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Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City

University of Economics and Law

Training program: English
Student level: CEFR Level B1

1. General Information

- Course code: EN12

- Credits: 5
- Theoretical periods: 75
- Practical periods on Lab: 25
- Prerequisite course(s)/level:

2. Course description

The course is designed for university students who want to study English to communicate effectively in the
workplace, improve their future career prospects, or simply need to study and pass an English exam in order to
complete their overall degree.

The course focuses on building students’ vocabulary and grammar, and developing their listening, reading and
writing skills. Emphasis is given to 'business skills' needed in different business situations, such as taking part in
meetings, presentations and negotiations. The course also offers students ‘communication skills' including
teamwork, decision-making and influencing skills. Students will be encouraged to apply these skills in order to
work effectively with people whose personality and culture may be different from students’ own.

3. Course books, reference books and software

Course books:
 Dubicka, I., O’keeffe, M., Dignen, B., Hogan, M., & Wright, L. (2018). Business Partner B1 (Coursebook).
Pearson Education Limited.
 Evans, L. (2018). Business Partner B1 (Workbook). Pearson Education Limited.

Reference books:
 David Cotton, Davis Falvey, & Simon Kent, Market Leader Pre-Intermediate (Coursebook 3rd edition),
Pearson, 2012.
 John Rogers, Market Leader Pre-Intermediate (Business English Practice File), Pearson, 2012.
 Iwona Dubicka, Margaret O’Keeffe, Bob Dignen, Mike Hogan, & Lizzie Wright, Business Partner (Teacher’s
Resource book), Pearson, 2018.
 Irene Barrall & Nikolas Barrall, Intelligent Business Pre-Intermediate (Coursebook), Pearson Longman, 2006.
 Irene Barrall & Nikolas Barrall, Intelligent Business Pre-Intermediate (Workbook), Pearson Longman, 2006.

Software: Pearson English Portal and MyEnglishLab, where students can access the interactive eBook and a
variety digital resources of the course, as well as do interactive self-study activities with automatic feedback
and gradebook.
4. Syllabus and learning objectives
Business Partner is aligned with the Global Scale of English and the Common European Framework of
Reference. It takes learners from CEFR A1 to C1 (20–85 on the Global Scale of English). Each lesson guides
students to a ‘Can Do’ goal in line with the Global Scale of English and the Common European Framework ‘Can
Do’ statements.

This document provides an overview of the learning objectives that are covered in each unit of the
course. As the learning objectives focus specifically on language skills, some learning objectives will
be repeated multiple times, a reflection of the fact that skills are built through practice in multiple

In order for a learner to successfully learn and internalize a skill (with the goal of achieving mastery
in the second or foreign language), it is important to encounter the skill in a variety of contexts. The
content of Business Partner is designed to provide multiple touchpoints from which a learner can
explore the possibilities of use of any given language skill. From conversations in the workplace, to
negotiation and presentation skills, learners are given a variety of opportunities to improve their
agility and fluency with the various skills.

Learning objectives that appear in italics are associated with support activities that build up to a
larger lesson outcome, or indicate an additional skill which is significant in terms of overall learning,
though it is not the primary skills focus targeted in the lesson.

For each learning objective we indicate whether a statement is from the original CEFR or newly
created by Pearson English:

(C) Common European Framework descriptor, verbatim, © Council of Europe

(Ca) Common European Framework descriptor, adapted or edited, © Council of Europe
(N2000) North (2000) descriptor, verbatim
(Ea) Eiken descriptor, adapted or edited © Eiken Foundation of Japan
(N2000a) North (2000) descriptor, adapted or edited
(N2007a) North (2007) expanded set of C1 and C2 descriptors, adapted or edited
(P) New Pearson English descriptor
(Wa) WIDA ELD Standards (2012), adapted or edited

[Note: If a value is in parentheses, it indicates the learning objective is still undergoing research and
validation, and therefore the value is a provisional estimate.]

Visit to learn more about the Global Scale of English.

