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ENQUIRY REPORT AGAINST POLICE PARTY RUN BY MR. UMAIR TARIQ, DSP (UT), DISTRICT SOUTH KARACHI REGARDING RAID IN HOUSE ORANGI TOWN SECTOR 05 DISTRICT WEST KARACHI CONDUCTED BY DEPUTY INSPECTOR GENRAL OF POLICE WEST ZONE KARACHI OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE WEST ZONE, KARACHI Tel: 021-99246183 Fax: 021-9246 185 E-mails No. DIGP/WZ/DP/ 2.39 12023 Dated: 5-11-2023 The Inspector General of Police Sindh, Karachi, (Attn. to AIGP OPS) Subject: ENQUIRY REPORT AGAINST POLICE PARTY OF DISTRICT SOUTH RAIDED AT HOUSE IN ORANGI TOWN DISTRICT WEST, TOOK AWAY HUGE CASH, GOLD ORNAMENTS, CELL PHONES & LAPTOPS, ON Reference: NIGHT OF 18/ 19-NOVEMBER-2023. No. AIGP/OPS/Radr/- 69345-49, dated: 20-11-2023. It is submitted that the subject enquiry order under reference has received and perused. Applicant Shakir Khan, and his brothers named 1) Amir Khan and 2) Imran Khan involved into the matter, including DSP (UT) Umair Tariq, police party, SHO PS Defence District South and SHO PS Peerabad District West were called and heard in person, thoroughly. Detailed statements of applicant and his brothers, including DSP (UT), the police personnel and others have also been recorded, accordingly. Details are as under:- GIST OF APPLICANT SHAKIR KHAN, AND HIS BROTHERS NAMED J) AMIR KHAN, AND 2) IMRAN KHAN, According to the recorded statements and personal hearing, it appeared that Shakir Khan resides at House No. (29) Sector SE Orangi Town Karachi along with his five brothers and their families. They have been living in the same vicinity for the past 35 years. Shakir Khan and his brothers are doing the Sanitary business as dealer for various sanitary companies. They are also the sole distributors to other sanitary shops falls in the area of Orangi Town West Karachi. Money transactions related to their sanitary distribution business are a common. practice for Shakir Khan. On night of 18/19 November 2023, at about 02:15 hours, a police party from District South conducted a raid at House # (29) Sector SE Orangi Town Karachi. They searched the triple-storey house and took the custody of an amount of (85) to (90) Lakhs which were locked in an Iron box, One (1) Crore and Five (5) Lakhs in cash, and all gold ornaments weighing approximately (60) to (70) Tolas, in a black school bag. Additionally, they seized (12) cell phones and (2) laptops, which were placed in a gift paper bag. At around 04:00 hours of the same night, the police party, along with the above mentioned cash amounting to (1,90,00000) approximately, gold ornaments, mobile phones, and laptops and picked up applicant Shakir Khan with his brother Amir Khan and blind folded them. Both detainees were taken from the house to an unknown destination by police mobile, Vigo and other vehicles. Page No. (2) According to the recorded statements, the police party left both applicant and his brother at Baloch Colony Bridge near Tipu Sultan Road Karachi. They sought the help ‘of an ambulance driver from Chippa Ambulance Service Booth and contacted their 3” brother, Imran Khan, who came and took them back to home. According to recorded statement and personal hearing of applicant Shakir Khan, next day, they went to their Area PS Peerabad District West and met SHO PS Imran Khan there. They narrated the entire raid incident to him. Subsequently, SHO PS Peerabad after some query informed them to go to PS Defence and get back their cash, gold ornaments, cell phones, and laptops from SHO PS Defence District South Karachi. On the same night (19" November 2023) at about 22:00 hours, they went to PS Defence, where One (1) Crore, three (3) Lakhs, and Fifty (50) thousand (1,03,50000) in cash, along with gold ornaments weighing about (60 to 70 Tolas), placed in a black school bag were handed over to them by SHO Defence District South. They also received (12) cell phones and (2) laptops. Further, the applicant has claimed that (85) to (90) Lakhs Cash locked in the Iron box and 30 % of gold ornaments are still in the custody of the police party and not handed over to him, yet. QUESTIONS FROM THE COMPLAINAN’ Following questions were asked from the complainant / victims in the presence of Mr. Mahzoor Ali, PSP / SSP District West and Mr. Iqbal Shaikh, DSP Operations West Zone Karachi:- Question # 1: Do you have any affiliation with MQM (L)? Answer: They said that they are not members