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Predicting Unplanned Intensive Care Unit

Admission for Trauma Patients: The CRASH Score

Louis Prado, BS,a Stephen Stopenski, MD,a Areg Grigorian, MD,b

Sebastian Schubl, MD,a Cristobal Barrios, MD,a Catherine Kuza, MD,c
Kazuhide Matsushima, MD,b Damon Clark, MD,b
and Jeffry Nahmias, MD, MHPEa,*
Department of Surgery, University of California, Irvine, Orange, California
Department of Surgery, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
Department of Anesthesia, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California

article info abstract

Article history: Introduction: Unplanned transfer of trauma patients to the intensive care unit (ICU) carries
Received 27 February 2022 an associated increase in mortality, hospital length of stay, and cost. Trauma teams need
Received in revised form to determine which patients necessitate ICU admission on presentation rather than
10 May 2022 waiting to intervene on deteriorating patients. This study sought to develop a novel Clinical
Accepted 11 June 2022 Risk of Acute ICU Status during Hospitalization (CRASH) score to predict the risk of un-
Available online 14 July 2022 planned ICU admission.
Methods: The 2017 Trauma Quality Improvement Program database was queried for pa-
Keywords: tients admitted to nonICU locations. The group was randomly divided into two equal sets
Risk calculator (derivation and validation). Multiple logistic regression models were created to determine
TQIP the risk of unplanned ICU admission using patient demographics, comorbidities, and in-
Trauma triage juries. The weighted average and relative impact of each independent predictor were used
Unplanned ICU admission to derive a CRASH score. The score was validated using area under the curve.
Results: A total of 624,786 trauma patients were admitted to nonICU locations. From 312,393
patients in the derivation-set, 3769 (1.2%) had an unplanned ICU admission. A total of 24
independent predictors of unplanned ICU admission were identified and the CRASH score
was derived with scores ranging from 0 to 32. The unplanned ICU admission rate increased
steadily from 0.1% to 3.9% then 12.9% at scores of 0, 6, and 14, respectively. The area under
the curve for was 0.78.
Conclusions: The CRASH score is a novel and validated tool to predict unplanned ICU
admission for trauma patients. This tool may help providers admit patients to the
appropriate level of care or identify patients at-risk for decompensation.
ª 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC
BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).

* Corresponding author. Department of Surgery, University of California, Irvine Medical Center, 333 The City Blvd West, Suite 1600,
Orange, CA. Tel.: þ1 714 456 5890; fax: þ1 714 456 6048.
E-mail address: jnahmias@hs.uci.edu (J. Nahmias).
0022-4804/$ e see front matter ª 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
506 j o u r n a l o f s u r g i c a l r e s e a r c h  n o v e m b e r 2 0 2 2 ( 2 7 9 ) 5 0 5 e5 1 0