5. Course content

UNIT 1 Career choices

Grammar: Advice and suggestions; Adverbs of degree
Vocabulary: Transferable skills
Functional language: Asking questions to build rapport; Networking at a careers event; Formal and informal language

1 1 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1, Writing 1 1.1 Listening Can follow the main points in TV
Lesson 1 programmes on familiar topics if delivered in
Lesson 2 clear standard speech. (Ca) 51 B1+ (51–58) 8
Review Can extract the key details from a
presentation if delivered slowly and
clearly. (P) 47 B1 (43–50) 8
Speaking Can express opinions using simple
language. (P) 45 B1 (43–50) 8
Can give or seek personal views and opinions
in discussing topics of interest. (C) 46 B1 (43–50) 9
Writing Can write descriptions of familiar job roles
and responsibilities. (P) 47 B1 (43–50) 9
1.2 Listening Can understand the main points of a simple
podcast. (P) 48 B1 (43–50) 10–11
Can identify the main points in a work-
related meeting on a familiar topic. (P) 48 B1 (43–50) 11
Speaking Can give basic advice using simple
language. (P) 39 A2+ (36–42) 11
2 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1, Writing 1 1.3 Speaking Can give or seek personal views and opinions
Lesson 3 in discussing topics of interest. (C) 46 B1 (43–50) 13
Lesson 4 Can use polite questions to build rapport in
work-related social situations. (P) 54 B1+ (51–58) 12–13
1.4 Listening Can understand simple informal advice on a
work-related situation. (P) 41 A2+ (36–42) 14
Can understand the main points of
narratives and conversations about familiar
topics (e.g. work, leisure) delivered in clear
standard speech. (Ca) 47 B1 (43–50) 15
Speaking Can initiate, maintain and close simple, face-
to-face conversations on familiar topics. (Ca) 46 B1 (43–50) 15
Can show interest in conversation using
fixed expressions. (P) 41 A2+ (36–42) 15
2 3 Unit 1 Unit 1 Unit 1, Writing 1 1.5 Writing Can write personal emails/letters giving some
Lesson 5 details of events, experiences and feelings.
Workshop 1 (Ca)
48 B1 (43–50) 16
Can use appropriate openings and endings in
simple informal emails. (P)
40 A2+ (36–42) 16
BW1 Reading Can understand duties and responsibilities listed
in job descriptions. (P)
48 B1 (43–50) 88–89
Writing Can write a short online profile. (P) 42 A2+ (36–42) 18
UNIT 2 Business sectors
Grammar: Past Simple and Past Continuous; will and going to
Vocabulary: Sectors and industries
Functional language: Interrupting and dealing with interruptions; Leaving a voicemail message; Action points

2 4 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2, Writing 2 2.1 Listening Can follow the main points in TV programmes on
Lesson 1 familiar topics if delivered in clear standard speech.
(Ca) 51 B1+ (51–58) 18
Lesson 2
Review Speaking Can contribute to a group discussion if the
discussion is conducted slowly and clearly.
49 B1 (43–50) 19
Can express opinions using simple language. (P)
45 B1 (43–50) 19

Can give an effective presentation about a

familiar topic. (P) 52 B1+ (51–58) 19
Reading Can search the internet for specific everyday or
work-related information. (P) 44 B1 (43–50) 19
2.2 Writing Can generally understand straightforward factual
texts on familiar topics. (C a) 46 B1 (43–50) 20

Can make simple inferences based on information

given in a short article. (P) 51 B1+ (51–58) 20

Can scan short texts to locate specific

information. (P) 44 B1 (43–50) 21
Can write a story with a simple linear sequence. (Ca) 45 B1 (43–50) 21
Speaking Can write a simple story or description of an event
using basic time expressions. (P) 40 A2+ (36–42) 21

Can narrate a story. (C) 45 B1 (43–50) 21

3 5 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2, Writing 2 2.3 Listening Can identify the main points in a work- related
Lesson 3 meeting on a familiar topic. (P) 48 B1 (43–50) 22
Lesson 4 Speaking Can give detailed accounts of experiences, describing
feelings and reactions. (C) 49 B1 (43–50) 22
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest. (C) 46 B1 (43–50) 23

Can respond to interruptions in a meeting using

fixed expressions. (P) 54 B1+ (51–58) 23
Can express limited opinions and arguments during
work-related meetings. (P) 53 B1+ (51–58) 23
2.4 Listening Can understand the main information in a simple
work-related phone message. (P) 37 A2+ (36–42) 24
Speaking Can leave a polite voicemail message including key
information. (P) 48 B1 (43–50) 25
6 Unit 2 Unit 2 Unit 2, Writing 2 2.5 Writing Can take simple notes on key points made during a
Lesson 5 meeting on a familiar work-related topic. (P) 47 B1 (43–50) 26
Workshop 2
Can write a simple summary of action points in a
meeting. (P) 52 B1+ (51–58) 26
BW2 Listening Can extract key details from conversations between
colleagues about familiar topics. (P) 44 B1 (43–50) 90–91
UNIT 3 Projects
Grammar: Comparatives and superlatives; (not) enough
Vocabulary: Managing projects; word building
Functional Language: Giving and responding to instructions, standing your ground; Asking for and giving updates; Asking for information

