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The Inspiration of Breath

Jean McClelland

“All life begins and ends with the exhale,” intones the breathing expert Carl Stough at
the beginning of his film “Breathing: The Source of Life,” a riveting documentary on
his life and discoveries in the art and science of breathing. It is stunning to contem-
plate that statement, and it is revelatory to begin to recognize, and experience, the
power of exhalation. This is the gift that Carl Stough gave the world. And for those of
us who were fortunate enough to work with him while he was alive, Carl gave us tools
to guide us through a lifetime of breathing discoveries.

A TRUE BREATHING PIONEER he began making important discoveries in voice

Carl Stough was an extraordinary person as well as and breathing.
a superb musician blessed with a remarkable ear. In 1953, Stough returned to New York City hoping
While a conducting student at Westminster Choir to organize a professional group of singers and to
College in New Jersey in the 1940’s, he became continue his own vocal studies. Word of Stough’s
fascinated with breathing. As a singer he knew that success in North Carolina preceded him and soon
voice was ideally produced on a constant flow of he was invited to resurrect a dormant choir school
air—what singers call “supporting the voice on the in Bayridge, Brooklyn. Stough repeated the suc-
diaphragm.” He pondered cess he had in North Carolina and by 1958, the
how that support could Good Shepherd Choir School was recognized for
come about and, further- its excellence and became firmly established in
more, how he could attain it the musical life of New York City. It was around
in himself and his students. this time that a veterans’ hospital in East Orange,
Immediately upon gradu- New Jersey, contacted the Musicians Emergency
ation from Westminster, Fund, which sponsored music therapy for veterans,
Stough was hired to conduct to find someone to work with their respiratory
a chorus in Rocky Moun- patients. The Fund recommended Stough. Stough’s
tain, North Carolina. success with singers was of such high repute that it
Carl Stough
Within a very short time the was assumed that he must know a great deal about
choir achieved recognition, performing with the breathing, and when he arrived in East Orange
North Carolina Symphony and on radio. Listen- he was asked to “have a look” at the hospital’s bed
ers and critics alike commented on the beauty of ridden emphysema patients. Emphysema is an
tone and expressiveness of the singers and heralded extremely debilitating and progressive lung disease
Stough for his outstanding conducting. Soon the which causes shortness of breath and difficulty
choir was known as the Carl Stough Singers and, breathing.
when asked how he brought about such an excellent At that time Stough knew very little about em-
blending of voices, Stough said that his technique physema, but as he began observing the patients
was to give a weekly voice lesson to each of his sing- he was struck by the unnaturally high position of
ers! It was during his time in North Carolina that their chests as they labored to breathe. He knew
from his work in singing that one’s rib cage should breathed. Stough observed that this natural way of
sit low and relaxed in the chest, otherwise breath breathing was completely impossible in the em-
cannot flow easily and the voice will be restricted. physema patients. Their weakened diaphragms
forced them to use their upper chest muscles and
Instinctively Stough placed his hands on his pa-
their shoulders to breathe, causing them to grab
tient’s chest to begin to release its tension. He also
and gasp for air in a struggle to stay alive. The
noticed that the patients were engaged in “paradox-
exhaustion and
ical breathing.” That is, the muscles of respiration
physical weakness
were doing just the opposite of what they should be
that resulted from
doing. The diaphragm, instead of rising in exhala-
this way of breathing
tion, was pushed down, and the ribs, which should
was profound. Carl’s
expand laterally in inhalation, were pulled in. Carl
intuition and experi-
knew if he could somehow get the diaphragm to
ence led him to real-
relearn how to work in the right way, he might be
ize that the problem
able to bring about better health and breathing in
in the emphysema
his patients.
patients did not lie
THE MIRACLE OF BREATHING in their inability to
inhale but rather
In order to understand Carl Stough’s discoveries, in their inability to
The diaphragm in
and our own work with breathing, we first have to maximum exhalation exhale. The pattern of
know how we are designed to breathe and what is breathing that Stough
happening as we breathe. observed in his patients (grabbing for air with
Our diaphragm is our muscle organ of breath- the upper chest and shoulders) had caused their
ing. It is incredibly strong. The only thing like it diaphragms to weaken profoundly. When a dia-
in the human body is the esophagus, which is not phragm weakens it cannot rise in the chest cavity