Introduction deemed exempt by the Institutional Review Board of the

University of California, Irvine, and a waiver of consent was
Early recognition of critical illness in trauma, and prompt granted as it utilized a deidentified national database.
admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) is an important goal The CRASH score was then derived using a three-step
of triage and management. Patients sent to the general wards methodology. First, univariate analyses of known risk fac-
and subsequently transferred to the ICU are designated as tors for unplanned ICU admission were performed. These
“unplanned” ICU admissions and have demonstrated worse variables were selected based on an in-depth literature review
outcomes in multiple studies.1-6 However, few reports focus and consensus among authors.7,8 All variables selected are
on unplanned ICU admissions for the trauma population.7-9 readily available after initial trauma workup and are consis-
Patients inappropriately triaged to lower acuity levels of tently reported within TQIP. The variables examined included
care are associated with “avoidable cardiac arrests, higher age, alcohol abuse, current anticoagulation use, medical
rates of complications, and mortality”.10-13 Several risk factors comorbidities (cirrhosis, dementia, chronic heart failure, hy-
for unplanned ICU admission and patient decompensation pertension, peripheral arterial disease, renal disease, and
have previously been identified including older age, abnormal mental disorders), traumatic injuries (multiple rib fractures,
vitals on admission, history of comorbid conditions (i.e., dia- hemopneumothorax, pelvic fracture, traumatic brain injury ,
betes and liver or renal disease), and higher acuity triage spinal injuries, injuries to the small bowel or bladder, and long
category.7,8,14-17 Utilizing these and other variables, prior
scoring systems such as the APACHE II, Modified Early
Warning Score (MEWS), and Predisposition, Infection,
Response, and Organ dysfunction score have been developed
to aid clinicians in evaluating the severity of illness to merit Table 1 e Development of the Clinical Risk of Acute ICU
ICU admission.18-20 However, none are specifically designed Status during Hospitalization (CRASH) score using
with the purpose of predicting unplanned ICU admission for regression coefficients of the variables significant for
unplanned intensive care unit admissions.
the trauma population. In addition, some of these tools are
cumbersome and thus more useful for only research Variable Points
purposes.21 Demographics
Allocating patients to the appropriate level of care and Age 65 1
giving providers the objective foresight of which trauma pa- Comorbidities
tients are most likely to decompensate may decrease the rate
Alcoholism 2
of rescue failure as well as unnecessary healthcare expendi-
Anticoagulant use 1
tures. Thus, the ability to identify trauma patients who
Cirrhosis 2
necessitate ICU level of care and/or more closely monitor
high-risk patients would be helpful. Dementia 1

This study aimed to develop an objective and user-friendly Chronic heart failure 1
scoring system to help predict unplanned ICU admissions for Hypertension 1
trauma patients using clinical variables readily available at Peripheral arterial disease 1
admission to the practicing trauma surgeon including in- Mental disorder 1
juries, comorbidities, and vital signs.
Chronic renal failure 2
Multiple rib fractures 2
Pneumothorax 1

The 2017 Trauma Quality Improvement Program (TQIP) data- Hemothorax 1

base was queried to derive the Clinical Risk of Acute ICU Pelvis fracture 1
Status during Hospitalization (CRASH) score. TQIP is a multi- Small intestine 1
center database created by the American College of Surgeons Bladder 1
that collects comprehensive prospective trauma data.22 All Spinal cord 1
adult (18 y old) trauma patients admitted from the emer-
Lower extremity long bone fracture 1
gency department to nonICU levels of care (i.e., observation,
Traumatic brain injury 2
general floor, telemetry, or step-down unit) were included for
Cervical fracture 1
analysis. Patients admitted to the ICU or patients that were
transferred from another hospital were excluded. Patients Major surgery for respiratory system 3
were then randomized using the Markov chain approach23 Major surgery for gastrointestinal system 2
into two equal-sized groups. One group was used to derive Major surgery for hepatobiliary system 1
the CRASH score and the other group was used to validate the Major surgery for urinary system 1
score. The primary outcome was an unplanned admission to Maximum score 32
the ICU defined by TQIP as “Patients admitted to the ICU after
AUROC 0.78
initial transfer to the floor, and/or patients with an unplanned
95% CI for ROC 0.77-0.79
return to the ICU after initial ICU discharge”. This study was
prado et al  risk of unplanned trauma icu admission 507