4 7 Unit 3 Unit 3 Unit 3, Writing 3 3.1 Listening Can follow the main points in TV
Lesson 1 programmes on familiar topics if delivered in
Lesson 2 clear standard speech. (Ca) 51 B1+ (51–58) 28
Review Speaking Can express belief, opinion, agreement and
disagreement politely. (C) 45 B1 (43–50) 28
Can give straightforward descriptions on a
variety of familiar subjects. (Ca) 47 B1 (43–50) 29
Can give a simple update on a work-related
project. (P) 49 B1 (43–50) 29
Writing Can show a basic direct relationship between a
simple problem and a solution. (P) 46 B1 (43–50) 29
3.2 Listening Can extract key factual information such
as dates, numbers and quantities from a
presentation. (P) 45 B1 (43–50) 30–31
Speaking Can make simple, direct comparisons
between two people or things using
common adjectives. (P) 37 A2+ (36–42) 31
8 Unit 3 Unit 3 Unit 3, Writing 3 3.3 Listening Can understand instructions delivered at
Lesson 3 normal speed and accompanied by visual
Lesson 4 support. (P) 43 B1 (43–50) 32
Can infer speakers’ opinions in conversations
on familiar everyday topics. (P) 51 B1+ (51–58) 32
Speaking Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest. (C) 46 B1 (43–50) 33
Can give simple instructions to complete a
basic task, given a model. (P) 37 A2+ (36–42) 33
Can respond to opinions expressed by
others. (Wa) 53 B1+ (51–58) 33
3.4 Speaking Can give clear work-related instructions. (P) 55 B1+ (51–58) 34
Can summarise the main ideas in a meeting using
simple language. (P)
51 B1+ (51–58) 34
Can give a simple update on a work-related project.
49 B1 (43–50) 35
Can describe future plans and intentions using fixed
expressions. (P)
43 B1 (43–50) 35
Writing Can show a basic direct relationship between a simple
problem and a solution. (P)

46 B1 (43–50) 35
5 9 Unit 3 Unit 3 Unit 3, Writing 3 3.5 Writing Can write a simple email requesting work- related
Lesson 5 information, emphasising the most important
Workshop 3 points. (P)
49 B1 (43–50) 36
BW 3 Reading Can scan short texts to locate specific
information. (P)
44 B1 (43–50) 92–93
Writing Can take simple notes on key points made during a
meeting on a familiar work-related topic. (P) 47 B1 (43–50) 92–93
UNIT 4 Global markets
Grammar: Present Simple and Past Simple passive; Verbs + prepositions
Vocabulary: Global markets: adjectives and noun collocations; word building
Functional Language: Changing the subject and staying on track; Reaching agreement; Confirming order details

5 10 Unit 4 Unit 4 Unit 4, Writing 4 4.1 Listening Can follow the main points in TV programmes
Lesson 1 on familiar topics if delivered in clear standard
speech. (Ca) 51 B1+ (51–58) 38
Lesson 2
Review Speaking Can make and respond to suggestions. (C) 41 A2+ (36–42) 39
Can give an effective presentation about a
familiar topic. (P) 52 B1+ (51–58) 39

4.2 Reading Can scan short texts to locate specific

information. (P) 44 B1 (43–50) 40

Writing Can write a short, simple description of a

familiar device or product. (P) 45 B1 (43–50) 41

6 11 Unit 4 Unit 4 Unit 4, Writing 4 4.3 Listening Can extract key details from conversations
Lesson 3 between colleagues about familiar topics. (P) 44 B1 (43–50) 42
Lesson 4 Can infer speakers’ opinions in conversations
on familiar everyday topics. (P) 51 B1+ (51–58) 42

Speaking Can give or seek personal views and opinions in

discussing topics of interest. (C) 46 B1 (43–50) 43
Can respond to opinions expressed by others.
(Wa) 53 B1+ (51–58) 43

Can respond to interruptions in a meeting using

fixed expressions. (P) 54 B1+ (51–58) 43
4.4 Listening Can extract the key details from a presentation if
delivered slowly and clearly. (P) 47 B1 (43–50) 44

