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For Your Entertainment

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Relationship: Fyodor Dostoyevsky/Nikolai Gogol/Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Characters: Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Bungou Stray Dogs), Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs),
Nikolai Gogol (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: Porn, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Threesome - M/M/M, blowjob,
Deepthroating, Mindbreak, it's all very consensual though, we love
consent in this household, Crying, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation,
Rough Sex, Unconscious Sex, Anal Sex, Double Penetration in One
Hole, Unrealistic Sex, Bottom Sigma (Bungou Stray Dogs), Top Fyodor
Dostoyevsky (Bungou Stray Dogs), Top Nikolai Gogol (Bungou Stray
Dogs), probably OOC but well; shit happens, Aftercare, Fluff,
Bathing/Washing, Sigma gets called princess, (pointing this out in case
someone feels uncomfortable with stuff like that), Sigma has very low
self-esteem, Fyodor is in denial, Feelings? What are those?!?, Nikolai’s
2nd name is "worrying about the bestest boys", the 1st chapter is just
porn the 2nd is more about feelings and stuff
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of We Are Alone, And All We Need
Stats: Published: 2023-09-13 Completed: 2023-09-17 Words: 2,708 Chapters:
For Your Entertainment
by Shit_Its_A_Rat


Sigma gets fucked silly by Nikolai and Fyodor. That’s it. That’s the plot.
Chapter 1
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Sigma was a mess.

He was certain that no matter from which angle a person attempted to look at him, they
would always see how broken of a human being he was; how he was a nobody, without a real
purpose in life, his past an enigma that no one would ever be able to unravel. To him it felt
like not a single soul in the entire world would ever look at him and consider him to be
something–or more like someone–special. Nobody would ever pick him if there were so
many better men to choose from.

And that was probably the reason why he loved to get fucked by Nikolai and Fyodor so damn

That they had chosen him over anyone else, how they were holding onto him, fucking into
him, all these things made him feel like he was someone; someone who was needed and
desired by these two beautiful men.

Getting fucked by them felt so good; once they started he wished for them to never stop, to
always stay with him, to keep using him for their own needs. Because with them around and
inside him, he was happy.

Sigma could feel how the tears were streaming down his face, his eyes about to roll into the
back of his head as Nikolai kept fucking his throat with such force behind his every thrust, it
took his breath away; and still it felt to Sigma like he needed more. His throat was burning,
his eyes overflowing with tears, his body trying to convince him that he couldn’t take it, but
Sigma ignored it, because he knew better; he had done this countless times before, and he
wanted more, so much more. The tight grip Nikolai had on Sigma’s hair sent a burning
sensation down his spine whenever the other man decided to pull at it, the pain sparking even
more pleasure inside of Sigma, but that as well wasn’t enough. And if he was honest, it never
really felt like anything they were doing was enough.

In contrast to Nikolai’s, Fyodor’s fingers felt soft, even gentle as they traveled across Sigma’s
skin, starting their journey at his waist, where they had rested motionless only moments ago,
up his back until they reached his neck. Although barely audible, a desperate moan managed
to fight its way across Sigma’s parted lips when he could feel Fyodor’s hand gently wrap
around his neck, which despite its tenderness still made it perfectly clear to Sigma how much
power the Russian had over him–a realization that turned Sigma on even more.

With his other hand still resting on Sigma’s waist, Fyodor was gently holding him in place,
the gesture standing in stark contrast to the amount of strength he put into his every thrust as
he fucked Sigma into oblivion. And Sigma couldn’t deny that it hurt but it also felt so
goddamn good. He could barely keep his eyes open, simply being too blissed-out from
getting ruined by these two breathtakingly gorgeous men. The lack of air caused by the cock
ruthlessly fucking Sigma’s throat made him feel dizzy and the simple presence of the hand
resting atop his neck caused him to see stars. All of these things they did with him felt so

But he needed more. He needed them to fill him up, over and over again, to use him like it
was the only thing he was made for. He wanted them to fuck him until he would pass out,
needed them to keep using him until he would regain consciousness, his asshole aching and
gaping, his throat sore, but his body still screaming for more.

Sigma was a moaning, quivering mess when Nikolai’s thrusts became even harsher, more
uncontrollable, symbolizing Sigma that one of his many wishes was about to come true.
Nikolai’s fingers were lodged into Sigma’s beautifully long hair, therefore making it
impossible for him to pull back–not that he had wanted to, and Nikolai knew that. He knew
how much Sigma loved to be fucked mercilessly, how he loved to be filled to the brim, his
body aching in pain.

A needy whine escaped Sigma’s lips which turned into a loud pleasured scream towards the
end as Nikolai thrust into him one last time, burying himself as deep as he could while
emptying his load into Sigma’s mouth. It was at this exact moment that Sigma came as well,
his orgasm crushing onto him like waves onto an otherwise calm beach, dragging on as
Fyodor kept ramming himself into him relentlessly.

