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J. Pascual Street, San Pedro, Morong, Rizal

The Importance of Communication to the

Relationship of a Family

An Article Presented to
Mrs. Roxan Roan Roxas

In Partial Fullfillment of the Requirements in

Filipino sa Piling Larangan and English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Submitted by

Ruzzel Mae Saile Codilla

J. Pascual Street, San Pedro, Morong, Rizal


I. The Importance of Communication to the a Family

II. The Four Category of Communication in a Family

i. Monopoly
ii. Equality
iii. Balanced Split
iv. Unbalance split

III. Communication in the Family

i. The Effect of Healthy Communication to the Youth and
their Family
ii. The Effect of Toxic Communication to the Youth and
their Family

IV. Factors of Communication

i. Factors of Communication on a Child
ii. Factors of Communication on a Parent
iii. Factors of Communication to the Family

V. Conclusion of the Article

i. Summary of the Article
ii. Lesson and Recommendation
iii. References
J. Pascual Street, San Pedro, Morong, Rizal


Communication is the fundamental pillar of our relationships. We express our
thoughts, feelings, and connection to one another through communication. Good
communication skills are essential for successful relationships, whether with a parent,
child, spouse, or sibling. Communication within the family is critical because it allows
members to express their needs, wants, and concerns to one another. Open and honest
communication creates an environment in which family members can express their
differences as well as their love and admiration for one another.


Family communication can be as unique as the family that exchanges
information with each other. However, it is important for us to know what kind of
communication does our Family practices so that we can know the right approach to it
and correct our mistakes. Social scientists, Ascan F. Koerner and Mary Anne Fitzpatrick
have classified family communication into four categories: Monopoly, Equality, Balanced
split, and Unbalanced split. Which type of family communication does your family use?
Monopoly is when one person holds all of the authority. Communication and conflicts
both tend to revolve around power.
Equality is when all individuals share in decision-making and roles. This pattern is
characterized by open communication, although disagreements can be hard to resolve.
Balanced Split is where everyone is equal, but each person holds authority over
different aspects. This family has respectful communication and tends to be low in
Unbalance Split everyone has some authority, but at least half of the power is held by
one person. This family is still mutually respectful, but conflicts can arise from power
struggles since the head of the family must prove that they deserve their status.


The Effect of Healthy Communication to the Youth and their Family
The home environment and family have the greatest influence on development,
with the learning environment coming in second.
Healthy family relationships make children and adolescents feel safe and loved.
This condition has an impact on their brain development and sense of self. Healthy
relationships with family members help people develop independence, responsibility,
confidence, and trust. They provide a safe environment in which these can be explored,
with guidance and room for error. Families also provide a model for children and young
J. Pascual Street, San Pedro, Morong, Rizal

people to learn. Fun fact, the sentence "Lahat ng nakikita ng bata, akala nila tama" is
actually true, we are the ones who influences them to be who they are. Children and
adolescents who learn healthy relationship skills are more likely to succeed in life.
Having a healthy communication with your with your child and family is important
because this will influence on how they grow as a person. Having an open
communication within your family member reduces the negativity around all of you and
with this, you’ll be able to understand each other, always.
The Effect of Toxic Communication to the Youth and their Family
A toxic family is one in which the members exhibit patterns of behavior that are
harmful, negative, or dysfunctional. These patterns can range from emotional or verbal
abuse to physical or sexual abuse, neglect, or manipulation
Raising a child inside a toxic household could lead into any problems. According
to Nadya, Yulianty S(2022), The effects of toxic parents on children's psychology include
lack of confidence, being perfectionists, often blaming themselves, not easy to trust,
having unhealthy relationships, besides that it will cause trauma and destroy children's
self-esteem and create self-destructive behaviour where children are worthless and not
Risk factors within the family includes family conflict, instability or separation,
lack of involvement with children and young people, or inconsistent parenting, family
violence, child abuse or neglect, mental health issues or substance abuse, a serious
illness or disability and financial difficulties,
Just like what I had said earlier, whatever we elders do influences children,
whether we like it or not. We are the ones who are raising our future “Pag-asa ng
Bayan” that’s why we should always be careful and be a person with a strong morality
and a healthy mindset to influence them and bring them to the right paths.

