Chapter-1 - Plastic Analysis Lecture Notes Part-1

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Duresa Dubale (MSc.)

Course Contents

✓Course Name: Structural Design

✓Course Code: CEng5109

✓Credit Hour: 3

✓Prerequisite: CEng4108,

Reinforced Concrete Structures II

06-Nov-23 By: DURESA DUBALE 2

Course Contents

1. Chapter One: Plastic Analysis

2. Chapter Two: Strip Method of Analysis For Slabs

3. Chapter Three: Earthquake Load

4. Chapter Four: Wind Load

5. Chapter Five: Design of Connections

06-Nov-23 By: DURESA DUBALE 3

Objectives of the Course
At the end of the course the student will be able to do:
✓Develop Plastic Analysis for obtaining the collapse Mechanism of
determinate and indeterminate Structures.
✓Develop the Strip Method of Analysis for slab.
✓Develop Earthquake Load Calculation on structure using EBCS-8
✓Develop Wind Load Calculation on structure using EBCS-1
✓Develop Design of Bolted and Welded connections

06-Nov-23 By: DURESA DUBALE 4


Chapter One: Plastic Analysis

Lecture One
Duresa Dubale (MSc.)
Chapter One: Plastic Analysis
▪ So far, we have seen the analysis of structure by elastic theory in which
stress-strain relation is assumed to be linear.
▪ The design method based on this theory assumes that the structure fails if
the stress at any point reaches the yield stress.
▪ The service load is restricted to the value such that at the highly stressed
point the stress is equal to the working stress.
▪ The working stress is defined as yield stress divided by factor of safety.

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▪ In other words, the designer has a concept that the structure
would fail if the design load applied is equal to the factor
safety times working load.

▪ But this is not the correct. To verify this, first let us see the
stress-strain curve for steel.

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A= Limit of proportionality
B= Upper Yield point
C= Lower Yield Point
D= Ultimate stress point
E= Breaking Point

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• The stress-strain curve is linear between the origin and the
elastic limit, which is very close to the yield point.
• After the upper yield point, there is a sudden drop in stress up
to lower yield point.
• The designer normally treats the lower yield point as the limit
of proportionality.
• From this yield point to the ultimate stress point, the zone is
called strain hardening zone.

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• At ultimate stress point, neck formation starts and the load carrying
capacity reduces.
• Finally, breaking takes place at stress (normal stress) which is less than
the ultimate stress.
• Now, consider stresses across the highly stressed section of the simply
supported beam with gradually increasing load.

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Stress Diagram at Various Loading Stages
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

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• Within the elastic limits, the stress varies linearly across the section
and the maximum stress is within the yield stress. (figure b)
• After more increase, the external fibres will reach the yield stress.
(figure c). Thus, these fibres have little capacity to resist load.
• Even if, we neglect this additional capacity due to strain hardening, the
section can still resist more load, because the interior fibres are still
under stressed.
• As the load is further increased, outer fibres just expand or contract
without resisting load but inner fibres continue to resist the load till
they also yield. (figure d)
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• The resistance to load continues till the entire section yields.
• After all fibres at a section yield, the section behaves like a hinge for
further load, i.e., it rotates freely without resisting additional moment.
• Now, let us consider the load carrying capacity of a fixed beam.

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• As the bending moment is maximum at supports, first extreme fibres
at supports yield. For further increase of load, entire section at
supports yield.
• Even at this stage, the structure will not collapse, since a beam with
two hinges at ends is a stable structure.
• For further load, it acts as a simply supported beam till all fibres at the
mid-span section yield.
• Thus, the elastic theory underestimates the load carrying capacity of
the structure. For indeterminate structures, this underestimation is
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• Hence, the term factor of safety is not giving the correct idea about the
load carrying capacity of the structures.
• Hence, a new theory called plastic theory has been developed. This
theory gives the correct idea about the load carrying capacity of the
• It is based on the concept that a structure will carry load till the plastic
hinges are formed at the sufficient points to cause collapse of the
• However, to make the theory simple, strain hardening of the material
is neglected, which means load carrying capacity of the structure is
actually a little more than what plastic theory predicts.
06-Nov-23 By: DURESA DUBALE 19
Definitions of Plastic Hinge and Plastic
Moment Capacity
➢Plastic Hinge:
• It is a section at which all the fibres yield, and hence for any further
load rotation takes place at the section without resisting any additional
➢Plastic Moment Capacity:
• Plastic Moment capacity of a section may be defined as the moment
which makes all the fibres at that section to yield and thereby form a
plastic hinge.

