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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

1ST Quarter Examination

S.Y. 2022-2023

Name: __________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________ Score: ________

Teacher: _______________________________

I - Multiple Choice: Choose the letter that corresponds to the correct answer. Write the
chosen letter on a space provided before each number.

_____1. An argumentative text, usually short (1,500 to 6,000 words).

A. Research Article C. Research Paper
B. Essay D. Dissertation
_____2. An essay written to be published in scientific journals.
A. Research Article C. Research Paper
B. Essay D. Dissertation
_____3. A long essay involving study and research (6,000 to 20,000 words).
A. Research Article C. Research Paper
B. Essay D. Dissertation
_____4. A longer essay involving library research (3,000 to 6,000 words).
A. Research Article C. Research Paper
B. Essay D. Dissertation
_____5. Describes process, and results of the scientific research.
A. Technical Report C. Thesis
B. Essay D. Dissertation
_____6. An original contribution to the research area (20,000 words).
A. Thesis C. Introduction
B. Abstract D. Results
_____7. Which of the following is NOT an element of a thesis statement?
A. Focus C. Evidence
B. Argument D. All of the above
_____8. What is an outline?
A. A technique that uses free flow of ideas by listing down everything that comes
to mind
B. A design to follow when writing the structure, a discourse, or a article
C. A technique that links a word or phrase to different related topics or ideas.
D. None of this
_____9. An overview of whole thesis and it is between 200-300 words.
A. Introduction C. Methods
B. Abstract D. Results
_____10. The easiest part of the thesis to write.
A. Introduction C. Methods
B. Abstract D. Results
_____11. Contain the facts of research.
A. Introduction C. Methods
B. Abstract D. Results
_____12. It focuses on the economic and political elements of art
A. Marxist Criticism C. Media Criticism
B. Structuralism D. Reader-Response Criticism
_____13. It is the act of closely examining and judging the media.
A. Marxist Criticism C. Media Criticism
B. Structuralism D. Reader-Response Criticism
_____14. It focused on how human behavior is determined by social, cultural and
psychological structures.
A. Marxist Criticism C. Media Criticism
B. Structuralism D. Reader-Response Criticism
_____15. This approach takes as a fundamental tenet that “literature” exists not as an
artifact upon a printed page but as a transaction between the physical text and the
mind of a reader.
A. Marxist Criticism C. Media Criticism
B. Structuralism D. Reader-Response Criticism
_____16. Which of the following should be included in the first part of the reaction paper?
A. Personal thoughts C. Information about the author
B. Main problem D. Sources
_____17. Which of the following are used to learn more about the structure of reaction
A. Examples C. Opinions
B. Reactions D. Traditions
_____18. Which of the following is NOT a form of reaction paper?
A. Appeal C. Protest
B. Reflection D. Report
_____19. Choose the best summary based from the paragraph given. Some authorities say
that the only true pyramids are the ones built in Egypt. These solid structures
have a square or a rectangular base, smooth sloping sides, and a pointed top. The
Egyptian pyramids were designed as burial places for the pharaohs. However,
elsewhere in the world, pyramid-like structures were built. These pyramids were
often used as temples or building for astronomical studies. Notable examples were
the Ziggurats of Mesopotamia and many others scattered around the world.
A. The most famous true pyramids are the ones in Egypt.
B. Pyramids were built in many parts of the ancient world
C. Although some authorities say, the only true are Egyptian; pyramid-like
structures were built in other places
D.All of the above
_____20. What is the greatest benefit of using an outline to draft an essay?
A. outlines allow the writer to compile information and set a direction for essay
before jumping to a first draft.
B. an outline is the same thing as the first draft, so once the outline is written the
draft is done
C. with an outline, writers do not have to worry so much about their final product
D. Writers who use outline always produce successful and engaging essays
_____21. Why is using full sentence outline beneficial for most standard essays.
A. Full sentence outlines allow for writing that is more creative.
B. With a full sentence outline, you can guarantee an essay’s success.
C. The numbers and decimal involved in the other outline types are confusing.
D. While the sentence outline maybe more time-confusing up front, it makes
writing the first draft much easier.
_____22. Articles on women’s sports were placed on the left page and often at the bottom,
which is a place skipped by many readers. Which sentence below express the
same idea using more formal language?
A. Articles on women’s sports were placed on the left page and often at the
bottom, which is an area most readers jump over.
B. Articles on women’s sports were placed on the left page and often at the
bottom, which is a less prominent position.
C. Articles on women’s sports were placed on the left page and often at the
bottom, which is an area often overlooked by readers.
_____23. All of the statements below are true about thesis statement, EXCEPT:
A. It is a claim or stand that needs to be developed in an essay.
B. It acts as an adequate support to expound the main idea.
C. It must be debatable and supported with evidence.
D. None of these
_____24. Identify the most effective thesis statement.
A. The Hunger Games is a science fiction adventure film based on the novel of the
same name by Suzanne Collins.
B. The Hunger Games is a morality tale about the dangers of a political system
that is dominated by the wealthy.
C. The Hunger Games is a story composed of the high science studies.
D. None of the above
_____25. What is an outline?
A. A technique that uses free flow of ideas by listing down everything that comes
to mind.
B. A design to follow when writing a structure, a discourse, or a article.
C. A technique that links a word or phrase to different related topics or ideas.
D. None of the above
_____26. Why should we cite specific source?
A. It makes the reaction paper reliable.
B. It makes the paper more substantial.
C. It is an additional creative part of the paper.
D. It can attract many readers to read your paper.