bone fractures), and requirement for major surgery. The need performed with IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows (Version 24,
for major surgery was defined within TQIP by ICD-10 codes. IBM Corp., Armonk, NY).
Next, a multivariable forward stepwise logistic regression
model was performed using univariate analysis variables with
a P-value < 0.2. Within this model, risk factors with a P < 0.05 Results
were identified for inclusion in the CRASH score. The odds
ratio of each risk factor was used to access the relative impact A total of 624,786 trauma patients admitted to nonICU loca-
and assign a point value, this was done by dividing by the tions were identified. This was divided into two groups of
lowest common denominator (e.g., the lowest odds ratio) and 312,393 patients. The characteristics chosen for the derivation
rounding off to the nearest whole integer. However, this and validation sets are shown in Table 1. There were no sig-
yielded noninteger numbers that were rounded to the nearest nificant differences between the two cohorts (P < 0.05). Within
whole number. Several iterations were developed to account the derivation set, the incidence of unplanned ICU admission
for small differences in rounding and error. For each iteration, was 3769 (1.2%). A total of 24 independent risk factors of un-
a receiver operating curve was generated and the area under planned ICU admission were identified; predictors included
the receiver operating characteristic (AUROC) curve was age >65 y old, multiple comorbidities, trauma-related injuries,
examined to assure consistency. In this study, the AUROC and the need for major surgery. These independent risk fac-
measures the ability of the model to discriminate between the tors were included in the multivariable logistic regression
presence of unplanned ICU admission versus its absence. (Table 2) and the CRASH score was derived with scores that
Last, the validation set was used to test the CRASH score ranged from 0 to 32. In the validation set, the incidence of
generated from the derivation set. The AUROC was calculated unplanned ICU admission was 1.2%. The unplanned ICU
and compared to the derivation set. All analyses were admission rate increased steadily from 0.1% to 3.9% then 9.4%

Table 2 e Multivariable logistic regression analysis for derivation of the CRASH score.
Characteristic OR CI P-value
Age 65 1.54 1.42-1.67 <0.001
Alcoholism 2.18 1.96-2.41 <0.001
Anticoagulant use 1.73 1.57-1.91 <0.001
Cirrhosis 2.34 1.90-2.65 <0.001
Dementia 1.21 1.06-1.38 0.005
Chronic heart failure 1.74 1.54-1.96 <0.001
Hypertension 1.63 1.51-1.76 <0.001
Peripheral arterial disease 1.53 1.16-2.02 0.003
Mental disorder 1.55 1.32-1.58 <0.001
Chronic renal failure 2.20 1.84-2.52 <0.001
Multiple rib fractures 2.42 1.96-2.88 <0.001
Pneumothorax 1.11 1.01-1.34 0.009
Hemothorax 1.24 1.05-1.48 0.013
Pelvis fracture 1.13 1.03-1.26 0.008
Small intestine 1.31 1.05-1.64 0.015
Bladder 1.12 1.02-1.24 0.009
Spinal cord 1.85 1.55-2.20 <0.001
Lower extremity long bone fracture 1.55 1.44-1.66 <0.001
Traumatic brain injury 2.39 1.89-2.71 <0.001
Cervical fracture 1.18 1.04-1.33 0.010
Major surgery for respiratory system 3.99 3.59-4.44 <0.001
Major surgery for gastrointestinal system 2.42 2.17-2.71 <0.001
Major surgery for hepatobiliary system 1.70 1.36-2.11 <0.001
Major surgery for urinary system 1.51 1.38-1.66 <0.001
508 j o u r n a l o f s u r g i c a l r e s e a r c h  n o v e m b e r 2 0 2 2 ( 2 7 9 ) 5 0 5 e5 1 0

