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Business Model Canvas

Key Partners Key Activities Value Propositions Customer Relationships Customer Segments
1- know the weather forecast of 1- Customer accreditation and trust as a
Na tional Centre for 1. Touri sm tour operators
every ci ty i n a ny country result of the accuracy of the results
Meteorological. 1- We a dd the maximum possible 2. Ci ti zens a nd residents
2- Be a ware of the events i n the 2- Benefit tourism trip providers by
-Hwzn Company a mount of customer obtaining information for their trips in 3. Internal and external
regi on
requi rements one place touri sts
3- Obtai n i nformation regarding
2- be a ware of the latest events 3- Providing a special section for
the topped s tarred hotels. customer service that includes the
i n the region
4- Ea s y a ccess to state laws and following:
3- Fi nding the best travel
regul ations A- Important notifications
des tination a ccording to
.5- Pa cka ge offers designed based cus tomers’ desires B- Frequently asked questions
on cl i ents preferences. C-Instant chat is available 7/24
D- Receiving complaints via e-mail
Key Resources Channels

1_ Fi nancial resources.
2_ Intellectual Resources. 1- Soci al media
2- Goggl e (paid SEO)

Cost Structure Revenue Streams

1. Provi di ng the “premium” servi ce.

1. Cus tomer s ervice employee salaries
2. the revenues generated from downloading a nd evaluating the application.
2. The cos t of programming and developing the a pplication
3. Cos t of registering a tra demark
4. The cos t of digital marketing and social media account management
5. Pa i d SEO
6. 10% for vi s a

Fi nal cost: 316.000SA

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