Factors of Communication on a Child
Being present is crucial for parents. Open effective communication benefits not
only the children, but every member of the family. Connections between parents are
extremely important to their kids. Broadly speaking, If there is communication between
parents and their offspring, then their relationships are also good.
Kids learn up communication skills through observing their parents. If guardians
converse honestly and efficiently, most likely, their child will as well. Effective
communication abilities will benefit kids for the rest of their lives. Kids start to formulate
thoughts and self-perceptions based on regarding their parents' communication style
alongside them. When guardians properly interact with their Kids, they're demonstrating
J. Pascual Street, San Pedro, Morong, Rizal

them courtesy. Kids then start to feel that they are comprehended and heard by their
parents, therefore providing support to self-worth.
However, in contrast, communication between parents and children that is
inefficient or negativity can influence kids' perceptions that they are ignored,
insignificant, or misinterpreted. These kids might likewise get to view their parents as
unreliable and useless.
Factors of Communication on a Parent
The ability to speak honestly and successfully between parents and children is
essential. Children who get excellent communication from their parents feel heard,
respected, and understood, which enhances their self-esteem.
A parent and child’s support might make conversations more comfortable.
Together, they can come up with solutions to deal with the situation and feel better.
Although it's not always easy, a kid can find enormous consolation in knowing that a
parent cares about and understands what they are going through.
With a healthy communication with our parents, they will be able to adjust to us.
As much as we wanted to be understand by them, it is also essential for us to
understand and communicate with them effectively. With adjusting to each other, we will
be able to build a healthy and happy family with a big support and trust to each other.
However, if the communication between you and your parents are not stable,
there’s a big possibility that the child will never be open to them. Unstable
communication and misunderstanding inside a family can be a bigger problem, leading
for a family to have a toxic household.
Factors of Communication to a Family
Every member of a family system benefits from a support structure during both
good and difficult times. Effective communication within a family helps everyone know
what their loved ones need, which improves their ability to assist one another. Even in
situations when action is not possible, lending a sympathetic ear can have a profound
Maintaining neutral communication with family members is simple. However, it
might seem hard to say anything to the other person while you're having a quarrel.
However, you must not look away, or you risk permanently damaging your relationship
with that individual. This is a common experience in families, and it leads to tension not
just between the two parties involved but also amongst other family members.
Learn about family conflict resolution if you and your loved one are now involved
in a scandal or if you frequently encounter problems in your family. Effective
communication facilitates mutual understanding, which is the cornerstone of all
wholesome family interactions.
J. Pascual Street, San Pedro, Morong, Rizal


Summary of the Article
This article tackles is entitled as “The Importance of Communication to the
Relationship of a Family” who’s written by Ruzel Mae Saile Codilla. It discusses about
how important it is to have a healthy communication between each member of the
family. It also discussed about the “Four Category of Communication in a Family”
which are the Monopoly, Equality, Balanced Split, and the Unbalance Split. Monopoly is
when one person holds all of the authority. Equality on the otherhand is when all
individuals share in decision-making and roles. Balanced Split is where everyone is
equal, but each person holds authority over different aspects. And the opposite,
Unbalance Split is where everyone has some authority, but at least half of the power is
held by one person. She stated that It is important for us to know what kind of
communication does our family practices so that we can know the right approach to it
and correct our mistakes. After discussing about the four category, she then proceeded
to explain the Effects of Healthy and Toxic Communication in Relationship of
Families. Then she explain the how the Factors of Communication will affect a child,
a parent, and their family.
Recommendations and Lesson
Communication with the family members is important because it will give us the
opportunity to understand them and hear them out. It is important because it is the key
to a healthy environment for you and your family. Even though communication is a part
of our daily lives, some people finds it hard to communicate their feelings or to
comprehend others. The following are the recommendations of the Author to improve
communication in the family:
 Attend to Seminars about Family Relationship that will help you to understand
connections in your family.
 Spend time to share similar values and beliefs that create a sense of belonging
and bonding. Share activities and spend time together doing things they enjoy.
 Do not be shy to show affection and care regularly through words, hugs, kisses
and thoughtfulness.
 Acceptance, understanding, respecting and appreciating each family member’s
unique qualities. With the support, family members will know they will receive
help, encouragement and reassurance from one another
 Commitment into being open and transparent to your family. Nothing will ever
happen if you don’t do changes.
Our communication with families evolves, and everyone should be
adaptable and willing to change with your family. Youth needs their family just as
much during adolescence as they did before. The best way to support them is to
ensure that they will come to you with any problems they are experiencing, which
is why effective communication is so important.
J. Pascual Street, San Pedro, Morong, Rizal

Effective communication and teenagers - ReachOut Parents. (n.d.).



VOICES OF YOUTH. (2021, September 27). Why is it important to open up to your parents and how to

do it? via @voicesofyouth. Voices of Youth.



Hardy, M. (2023, May 3). Importance of family communication. LoveToKnow.

Lock, C. (2023, March 16). How do the 4 types of communication patterns in families affect my own

relationships? Rumie-learn.


Healthy families - be you. (n.d.).



Healthy families - be you. (n.d.).



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