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- 0072230 > No. Addl. Secy.(L&O)/CMO/2023/CT-47/ CHIEF MINISTER’S OFFICE PUNJAB © Dated: 02% November, 2023 Subject: DRAFT _MINU IF. OF PPIC3 PROJECTS RAWALPINDI, FAISALABAD & GUJRANWALA. ‘ Please refer to PSCA office letter No.11621/PMOIPSCA/2023 dated 28.10.2023, on the subject cited above. 2. The Chief Minister has seen and is pleased to approve the draft Minutes of progress of PPIC3 Projects Rawalpindi, Faisalabad & Gujranwala, held on 24" October, 2023. 3: Further necessary action may please be taken accordingly. (BUMAIR AHMAD SYED) o2-""" 3223 cretary to Chief Minister Punjab ADDITIONAL CHIEF SECRETARY (HOME) ce: 1, The Inspector General of Police, Punjab 4%. The Managing Director, PSCA, Lahore 3. The Secretary to Chief Minister (Implementation). Pleate situe meinekat, De, Emad ay Dated: O3-)| ety @ PUNJAB SAFE CITIES AUTHORITY (dos OF Bon mo 02111-17727 BB wwe ern ee serum or romance = No. /f62// PMO/PSCA}2023 Date: October 2G 2023 To: Senior Superintendent of Police (Law & Order), CM Punjab Secretariat, Lahore. Subject: - DRAFT MINUTES OF _PROGRESS_OF__PPIC3_ PROJECTS RAWALPINDI, FAISALABAD, & GUJRANWALA Kindly find enclosed minutes of mecting held for the progress review of PPIC3 Projects Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, and Gujranwala held at CMC, PSCA Headquarters, Lahore, on October 24, 2023 under the Chairmanship of the Chief Minister Punjab/Chairman, Punjab Safe Cities Authority, Lahore. Bs: Submitted for perusal and approval, please 1. Project Management Office, PSCA oon 9 PUNIAB SAFE CITIES AUTHORITY SCA Headquarters, Garoan Lines Lahore, kita, ——— 4, 2990816058 WB oa2 99703006 ‘We umeor UL UE 042-131-11.77-22 BB ph To: ePrnan LL. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17, 18. 19. 20. Subject: No. /{739/PMO/PSCA/2023 Date: November @% , 2023 The Chairperson, PSCA/Chief Minister, Punjab, Lahore (Attention: Secretary to CM, Punjab) The Chairman Executive Committee, PSCA/ Chief Secretary, Punjab. The Chairman Management Committee, PSCA/ IGP, Punjab. The Addl. IGP (Special Branch) / Chairman Procurement & Recruitment Committee of PPIC3 Center Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, and Gujranwala The Special Secretary, Home Department, Punjab, Lahore. The Addl. IGP (IAB), Punjab, Lahore The Secretary Finance, Punjab, Lahore ‘The Secretary Regulations, Punjab, Lahore ‘The Secretary C&W, Punjab, Lahore The Capital City Police Officer, Lahore ‘The Commissioner, Rawalpindi Division ‘The Commissioner, Faisalabad Division The Commissioner, Gujranwala Division ‘The Regional Police Officer, Rawalpindi The Regional Police Officer, Faisalabad ‘The Regional Police Officer, Gujranwala ‘The Deputy Secretary (Implementation) to CM, Punjab ‘The Chief Traffic Officer, Lahore ‘The Chief Technology Officer, IDAP ‘The General Manager (P&C), IDAP PROGRESS _IMPLE! ‘TION MEETING OF PUNJAB POLICE INTEGRATED COMMAND CONTROL & COMMUNICATION __(PPIC3) CENTERS IN RAWALPINDI, FAISALABAD & GUJRANWALA Kindly find enclosed minutes of Progress Implementation Meeting of Punjab Police Integrated Command Control & Communication (PPIC3) Centers in Rawalpindi, Faisalabad & Gujranwala held at CMC, PSCA Headquarters, Lahore, Page 1 of 2 9 RUNJAB SAFE CITIES AUTHORITY P5caHeacquartes, Gurtan Lines ator, 4 BG SS eB Hrs703070 ‘FUTURE oF PAL OLE 047-111-11-77-22 BB wwwesca gop ok on October 24, 2023 under the Chairmanship of Chief Minister, Punjab/Chairperson, Punjab Safe Cities Authority, Lahore, duly approved vide C.M Secretariat's letter No. Addl. Secy.