at scores of 0, 6, and 12, respectively. The AUROC for both the important indicator of hospital performance.9,22,28-30 As such,
derivation and validation sets was 0.78 (Fig.). prior scoring systems such as the surgical APGAR score, have
been derived for patients undergoing elective or emergency
surgery.31,32 However, this score is primarily derived intra-
Discussion operatively, limiting its use as an effective triage tool for
trauma. Similarly, a score derived by Kongkaewpaisan et al.
Unplanned ICU admission is a harbinger of adverse outcomes examined the preoperative risk of unplanned ICU admission
and should be prevented when possible. Unplanned ICU ad- for either elective or emergency general surgery and thus also
missions constituting approximately 1%-9% of all ICU ad- does not incorporate injury data which are a known predictor
missions signifying an important metric for quality of adverse outcomes for trauma.33-35 The CRASH tool gener-
improvement and further research.24 However, there are ated in this study demonstrated good predictive capability
limited resources to triage and guide admission disposition for while using a manageable number of variables and informa-
complex trauma patients with multi-system injuries. This tion that is readily available on admission and thus can be
national analysis of trauma patients identified significant incorporated into the daily care of trauma patients.
predictors of unplanned ICU admission to include age 65 y A single center study by Rubano et al. previously reported
old as well as certain comorbidities such as alcohol use, on unplanned ICU admission in trauma patients.7 Their
chronic renal failure, and cirrhosis. With respect to the multivariate analysis included risk factors overlapping with
AUROC from our statistical analysis, the CRASH score is ours such as major abdominal surgery, neurosurgery, or or-
demonstrated to be a good predictor of unplanned ICU thopedic surgery. They identified bleeding disorders and
admission in trauma patients, with a score of 12 demon- transfers from outside hospitals as significant risk factors, but
strating a 9.4% rate of unplanned admission.25-27 their sample set was derived from a single suburban regional
Since unplanned ICU admissions are associated with trauma registry and had a sample size of 5411 with <2% of
increased hospital length of stay and cost, major organiza- their population comprised of penetrating trauma. Also, their
tions such as the American College of Surgeons Committee on model incorporated the injury severity score, which is often
Trauma and The Joint Commission have identified it as an not calculated until patients are discharged. On the other

Fig. e Unplanned intensive care unit admission rates for various Clinical Risk of Acute ICU Status during Hospitalization
(CRASH) scores.
prado et al  risk of unplanned trauma icu admission 509

hand, the CRASH score is derived and validated using a large

national sample making it more generalizable and utilizing Author Contributions
specific injuries which allow this tool to be calculated imme-
diately following clinical and imaging workup. Drs Prado, Stopenski, Grigorian, and Nahmias had full access
The proper allocation of patients to appropriate levels of to the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity
care is crucial to not only conserve resources and healthcare and accuracy of the analysis. Dr Grigorian conceptualized and
costs, but also to decrease the rate of failure to rescue in this designed the study together with the other coauthors. Drs
population. Misallocation of surgical patients to nonICU levels Stopenski, Grigorian, and Nahmias contributed to study
of care is associated with an increased rate of mortality, with design, statistical analysis, and scientific interpretation of the
similar findings for readmission to the ICU in trauma pa- results. Dr Prado contributed to the manuscript with scientific
tients.2,36 Thus, it is imperative for hospitals and trauma interpretation, drafting, and revision. All authors contributed
providers to address the issue of unplanned ICU admissions to critical revisions of the manuscript and approve the final
promptly, and the formulations of scoring systems such as manuscript as submitted.
CRASH may provide an effective, simple, and useable solution
to mitigate these negative outcomes.
That said, there are many limitations to this study Disclosure
including those inherent to a retrospective national database
such as reporting bias, misclassification, and missing data. In None declared.
addition, it is unclear whether certain information was
available at the time of presentation or later added to the
electronic medical record (e.g., patients with initial altered Funding
mental status). Many trauma patients upon arrival have
altered mental status and thus information regarding their This research did not receive any specific grant from funding
comorbid conditions may be lacking, thereby limiting this agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
portion of the CRASH score. Also, information regarding the
indication for unplanned ICU admission is not available
within the TQIP database and was not standardized across
Statement of Ethics
participating hospitals. Finally, even at the highest CRASH
score only w10% of the patients required unplanned ICU
This research complies with the guidelines for human subject
admission thus this may not signify that all these patients
research and was exempt from institutional review board re-
require ICU admission. At the least, this reflects a high-risk
view at the University of California, Irvine.
population that could be monitored more closely and/or this
information taken into the backdrop of each individual pa-
tient’s clinical care to guide further decision making by
trauma providers. For patients whose clinical presentation
equivocates the need for ICU care, providers can use the
CRASH cutoff score of 12 to aid decision-making, knowing that
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