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Intermittent Positive-Pressure Hyperventilation with High

Inflation Pressures Produces Pulmonary Microvascular

Injury in Rats 1- 3


SUMMARY The mechanisms by which Intermittent positive-pressure ventilation with high Infla-
Intermittent positive pressure ventilation tion pressure (HIPPY) Induces pulmonary edema remain uncertain. In this study wa Investigated
(IPPY) with peak inspiratory pressure as the physiologic and anatomic changes related to HIPPY at 45 cmH,O peak Inspiratory pressure In
high as 30 to 45 cmHzO (HIPPV) results rats. Edema was quantified by the extravascular lung water obtained from postmortem weighing
in pulmonary interstitial (peribron- and by "Na distribution space. Pulmonary microvascular parmeablllty was assessed by dry lung
chovascular) and, ultimately, alveolar weight and fractional albumin uptake. After only 5 min of HIPPY, there was a significant increase
edema. Webb and Tierney (1) postulated In Na space, dry lung walght, and fractional albumin uptake when compared with that In control
that interstitial edema might be explained rats mechanically ventilated at 7 cmH,O peak inspiratory pressure. These changes suggest that
by pulmonary interdependence (2-5) and edema may be due at least In part to alterations in mlcrovescular permeability. Moderate peribron-
alveolar edema by an increase in surface chovescular edema was present. At the ultrastructural level, some endothelial cells were found
detached from their basement membrane. This lesion has been previously described In other types
forces because of depletion or inactiva-
of pulmonary mlcrovescular injury. The above findings remained almost unchanged after 10 min
tion of surfactant (6-9). Both mecha- of HIPPY. After 20 min of HIPPY, wa observed the outpouring of a high protein content alveolar
nisms should be responsible for an in- flooding accompanied by a further significant Increase in fractional albumin uptake and dry lung
creased ultrafiltration rate, but the pos- weight. Additional anatomic damage appeared Including epithelial lesions and hyaline membranes.
sibility of endothelial and/or epithelial Thus, HIPPY edema presents all the features of high permeability edema. These results may he
lesions consecutive to HIPPV has not of concern In the ventilatory management of patients with acute respiratory failure In order to avoid
been excluded. additional damages induced by local overinflation. AM REV RESPIR DIS 1985; 132:880-884
An increase in epithelial permeability
to proteins was demonstrated during seg-
mental static hyperinflation in rabbits Group III. These animals were ventilated
achieved with intraperitoneal administration
(10), and HIPPV was shown to increase of sodium pentobarbital, 45 mg/kg body for 10 min with HIPPV after a 2O-min period
microvascular permeability in isolated weight. A tracheostomy was performed, the of normal IPPV.
dog lungs (11). We hypothesized that animals were heparinized (500 U), and a cath- Group IV. These animals were ventilated
HIPPV in intact animals would produce eter was inserted into a carotid artery for sub- for 20 min with HIPPV after a lO-min period
similar alterations. sequent blood sampling and ultimate bleed- of normal IPPV.
We studied the effects of HIPPV on ing. The animals were paralyzed with succinyl-
lung protein and water accumulation in choline, 5 mg/kg body weight just before Physiologic Studies
rats and the related ultrastructural le- IPPV. A normal IPPV at 40 cpm with a peak Each group consisted of 8 rats. Just before
sions. We focused on the occurrence of inspiratory pressure of 7 cmH10 preceded the IPPV was initiated, approximately 2 /lCi of
period of 45 cmH10 HIPPV. The IPPV was 1l5I-labeled albumin and 0.2 /lCi of 22Na
edema and its spreading with HIPPV du- performed using a volume mechanical pump (CEA, Saclay, France) were injected in 0.1 ml
ration and thus only considered the peak (Braun, Melsungen, FRG) with an inspiratory- of saline via the dorsal penis vein. At the end
airway pressure level that always pro- expiratory ratio of 1. Airway pressure was of the IPPV period the animals were bled to
duced alveolar edema (1). Pulmonary measured through a side port in the death. The lungs were removed, dissected
edema consecutive to HIPPV was charac- tracheostomy tube using a MP45 ± 50 from the hilar structures, and weighed. The
terized by increases in dry lung weight cmH10 transducer (Validyne, Northridge, amount of extravascular water and the weight
and lung albumin uptake. The ultrastruc- CA) and was continuously registered. The of the blood-free dry lungs were determined
tural changes of endothelial and epithe- overall duration of the mechanical ventila- according to Pearce and coworkers (12), with
lial arrangements were comparable to tion was 30 min. The HIPPV was achieved the assumption that the blood hematocrit in
those observed during many types of pul- by an increase in tidal volume up to the preset
peak inspiratory pressure, and the respiratory
monary microvascular injury. (Received in original form December 3, 1984 and
rate was reduced to 25 cpm to avoid excessive
hypocapnia. in revised form May 21, 1985)
Methods Four groups of animals were studied:
t From INSERM U82 and Departement de Phys-
We compared the changes related to HIPPV Group I. These animals were mechanically
iologie, Faculte Xavier Bichat, Paris, France.
of increasing duration in rats with those in ventilated for 30 min at 7 cmH10 peak in- 2 Presented in part at the Annual Meeting of the
IPPV control animals with the same overall spiratory pressure (normal IPPV) and were American Thoracic Society, Anaheim, California,
duration of mechanical ventilation. used as controls. May 14, 1985.
Experiments were performed on male Group II. These animals were ventilated for 3 Requests for reprints should be addressed to