of any political party. They are business men and respectable citizen of Orangi Town West Karachi. Question #2: How much amount and jewelry was taken from your house, during this raid? Answer: Private dressed persons searched their family house along with police party and taken away approximately Rs. 19000000/- Cash, 60/70 Tolas Gold Ornaments. Question # 3: Who all were taken in custody and where released? Answer: Shakir and Amir was taken in custody and taken in police mobile and released near on Main Road near Baloch Colony Bridge. Question # 4: How much amount / Gold received back and how much amount / gold are still remaining? Answer: Rs, 1,05,35000/- in Cash and Gold Ornaments (value to be ascertained) received through SHO PS Defence and approximately (85) to (90) Lakh locked in Iron Box and 30 % gold Omaments are not returned by the police party. Page No. (3) GIST OF STATEMENT OF MR. IMRAN QUERSHI, PSP SSP DISTRICT SOUTH KARACHI: q According to the statement of SSP District South Karachi, he received information from a source about two (2) tasks that needed to be assigned. Initially, he intended to assign the tasks to the newly deployed ASP Clifton, but since the ASP was sick, he assigned the task to DSP (UT) South, Mr. Umair Tariq. The SSP directed DSP (UT) to work out the source information, and later, the DSP informed the District SSP about completing the rece of the targets on Saturday. Upon receiving this information, the SSP instructed the DSP to proceed further with the raids. The SSP further mentioned that he informed the District SSP West and the DIGP West Zone about the planned house raid in the Orangi Area District West. In the afternoon of November 19th, the SSP asked the DSP (UT) about the details of the house raid in the Orangi Area District West. The DSP informed the SSP that two persons were picked up from that house raid. along with the seizure of some important electronic items and a locked box. However, no documents as claimed by the informers were found at that house. The District SSP then questioned the DSP about the release of the two detainees without following proper legal procedures. The DSP explained that since the box was locked, the informant insisted that the laptops must have data about the subject information. When enquired whether DSP himself participated in any of the raids conducted last night, the DSP said that he did not participate in raids and was only supervising both raiding parties. On which, District SSP South instructed the DSP to return all the household items, cash and gold back to the family. Further, he (SSP) asked the help from SSP District West during the CPO Meeting, dated: 19-11-2023, for return of the properties to the family. SSP South further asked SHO PS Defence South who formerly remained posted in District West Karachi for assistance and called the DSP (UT) come up at PS Clifton South area and hand over the same properties. DSP brought all that seized stuff in a back pack and a shopper and this was handed over to SHO Defence who after few hours informed the SSP that the belongings had been handed over to the party concerned in the presence of West Police. QUESTIONS FROM MR. IMRAN QURESHI, PSP / SSP SOUTH KARACHI. Following questions were asked in the presence of Mr. Mahzoor Ali, PSP / SSP District West Karachi. Question #1: Who generated the source of information? Answer: Informer told that MQM (L) related to finance related transactions documents connected with MQM (L) are present in the house. He directed DSP (UT) to plan and conduct raid on the pointation of informer. rage Ni Question # 2: Did the DSP (UT) get approval for the release of detained Persons? aan Answer: SSP South said that no permission was taken from him. They were supposed to collect material evidence from raided house related to criminal activities, not the valuables (Cash / Gold). Question # 3: Did the complete valuables were handed over back the complainant? Answer: The valuable (Money / Gold) handed over by DSP (UT) are returned back to complainant through SHO PS Defence District South Karachi. Question # 4; Was this raid conducted in coordination or Pointation of any Agency? Answer: The raid was conducted on the pointation of Informer under direction / supervision of Mr. Umair Tariq, DSP (UT) South Karachi. This was not a joint raid with any Agency. GIST OF STATEMENT OF MR. UMAIR TARIQ BAJARI, DSP (UT), DISTRICT