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Market planning of a new radiology unit in Mansheat

ELBAKRY hospital


Ahmed Mustafa Soliman

Kareem Mohamed Ali Kamel

Waleed Saeed Ali Meligy

Our objectives
Mansheat Elbakry is one of the hospitals in Roxy that is providing different medical services
and serving a large population. we aim to market and increase the awareness of our target
customers about our new radiology unit with the most recent equipment as MRI and CT devices

Our vision:
To ensure accessible and affordable high quality health care and to be one of the leading
hospitals in Roxi area and providing excellent medical service creating an entire environment of
trust, honesty, mutual respect, and equity.

Mission statement:
 We are aiming to entire hope and contribute to health and well being by providing the
best care to every patient.
 Providing physical, emotional and spiritual care for each person.
 In mansheat Elbakry, we decided to open then new radiology unit for CT and MRI. We
aim to put a correct marketing plan to the recent customers and attract new customers.
Cosmic analysis

Customers: we had both males and females patients, different age category, almost with high
education level, mostly governmental workers, with moderate and high level most of them from
the surrounding area.


 All the financial resources are available and can start work with full support to cover all
department needs
 HR is available with highly qualified staff and technician with good experience
 Physical resources are available and include MRI and CT device
 Information resources: provide patient clinical history and schedule timing

Suppliers: performance evaluation with the regular supplier was good

Market intermediaries: good negotiation was done with some marketing intermediaries to
work with us.

Market strategy:
Product: we don’t have MRI and CT unit some other competitors had such services but not on
high level service and instruments

Price: was done to all kind of medical services of radiology including different radiology units in
other competitor hospitals and clinics

Place: location is everything, our good location gives us good opportunity to serve them well for
that we built a separate radiology unit.

Promotion: is one of the key strategies in marketing

People: A deep study was made to all the other competitive hospitals to know about their staff
and their capabilities and experience
Process: we gather the plans we have already developed for our project; we built the marketing
plan itself

Physical evidence: comparing with the other neighbors competitors we still have a good
physical resources

Public relation: the public relation team share in the marketing plan

Pestel Analysis

Due to the economic situation and the difference in prices, and with the necessity of providing
this service CT and MRI. There were many doctors requesting this service to help them
With the public and private sector overlapping to provide the necessary requirements for the
health sector, providing this service was appropriate
For that the Impact of PESTEL on COSMIC was necessary and confirm the needs to
think about providing new kind of services and taking the decision to open different
medical departments.

SWOT Analysis

As Manshit Elbakry Hospital's marketing team, we want to help the brand lean into what it does
well, improve what it doesn't, capitalize on what it can do, and defend against what
could challenge it. With that in mind, here is our SWOT analysis for this year.
We provide an important new service at a reasonable price within our geographical region that
doctors and patients need.

The need for this type of examination may be limited
The need for highly specialized doctors to write radiology reports throughout the day.
The economic situation and the ability to collect the targeted amount to cover the purchase
price of the devices and the services accompanying them, such as advertisements, training, or
bringing in specialized doctors.

Difficulty collecting payments
The presence of many competitors that may significantly affect prices

Competitive Analysis

We expect to compete with many hospitals and centers in our geographical area
1.Delta Hospital is a private hospital that provided a special department only for radiology
about 2 years ago.
2. A specialized government hospital in which the radiology department and magnetic resonance
unit were opened a year ago

By the end of competitive studies, we found the following

We face many competitors in the private and government sectors

I. Review product/service costs for accuracy, including all variable and fixed expenses
2. all products/services carry their share of overhead expenses plus provide for profit.
3. we compare prices for our products/services with similar products/services in the
other hospitals.

According to all this studies we have Very tough competition in the first half of this year
The economic situation will worsen in the short and long term
Action Plan
Manshit Elbakry Hospital has the goal of opening the new CT and MRI Radiological
Department To serve our clients to start do that, our marketing team will pursue the
1) Goals
A. our goal is to penetrate the market by opening a new department
B. our goals for each segment or market and objectives will be concrete.
measurable and realistic.
C. • To increase sales volume by 15 % within existing customer base.
D. • To increase sales volume by 6 % generating new customers
E. To increase sales volume by 9 % getting customers to use the service more often
F. • To enhance image, name recognition, reputation.
G. • To introduce a new service (in the same area, and attract a new area)
2) Strategy
our strategy based on achieving our goals by providing goad service with reasonable prices that
well attract a new customer and keep repetition of regular customers
we will follow the following list common marketing strategies:
We will utilize the following technologies and software to help us achieve our goals and

 Marketing CRM - Email Marketing Software

 Marketing Automation Software - Blogging Software
 Advertising Management Software - Social Media Management Software
 video Hosting Software - With full concentration on the following
 Facilitating and accelerating the preparation of radiology and its report as quickly as
possible, providing sending the report to the treating physician via e-mail or the
patient’s electronic file.
 Taking into account the prices of insurance companies and determining the percentage
that the patient pay.
3) Trackable goals.