Can derive the probable meaning of

simple, unknown words from short,
41 A2+ (36–42) 44–45
familiar contexts. (P)
Speaking Can express belief, opinion, agreement and
disagreement politely. (C) 45 B1 (43–50) 44–45

Can make and respond to suggestions. (C) 41 A2+ (36–42) 45

12 Unit 4 Unit 4 Unit 4, Writing 4 4.5 Writing Can write a simple email requesting work- related
Lesson 5 information, emphasising the most important
points. (P) 49 B1 (43–50) 46
Workshop 5
BW 4 Listening Can follow the main points in a simple audio
recording aimed at a general audience. (P) 43 B1 (43–50) 94–95
Can extract the key details from a presentation if
delivered slowly and clearly. (P) 47 B1 (43–50) 94–95
Speaking Can express limited opinions and arguments
during work-related meetings. (P) 53 B1+ (51–58) 95
UNIT 5 Design and innovation
Grammar: Present Perfect Simple with just, already and yet; Order of adjectives before nouns
Vocabulary: Technological innovation; Describing innovative products
Functional Language: Asking open and closed questions; Describing features and benefits; Language of reviews

7 13 Unit 5 Unit 5 Unit 5, Writing 5 5.1 Listening Can follow the main points in TV
Lesson 1 programmes on familiar topics if delivered
Lesson 2 in clear standard speech. (Ca) 51 B1+ (51–58) 48
Review Can identify a simple chronological sequence in
a recorded narrative or dialogue. (P) 43 B1 (43–50) 49
Speaking Can give straightforward descriptions on a
variety of familiar subjects. (Ca) 47 B1 (43–50) 49
Can make and respond to suggestions. (C) 41 A2+ (36–42) 49
5.2 Reading Can scan short texts to locate specific
information. (P) 44 B1 (43–50) 50–51
Speaking Can ask questions about someone’s
professional experience. (P) 51 B1+ (51–58) 51
Can give detailed accounts of experiences,
describing feelings and reactions. (C) 49 B1 (43–50) 51
14 Unit 5 Unit 5 Unit 5, Writing 5 5.3 Listening Can infer speakers’ opinions in
Lesson 3 conversations on familiar everyday topics. (P) 51 B1+ (51–58) 52
Lesson 4 Speaking Can suggest pros and cons when discussing a
topic, using simple language. (P) 52 B1+ (51–58) 52
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest. (C) 46 B1 (43–50) 53
Can ask closed questions to check facts and
details. (P) 46 B1 (43–50) 53
Can ask questions about the content of a
presentation or lecture aimed at a general
audience, using simple language. (P) 50 B1 (43–50) 53
5.4 Listening Can extract the key details from a
presentation if delivered slowly and
clearly. (P) 47 B1 (43–50) 54
Can extract key factual information such
as dates, numbers and quantities from a
presentation. (P) 45 B1 (43–50) 55
Speaking Can discuss product features in a business
setting using simple language. (P) 49 B1 (43–50) 55
8 15 Unit 5 Unit 5 Unit 5, Writing 5 5.5 Speaking Can give a simple presentation on a work- related topic
Lesson 5 (P) 51 B1+ (51–58) 56
Workshop 5 Writing Can write a short, simple description of a familiar
device or product. (P) 45 B1 (43–50) 56
BW 5 Writing Can write a short, simple description of a familiar
device or product. (P) 45 B1 (43–50) 96–97
Listening Can follow the main points of extended discussion
around them if in standard speech. (Ca)
46 B1 (43–50) 96–97
Speaking Can discuss product features in a business setting
using simple language. (P) 49 B1 (43–50) 96–97
UNIT 6 Safety and security
Grammar: Modal verbs of prohibition, obligation and no obligation; Linking words for time
Vocabulary: Health and safety
Functional Language: Explaining rules and requirements; Resolving a conflict; Instructions and warnings