SOUTH KARACHI: According to the personal hearing and recorded statement duly signed, the DSP in question stated that he was assigned and tasked by the SSP District South. The SSP ordered him to meet with the informants, which he did in his office. The informants shared information that an activist of MQM (L) residing in the Orangi area of District West and is involved in managing finances for MQM (L) and manage documentation on their part. On November 18, 2023, the District SSP South directed and briefed the DSP to send an official vehicle to the location in District West with the informants. who would lead the raid. In compliance with these instructions, the DSP handed over the vehicle to the informants and remained in his office, as per the directions given by the District SSP South. During raid, DSP called his Personal staff PC Khurrum to know the raid position who replied that family are resisting to get inspect or took the custody of a locked box / trunk and informers are also insisting to seize the same. as per informers the documents are inside the box / trunk. At that information, DSP stated that he remained silent as the informers were designated to lead the raid, However, (2) residents of that raided house were taken into custody with described trunk were taken in the official vehicles. After completion of raid, DSP (UT) directed the personal police staff to report back to office. During the way back, informer called the DSP and told that he took the passwords of the laptops, hence they (both detainees) are no more required. On informer’s recommendation, DSP called the SSP District South to get the permission who did not attend the call, therefore, the informants as team leader were left free to take the decision who released both the detainees at Baloch Colony flyover. Page No.(5) After releasing both detainees, police party reached the office with a trunk / box and a bag filled with the mobile phones, laptops. The lock of trunk / box was broken in the presence of DSP in the office which was having cash and gold ornaments in it, On counting, total Rs. 1,05,00000/- Cash were recovery while loose currency and notes with small dominancy were not counted, inventory was also maintained in which details of gold ornaments are also mentioned. To inform the SSP District South, DSP messaged for the briefing about outcome of the raid and recovered cash and gold, but District SSP did not respond due to late night hours. Therefore, DSP decided to keep the recovered cash and gold in his office as safe custody. Next day around 1400 hours, DSP managed to contact with District SSP and briefed the raid position who instruct him that recoveries of cash and gold are insufficient in terms of evidence for registration of crime. DSP further stated that SSP District South further instructed him to bring the recoveries at PS Clifton where SHO Defence was tasked to hand over the recoveries to their owners, in compliance, he did the same. Observation cum personal hearing and 1 unsigned statement of DSP (UT), as per informers, the house keeper / applicant was involved in illegal weapon handling and possessed a significant number of weapons for MQM (L). But no ‘weapon (s) had been recovered during the raid at that house in Orangi District West. In 2"° statement. DSP (UT) only stated that house owner / applicant is involved in financing to MQM (I.) and managed the documentation for the purpose. QUESTIONS FROM MR. UMAIR TARIQ, DSP (UT) DISTRICT SOUTH KARACHL Following questions were asked in the presence of Mr. Mahzoor Ali, PSP / SSP District West and Mr. Iqbal Shaikh, DSP Operations West Zone, Karachi. Question # 1: ‘Who directed you to conduct the raid? Answer: Mr. Imran Quershi, PSP / SSP District South directed him to conduct the raid along with informer. Question # 2: ‘What all team was constituted and who was leading the raid? Answer: He said that his personal staff 1) PC-42164 Khurrum Ali and PC- 42043 Muhammad Faizan of DSP (UT) of District South Karachi, three (3) Shaheen Force personnel 1) PC-47745 Humza Saeed, 2) PC-42033 Ejaz Ahmed and 3) PC-47764 Ali Hayat of Shaheen Force District South, Karachi including a team of five (5) private persons on two (2) motorcycles and Mehran Car. He was with the raiding team in his personal vehicle. Question # 3: Did you go inside the house with raiding team? Answer: He said that he did not go inside the house. He was