With the Russian’s movements now becoming more unfocused as well, Sigma knew that he
was about to come too and the thought alone was enough to make him painfully hard once
again in what seemed to be nothing more than a few seconds. He wanted to be filled up by
Fyodor so badly that it hurt.

The strangled moans that kept escaping Fyodor’s lips only contributed to the state of
seemingly never-ending arousal Sigma found himself in, the soft sounds being like music to
Sigma’s ears, each and every one of them sending a pleasant shiver down his trembling body.

Sigma barely noticed how his vision blackened out for a few seconds, showing him nothing
but a bunch of stars that were dancing around him when he felt not just Fyodor bury his cock
inside of him as deep as he could, filling him with his load when his orgasm crashed onto
him, but was also able to feel Nikolai’s hips buck upwards, his cock hitting the back of
Sigma’s throat once more.

And that was exactly what Sigma wanted. Because even after all that, he wanted more.
Fortunately, Nikolai and Fyodor were more than willing to fulfill his wish.

It took Fyodor a little longer than Nikolai to regain his strength and composure, but even as
he recovered from his orgasm as well as the exhaustion it had brought him, he never let go of
Sigma. And Sigma loved him for that. He loved feeling Fyodor’s exhausted body resting atop
his own, loved feeling his breath tickle the back of his neck, loved how Fyodor’s trembling
fingers were lazily brushing over his sides, his tummy, his chest, his arms, everywhere they
could reach. His soft touches were a gigantic but nonetheless blissful contrast to Nikolai’s
harsh thrusts, the man seemingly having an unlimited amount of stamina at his disposal.
Fyodor didn’t stay like this for too long though; after he had regained some of his strength, he
as well resumed fucking into Sigma, although a little slower now, since he didn’t want to
overexert his body. Still, as he now began to target Sigma’s sweet spot with his every thrust,
Sigma felt another of his wishes come true. As he lost his vision once more thanks to the
feeling of overstimulation hitting him, Sigma was grasping for something to hold onto, one of
his hands eventually finding Nikolai’s while Fyodor took it upon himself to reach for the
other. For a short while, he was still able to feel how they held onto and kept fucking into him
until the moment he blacked out entirely. Only when the sweet pain intensified once more
was he brought back to consciousness.

It took Sigma a moment to realize what was going on. The fact that his mouth was no longer
stuffed by Nikolai’s beautifully thick cock only saddened him for a short moment since he
quickly realized where it had instead disappeared to.

“More.” It was nothing but this one tiny word that kept leaving Sigma’s lips like a mantra as
he felt both Nikolai and Fyodor fuck into him simultaneously, spreading him so incredibly
wide that he thought they would rip him apart, but if Sigma was honest, he wanted them to.

He had no idea how much he or they had come during the time he had been out entirely, but
when they came inside him once more Sigma came again and again and again, the thought of
them using him for hours and hours making him go insane.

“You still want more?”

It was a question that Sigma could only answer with “yes, yes, yes”, his hand now reaching
for his own dick, stroking himself with his fingers trembling uncontrollably as the two men
continued to fuck into him.

It wasn’t too surprising that Sigma had lost track of time, not even realizing when at some
point Fyodor and Nikolai stopped fucking into him and instead replaced their cocks with
multiple vibrators, now watching his every movement and reaction attentively as he drifted in
and out of consciousness, reveling in the sensation of being filled up so good. Only when
they returned later, having found new strength and energy to go for another round, did Sigma
realize what had occupied him over the last couple of minutes or possibly even hours, he
didn’t know how long it had actually been. In the same way, he had no idea how long they
kept fucking and using him after that, giving him exactly what he wanted and so much more.

Chapter End Notes

This literally came to me in a dream. Thx brain, keep it up!

(Maybe I’ll write a follow up chapter with some aftercare stuff? If anyone would be
interested in that; asking since I’m pretty sure most of you are just here for the porn,

I have Twitter!
Chapter 2
Chapter Summary

While the sex is usually fast and harsh, the hours following onto it are filled with
tenderness and love. That’s not what Fyodor would call it though, because he’s in denial.

Chapter Notes

I updated the tags!

If Nikolai and Fyodor would leave Sigma all to himself whenever the two of them were done
with him, he wouldn’t be mad. Sad, that they had left him, for sure, but never would he feel
something akin to anger boil up inside of him.

In no way was he someone unique. While he certainly wasn’t worthy of all the attention they
were already bestowing upon him whenever they fucked him senseless, he especially didn’t
deserve the kind of treatment they gave him after they were done. He didn’t deserve their
gentle touches. He didn’t deserve their soft kisses. He didn’t deserve the tenderness with
which they treated him, didn’t deserve all the attention they showered him with.

Sigma couldn’t help but think that they should just leave him but what they did instead was
stay and make sure that he was feeling alright, that he was hydrated, that he got something to
eat, that he got all cleaned up, that he was feeling nice and comfortable when they wrapped
him into a soft blanket.

It was no different this time.