8 16 Unit 6 Unit 6 Unit 6, Writing 6 6.1 Listening Can follow the main points in TV programmes on
Lesson 1 familiar topics if delivered in clear standard speech.
Lesson 2 (Ca) 51 B1+ (51–58) 58
Review Speaking Can contribute to a group discussion if the discussion
is conducted slowly and clearly. (P) 49 B1 (43–50) 59
Can carry out a prepared structured interview with
some spontaneous follow-up questions. (Ca)
45 B1 (43–50) 59
6.2 Listening Can follow familiar topics if the speaker is clear and
avoids idiomatic usage. (Ca) 45 B1 (43–50) 60
Can understand conversations about rules or
regulations related to the workplace. (P) 50 B1 (43–50) 60
Speaking Can express belief, opinion, agreement and
disagreement politely. (C) 45 B1 (43–50) 61
Writing Can write an email, giving details of work- related
events, facts, or plans. (P) 57 B1+ (51–58) 61
9 17 Unit 6 Unit 6 Unit 6, Writing 6 6.3 Listening Can infer speakers’ opinions in conversations on
Lesson 3 familiar everyday topics. (P) 51 B1+ (51–58) 62
Lesson 4 Speaking Can suggest pros and cons when discussing a topic,
using simple language. (P) 52 B1+ (51–58) 62
Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest. (C) 46 B1 (43–50) 63
Can give simple reasons to justify a viewpoint on a
familiar topic. (P) 50 B1 (43–50) 63
6.4 Listening Can extract key details from conversations between
colleagues about familiar topics. (P) 44 B1 (43–50) 64
Speaking Can suggest a resolution to a conflict in a
simple negotiation using fixed expressions.
(P) 53 B1+ (51–58) 65
Can make and respond to suggestions. (C) 41 A2+ (36–42) 65
18 Unit 6 Unit 6 Unit 6, Writing 6 6.5 Writing Can write a notice that clearly conveys information.
Lesson 5 (P) 46 B1 (43–50) 66
Workshop 6
Can write basic instructions with a simple list of
points. (P) 39 A2+ (36–42) 66
BW 6 Reading Can scan short texts to locate specific
information. (P) 44 B1 (43–50) 98–99
Speaking Can contribute to a group discussion if the discussion
is conducted slowly and clearly. (P) 49 B1 (43–50) 98–99
Writing Can write a short report on a work-related task or
event. (P) 51 B1+ (51–58) 99
UNIT 7 Customer service
Grammar: Verbs + to-infinitive or –ing; some (of), any, all (of), most (of), no, none (of)
Vocabulary: Customer service
Functional Language: Responding to customer concerns; Discussing and presenting ideas; Opening, giving details and closing a ‘thank you’ email

10 19 Unit 7 Unit 7 Unit 7, Writing 7 7.1 Listening Can follow the main points in TV programmes on
Lesson 1 familiar topics if delivered in clear standard speech.
(Ca) 51 B1+ (51–58) 68
Lesson 2
Review Speaking Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest. (C) 46 B1 (43–50) 68–69

Can give a simple presentation on a work- related

topic. (P) 51 B1+ (51–58) 69

7.2 Listening Can extract key factual information from a phone

conversation on a familiar topic. (P) 46 B1 (43–50) 70
Can follow instructions on recorded phone menus. (P)
40 A2+ (36–42) 70

Speaking Can express how they feel in simple terms. (Ca) 38 A2+ (36–42) 70
Can express belief, opinion, agreement and
disagreement politely. (C) 45 B1 (43–50) 71

Writing Can write comments and complaints about products

and services. (P) 58 B1+ (51–58) 71
20 Unit 7 Unit 7 Unit 7, Writing 7 7.3 Listening Can extract key details from conversations between
Lesson 3 colleagues about familiar topics. (P) 44 B1 (43–50) 72
Lesson 4 Speaking Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest. (C) 46 B1 (43–50) 73

Can respond in a simple way to verbal challenge or

aggression. (P) 49 B1 (43–50) 73

Can suggest simple solutions to a customer service

problem. (P) 51 B1+ (51–58) 73
Can carry out a work-related phone conversation using
polite fixed expressions. (P) 51 B1+ (51–58) 73
Can give brief reasons and explanations, using simple
language. (P) 45 B1 (43–50) 73
7.4 Listening Can follow the main points of short talks on familiar
topics if delivered in clear standard speech. (Ca)
45 B1 (43–50) 74
Speaking Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest. (C) 46 B1 (43–50) 75
Can give brief reasons and explanations, using simple
language. (P) 45 B1 (43–50) 75
Can contribute to a group discussion if the discussion is
conducted slowly and clearly. (P) 49 B1 (43–50) 75
11 21 Unit 7 Unit 7 Unit 7, Writing 7 7.5 Writing Can write a notice that clearly conveys information. (P) 46 B1 (43–50) 76
Lesson 5
BW 7 Reading Can scan short texts to locate specific information.
Workshop 7
(P) 44 B1 (43–50) 100–101
Speaking Can convey simple relevant information emphasising
the most important point. (Ca) 45 B1 (43–50) 100–101
Can contribute to a group discussion if the discussion is
conducted slowly and clearly. (P)
49 B1 (43–50) 101
UNIT 8 Communication
Grammar: First and Second conditional; Past Perfect Simple
Vocabulary: Digital communication
Functional Language: Closing a deal; Talking about priorities; Introductions, findings and recommendations