Wistar rats (Iffa Credo, Oncins, France) 5 min with HIPPV after a 25-min period of G. Saumon, INSERM U82, Faculte Xavier Bichat,
weighing 322.6 ± 15.8 (SD) g. Anesthesia was normal IPPV. 75018 Paris, France.


~ 60

sections were stained with azur II blue and
methylene blue, and ultrathin sections were
the control level after only 5 min of
HIPPV. Dry lung weight also differed sig-
j contrasted with uranyl acetate and lead ci- nificantly from that in control animals
,=,=,.I trate and examined in a Elmiskop 101 at 80
,=,..r.,.J: ..,] 4C
kV (Siemens, Berlin, FRG). Standard proce-
in all HIPPV protocols. These variations

..·· !!.
i. 20
. . ·· dures were followed for light microscopy.
in dry lung weight and fractional albu-
min uptake paralleled the indexes of pul-
monary edema. There were significant
o z 0
Results correlations between Na space and dry
c D
No animal died before the end ofthe ex- lung weight (r = 0.71, P < 0.001) or frac-
periment. Edema fluid (20 to 300 ,u) was tional albumin uptake (r = 0.86, p <
,..:r:: .
.8 r= Z found in the trachea of 6 of 8 animals 0.001). Similar correlations were found
.4 ~ 4 in Group IV during lung removal. Mac- between Qwl and dry lung weight (r =
0.89, p < 0.001) or fractional albumin up-
2 . • ·• "
roscopic aspect of lungs was normal in
Groups I to III; in Group IV, the lungs take (r = 0.84, p < 0.001). These latter
~ 0,-,---1.-'--'---'--' were enlarged and showed congestive relationships are shown in figures 2A
areas, especially in the costophrenic and B.
Fig. 1 A. Extravascular lung water (Owl) under cDntrol sinuses. The 125I-Iabeled albumin activity of the
conditions (I) and after HIPPV of 5 min duration (II), 10
min duration (III), and 20 min duration (IV). B. Na space.
tracheal fluid found in 6 animals in
C. Dry lung weight. O. Fractional albumin uptake per
Physiologic Data Group IV was 86 ± 5.4070 of plasma ac-
unit Na space (FAU) in the same animals (mean ± SO). The mean and SD values of Qwl, Na tivity (min, 67%; max, 98%).
Analysis of variance: significance of the difference be· space, dry lung weight, and fractional al-
tween HIPPV and control animals (. = p < 0.05, •• = bumin uptake both under control and Anatomic Data
P < 0.Q1, ••• = P < 0.001). Group IV differed from all
the other groups at least at p < 0.Q1. There was no sig·
HIPPV conditions together with the Histologicjindings. In Group I rats, a
nificant difference between Group II and Group III. results of the analysis of variance are slight perivascular edema was noted, as
shown in figure 1. usually observed with the intratracheal
The indexes of pulmonary edema method of fixation.
lungs was the same as that in systemic blood. (Qwl, Na space) increased with the du- Microscopically, the overall lung tis-
Extravascular lung water (QwI) and dry lung ration of HIPPV. But there was no differ- sue structure of Group II and III rats was
weight were expressed as ml and mg per kg ence between Group II and Group III, normal, with uniform distribution of al-
body weight, respectively. The activity of 1251 in contrast to the larger values found in veoli. There were no signs of emphysema-