(L&O)/CMO/2023/CT-47/0072230, dated November 02, 2023, for information, please. fafe Cities Authority Lahore ce; 1. Project Management Officer, PSCA Page 2 of 2 (9 PUNUA® SAFE crTiES AUTHORITY Bzosesecse WB cameo Sovaniats22 ag wmaprengrnak Subject: - PROGRESS IMPLEMENTATION MEETING OF PUNJAB POLICE INTEGRATED COMMAND, CONTROL, & CONTROL {PPICE) CENTRES IN RAWALPINDI, FAISALABAD, & GUJRANWALA Date: October 24, 2023 (1700 Hours} Venue : CMC, PSCA Headquarters In Chair: Chief Minister Punjab/ Chairman Punjab Safe Cities Authority In Attendance : List attached Attachments: Presentation. PROCEEDINGS: The mecting was convened to review the implementation status of the Punjab Police Integrated Command, Control, and Communication Centers in Rawalpindi, recitation of Holy Quran. - DISCUSSK E Provincial Police Officer (PPO) Punjab, with permission from the Char, directed the Additional Inspector General of Police (Addl. IGP. Special Branch] to brief on the ‘Procurement Committee's’ Terms of Reference (TORs} on the schemes. Addl. IGP (Special Branch) presented on the TORs Committee and requested the same for the approval. (Annex-A] Addl. IGP (Internal Accountability Bureau Police) apprised on the statue of Procurement. He reported that the Pre-Qualification process had been completed and results of the same had also been announced by the Panjab Information Technology Board (PITS), It was informed that grievance had been received by PITB as per PPRA and forwarded to the Grievance Paget of 5 iii, Faisalabad, and Gujranwala. Meeting initiated with the DECISION The Chair directed the PPO Punjab to monitor progress of the subject projects on daily basis. ‘The Chair approved the ToRs of Procurement Committee of PPIC3 Projects Rawalpindi, Faisalabad and Gujranwala. | It was recommended to prepare contracts for the subject pee] in consultation with PPRA 9 PUMIAR SAFE CITIES AURHORITY Redressal Committee. In addition, it was reported that the Request for. iv. The Chair directed RPO Proposal (RFP) on Lot No. 1 had been reviewed by PSCA and forwarded to Rawalpindi, Faisalabad and PITB for necessary modifications. Gujranwala to closely monitor the . It was also reported that revised TORs had been sent to the Planning & progress of projects, respectively. Development Board (Consultancy Wing) for review and approval, with | approval expected by the next day. It was also briefed that Assignment | Accounts had been established for the programs, and that funds would be | deposited into the same accounts following allocation from the P&D Board. | iv, Secretary Communication & Works Department/ CEO IDAP reported that | Contractors on the PPIC3 project in Rawalpindi and Faisalabad were prequalified, but only one bidder was prequalified for the Gujranwala | project, and the revised Pre-Qualification process would be completed by November 08, 2023. It was reported that progress was as per the Project | implementation plan and Faisalabad building design would be followed as | | | per the already approved design. The Chair inquired regarding the camera capacity of the PPICS Lahore Project. According to the Addl. [GP IAB, 7500 | cameras were presently installed, and the project had the capacity of 15,000 cameras. y. It was further apprised that PSCA team had been routinely pursuing | | Huawei for the restoration of offline cameras. They agreed with PPO Punjab to restore more than 6,000 cameras by August 14, 2023, but failed to do Page 2 of5 ( RUMJAE SAFE CITIES AUTHORITY _aeBens WB onwnme Gezsinn79-22 BE wre ‘so. They imported defective or absent routers for site restoration, but the routers were incompatible with the existing system. Huawei had 360 routers airlifted from China, which were used to restore the sites; the | remaining routers would arrive in Lahore by end of October 2023. Huawei Proposed restoration Strategy would increase the number of online | Cameras to over 6,000 by mid-December. He added that he had updated Huawei's senior manageaieiit of the MENA region on the ongoing disputes | between PSCA and Huawei and emphasized that PSCA would not pay any additional money for the intervention of IVR is CAD system and for API of ¢-challan system, The MENA management concurred and pledged to, | discuss the issue with their headquarters. He added that M/s. Huawei had | 2 USD 12 Million Performance Guarantee with PSCA. M/s, Huewei was also served with a notice of USD 1.2 million of Liquidated Damages for noncompliance with deadlines. PPO Punjab added that it would be impossible to move forward with M/s Huawei on the Lahore project, s0 PITB would investigate the possibility of assuming responsibility for the Lahore project. vi. It was proposed that every year, the DC office spent millions of rupees across whole of the Punjab to cater for security problems during the Muharram and Pakistan Super League (PSL}, It would be feasible to install Permanent cameras across entire routes under safe city project Lahore. L ® Z Page 3 of 5 This concept- would further strengthen surveillance and security throughout the year. It was proposed that PSCA to devise a security plan and mechanism, to move forward towards the permanent solution and its integration with PPIC3 System and PPO Punjab tasked PSCA management to devise a proper procurement plan along with necessary timelines to implement the same. vii It was further recommended that the Managing Director PPRA to be consulted to vet and approve the specific and general provisions of the Contracts for these three projects. Arbitration and security related clauses to be addressed, thoroughly viii, ‘The meeting ended with the commitment that the soft launch will be held by the end of January 2024, and the final launch by February 20, 2024 FE CITIES AUPHORITY een ita ins anere Pan air iron rrr Cgetianyea messegsnpt (MUHAMMAD AHSAN YOUNAS) PSP Punjab Safe List of Participant 1. Syed Mohsin Naqvi, Chief Minister Punjab/ Chairman Punjab Safe Cities Authorit 2. Mr. Zahid Akhtar Zaman, Chief Secretary, Punjab, Lahore Managing Difec} ‘Authority 3. Dr. Usman Anwar, Proviricial Police Officer Punjab/ Chairman Management Committee PSCA Page doi 5, 18. O SUNIAS SAFE CITIES AUTHORITY = Sogsininr2 Se wwwpenson Mr. Zulfigar Hameed, Addl. IGP (Special Branch) / Chairman Procurement & Recruitment Committee of PPIC3 Centre Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, and Gujranwala Mr. Fazal Ur Rehman, Special Secretary Home Department, Punjab, Lahore Mr. Muhammad Kamran Khan, Addl. 1GP (IAB), Punjab, Lahore/ Former MD PSCA Mr. Mujahid Sherdil, Secretary Finance, Punjab, Lahore Mr. Irfan Ahmad Sindhu, Secretary Regulations, Punjab, Lahore Lt. (R) Sobail Ashraf, Secretary C&W, Punjab Lahore/ CEO Infrastructure Development Authority Punjab Mr. Bilal Siddique Kamyana, CCPO Lahore Mr, Muhammad Ahsan Younas, Managing Director, PSCA Dr. Farukh Naveed, Deputy Secretary (Implementation) to CM, Punjab Capt (R) Mustansar Feroze, Chief Traffic Officer, Lahore Mr. Rizwan Khalid, ClO, PSCA Syed Wagas Javed, Project Director, PPIC3 Sialkot, PSCA Mr. Emad Iqbal, EO[M&E), PSCA Mr. Kashif Nadeem, Chief Technology Officer, IDAP Mr, Amir Mirza, GM (P&C), IDAP List of Participants through Video Link: SUaoNne Mr. Liagat Ali, Commissioner Rawalpindi Division Ms. Silwat Saeed, Commissioner Faisalabad Division Mr. Zulfiqar Ahmad, Commissioner Gujranwala Division Syed Khurram Ali, Regional Police Officer Rawalpindi Dr. Muhammad Abid Khan, Regional Police Officer Faisalabad f= Rana Ayaz Saleem, City Police Officer Gujranwala Punjab Safe Citfés Authority Lahore Page 5015

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