11 22 Unit 8 Unit 8 Unit 8, Writing 8 8.1 Listening Can follow the main points in TV
Lesson 1 programmes on familiar topics if delivered
Lesson 2 in clear standard speech. (Ca) 51 B1+ (51–58) 78
Review Speaking Can give or seek personal views and opinions
in discussing topics of interest. (C) 46 B1 (43–50) 78
8.2 Reading Can scan short texts to locate specific
information. (P) 44 B1 (43–50) 80
Speaking Can express opinions as regards possible
solutions, giving brief reasons and
explanations. (Ca) 51 B1+ (51–58) 81
12 23 Unit 8 Unit 8 Unit 8, Writing 8 8.3 Listening Can extract key details from conversations
Lesson 3 between colleagues about familiar topics. (P) 44 B1 (43–50) 82
Lesson 4 Speaking Can suggest pros and cons when discussing
a topic, using simple language. (P) 52 B1+ (51–58) 83
Can summarise the position at the end of a
negotiation in a simple way. (P) 55 B1+ (51–58) 83
8.4 Listening Can follow the main points of short talks on
familiar topics if delivered in clear standard
speech. (Ca) 45 B1 (43–50) 84
Speaking Can contribute to a group discussion if the
discussion is conducted slowly and clearly. (P) 49 B1 (43–50) 85
24 Unit 8 Unit 8 Unit 8, Writing 8 8.5 Writing Can write a short report on a work-related
Lesson 5 task or event. (P) 51 B1+ (51–58) 85
Workshop 8 BW 8 Listening Can extract key details from conversations
between colleagues about familiar topics. (P) 44 B1 (43–50) 102–103
Speaking Can express opinions as regards possible
solutions, giving brief reasons and
explanations. (Ca) 51 B1+ (51–58) 102–103
Can make simple recommendations on a
work-related situation. (P) 49 B1 (43–50) 102–103
Writing Can make suggestions and
recommendations on work-related topics. (P) 55 B1+ (51–58) 102–103
13 25 Final test
6. Course assessment

Assessment Components Percentage
A1. Ongoing A1.1. Interactive workbook – 8 units, auto-
assessment marked scores (10%) 50%
A1.2. Interactive Test – 8 tests, auto-marked
scores (10%)
A1.3. Writing Interactive Tests – At least 02
Writing tests graded by Teacher (10%)
A1.4. In class activities – At least 02 Speaking
tasks graded by Teacher (10%)
A1.5. Attendance must be checked by Teacher
at the end of each session (10%)
A2. Final Final test
exam 50%

7. Final test structure


Pronunciation Vocabulary Grammar Reading
Part 1: 5 stress patterns 10 MCQs 10 MCQs Part 1: Gap-filling passage 5 MCQs
5 MCQs (10 mixed MCQs)

Part 2: 5 pronunciation Part 2: 1 passage

sentences 5 MCQs
5 MCQs
Part 3: 1 passage
5 MCQs

Total: 10 questions Total: 10 Total: 10 Total: 20 questions Total: 5 questions

Score: 10 questions questions Score: 40 Score: 10
Score: 20 Score: 20
Total: 55 questions
Time: 60 mins
Score: 100

8. Sample final test

VIỆN ĐÀO TẠO NGOẠI NGỮ Học kỳ ... Năm học ...
(Không được sử dụng tài liệu)

Môn: ANH VĂN – ENG2003 Thời lượng: 60 PHÚT

Mã đề: NN03 A


A. Which word has a different stress pattern?
1. A. fraudulent B. innovate C. understand D. indicate
2. A. power B. damage C. protect D. suffer
3. A. receptionist B. particular C. unexpected D. eventually
4. A. legitimate B. engineering C. electronic D. automatic
5. A. introduce B. continue C. imagine D. departure
B. Which underlined part is pronounced differently from the others?
6. A. cellphone B. cook C. consume D. compete
7. A. message B. media C. concept D. success
8. A. treatment B. deadline C. head D. feather
9. A. satisfactory B. advertising C. design D. museum
10. A. brochure B. notify C. component D. majority

