil to stop the swell and ensure same soil class to this
section343.155.5S5T5DBST225150 455.592.2S2T5DBST200275200 592.2148S2T5DBST200275200
Around 155+700 Expansive soil area needs replacement of 60cm of top soil to st

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