albumin and "Na in lungs was obtained by Group IV. The Na space and Qwl were like changes such as distended or dis-
gamma counting (CG4000; Intertechnique, significantly correlated (r = 0.90, p < rupted alveolar walls. There was some
Plaisir, France), corrected for the overlap of
12Na into the 1251 channel. Albumin and Na
0.001). The calculation of cellular water interstitial edema surrounding broncho-
uptakes were obtained from the lung activity using Qwl and Na space showed that this vascular axes, mainly located around
of each tracer, the calculated blood remain- pulmonary edema was almost exclusively large vessels, but no alveolar edema. In
ing within these lungs, and the tracer activity extracellular (1.38 ± 0.117, 1.45 ± 0.116, Group IV rats, alveolar edema was dif-
in systemic blood and plasma. The results were 1.47 ± 0.137, and 1.44 ± 0.118g/kgbody fuse, with marked patches, particularly
expressed for Na as distribution space per unit weight in Group I, II, III, and IV, respec- in alveoli surrounding bronchovascular
volume of blood-free lung and for albumin tively; no significant difference by anal- spaces and in subpleural areas. Although
as the percentage of injected quantity per unit ysis of variance). The extracellular water some red blood cells were present in al-
volume of Na distribution space (fractional was 2.8 times that of the control value veolar spaces, no signs of gross hemor-
albumin uptake). for the longest duration of HIPPV. rhage was evident.
In some rats in Group IV, edema fluid was
recovered by aspiration from the trachea. The
There was an increase in transvascu- Ultrastructural jindings. At the ul-
activity of 12s1 albumin was also measured in lar protein flux when considering frac- trastructurallevel, changes affecting the
this fluid. tional albumin uptake, which was twice blood-air barrier were found in all but
Statistical comparisons of the 4 groups were
made using analysis of variance. The corre- B
lations between data were obtained using the
least squares method.

Anatomic Studies
Two other rats from each group were used
for conventional, semithin and ultrathin ex-
aminations. After the removal of the trachea
and lungs, the lungs were fIxed intratracheally
with cacodylate-buffered (360 mOs; pH 7.4)
1.71170 glutaraldehyde at 20 cmH,O positive
pressure and immersed for 2 h. 1\venty small
specimens were sampled from left superior
lobe for electron microscopy and placed in
fresh fixative for 15 min; the other lobes were 6
kept for light microscopy. After rinsing in cac- FAU ('lIIper unit N. apec;e)

odylate buffer, the tissues for electron micros- Fig. 2. Correlations between extravascular lung water (Owl) and (A) dry lung weight, (B) fractional albumin uptake
copy were post fIxed in osmium oxide, de- per unit Na space (FAU) in control and HIPPV animals. Open circles: control conditions, closed circles: 5·min
hydrated, and embedded in EponQII. Semithin HIPPV, closed squares: 10·min HIPPV, and closed triangles: 20-min HIPPV animals.

