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Biology Pearson Edexcel IGCSE (9-1) Hasan Müezzin

First Midterm Exam Revision Questions

Chapters 2-3-4-5
Worksheet 2
Q1.he passage describes carbohydrates used in different organisms.
Complete the passage by writing a suitable word in each blank space.
Carbohydrates contain the elements carbon, hydrogen and ............................................................ .

Plant cell walls are made of the carbohydrate, ............................................................ .

Plants store carbohydrate as starch. The starch in plant cells is ............................................................ ,

so it has no osmotic effect on the cell. The simple test for starch is to add a few drops

of ............................................................ solution to a sample. If the test is positive, the solution

changes colour from ............................................................ to ............................................................ .

The storage carbohydrate in animals is ............................................................ , which is found

mainly in the muscles and in the ............................................................ . If the blood glucose

concentration increases then the hormone, ............................................................ , is released

by the ............................................................ . This causes the conversion of blood glucose

into the storage carbohydrate.

Q2. Yeast is a fungus used in the production of beer.

(a) (i) Name the part of a yeast cell that is made of chitin.
(ii) Name the carbohydrate stored in the cytoplasm of a yeast cell.

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Biology Pearson Edexcel IGCSE (9-1) Hasan Müezzin

Q3. Listeriosis is an illness caused by eating food containing the bacterium Listeria.
(a) The diagram shows the cell wall of one of these bacteria. Other structures found in the bacterium are
not shown.
Draw and label three other structures that would be found in the bacterium.

Q4. The structure of a bacterium differs from the structure of a virus.

(a) Name two structures found in a bacterium that are not found in a virus.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

Q5. The table gives features of three different groups of organism.

Complete the table by putting a tick ( ) in the box if the organisms in the group have the feature and a
cross ( ) in the box if the organisms in the group do not have the feature. The first one has been done for

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Biology Pearson Edexcel IGCSE (9-1) Hasan Müezzin

Q6. (a) A student is given two samples of carbohydrates.

He tests to see if one is glucose and the other one is starch.
Describe the two chemical tests he should use to identify each carbohydrate.










(b) Different groups of organism store carbohydrate as different molecules.

Complete the table to show an example from each group of organisms and the molecule they use to
store carbohydrate.

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Biology Pearson Edexcel IGCSE (9-1) Hasan Müezzin

Q7. The diagram shows a yeast cell.

(a) (i) Give the letter of the part made of chitin.

(ii) Give the letter of the part made of glycogen.

(b) Anaerobic respiration in yeast cells produces a gas.

Write the word equation for anaerobic respiration in yeast cells.

Q8. (a) The table shows features found in three groups of living organisms.
Complete the table using a tick to show that the group of living organisms shows the feature and a
cross if the feature is absent.

(b) Some bacteria, fungi and protoctists are pathogens.

(i) Name another type of pathogen.
(ii) Give an example of a disease caused by a protoctist.
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Q9.The photograph shows some viruses.

(a) Suggest two reasons why most biologists do not classify viruses as living organisms.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................


(b) Name one example of a virus.


(c) Give one structural difference between a bacterium and a virus.



Q10. A group of students investigate the effect of exercise on breathing rate.

They measure their breathing rate at rest by counting breaths per minute. They then exercise by running
on the spot. After exercise they measure their breathing rate by counting breaths per minute.

These are their results.

(a) Display these results in a table.


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(b) Explain why breathing rate is higher after exercise.









(c) Explain how the students could improve their investigation.





Q11. (a) The diagram shows part of the human thorax.

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(i) Give the names of structures P, Q and R.

P ..........................................................................................................................................

Q ..........................................................................................................................................

R ..........................................................................................................................................
(ii) Explain the role of structure S when a person breathes out.








Q12. The diagram shows some ciliated cells and goblet cells lining the wall of the bronchioles in the

The small hairs on the surface of the ciliated cells are called cilia.

The goblet cells produce mucus. This mucus is moved by the cilia.

(a) Suggest how ciliated cells and goblet cells protect the lungs from infection.




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(b) Chemicals in cigarette smoke reduce the movement of the cilia.

Suggest why people who smoke cigarettes often have to cough.


Q13. The table shows the number of deaths in the United Kingdom in 2010 caused by cancer, lung
diseases and circulatory diseases. The table also shows the number of these deaths caused by smoking.

(a) (i) What is the total number of deaths caused by all three diseases?

(ii) Calculate the percentage of the total number of deaths that are caused by smoking.
Show your working.

percentage ........................................................... %

(c) Emphysema is a lung disease that is usually caused by smoking. The diagram shows a cross
section through two alveoli X and Y. Alveolus X is from a non-smoker and alveolus Y is from a smoker
suffering from emphysema.

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Use the diagram to suggest and explain the effect of emphysema on gas exchange.





Q14. Doctors use X-rays to produce images of structures inside the body.
The image shows an X-ray of a normal human thorax.

(a) Identify the structures labelled A, B, C and D.

A ..........................................................................................................................................

B ..........................................................................................................................................

C ..........................................................................................................................................

D ..........................................................................................................................................

(b) Describe how structures B and D help a person to breathe in.






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Biology Pearson Edexcel IGCSE (9-1) Hasan Müezzin

Q15. The diagram shows part of the human breathing system.

(a) (i) Name the structures labelled A, B, and C.

A ..........................................................................................................................................

B ..........................................................................................................................................

C ..........................................................................................................................................
(ii) Suggest why the lung structure is sometimes referred to as a tree.

(b) Describe how ventilation of the lungs occurs when a person breathes in.