outside and remained in close vicinity. His personal private vehicle (Vigo) and official mobile vehicle was used in the raid. Question # 4: Answer: Question # 5; Answer: Question # 6: Answer; Question #7: Answer: Question # 8: Answer: Question # 9: Answer: Question # 10: Answer: Question # 11: Answer: Page No. (6) ‘Who all went inside the house to conduct search operation? Private persons were leading the search operation inside the house where all his personal staff 1) PC-42164 Khurrum Ali and PC- 42043 Muhammad Faizan provided them protection in the house. Did you find any weapons or evidence material related to their involvement in criminal activities? He said that no weapon and other material related to their involvement in criminal activities were not found. The box was opened inside the house by the complainant and they showed to private persons that only Cash amounting Rs. 85,00000/- (5000 rupees packets of currency notes) in the box. Why the box was taken in police custody? He said that it was taken by private persons. Why the gold, cash, mobiles and other electronic gadgets were taken in custody? He said that it was taken by private persons. He further added that private informer leading the raid inside the house. Why you detained the two (2) persons, taken in police mobile and released them near Baloch Colony Bridge? He said that private informer was leading the raid. Private informer decided to detain them and told him to release the two (2) detainees. He directed his personal staff in the mobile vehicle to release them on road side near Baloch Colony Bridge. Was locked box and bag was in your custody? He said that Bags and Box with valuables were in his custody in his office room. Box was opened in front of him. Cash and jewelry was inside the box. Where is the Iron box? He said that lock of box was broken in front of him in which valuables were found. He directed his private driver to throw away the box. His private driver was also contacted through his cell phone and driver said that he threw away the paper box / plastic box on road side. Have you returned all valuables to complainant? He said that all valuables are returned to complainant through SHO Defence South Karachi. Page No. (7) GIST OF STATEMENTS OF PERSONAL STAFF OF 1) PC-42164 KHURRUM ALI AND PC-42043 MUHAMMAD FAIZAN OF DSP (UT) OF DIST. SO According to personal hearing and recorded statements of 1) PC-42164 Khurrum Ali and PC-42043 Muhammad Faizan, attached with DSP (UT) District South Karachi that they were on duty and received the instructions of DSP that they have to raid a house of MQM (L) worker in the area of Orangi Town for recovery of huge quantity weapons, under the direction of SSP District South Karachi. On which, they all with one (1) police mobile and one (1) Vigo left the office for Orangi. Further, they stated that they were instructed by DSP that the information and work belongs to Agency and they will deal the matter by themselves and they have to cordon the house, only. On the way to raiding destination Orangi nearby Banaras Bridge, they were briefed by the DSP (UT) along with four (4) civil dressed persons (face masked). They took the police party to that house and knocked the doors of proposed house. On opening the house door, police party along with four (4) civil dressed persons entered in the house where all four (4) private persons searched the triple storey house and collected all cell phones, laptops and put it into a black bag. During house search, civil dressed persons tried to recover the illegal weapons but remained failed. Those civil persons also took a locked box, school bag, paper bag and loaded up on the police mobile. The detained persons were also taken in police mobile. After raid and on the way back, those civil dressed persons riding on their motorbikes asked them to release both persons but they refused the civil dressed persons. During which, police party received a cell phone call from DSP (UT) who ordered them to release both suspects and come back to the office. In compliance, they released both detainees at Baloch Colony Bridge and reached to their office where they (police party) handed over the Locked Box and Black bag containing mobile phones and laptops to DSP (UT) South Karachi. QUESTIONS FROM TWO (2) PERSONAL STAFF OF DSP (UT): Question # 1: Did you accompanied in the raid? Answer: They said that they are attached with the