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Nutripex LEV system was examined by an external contractor and the report of thorough examination

and testing was submitted. When the PM was going through the report it was recommended in the
report to change the current design of LEV system at the charging point where raw materials are added
to the mixing machines.

LEV system is an engineering control to minimize exposure to hazardous substance or airborne

contaminants, like mist, vapor, fumes, dust or gas which can be hazardous for the workers if exposed
above the standard exposure limits.

The new LEV design recommended in figure 2 of supporting document 4 can help in reducing the
workers exposure to the dust at mixing vessel charging point in many ways which is explained in detail

For the compliance with COSHH it is important for an employer to assess and examine the LEV system
effectiveness and its performance should be evaluated at certain interval of time. The new
recommended design of LEV system is having significant changes as compared to the current LEV

Partially enclosed hood: Suitable hood design in an LEV system is an important and critical
consideration. In current design there is capturing hood being used which is not effective. In the new
design of LEV system enclosed hood is recommended which is more suitable to control the
contamination and reduce worker’s exposure as compare to receiving or capturing type of hoods.

Minimize operator exposure: There are enclosed and partially enclosed hood design can be used, here
it is partially enclosed hood is used to provide space for the raw material pouring, and worker can access
whenever it is necessary for the activity. It is designed in such a way that it minimizes the operator
exposure to the contaminants.

As in the scenario, workers pour 25 kg sacks in the mixing machine manually from the charging point
and for 1 batch they pour 30 sacks. This process takes around an hour which exposes workers to the
dust for long duration.

Maximum containment of the contaminants: Enclosed or partially enclosed hoods completely or

partially cover or enclose the origin of contaminant generation points. Hence, partially enclosed type of
hood is more suitable for this process to contain the maximum contamination and reducing the workers
risk of exposure.

Maximize the enclosure of the source: The new recommended LEV design maximize enclosure of the
source of contamination, and also increase the distance as well as separation between the contaminant
air and the worker’s breathing zone.

Hood designed just above the discharge point: Various important factors has been consider in the new
design of LEV system such as, pattern of dust cloud moving away from the source, the size of cloud, its
speed and the natural direction of flow. Hence, in the new design the hood is placed just above the
discharge point considering the flow pattern of dust cloud, size, speed and its flow direction to get
maximum containment of the contaminations.

Vertical airflow provision: Vertical airflow hood is more effective in capturing the dust in this scenario as
the raw materials are in fine power form which will disperse and will move upward during the pouring in
the discharge point. So vertical airflow movement can contain maximum contaminants and minimize the
escape of contaminants from the capturing zone. Vertical airflow can provide better separation between
the enclosed hooded area and the workers breathing zone.

Provision of polycarbonate screen: In the new design of LEV system provides adequate containment of
the contaminants and furthermore, polycarbonate screen enables good visibility for the operator’s for
monitoring the process and executing the work safely within the hood.

Barrier between the contaminants and operator: It also acts as protective barrier between the worker
and the hazardous substances, hence, provide safe operation and workers protection by acting as a
shield and restricting direct exposure to hazardous contaminants. Polycarbonate is an impact resistant
material with shatterproof properties which is making it safe for the operator.

Minimize formation of ‘wake’: Transparent barrier made up of polycarbonate has been used which is
useful to avoid formation of ‘’wake’’, contaminant cloud may get trapped into the ‘wake’ and reach to
the breathing zone before it is drawn into the hood.

Therefore, the new design mitigates the ‘wake’ effect by providing the transparent polycarbonate glass
which acts as a transport barrier between the operator’s breathing zone and the source of

Guiding airflow pattern: Polycarbonate screen also helps in proper airflow pattern and by guiding the
airflow to move through specific areas and controlling the capture of contaminants. Hence, it can play
an important role in enhancing the overall performance of the LEV system in the Nutripex.

Ledge is provided to support sack during spitting: As earlier rip and tip method was used for pouring
the sack, it was creating lot of dust in the surrounding and exposing workers to the contaminants. The
new design added ledge support for the sack during spitting which provide operator to control on
spitting of sacks, the sacks can be kept on the ledge and slowly poured in the mixer. It reduces the
distance of contaminants fall and dust generation.

Improved containment: Provision of ledge in the new design of enclosed hood can improve
contamination containment efficiency as the sack can be placed on the ledge within the enclosed area of
newly designed LEV system which can restrict and contain the dust more effectively. Hence, it helps to
reduce the potential exposure for the operator.

Designed ergonomically: It enables support to the sack while pouring or splitting which provides
operator safety as well as helps in manually handling the sack as it provides stable surface to place the
sack reduce the workers effort required to hold and splitting activity. It reduces the manual handling of
operator and provides adequate support while splitting of 30 sacks in an hour for 1 batch in the mixing
machine. Hence, ergonomic factor has been considered in the new design of the LEV system.

Enclosed container for empty sacks: Provision of enclosed container for empty sacks has been
introduced in the new design of LEV system. In the current LEV system the empty sacks was flattened
and stacked nearby in open area of production unit. In new design, container for empty sacks has been
provided which contains all the contaminants as the empty sacks container is designed in enclosed
manner to avoid contamination to splash in the atmosphere.

Reduced volume flow rate: New design of the LEV system is an enclosed type and, as much the degree
of enclosure increases it improves the efficiency of extraction of contamination. Enclosed system
reduces the volume flow rate without loss of containment. If volume flow rate is reduced to half then
this also reduce the face velocity from 1 to 0.5 m/s. This reduction in flow rate reduces the use of
current from 3.4 amps to 0.4 amps which save 88 % of the electricity. Hence, reduces the running costs
of LEV system.

Improve efficiency of LEV system: Minimize volume flow rate: Enclosure of the capturing area with
physical wall and roof can minimize the volume flow rate which is needed for the effectiveness of
control measure. The source is separated or protected from the draughts.

Reduced volume flow rate: The contaminants source is within the enclosed area so capturing the
contaminants is not needed as the chance of escape is very minimal. The airflow inside the enclosed
hood dilutes and disperses the formation of cloud.

Hood designed as per cloud size: The new design of LEV system considered the contaminants cloud size
and accordingly the hood area has been designed to match with the requirement to get maximum
enclosure and maximum containment of the contaminations.

Control from dust cloud fire and explosion: The new design which minimizes the dust to escape into the
atmosphere and form a hazardous dust cloud or it may form flammable or explosive atmosphere in the
production area which can lead to fire and explosion and cause harm to workers and plant. Hence, Fire
and dust cloud formation which can cause primary or secondary dust explosion can be controlled.

Design to minimize eddy formation: The hood has been design in such a way that minimize the eddy
formation, the hood is smooth and stainless to minimize the turbulence and it avoids corners and edges
which may cause eddy formation.

Design for the use of PRP if required for the worker: The design is suitable for the worker to use PRP if
it is required for the work. It will be easy to operate with the PRP. Provision of adequate lighting
provided inside the enclosure for the workers ease.

In the new design cleaning and maintenance is easy, it also minimize the obstruction within the hood
or near to the entrance. In this design external drought effect is minimal. Adjustable opening of the
hood can be useful in minimizing the open area of the hood face, e.g. a fume cupboard sash.
Hence, I would like to conclude with a note that the above mentioned factors describes that the new
design of LEV system can reduce the exposure of workers when working at the mixing vessel discharge

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