so surprising because in the developing fetus the during exhalation and carbon dioxide builds up in
diaphragm starts out as the esophagus. As the the lungs. In this situation, “bad” air (carbon diox-
fetus grows the diaphragm differentiates from the ide) stays in the lungs,
esophagus and slips down the spine, leaving behind and “good” air (oxygen
it a trail of two phrenic nerves. The phrenic nerves from the atmosphere)
connect to the respiratory center in the brain stem can’t get in. Our lungs
which in turn responds to our blood gases. Our have to empty before
blood gases are carbon dioxide and oxygen. As you they can be filled.
may know, we exhale carbon dioxide and we inhale This struggle for air
oxygen. Carbon dioxide is considered a “waste” gas resulted in a sense of
and a build up of it in the body tenses nerves and panic in the emphy-
muscles. On the other hand, oxygen relaxes nerves sema patients and con-
and muscles. In healthy breathing, the diaphragm tributed to their ex-
rises in the chest cavity in exhalation, pressing treme exhaustion and
against the lungs to rid them of carbon dioxide. The diaphragm in inhalation
muscle fatigue, so much
Then, when our body needs oxygen, an impulse is so that they could hardly move from their beds.
sent from the brain stem, down the phrenic nerves Stough felt that the only hope for the emphysema
to the top of the diaphragm, telling it to contract. In patients lay in trying to redevelop the strength of
this way oxygen from the atmosphere is drawn into the diaphragm so that it could begin to function in
our lungs. a healthy way. The pulmonologists associated with
Inhalation is a reflex under the control of the brain the hospital scoffed at Carl’s claim that he could
stem. We don’t need to “try” to inhale; we are effect a rise of the diaphragm and a release in
the chest, but Carl was persuasive and since at that number of runners on the track team that Stough
time there were very few treatments for emphy- worked with won gold medals and set Olympic
sema, he was given grudging support to continue and world records.
his work. Within six months, Carl had spectacular
success. His patients were up and about and some HOW WE CAN HELP OURSELVES
were even able to leave the hospital. Moreover, One of the most powerful ways we can work with
Stough’s work changed the way medical science our breathing is to observe it. This is much harder
viewed the diaphragm. Before Stough’s work, than we might imagine because breathing lives in
pulmonary specialists felt that once the diaphragm an area between consciousness and unconscious-
became weakened it could not be redeveloped or ness and we need to learn how to connect to it.
directly influenced. Carl proved otherwise and When you begin to sense how you body breathes
showed that it was the exhalation which influenced without your interfering in its reflexive process,
inhalation. Inhalation can take care of itself, but you will automatically begin to slow your rate of
it’s the strength of the exhalation that is the more respiration. If your rate of respiration slows down
important element in breathing. This led Stough you will automatically be exhaling more carbon di-
in the years that followed to say that most people oxide. If you exhale more carbon dioxide you will,
worked on the wrong end of the breathing spec- by design of the body, be inhaling more oxygen.
trum, focusing more on inhalation than exhalation, I would like you to experiment with observing
barely recognizing that they were “holding their your breathing. Many of you may have found that
breath” and not exhaling. when you tried to observe your breathing in a
meditation or Yoga class that it was very difficult.
THERE IS A RIGHT AND But how were you actually observing your breath-
A WRONG WAY TO BREATHE ing? Did you go inside yourself to try to feel for
When we contemplate the work of Carl Stough we it or to try to see it? That can sometimes cause
are struck with the implications for our own life tension. I’d like to suggest a different way which
and breathing. I have found patterns of breathing you may find more creative and freeing. It involves
similar to the emphysema patients in students with using your hands to sense how your body breathes
asthma, spasmodic dysphonia, back pain, tendinitis, you. You may work seated or you may lie down in
anxiety, and malaise as well as in singers and actors. a semi supine position with your knees bent and
Carl Stough found that even the Olympic athletes of the soles of your feet on the floor. Rest your hands
the US track team that he worked with in 1968 had on the sides of your ribs if that is comfortable, or
distressed patterns of breathing. He found that the if you like, you can place one hand on your upper
athletes were amazingly sensitive and disciplined chest and one hand on your abdomen. Feel free to
and made improvement very quickly, but when they move your hands around your body as you work.
initially worked with him the stress associated with This is just an exploration and you should feel free