Umair, DSP (UT). They went for raid with Mr. Umair, DSP (UT). Question # 2: Did DSP (UT) went inside the house for raid? Answer: They said that he was outside the house, private persons were leading the raid inside the house and they were providing protection to them in the house. All search was made by private persons and all valuables were also collected by them in school bag, paper shopper bag and Iron box. Question # 3: Who ordered to release the detainees? Answer: They said that both detained persons were released near main road Baloch Colony Bridge on the orders of Mr. Umair DSP (U1). Page No. (8) Question # 4: Who took the custody of box, school bag and paper shopping bag? Answer: ‘They said that box, school bag and paper shopping bag were handed over to Mr. Umair Tariq, DSP (UT) in his office. GIST OF STATEMENTS OF 1) PC-47745 HUMZA SAEED, 2) PC-420. AHMED AND 3) PC-47764 ALI HAYAT OF SHAHEEN FORCE DISTRICT SOUTH, KARACHI. According to statement of above named Constables of Shaheen Force / Motorcycle squad, they were on duty at Sea View Clock Tower Clifton with effect from 1800 to 0200 hours. During which, they received call from Duty Muharrir Wajid, to come up at SSP Office District South and met the DSP (UT) Umair for a raid purpose. In compliance, they went to SSP South and met the DSP Umair who briefed them about the raid in Orangi Area District West. After obtaining police weapons from PS Gizri South Karachi, when they reached nearby Orangi Town bridge where about five (5) riding on motorbikes and car came and who took them to house. They were directed to cordon the house and they did it. Whereas, DSP (UT) remained inside his vehicle. Later, civil dressed persons who were conducting house raid brought some stuff in black bag and put down in the vehicles. They also brought (2) persons from that cordoned house and kept in our police vehicle. After raid and on the way back, those (2) persons were released in front of Hill Park Hospital Karachi. Later, we along with PC-Azmat Ullah after ended up our duty and deposited back police duty weapons in KOTE of PS Gizri South Karachi, left for homes. Statement of PC-Azmat Ullah has not been recorded, due to his absence. The DSP (UT) and complainant in their recorded statements that police party left the complainant and his brother at main road Baloch Colony Bridge, Karachi. QUESTIONS FROM POLICE PERSONNEL OF SHAHEEN FORCE. Question # 1: Did you go inside the house? Answer: They said that they were outside of the house for outer cordon Mr. Umair, DSP UT was in his personal private Vigo and also present outside the house. Question # 2: Who briefed you regarding the raid? Answer: They said that Mr. Umair DSP UT briefed them to conduct of raid in the presence of private persons when they reached near house in Orangi Town, to be raided. They just provided outer cordon. during conduct of raid. GIST OF STATEMENT OF SIP SHOUKAT AWAN SHO PS DEFENCE SOUTH KARACHI: According to recorded statement of SIP Shoukat Awan, SHO PS Defence District South Karachi, he received a whatsapp call from SSP District South on 19-11-2023 at about 1900 or 1918 hours with direction that Agency personnel have raided somewhere with recovery of some stuff and he (SHO) has to hand over the same stull to SHO PS Peerabad District West Karachi. In compliance, SHO Defence contacted » Page No. (9) the SHO PS Peerabad and told about the stuff handing over. On which, SHO Peerabad replied that he will get the permission from his District SSP West. At about 2100/2130 hours, under the direction of SSP District South, SHO Defence went outside the PS Clifton where District SSP handed over a black colored bag and a big shopper and directed him to hand over the stuff to SHO PS Peerabad, Later, SHO Defence called the SHO Peerabad who along with applicant Shakir and Waseem came at PS Defence where all stuff were handed over to them. On query made by applicant, SHO Defence on speaker had called the District SSP who told that Rs. 1,05,00000/- Cash, gold ornaments, mobile phones and laptops are in the bag. On which, the applicant received the same stuff and left the PS in the presence of SHO PS Peerabad West Karachi, SHO Defence has stated in his statement that neither he does have any knowledge about raid, nor he participated in that house raid. He further added that he informed the DIGP South about all that stuff handing over issue with pictures, before