 Working to provide visual and audio advertising on social media sites

 Providing videos of specialists explaining the importance of each type of Radiology for
diagnosing diseases
 Making discounts on prices for the first month to provide the opportunity to create
advertisements among those who visit the hospital and those who live within the
geographical area of the hospital.
 Providing colorful paper advertisements in pharmacies and health centers advertising
the radiology department.
4) Situation analysis.
 We look for our general situation for our hospital
 What does our market share look like?
 What is the outlook in the next five years?
 Where is our revenue coming from?
 The answer on this question will help out team perspective on the landscape for our
business and overall industry.

Target Market & Time Frame

in 2023, we’re targeting the following where we’ll serve and provide our product and
reach out to customers:
Target time frame
at least to have 40 patients daily for the Radiological department during the first 3 months,
that will be increased monthly till we reach final target which is not more than 100 new
patients daily by the end of the first year.

Target market
We will concentrate on Who we want to target (not who are we targeting right now
This focuses on our ideal customer - what's their demographics, job, etc. answer what
we want to focus on
We can't market to everyone, so it's vital to understand what we want as our target customer to
be and what causes them to come.
In short, the more specific we can be and the more personalized our marketing efforts
are, the better.
Find our metrics/KPIs
Which metrics or KPIs we will be using to measure the success and completion of our
goals? It could be anything from visitors to site, average request amount, customer
service resolution time, etc. Whatever it is, for sure we have it tracked and documented
Assign teams
All the marketing team consists of 3 employees and the marketing manager Mr. Mohammed Ali
will be responsible for marketing plan and will follow all the roots that can help
them, 2 employees from administration staff will focus on awareness of the people
about the new department all of them will work under the observation and notice of Quality
control team under the
responsibility of the quality manager Dr. Rashad Yossef and the administration manager
Dr.Ahmed Sayed and they will refer to the Managing Director of the hospital Dr. Ebrahim Gamal.
Team review
We will share all the numbers with all of our team. Doing a team review makes sure
everyone is still on the same page and gives the team a chance to step back to see if
there are any goals or campaigns that need to be adjusted.

Over the course of 2023 , given the cash allotted to the Marketing team, we expect to
invest in the following items to ensure we meet the objectives outlined in this m. plan:
Marketing Expense and Estimated Price

Item Estimated prices

Marketing Software 1500 Egyptian pounds
Event 1 [Hosting] 1200 Egyptian pounds
Event 2 [Attending] 1000 Egyptian pounds
Content Sponsorship 1300 Egyptian pounds
Pay-per-click (Google) 1000 Egyptian pounds
Social media advertising 1500 Egyptian pounds
Total Marketing Team Expense for Current
7500 Egyptian pounds

Most of the time, marketing will cost some amount of money to start and keep running
This could be an actual budget we have going with paid media or a project budget we
have with an agency to update our website. Whatever itis, make sure it's documented

Business Summary

Review the Message:

 Our hospital messages

Manshit Albakry Hospital is located in Cairo Government providing its medical services to
all Egyptian Citizen and foreign residence who are looking for high quality standard and
reasonable price in a clean healthy environment aiming to serve human life and working
according to the highest standard to fulfil our customers' needs
 Our Marketing Leaders:
Marketing Leader 1 is Dr. Ebrahim Gamal Managing Director of the hospital]. he is the head of
all team work
Marketing Leader 2 is Dr. Rashad Yossef he is the Quality control Manager and will be
responsible for all the work of the team and follow up and review collected Data and control all
sectors of the plan before and after the opening of the department
Marketing Leader 3 Dr.Ahmed Sayed the administration Manager he will be responsible for
arrangement all the team work requirements and the follow up all administration work
Marketing Leader 4 Mr. Mohammed Ali the marketing Manager that will be responsible for the
marketing team work in marketing plan

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