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Gite 15321135024 __S.Thirappatht Rij Satelite Metearoley Pant - A Luwface Reflection: CQ When Light is imeident on a booeunolarry Unley between Awe different medio @it w rte lected auording 4 well Krown Lads the utpoce meflection Qn be Sluelied WIMg opti, 2+| Scattering 3 Light (Tht phenomeman tm Which Oght nay - get leviated fiom by Araight path on SGukung an obstacle He dust & gas molecules , water AqBAOL 9532195034 SThirappothi 2 Satellite Neteendong 3) ARG:- WARG- Automat Ralm Grauge The imtewiily aml dustation 9, ~abnfol can be -mearwred by thus tool (WT tel OB Integrated wilh GPRS - Gatton Commusmication fox dhwamuing data amd One —224 Vvoue Cale he Relea neural jee A Needr for weather Sensors '- Sitinol peel Q cldrectiors Soko radsotion Temperate Cain, water, ait) Gano 95301135034 __S-Tharuppatts i Sutebfite. 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