II. VOCABULARY (20 points)

Choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence.
11. Many companies encourage hard work by offering higher pay and bonuses for good _____.
A. performance B. reward C. promotion D. motivation
12. From 1998 to 2000, the unemployment rate _____ between 4.0 and 4.5 per cent.
A. fell to B. fluctuated C. remained D. reached
13. _____ insurance protects business owners from certain losses, including injured workers and damage
to equipment and buildings.
A. Commercial B. Life C. Retirement D. Travel
14. The British aren’t very direct when they _____ complaints.
A. say B. send C. give D. make
15. Now young people have more chances to _____ their ideas and energy into practice.
A. set B. keep C. put D. take
16. People often _____ fraudulent claims when they hear that the company will investigate them.
A. control B. prevent C. invent D. withdraw
17. There was an accident in the factory and two people were _____. We would like to claim for their
medical expense.
A. cut B. broken C. injured D. damaged
18. The company was reorganized after John Green took _____ as a CEO.
A. over B. part C. place D. up
19. If the company _____ a refund, the complaining customer will often come back.
A. satisfiesB. offers C. deals D. makes
20. In order to encourage the staff to work productively, the boss has promised to give a _____.
A. profit B. wage C. rise D. fund

III. GRAMMAR (20 points)

Choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes each sentence.
21. If the claim is suspicious, the policyholder _____ and a live telephone interview _____.
A. informed/arranged B. is informed/ arranged
C. informed/ is arranged D. is informed/ is arranged
22. There _____ an enormous effort by the company to increase its share of the market over the past few
A. are B. was C. has been D. is
23. If we ask the customers for feedback, we _____ out what they want.
A. can findB. would find C. should find D. have to find
24. Low paid manual workers _____ 10 to 20% more for their motor insurance than high-earning
professional people.
A. are charged B. is charged C. charged D. be charged
25. We didn’t sell many products. So it’s _____ that we will make a profit this year.
A. likely B. unlikely C. may be D certainly
26. _____ companies be more innovative if they encouraged more discussion?
A. Will B. May C. Would D. Ought
27. _____ celebrate our 100 anniversary, the director has decided to give all staff an extra day’s holiday.

A. In order to B. Besides C. That means that D. Owing to

28. Doctors warn that if people _____ better, there _____ more death from over-eating than from
A. don’t eat/ will be B. don’t eat/ would be C. won’t eat/ is D. won’t eat/ will be
29. We introduced a new system _____ the old one wasn’t efficient.
A. so B. so that C. because D. because of
30. Cooking programs _____ on TV every night and kitchens have become bigger and better.
A. scheduled B. are scheduled C. have scheduled D. have been scheduled

IV. READING (40 points)

Part 1: Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete the following passage. (20 points)
If a customer is (31) _____, they might tell a few of their friends. If a customer feels angry they will
probably tell a lot of people about it. Companies (32) _____ a lot of time trying to get new customers, they
also need to put effort into keeping their existing ones.
Being polite and (33) _____ is a good first step towards forming this relationship. It’s important for
staff to be friendly with customers, but over-friendliness can be annoying. For example, not everyone wants
to be addressed by his or her first name immediately. Some people (34) _____ to be addressed by their
surname. Clarity and (35) _____ are also important in building trust between the company and the customer.
Staff should never make unrealistic claims or promises about a product, service or delivery time.
Companies need to listen (36) _____ to their customers. When phoning a customer service helpline callers
don’t want to be put on (37) _____ for a long time or only to hear an automated voice. They need the option
to speak to someone who is sympathetic and who can also to take action to sort out the problem. If a
customer writes or phones to (38) _____, they need to feel that someone has listened to and (39) _____ with
it properly. In fact, complaints can be seen by companies in a positive way, providing the company with some
valuable (40) _____ about their product and the competition.
31. A. satisfied B. amazed C. shy D. strange
32. A. take B. spend C. waste D. bring
33. A. nervous B. embarrassed C. helpful D. aggressive
34. A. prefer B. notify C. announce D. know
35. A. insincerity B. honesty C. humor D. punctuality
36. A. caringly B. terribly C. probably D. carefully
37. A. wait B. hold C. hang D. keep
38. A. trouble B. complain C. disturb D. interrupt
39. A. come B. heard C. discussed D. dealt
40. A. knowledge B. information C. position D. statement