handing over it to applicant Shakir Khan. (Statement is attached) GIST OF STATEMENT OF INSP. IMRAN KHAN AFRIDI, SHO PS PEERABAD DISTRICT WEST KARACHL According to recorded statement of Inspector Imran Khan, SHO PS Peerabad District South Karachi, he corroborated the version stated by SHO PS Defence and insistence of applicant with SHO PS Defence South regarding his remaining cash (85) Lakhs approximately locked in an iron box and remaining gold omaments. He has produced a copy of application submitted at PS Peerabad District West Karachi. (Statement with copy application is attached) FINDING (S)- 1) From the above submission, personal hearing, recorded statements and observations made, during course of this enquiry, it is clearly surfaced that first of all, expected bulk recovery of illegal arms / ammo or terror financing type of sensitive information should have not been assigned to DSP (UT). But the task of raid was assigned to DSP (UT) personally, by District SSP South, Karachi. This is an admitted fact, according to both recorded statements of District SSP and the DSP (UT) South Karachi. (Statements are attached) 2) DSP (UT) must have made a team of police officials with upper subordinates and suitable officials for the raid but he failed to do so and used his personal staff for this sensitive assignment. 3) As the task was assigned to DSP (UT) and as per his statement, he himself did not directly supervise the task. He was just supervising the task from his office. But according to recorded statements of police personnel of Shaheen Force, he (DSP- UT) was present in his vehicle, outside the raided house. 4) As per statement of DSP (UT), the raiding party was led by an informer (Unknown) and private persons who were responsible to release both detainees at Baloch Colony Bridge. They brought all cash, gold ornaments, cell phones, laptops from the raided house to his office. On the contrary, his personal staff / Constables stated in their statements that they released both detainees at Baloch Colony Bridge, on the direction of DSP (UT) South Karachi. Page No. (10) 5) The search party did not find any illegal arms or ammunition or any other contraband / illicit item, rather they collected all valuables of the entire family in a schoo! bag and iron box as per statement of the applicant and took them away, inspite of knowing and checking that cash was inside that locked iron box and remaining cash, laptops, gold ornaments and cell phones in the school bag. 6) If the suspects taken into custody were involved in any illegal activity then they should have been taken to concerned police station for proper interrogation purpose. If they were not involved in anything then they would have not been taken into custody from the raided house. But the police party took them along and dropped them on a road (Baloch Colony Bridge, near Tipu Sultan Road) and took away all belongings / valuables with them to the office of DSP (UT) South Karachi. 7) As per statement of personal police staff related to DSP (UT), the valuables (Cash & gold ornaments) were handed over to DSP (UT) in the office. He (DSP UT) should have immediately informed the SSP South about those valuables and must have brought those valuables on record. Video / pictures or voice message about details of those valuables were not communicated to SSP South, timely. 8) It is pertinent to mention that amount in the iron box approximately (8.5) million along with box are still missing and remaining gold is also missing due to mala fide intention and direct involvement of Mr. Umair Tariq DSP (UT) and others which is a gross misconduct into their parts, 9) Whereas some gold, cash, laptops and cell phones have partially been handed over to the victims, through police officials of District South. But the box in question was in the personal custody of DSP (UT) as stated by personal staff of DSP (UT) ‘Statements of personal staff / Constables are attached) 10) According to recorded statements of police personnel of Shaheen Force who were part of the raiding party, DSP (UT) was present in his private vehicle in front of the raided house and the civil dressed informers were taking instructions from him. (Statements are attached) 14) It is important to mention that the DSP (UT) has also been found involved into similar illegal / criminal activities in the jurisdiction of PS Darakshan South which was reported by