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(c) Smoking cigarettes inside public buildings has been banned in many countries.
(i) Suggest why governments have banned smoking cigarettes inside public buildings.






(ii) Suggest why children are particularly at risk from breathing in smoke from other people's


Q16. (a) The diagram shows a piece of apparatus called a calorimeter.

The calorimeter is used to investigate the energy content of one gram of glucose.
The glucose burns in the calorimeter and the energy released heats the water.

(i) Suggest why oxygen gas is passed into the calorimeter.



(ii) Suggest why the waste gas pipe is coiled.

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(iii) Suggest why stirring the water will improve the data collected.



(b) The calorimeter contains 200 g of water. The graph shows the rise in temperature of the water in
the calorimeter during the investigation.

(i) Use the graph to find out the increase in the temperature of the water during the investigation.


(ii) Use the formula to calculate the energy content of the 1 g of glucose.


........................................................... J

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Q17. Complex carbohydrates are broken down in the human digestive system.

(a) Name the elements present in a carbohydrate molecule.


(b) Starch and glucose are carbohydrates found in living organisms.

Complete the table to show some of the properties of starch and glucose.
Insert a tick if the property applies or a cross if it does not.

(c) (i) Describe how you could test for the presence of glucose in a substance.

(ii) Give two safety precautions you would take when carrying out the test.

Q18. The diagram shows the alimentary canal of a rabbit with some parts labelled.

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Biology Pearson Edexcel IGCSE (9-1) Hasan Müezzin

(a) The table lists descriptions of some parts of the alimentary canal.
Complete the table by giving the correct part from the diagram to match each description.
One has been done for you.

(b) Explain how the liver helps digestion in the alimentary canal.





(ii) Describe a test to show that rabbit faeces contain glucose.







A student adds oil (lipid) to water.

He then puts drops of the mixture onto a microscope slide.

The diagram shows oil droplets floating on the water, as seen using a microscope.

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The student then adds different solutions to four separate samples of oil droplets floating on the water.

Diagrams A, B and C show the possible appearance of the oil droplets after each solution is added.

(a) (i) The table lists the solutions added to the oil and water mixture.
Complete the table to show which diagram the mixture would look like after each solution is added.
You may use each letter once, more than once or not at all.
One has been done for you.

(ii) Explain why no droplets are seen after bile and lipase solution is added to the oil and water








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(b) Starch is digested in the small intestine. The small intestine contains many structures that absorb
The diagram shows one of these structures.

(i) Name this structure.

(ii) Explain how this structure is adapted to absorb glucose.








Q20. In digestion large food molecules are broken down into small food molecules by
(a) Use this information to complete the table.

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(b) The small food molecules can be absorbed into the blood by villi in the small
Give three ways in which villi are adapted to absorb small food molecules.
1 .............................................................................................................................................


2 .............................................................................................................................................


3 .............................................................................................................................................


Q21. (a) The table contains names and descriptions of processes involved in the digestive system.
Complete the table by filling in the missing names and descriptions.

(b) Describe the process of digestion in the mouth.







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(c) A student carried out some food tests on two samples of food, A and B. The table shows the results.

The student concluded that both samples of food contained carbohydrates.

Do you agree with this conclusion?
Give reasons for your answer.



Q22. (c) Fish are a good source of protein in the human diet.

Describe what happens to fish protein in the gut of a human.


Q24. The diagram shows the human digestive system.

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(a) Use letters from the diagram to answer these questions.

Each answer may be one letter or more than one letter.
(i) Where is amylase made? ...........................................................

(ii) Where are faeces stored? ...........................................................

(iii) Where is protein digested? ...........................................................

(b) Describe and explain how the structure of the small intestine is adapted for absorbing digested food.








(c) A balanced diet is important to maintain good health.

(i) Suggest the consequences of having a diet that lacks fresh fruit and fibre.



(ii) Suggest the consequences of having a diet that contains too much fat.






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Q25. The diagram shows the digestive system of a human with parts labelled A, B, C and D.

(a) The table lists these four parts of the digestive system and three types of food.
For each part, complete the table by putting a tick ( ) in the box if the food is digested, or a cross
( ) if it is not digested.
Some have been done for you.

(b) Coeliac disease results in part C containing fewer villi.

(i) Draw a labelled diagram of a villus.

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Q26. The diagram shows the human circulatory system, with blood vessels labelled A to N.

(a) The table lists some of the blood vessels in the human circulatory system.
Complete the table by giving the correct letter for each blood vessel.
The first one has been done for you.

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(b) Use letters from the diagram to answer these questions.

(i) Which blood vessel contains blood with the highest concentration of oxygen?
(ii) Which blood vessel carries blood at the highest pressure?
(iii) Which blood vessel is an artery that carries blood with a high concentration of carbon dioxide?

(c) Scientists have developed a synthetic material that can be used to replace damaged arteries.
State two properties that this synthetic material should have so that it can act as a suitable
replacement for damaged arteries.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................



2 ..........................................................................................................................................



Q27. The diagram shows a section through a human heart.

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(a) The blood in vessel X is transported to an organ.

(i) Name the organ.
(ii) State two changes to the blood in this organ.
1 .............................................................................................................................................


2 .............................................................................................................................................


(b) What is the function of the part labelled Y?



(c) The diagram shows the contraction and relaxation of the atria and ventricles during several
Each square represents a time of 0.1 second.

(i) For how long do the ventricles contract during one heartbeat?

Answer ........................................................... second

(ii) How many heartbeats does the diagram show?


Answer ...........................................................
(iii) Use the diagram to calculate the heart rate of this person in beats per minute. Show your

Answer ........................................................... beats per minute

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