hance fluid accumulation during ex-

perimental hydrostatic edema (17).
The use of large tidal volumes with a
low resting volume was shown to increase
the surface tension of the alveolar lining
layer (6-9), which may favor the forma-
tion of hydrostatic pulmonary edema
(18). These changes in pulmonary sur-
face activity may appear very rapidly, in
some instances after only 5 min of hyper-
ventilation (8). Both overinflation and in-
crease in surface forces induced by
HIPPV would lead to an augmentation
in vascular transmural pressure.
An increase in transmural pressure of
extra-alveolar vessels results in an en-
larged cross section and, therefore, could
lead to pore stretching (19). This may ex-
plain the increased hydraulic conductivity
found in isolated rabbit (20) and dog (21)
lungs with high (more than 30 mmHg)
outflow pressures or in dog lungs venti-
lated for 20 min with an airway pressure
Fig. 3. Alteration of the blood·air barrier in a 5·min HIPPV rat. The thin part of the endothelial cell (En) is separated exceeding 42 cmH 2 0 (11). Whether the
from the basement membrane and protrudes into the capillary lumen, forming an endothelial bleb (.) filled with resulting vascular mural stress would be
plasmalike material. Arrows point to the basement membrane, which remains attached to the epithelial lining sufficient to allow a protein leakage of
(Ep) (AS = alveolar space; In = interstitium with collagen fibers and a septal cell (Se).
consequence remains doubtful, because
the average filtration coefficient mea-
control animals. In Group II animals, not consider in this study the effects of sured with atrial pressures within the
some endothelial cells were found PEEP. We found that HIPPV resulted range of 50 to 60 cmH 2 0 was only 2 times
detached from their basement mem- in a dramatic increase in pulmonary the control level (21). Then, an increase
brane. It resulted in intracapillary blebs, microvascular permeability associated in transmural pressure as the sole mech-
which were filled with a material show- with parenchymal ultrastructural lesions. anism would lead to a hydrostatic-type
ing the same electron density as plasma Recent reviews of experimental pulmo- edema with low protein content. How-
(figure 3). No other alteration was found nary edema did not make mention ofthis ever, Webb and Tierney (1), using light
at this stage, either on the endothelial or particular method (13, 14). To our knowl- microscopy, observed that interstitial
on the epithelial side. These alterations edge, since the first description of HIPPV edema fluid contained protein, as was
remained essentially the same in the edema, no attempt was made to clarify shown by its deep eosinophilic staining.
animals in Group III, without any fur- the mechanisms responsible for this After 5 min of HIPPV, the increase
ther lesion of the endothelial or epithe- edema in vivo. The explanations pro- in fractional albumin uptake could be ex-
lial cells such as cell swelling or disrup- posed by Webb and Tierney (1) were plained either by an augmented filtration
tion. Numerous abnormalities were ob- based on 2 different phenomena: an ex- rate or by an abnormal protein permea-
served in Group IV animals in addition travasation from nonalveolar vessels be- bility. Fractional albumin uptake is simi-
to those previously described. Type I cells cause of an increase in transmural pres- lar to transvascular protein flux meas-
were damaged, often completely de- sure during inflation, accounting for in- urements (22), i.e., the quantity of pro-
stroyed over long distances, denuding the terstitial edema, and a depletion or tein that crosses the vascular barrier
epithelial basement membrane. In some inactivation of surfactant, accounting for during a given time. Only the range of
alveoli, these injuries associated with in- alveolar edema. magnitude of its changes would separate
terstitial and alveolar edema led to hya- Most of the experiments on fluid filtra- hydrostatic from high permeability
line membranes consisting of cell debris tion and positive pressure inflation were edema. But a twofold increase in frac-
mixed with fibrinous deposits (figure 4). performed in isolated lungs or in the tional albumin uptake, as observed in
opened chest, and even under these very Group II, would occur in the case of the
Discussion controlled conditions it remains unpre- hydrodynamic mechanism for a filtration
Our results confirm the findings of Webb dictable whether increased transpulmo- rate approximately 12 times the control
and Tierney (1), who have shown that nary pressure would favor or counter- level if one neglects the delayed lymphatic
HIPPV with peak inspiratory pressure balance edema formation (5). The effects output (23) during such a short period
of 45 cmH 2 0 leads to pulmonary inter- of an increase in alveolar pressure on the (in 5 min of HIPPV, nearly twice more
stitial and alveolar edema in 13 to 35 min rate of fluid accumulation in the lungs albumin moved into interstitial spaces
in rats, the latter being prevented by posi- depend on the related variations in lung than during 30 min under control condi-
tive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP). Be- volume (15), but with different conse- tions). Such an increase is unlikely, and
cause our objective was to define the quences on alveolar or extra-alveolar ves- is not consistent with the absence of sig-
mechanisms and development of alveo- sels, depending on the vascular pressure nificant increase in Qwl. The significant
lar edema with HIPPV duration, we did (16). Hyperinflation was shown to en- increase in dry lung weight is a further