their level of competition had produced some of to experiment. Make sure your hands are as ten-
the same diaphragmatic weakness as his patients in sion free as possible. That will make them more
respiratory failure. Grabbing for air with the upper able to sense what is going on underneath them.
chest as they ran caused enormous tension in their It’s helpful to keep your eyes open when doing this
muscles and their recovery post race was prolonged. exploration.
What these athletes came to realize was that if they Next, notice with your hands the rise and fall of
could focus on their exhalation, their inhalation breath in your body. Really let your hands do the
would take care of itself. They “recovered” much work of noticing. Some people find it very difficult
more quickly and began to best their own track to stay present in this way, but that, in itself, shifts
records. In the Mexico City Olympics in 1968, a our breathing and deepens it. Don’t try to do
anything to change you own breathing. Just no- ABOUT JEAN McCLELLAND
tice it: an expansion in inhalation and a release in Jean McClelland is a senior teacher of the
exhalation. It’s remarkable to work in this way. It Alexander Technique, certified by the American
is an “awareness” meditation that you can call upon Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT)
any time. When we use our hands rather than our and the American Center for the Alexander
“heads” to sense our breathing, we begin to lay the Technique (ACAT). Jean received her B.A. from
groundwork for deepening and strengthening our Vassar College and did graduate study at Boston
breathing. This is the essential first step that is the University in opera and vocal performance. She
basis for all the work you will do with breathing. studied extensively at the Carl Stough Institute
for Breathing Coordination and is one of fewer
THE INSPIRATION OF BREATH than a dozen people personally selected by Stough
There is enormous power in working with breath- to teach his work. As a
performer, Jean appeared in
ing. Just now, when you used your hands to notice
the Broadway production of
your body’s ability to breathe itself, I hope you were
Camelot and at Paper Mill
struck by the great gift of life that was flowing under
Playhouse, Bardavon Opera
your hands. It is a profound realization. Working
House, Bergen Performing
with breath can be life changing: physically, men- Arts Center and the Reagle
tally, and emotionally. When we first connect to Music Theater of Greater
and experience the upward flow of breath which is Boston. She originated the role of Jane/Aeola in
our exhalation, we may feel great joy. And we may Wallace and Allen Shawn’s The Music Teacher and
also feel great joy and freedom when we experience has played leading roles in The Music Man, Guys
our backs opening and widening in a true diaphrag- and Dolls, My Fair Lady, Show Boat, The Marriage
matic inhalation. We are truly “opening up” and it of Figaro, A Little Night Music, The Pirates of
is incredible. Penzance, Silk Stockings, The Boy Friend, and The
Carl Stough passed away in 2000 but he left us with Gondoliers.
an extraordinary legacy. He often said that the tools Jean is on the faculty of the MFA Acting program
he gave us to work with in breathing were all we at Columbia University. She has been a member
needed for a lifetime of discovery. I know this to be of the faculty of the New York Open Center since
true. Every day that I work with myself—and my 1986 and a guest lecturer at William Paterson
students—in breathing I get insights into where I University since 1991. She has given workshops at
can go further with my work. Working with breath drama and music schools, universities, and holistic
is not only my creative nourishment, but it has learning centers throughout the country includ-
helped me to open to greater emotional depth and ing New York University, Vassar College, Rutgers
truth as a singer. One of my students put it beauti- University, American Society for the Alexander
fully. After experiencing how free and spontaneous Technique (AmSAT), American Center for the
his voice felt when it was supported by breath, he Alexander Technique (ACAT), Stevens Institute,
said: “I’m not the same person I was a moment ago.” Rowe Conference Center, Cambridge Center for
The freedom of his voice was a result of a perfectly Adult Education, the Community Music Center of
timed coordination of the respiratory muscles. His Boston, and the Association of Voice Pathologists.
voice felt effortless and he felt that he had entered Jean is a member of Actors’ Equity Association.
into a world of possibility that would take him Contact:
beyond working with his voice. That is truly the
inspiration of breath. REFERENCES
Stough, Carl and Reece. Dr. Breath: The Story
of Breathing Coordination. New York City: The
© 2012 by Jean McClelland Stough Institute, 1981. Print.
Breathing: The Source of Life. The Stough Institute,
1996. Documentary Film.

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