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East Systems Colleges of Rizal

The Significance Of Education

to the

Alycha Mae Atole

I. Introduction
i. Definition
ii. Importance
iii. Overview
II. Effect of Being Educated
i. Self
ii. Family
iii. Future
III. Effect of Being Not Educated
i. Self
ii. Family
iii. Future
IV. Conclusion
i. Lesson
ii. References
I. Introduction
i. Knowledge, skills, and character traits are transmitted
through education. Its exact definition is up for debate, as
are the goals of education and the degree to which it
differs from brainwashing in that it encourages critical
thinking. It is a process of teaching, training and learning,
especially in schools, colleges or universities, to improve
knowledge and develop skills. One way to think of
education is as the process of learning something new
that one did not know before. It is a vital component of
life since it gives people the knowledge they need to
become self-sufficient, productive members of society,
and earn money. The process of education begins the
moment you are born.
ii. Critical abilities including reasoning, decision-making,
mental agility, and problem-solving are developed
through education. Individuals deal with issues in both
their personal and professional lives. How educated and
self-aware they are determines their capacity to make
logical and informed decisions in such circumstances.
iii. Being well-educated enables you to identify your own
abilities and qualities. You discover things that pique your
interest as you gain knowledge about the outside world
and yourself. You identify your strengths and work out
how you can contribute to the greater good. Education
enables you to learn about the ways of the world and
provides you with the means to explore your
surroundings and yourself. It offers you the flexibility to
lead the life of your choosing.
II. Effect of Being Educated
i. Everyone gains a sense of empowerment from education
—the knowledge that they can make changes in their lives
and follow their own path. Women who have completed
their education are more capable of making wise
decisions and are inclined to take leadership roles in their
own lives.
ii. Education can have a variety of impacts on families, both
positive and negative. Some of the positive impacts
Improved financial stability: Education can lead to better
job opportunities and higher wages, which can improve
the overall financial well-being of a family.
Increased civic engagement: Educated individuals are
more likely to be involved in their communities and to
vote in elections.
Improved health outcomes: Education is associated with
better health outcomes, such as lower rates of obesity
and smoking.
Stronger relationships: Educated individuals may have
stronger relationships with their family members and be
more effective at communicating and problem-solving.
iii. Being Educated benefits your future the most. When you
are educated, you will never be belittled by people. Being
educated doesn’t just mean being smart, it also means
that you are aware of the world and how things seem to
work in it. It mentally and physically prepares you for
what the future will hold for you. To lead a good life and
to get spiritual and material happiness that lasts for a long
time, it is absolutely essential to get educated.
III. Effect of Being Not Educated
i. Without a good education, a person will have a difficult
time finding work later in life. Their capacity to create a
better future for themselves and their societies is
threatened by their increased likelihood of unfavorable
health outcomes and decreased participation in decision-
making processes.
ii. Not just those with limited education, but everyone
suffers greatly from a lack of education. Those with less
education struggle in life to advance, are less wealthy, and
have worse health than those with higher education. Poor
health, lack of voice, shortened lifespan, unemployment,
exploitation, and gender inequality are some of the main
consequences of low education. Children of illiterate
parents lag behind their peers in terms of cognitive ability,
literacy, and numeracy; your kids won't be as capable with
money management; they won't be as financially literate;
they won't have an easy time finding the proper
information about going to college,
iii. Since finding a good job can be difficult, one of the most
common reasons people decide to pursue a college
degree is probably "finding a job." A college degree can
help you stand out from the tens of applicants that
typically apply for the same position. Furthermore, having
a college degree will open up more career options for you
because it will qualify you for positions beyond entry-level
and low-paying ones. Getting a higher education gives you
the information and practical skills you need to enter the
workforce. Critical thinking is one of the most important
skills you will acquire while obtaining a college degree.
IV. Conclusion
i. Nothing can ever take away from you the stability that
education brings to life. Having a college degree and being
well-educated raises your chances of finding better
employment and opens up new opportunities for you.
Not only is education important for individuals, but it also
plays a vital role in maintaining peace and safety
throughout the world. People who receive an education
are typically taught the distinction between right and
wrong and are better able to avoid dangerous situations.
ii. Sharma, A., & Sharma, A. (2023, November 2). Importance of education | 9+

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Drew, C. (2023, July 22). Lack of Education: 11 Lifelong effects (2023).

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UOTP Marketing. (2023, November 10). 15 Benefits of Education that can

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