Sigma couldn’t protest, couldn’t tell them to stop being so kind to him, since he simply didn’t
have any more strength in him to do so.

The exhaustion tearing on his body made it almost impossible for him to keep his eyes open,
and so he let them fall shut. Instead, he simply listened to Nikolai’s and especially Fyodor’s
exhausted breathing as well as the soft praises that left their lips.

“You did so well, Sigma.”

“You always are so good for us.”

“It’s alright, princess; let us take care of you now.”

“Just relax, yes? You deserve to take a break.”

Sigma didn’t think so. He didn’t deserve any of the things they said; neither did he deserve to
be praised by them in the first place. Still, he let them do as they pleased, knowing full well
that he couldn’t stop them anyway. And a part of him–the awfully small part that thought he
was massively undervaluing himself–was glad that he couldn’t, because it felt nice to be
treated like this.

“Are you with us, darling?” Sigma heard one of them ask, and he believed the voice to
belong to Fyodor, although he wasn’t sure. As an answer, he barely managed to get out an
affirmative hum. “Do you feel alright?”

Another hum followed, the, although somewhat one-sided, conversation Fyodor had stricken
up now being the reason Sigma found himself anchored in the here and now while straying
away, and if it was only a little, from the realm of sleep and dreams. Fyodor’s fingers felt
warm as they began to softly caress Sigma’s exhausted body, and his lips, god his lips, they
made Sigma feel like he was about to ascend to heaven as they traveled across his back,
leaving soft kisses wherever they passed.

Sigma almost didn’t notice how Nikolai stepped back into the room and informed the two of
them that he had prepared a bath; by the time he got picked up and carried into the small
bathroom, Sigma was finally drifting off into sleep. He was no longer able to perceive the
warm water that engulfed his exhausted body, that was now softly dancing around him and
caressing his skin as Nikolai carefully sat him into the bathtub. He was no longer able to feel
Nikolai’s hands on his tired body, now carefully cleaning him up, his touch so gentle and
standing in stark contrast to how he had touched him over the past few hours.

“Kolya,” Fyodor spoke up when Nikolai returned to his bedroom, carrying Sigma once more.
“Me also needs a bath. I reek of sweat.”

Nikolai couldn’t help but huff in amusement as a reaction to Fyodor’s statement, before he
quickly answered, “Don’t we all?”

“Yeah, no, Sigma doesn’t anymore. He probably smells fantastic right now.”

“Did you change the covers?” Nikolai asked while ignoring Fyodor’s preceding words. The
Russian only nodded as an answer, now watching how Nikolai put Sigma down onto the
freshly made bed. Carefully he tucked him in before returning his attention towards Fyodor
who had settled down onto an armchair, the tiredness written all over him when he lazily
opened his arms and spoke up once more, “Now bring me to bath, please?”

Nikolai did as ordered, swiftly picked up his friend, and then carried him to the bathroom.

Fyodor would never have described himself as the type of person who lets other people get
this close to him, would never have thought to be someone who shows them a side of himself
that was so... vulnerable. Still, it felt like when he was with Nikolai and Sigma, it was okay
for him to let them get closer. Because despite the state these two had already seen him in,
they never lost respect for him. And that was something he valued a lot.
“You alright? You didn’t overexert yourself too much, did you?” Nikolai asked and quickly
Fyodor answered, “As long as you carry me back to bed once you’re finished, I should be
fine. Don’t think I can stand right now.”

“You feel weak?”

“You worry too much. I am fine,” Fyodor attempted to assure Nikolai. “As fine as I can be
after multiple hours of exhaustive but nevertheless good sex.”

“I’ll prepare something to eat for you two after we’re done here.”

Fyodor’s words didn’t seem to have the effect on Nikolai that he had hoped for since his
friend just kept on worrying. And so he suggested, “You should consider taking a break

“I am taking a break right now.”

As a response to Nikolai’s words, Fyodor could do nothing but let out a sigh.

“This is relaxing! There is nothing more relaxing than staring at and being able to touch your
beautiful body!” Nikolai tried to assure and since Fyodor was too tired to keep up this
conversation, he simply kept quiet, accepting his defeat.

As he had done with Sigma, Nikolai made sure Fyodor was all cleaned up and was no longer,
as Fyodor had stated before, reeking of sweat, now instead giving off a faint scent of
lavender. Then he dried up the Russian’s exhausted body with a soft towel and, in the end,
carried him back to his bedroom.

Nikolai made sure that there was enough to drink around in case Sigma or Fyodor needed
something once they woke up again, then he slipped out of the room and presumably
disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Fyodor behind who now cuddled himself into the soft
blanket right at Sigma’s side. He couldn’t help but think how nice it would’ve been to have
Nikolai with them as well but threw that thought aside as fast as it had formed inside his
mind. There was no time for him to get attached to someone, neither to Nikolai nor to the
man sleeping right by his side. And still, Fyodor closed his eyes, one of his arms
subconsciously wrapping around Sigma’s tired body as he drifted off into sleep.
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