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1. Define depth and height of a node in a tree.

2. What is Binary Tree? Mention its types.

3. How does the AVL tree differ from binary search tree?
4. Construct the Binary search tree for the given data: 20,15,25,35,48&37
5. Construct the expression tree for the expression A – B * C+(D / E ^F) –G.
6. Define Complete Graph. Give example.
7. How to you represent the graph? Give example.
8. Show a graph is a DAG or not.
9. Differentiate BFS and DFS in a graph.
10. Define: Indegree, outdegree, source vertex and sink vertex
11. Define AVL tree. Explain its rotations with example.
12. Show the result of inserting the following elements into an AVL tree in the given order:
13. Explain Tree traversal with routine and example.
14. Explain the implementation methods of binary tree with example.
15. Explain binary search tree with insert, delete and find operations.

16. Illustrate the construction procedure of expression tree with

suitable example.
17. Construct a binary heap for the given data: [….]

18. Construct a binary search tree for the values [any values ] Give the preorder, inorder and
19. post order traversal of the resultant binary search tree.
20. Define Binary Heap. Explain Insert and deletemin operations in binary heap.
21. Explain Topological sorting with routine and example.

22. Explain Graph traversal with algorithm and example

23. Define: Connected graph, strongly connected and weakly connected graph.

24. Explain different methods of representation of a graph with suitable example.

25. Explain how to construct a MST using Kruskal’s algorithm with example.
26. Explain with an algorithm, how to convert minimum spanning tree for the given below
graph.(Apply Prim’s algorithm).


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