in intact animals during HIPPV is con-

sistent with the increased hydraulic con-
ductivity and decreased protein reflection
coefficient found in isolated dog lung
lobes during HIPPV above 42 cmH 2 0
peak airway pressure (11). Thus, HIPPV
may also impair epithelium permeabil-
ity. Alveolar epithelial permeability to
nonelectrolytic hydrophilic solutes was
found to closely depend on pulmonary
distention (33, 34). Prolonged in situ seg-
mental overinflation with 40 cmH 2 0
pressure produced a protein-permeable
epithelium in the rabbit (to). The rele-
vance of this latter finding to HIPPV
edema remains, however, uncertain be-
cause it was not confirmed when the
whole lung was submitted to the same
airway pressure that corresponded to a
relative distention many times smaller
In summary, 2 phenomena may be in-
volved in HIPPV edema: parenchymal
Fig. 4. 20-min HIPPV rat. Very altered alveolar septum with 3 capillaries. Ai the right side, the epithelial lining injuries and increased microvascular
is destroyed, denuding the basement membrane (arrows). Hyaline membranes (HM) composed of cell debris
and fibrin (f) are present. Two endothelial cells (En) of another capillary are visible inside the interstitium (In).
transmural pressure. Our results suggest
At the lower left side, a monocyte fills the lumen of a third capillary with a normal blood-air barrier. that parenchymal injuries begin at the en-
dothelial side and rapidly spread to the
epithelium. These lesions may compound
argument for a high protein extravasa- of the basement membrane and hyaline their effects with those of overinflation
tion, excluding the hydrodynamic edema membrane formations in Groups II and and/or increased surface tension to pro-
as the unique hypothesis. Light micro- III, it is likely that these lesions were the duce pulmonary edema (35-37). These
scopic examination shows that HIPPV consequence of the progression of lung results may be of concern in the manage-
edema began at the extra-alveolar level, injuries that led to irreversible damage. ment of acute respiratory failure when
according to the pattern described by This is consistent with the fact that most mechanical ventilation with high inspira-
Staub and colleagues (24). Because fixa- of the resistance to protein flux into al- tory pressures could lead to an overin-
tion was done from the alveolar side, we veoli is due to the low epithelial permea- flation of open alveoli as a result of un-
were unable to draw any conclusion from bility (29, 30). even distribution of compliance.
the aspect ofthe alveolar lining fluid. The The HIPPV edema is essentially ex- Further studies are necessary to deter-
ultrastructural endothelial lesions were tracellular as indicated by the steady mine whether and at which stage this
nonspecific and were identical to those values of cellular weight and anatomic edema remains reversible, the possible ef-
encountered in many types of experimen- findings. These results differ from previ- fects of PEEP, and to understand the
tal high permeability edema (13, 14). ous observations in toxic or inflamma- mechanisms that lead to parenchymal le-
However, these lesions were never found tory pulmonary edemas (13). The linear sions.
in hemodynamic edema (25-27). relationships (figure 2A and B) that ex-
After to min of HIPPV, the physio- ist between Qwl and dry lung weight or Acknowledgment
logic and anatomic alterations remained fractional albumin uptake suggest that The writers thank Mrs G. Martet and R.
identical. it was always the same kind of pulmo- Villechevrolle for their excellent technical as-
There was a striking increase in all nary edema, i.e., with the same high pro- sistance, Mrs F. Bouchonnet for her help in
edema and permeability indexes after 20 preparing the results, and Miss F. Miklovic
tein content, whatever the extent of the
for editorial assistance.
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