one Mr. Abdul Rasheed, the owner of a Pan Shop located at Chota Ghazi ‘ommercial Area, Phase 4, DHA Karachi, who filed a complaint stating that a police party raided his shop and confiscated imported brand cigarettes worth of Rs. 175,000/- at PS Darakshan South. The complainant visited the DIGP South Zone Office and then the SP Clifton Office, where he was advised to meet DSP (UT) Umair Bajari Applicant Abdul Rasheed met with DSP (UT) and informed him about the imported brand cigarettes worth of Rs. 175,000/-. In response, DSP (UT) accused the complainant of lying about the value of his cigarettes and received cigarettes worth of Rs. 30,000/- and Rs. 50,000/- in cash, to settle the matter. Under pressure, the complainant accepted the offer of DSP (UT) and left the office. A separate enquiry into the matter is recommended, accordingly. (Copy of Application and recorded Statement of Abdul Rasheed are attached Page No. (11) 12) Keeping in view of all these facts, evidences and statements, it is evident that the raid was conducted in an unprofessional manner with mala fide intentions. The deliberate concealment of actual facts and the casual approach towards such a task reflects that the officer DSP (UT) is directly responsible for this illegal / criminal act along with his staff and private informers. Senior officers are also responsible for not closely monitoring the illegal activities of Mr. Umair Tariq DSP (UT) District South Karachi, RECOMMENDATIONS: 1) Therefore, it is recommended that strict departmental / legal action be taken against Mr. Umair Tariq DSP (UT) for his direct involvement in such a heinous crime along with private persons involved in criminal activities, 2) It is recommended that strict legal action be taken against the private persons who Participated in the dacoity at the house of Mr. Shakir Khan, son of Babu Khan, resident of Orangi Town No. (5) Karachi, in the area of PS Peerabad, District West Karachi. 3) It is also recommended that departmental action be taken against personal staff named 1) PC-42164 Khurrum Ali and 2) 42043 Faizan Ali, both attached with DSP (UT) and involved in this raid. 4) From the personal hearing and recorded statements of Constables, namely 1) PC- 47745 Humza Saeed, 2) PC-42033 Ejaz Ahmed, and 3) PC-47764 Ali Hayat of Shaheen Force District South, Karachi, it appeared that they have no involvement in the above house raid. They were assigned to the police party under directions and were instructed to cordon off the house from the outside. They did not enter the house. However, they confirmed the Presence of plainclothes persons in the police party, the recovery of some items in a black bag, and the loading of these items into the Vigo/police vehicle. They also mentioned the arrest of two individuals (applicant and his brother) from the raided house and their subsequent release at Baloch Colony Bridge Karachi. It is recommended that, based on the course of the inquiry, the above named Constables of Shaheen Force District South Karachi are found innocent and no evidence has been established against them. 5) It is recommended that appropriate action be taken against the District SSP South for not assigning the duty of conducting the raid to professionally trained police officers of District South Karachi. Enquiry report in detail is submitted for perusal and further action, please. Encl:(34) Pages: Original. (CAPT ® ASIM PSP Deputy Inspector General of Police West Zone, Karachi. OFFICE OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL OF POLICE SINDH, KARACHI) ( NO, AIGP/OPS/RDR/ (6: She 17 rns Dated: 20/ti/2023 Capt ® Asim Khan, PSP DIGP West Zone, Karachi is hereby uiominated as enquiry officer to conduct discreet enquiry into conduct of District South police on 18/19" November, 2023 midnight at Orangi Town No. 5 District West, Karachi, Where allegedly Souith police entered a house and took away money and jewellery. The enquiry officer shall furnish a discreet enquiry report (personally) along with finding and specific recommendations to this office within 24 hrs positively, for the perusal of GP Sindh. | ae (SHEE! |AZEER) PPM PSP, (GP Operations, | For Inspector General of Police, | | Sindh, Karachi. Copy tor i. The Addl; IGP Karachi, Range 2, The DIGP West Zone, Karachi 3. The DIGP South Zone, Karachi. 1 PS to IGP Sindh. #S to DIGP H.Qtrs, CPO.

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