06-Nov-23 By: DURESA DUBALE 20

Definitions of Plastic Hinge and Plastic
Moment Capacity
Position of Plastic Hinge
❑It is likely to be formed
▪ At the point of application of load
▪ At the section of sudden change in geometry
▪ At the fixed end
▪ At the point of zero shear
▪ When two sections with different Mp meet, hinge shall be formed at
a section having smaller Mp

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• The following assumptions are made in plastic theory:
1) The stress-strain relationship is idealized to two straight lines, i.e.,
strain hardening effect is neglected.

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2) Plane section before bending, remains plane even after bending, i.e., shear
deformation is neglected

3) The relationship between compressive stress and compressive strain is the

same as between tensile stress and tensile strain.

4) Whenever a fully plastic moment is attained at any cross-section, a plastic

hinge forms which can undergo rotation of any magnitude, but the bending
moment remains constant at the fully plastic value.

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5) Effect of axial load and shear on fully plastic moment capacity of the
section is neglected.

6) The deflections in the structure are small enough for the equations of
statically equilibrium to be same as those for the undeformed structures.

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Shape Factor
• Within the elastic limit, bending moment M has a relation with
bending stress σy as M= σyZ, where Z has been defined as the
modulus of the section.
• Defining the moment causing extreme fibre to yield as yield moment
My, we can write
• My=σy Z
• If plastic moment capacity of a section is Mp, we define plastic
modulus of section Zp as the ratio of plastic moment capacity to yield
𝑍𝑝 = , 𝑜𝑟 𝑀𝑝 = 𝜎𝑦 ∗ 𝑍𝑝
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Shape Factor
• The term shape factor may be defined as the ratio of plastic moment
capacity to the yield moment. Thus, shape factor S is given by:

𝑀𝑝 𝜎𝑦 ∗𝑍𝑝 𝑍𝑝
𝑆 = = =
𝑀𝑦 𝜎𝑦 ∗𝑍 𝑍
• Note that shape factor is always greater than unity, since plastic
moment capacity Mp is more than yield moment and the shape factor
is the property of the section.

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Shape Factor
➢Significance of Shape Factor
• It gives an indication of reserve capacity of a section from on set of
yielding at extreme fibres to full plastification.
• If My is known, Mp may be calculated.
• A section with higher shape factor gives a longer warning before
• A section with higher shape factor is more ductile and gives greater
deflection at collapse

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Shape factor for the General Section
❖Shape factor for any section may be found by the following
1) From usual procedure, determine the moment of inertia of the given
section about the centroidal axis. Then, determine yield moment using
the equation.
𝑀𝑦 = 𝜎𝑦 ∗

2) Locate plastic neutral axis, i.e., the axis which divides the area into

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Shape factor for the General Section
3) Since, the stress is equal to yield stress at all fibres, area multiplied by
yield stress gives force in that area. Determine the moment of forces in each
simple figures in tension and compression about plastic neutral axis
separately. Then,
𝑀𝑝 = ෍(𝜎𝑦 ∗ 𝐴 ∗ 𝑦)

where y is the distance of centroid of each simple figure from plastic neutral
4) Then shape factor
𝑀𝑝 𝜎𝑦 ∗𝑍𝑝 𝑍𝑝
𝑆 = = =
𝑀𝑦 𝜎𝑦 ∗𝑍 𝑍

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Worked Example

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