For numbers 27-30, please refer to the following statements:

I. Read or watch the material carefully.
II. Come up with a thesis statement.
III. Write down your thoughts while reading or watching.
IV. Compose an outline.
_____27. Which of the following must be done first when you are asked to write a review?
_____28. Which of the given steps in number 7 be done next?
_____29. Which will be the third step?

_____30. Which will be done last?

_____31. What is the topic sentence?
A. It is the first sentence in a paragraph
B. It is the discussion of each paragraph
C. It is the sentence that express the main idea of the paragraph
D. It is the transitional sentence logically connecting two paragraphs together
_____32. How long should an introduction be?
A. Every introduction should be at least 5 sentences.
B. The length of the introduction varies with the purpose of the essay.
C. A good introduction only needs one sentences
D.All of the above
_____33. What is a thesis statement?
A. It is the controlling idea that you will develop in your paper.
B. It is a sentence that elaborates the topic sentence.
C. It supports the main idea of in a paragraph.
D. All of the above
_____34. Why should we cite specific sources?
A. It helps support claims.
B. It makes the paper longer.
C. It adds to the creativity.
D. It makes the paper interesting.
_____35. Which critical approach focuses on understanding ways gender roles are reflected
or contradicted by texts?
A. Reader-response
B. Feminism
C. Historicism
D. Marxist
_____36. Which of the following will help you avoid mistakes in writing a reaction paper?
A. Give a summary of an article.
B. Give an overview.
C. Back your ideas with examples.
D. Do not give your personal opinion.
_____37. What is a thesis statement?
A. It is the central idea of a paper
B. It is the answer to the central question raised in the paper
C. It is the first sentence of the introductory paragraph
D. Both A and B
_____38. Which of the following is NOT true about the reaction paper?
A. It is purely made of opinions.
B. It conveys incisive insights into its analysis of events.
C. It may include the main purpose of the event.
D. It is mainly written to communicate a fair assessment.
_____39. Which of the following can be a form of a reaction paper?
A. Lyric Poem
B. Survey Report
C. Movie Review
D. Anecdotal Report
_____40. Which of the following is needed to make objective assessment?
A. Facts
B. Opinions
C. Reactions
D. Traditions
_____41. Which of the following will help you avoid mistakes in writing a reaction paper?
A. Give a summary of an article.
B. Give an overview.
C. Back your ideas with examples.
D. Do not give your personal opinion.
_____42. Which of the following is NOT included in the second part of your review?
A. Personal thoughts
B. Information about the author
C. Highlights of the main points
D. Main ideas

II – Matching Type: Match the group of words in Column A to their meanings in Column
B. Write only the letter of your choice on a space provided before each number.

Column A Column B
_____43. Compare – Contrast A. A written evaluation of some kind of performance
_____44. Cause – Effect B. A unique form of human knowledge
_____45. Descriptive C. Investigating the social, cultural and intellectual context
_____46. Narrative D. Shows what is in common and what is different
_____47. Book Review E. Give the reader a mental picture
_____48. Thesis F. Narrates a story or an event
_____49. Technical Report G. presents the action and its result
_____50. Research Article H. A paper writing in which the writer express his
ideas and opinions
_____51. Formalist Cristicism I. Describes process, progress and result of the
scientific research
_____52. Historical Criticism J. A form of a reaction paper
_____53. Reaction Paper K. An original contributions to the research area
(20,000 words)
_____54. Critique L. A written text reporting on an investigation made by
a researcher

III – TRUE or FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if is not.
_____55. An academic text needs less concentration and focus because the terms are
_____56. A thesis statement is the controlling idea that you will develop in your paper.
_____57. An outline is a design to follow when writing a structure, a discourse, or a article.
_____58. The most important thing to note is facts are necessary in supporting opinions
because these will make your opinion objective and not biased.
_____59. The text tells us of the author’s opinions about how technology affects lives of
people especially students
_____60. Reaction Paper should be objective, precise, impersonal and formal.
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