Part 2: Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question. (10 points)
Dear Mr. Reynard,
As you know, we have bought several machines from your company and have been quite satisfied
with their performance. We have even recommended Fox machines to other companies. Recently, however;
the standard of your after-sales service has got much worse.
Our two HD 66 Ds were installed in 2004 and your regular twice-yearly service together with our own
maintenance program has kept them in perfect working order. When there was a breakdown, your service
agents used to send an engineer at 48 hours notice. Now the situation has changed and the engineer
promised to come in “about 10 days” and is unable to tell us exactly when he will be arriving. Last week he
arrived at 4 p.m. on Friday afternoon and our own maintenance engineer was unable to leave work until your
man had finished.
Let me say that we are not satisfied with this state of affairs. We have already spoken to your service
agents about this, but there has been no change so far.
We look forward to hearing from you and hope that you can promise an immediate improvement in
your after-sales service.
Yours sincerely,
John Granger
41. What is the letter about?
A. Job recommendation B. Applying for a job
C. After-sales service complaint D. Customer’s service
42. Why did Mr. Granger write the letter?
A. to inform Mr. Reynar about the maintenance program
B. to recommend a new customer to Mr. Reynar
C. to ask Mr. Reynar about the detail of a new machine he has just bought
D. to tell Mr. Reynar about the bad service of his company
43. How often did the company provide John with its regular service?
A. every year B. twice a year C. annually D. whenever John needs
44. According to the letter, what is TRUE about the company?
A. Its service was much better in the past. B. Its service will be better in the future.
C. Its service has been improved a lot until now. D. John hasn’t talked to the company about the problem.
45. What does John expect from the company?
A. a maintenance engineer sent to his house immediately
B. its promise to send an engineer in about 10 days to fix the machine
C. to hear from the company as soon as possible
D. an immediate improvement in its after-sales service
Part 3: Read the following passage and choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to each question.(10 points)
To: All Staff
From: Harry Carey
Subject: Awards Dinner Information
Midway Finance will be hosting its annual awards dinner on October 13 , and we are asking for

employees to nominate coworkers who you think have done an outstanding job throughout the year.
Each year, we have five awards to recognize those who have helped make Midway Finance the
largest investment firm in the Midwest. All nominees must be current employees, and have worked for
Midway for at least one year. Recommendation forms and additional information are available on the
company website and a completed form must be submitted by September 20 for a nominee to be
The event will be held at the Drake Hotel and all employees are invited. There will be a five-course
meal followed by an auction. All proceeds from the auction will be donated to the Chicago Zoo.
46. What is the purpose of the email?
A. To encourage employees to buy items at an auction.
B. To announce some changes in the awards dinner.
C. To inform about this year’s winner.
D. To invite nominations for a prize.
47. What will be done with the money collected from the auction?
A. Educational supplies will be purchased.
B. It will be donated to a city facility.
C. A zoo will be constructed.
D. It will be invested into financial programs.
48. The word “nominate” in paragraph 1, line 2 is closest in meaning to _____.
A. appoint B. consider C. invest D. deduct
49. What is NOT stated as a requirement of award winners?
A. An interview by the management of Midway is necessary.
B. They need to have been employed at Midway for over a year.
C. A personal recommendation should be handed in.
D. They should be currently working for Midway.
50. What is suggested in the email?
A. Employees’ families can attend the event.
B.Attendees have to choose a meal course in advance.
C. The award dinners have been held in the previous years.
D. Winners are selected based on the number of votes they get.


Choose the most appropriate response/ question to each following situation:

51. Man: How much did you earn today?

Woman: ____________________.
A. I finished in about two hours. B. Over $1,000.
C. We get paid bi-weekly. D. I already have one.
52. Man: Would you like to sign the petition?
Woman: ____________________.
A. I didn’t see the sign B. Is it petite?
C. I signed it yesterday. D. It’s my signature.
53. Man: Does the hotel have a copy of the newspaper?
Woman: ____________________.
A. It’s in the lobby. B. Yes, it’s posted in the office.
C. The copier is downstairs. D. I hope that I have.
54. Man: Sally sometimes goes home early, doesn’t she?
Woman: ____________________.
A. Only on Thursdays. B. Children are at home.
C. She likes her home very much. D. Her home is only fifteen minutes from her.
55. Man: Are birth certificates issued at the hospital?
Woman: ____________________.
A. The hospital has many forms. B. Yes, that’s my certificate.
C. You need to choose a doctor first. D. Normally you have to request them by mail.


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