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Ultra Z/AcQSim
CT Lab Assignment

Bootstrap Troubleshooting

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When you have successfully completed this lab, you will be able to:
• Recognize failures
• List the replaceable components
• Isolate failed components to replaceable component level
• Repair, replace, or calibrate components such that the system works to specifications

• None

• None


Using the Service Manual and Field Reference Handbook, troubleshoot two problems assigned by your instructor and
perform functional test scans before proceeding to the next module or leaving the lab.

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Power On Self Test (POST)
During initial power on the SPARC runs internal diagnostics. These diagnostics check:

• most CPU functions.

• the first 1 megabyte of memory.

The monitor screen is blank during these tests. The results of the tests are displayed on the keyboard LEDs (see Figure
1). The SPARC normally runs a shorter version of the POST. This saves bootup time and is normally sufficient.
However, the POST can be extended to tests more memory and other devices. To extend the POST, see the Extending
the POST heading later in this lab assignment.

Check the LEDs on the keyboard against Figure 1. The POST runs from turn on until the monitor screen begins
to display the white background. All of the LEDs should be off when the POST is complete.

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Figure 1 - POST Failure Codes

The FORTH Diagnostics

The FORTH-based diagnostics, located in the SPARC OpenBoot PROM, can be run from the ok> prompt. As soon as
the white screen is displayed simultaneously press the STOP and A keys to stop the bootup process and get an ok>
prompt. See the Diagnostic Manual - On Board Diagnostics for details.

Testing the SPARC Devices

The FORTH diagnostics test all of the devices connected to the SPARC card. To run the test type:

test-all <enter>
Figure 2 shows the display from a properly operating SPARC card on an Ultra Z.

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Figure 2 - Test All Display

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The following shows the display from a properly operating SPARC card on an AcQSim CT.

SPARCengine(tm)Ultra(tm) AXi (UltraSPARC-IIi 440Mhz), Sun Keyboard

OpenBoot 3.10.8 SME, 1024 MB memory installed, Serial #12948124.
Ethernet address 8:0:20:c5:92:9c, Host ID: 80c5929c.
Initializing Memory
Ok test-all
Testing /SUNW,ffb@1e,0
Testing /pci@1f , 0/pci@1/hme@2, 1
Internal loopback test – succeeded.
Transceiver check – failed
Selftest failed. Return code = -1
Testing /pci@1f, 0/pci@1/scsi@1,1
No targets found
Selftest failed. Return code = -1
Testing /pci@1f, 0/pci@1/scsi@1
Testing /pci@1f, 0/pci@1,1/network@1,1
Internal loopback test – succeeded.
Transceiver check – passed
Testing /pci@1f , 0/pci@1, 1/ebus@1/fdthree@14, 3203f0
Testing floppy disk system. A formatted disk should be in the drive.
Recalibrate failed. The floppy drive is either missing,
improperly connected or defective.
Selftest failed. Return code = -1

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Testing the Real Time Clock

The FORTH diagnostics test the real time clock on the NVRAM module. To run the test type:

watch-clock <enter>

The screen displays the clock’s seconds output counting once per second from 00 thru 59. The clock is working properly
if it rolls over in one minute.

Testing the 10 Megabit/Second Ethernet Port

The FORTH diagnostics test the 10 megabit/second Ethernet port. To run the test type:

watch-tpe <enter> Note: This command does not work on AcQSim CT

watch-net <enter> use this command on an AcQSim CT
The screen displays:

Using TP Ethernet Interface

Internal loopback test -- succeeded.
External loopback test -- succeeded.
Looking for Ethernet packets.
‘.’ is a good packet. ‘X’ is a bad packet.
Type any key to stop.
(3 dots appear after about one minute)
After a series of dots appear you may assume the link is working. Press any key to stop the test and return to the ok>

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Environment Parameters
The environment parameters (see Figure 3) set how the SPARC card boots up and operates.

The printenv command prints the environment parameters on the screen. These parameters set characteristics of the
UltraSPARC card and can disrupt booting if set improperly. Type printenv
<enter> to display one screen full of the parameters. Press the ENTER key to advance to the next parameter. Press the
SPACE BAR to display the next screen full of parameters. Figure 3 shows the correct settings for the UltraZ.

The setenv command allows you to change the environment parameters. Type:

setenv parameter-name value <enter>

to change a parameter. For example:

setenv boot-device diskØ <enter>

Note that the parameter name and the value must be spelled exactly as shown below.

Parameter Picker default other value(s)

tpe-link-test? true true
scsi-initiator-id 7 7
keyboard-click? false false
ttyb-rts-dtr-off false false
ttyb-ignore-cd true true
ttya-rts-dtr-off false false
ttya-ignore-cd true true
ttyb-mode 9600,8,n,1,- 9600,8,n,1,-
ttya-mode 9600,8,n,1,- 9600,8,n,1,-
sbus-probe-list Ø12 Ø12
mfg-mode off off
diag-level min max
#power-cycles 541
system-board-serial# a unique number
system-board-date a unique number
fcode-debug? false false

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output-device screen screen

input-device keyboard keyboard
load-base 16384 16384
boot-command boot boot
auto-boot? true true
watchdog-reboot? false false
diag-device diskØ net
boot-device diskØ disk net
local-mac-address? false false
ansi-terminal? true true
screen-#columns 80 80
screen-#rows 34 34
silent-mode? false false
use-nvramrc? false false
security-mode none
security-#badlogins Ø
oem-logo 00 00 00 00…
oem-logo? true false
oem-banner Rev: ULTRAZ.PICR…
oem-banner? true false
diag-switch? false false

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Extending the POST

The POST tests can be extended to more thoroughly test the SPARC card. To extend the tests:

1. Simultaneously press the STOP and A keys to get the ok> prompt.
2. Modify the environment parameters by typing:

setenv diag-switch? true <enter>

setenv diag-level max <enter>

3. Test the system by cycling the power.

Watch for error messages during the bootup process.

When troubleshooting is complete remember to reset the POST tests to normal by typing:

Setenv diag-switch? false <enter>

setenv diag-level min <enter>

Checking the SCSI Devices

During the early stages of bootup the white screen shows:

memory initialization
boot device: diskØ file and args:

If the following message or a similar message:

boot device not found

is displayed, the system cannot boot from disk 0, the system disk containing the software.

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You can list the SCSI devices using the following procedure.

1. At the ok> prompt type boot <enter>

2. While the screen is displaying:
Initializing Memory
simultaneously press the STOP and A keys.
3. Type probe-scsi <enter>
4. The screen lists the SCSI devices which respond. These should include:
• Target 0, Unit 0 = disk0, the boot disk
• Target 1, Unit 0 = disk1, image disk 1
• Target 2, Unit 0 = disk2, image disk 2
• Target 5, Unit 0 = mag tape
• Target 6, Unit 0 = CDROM

Look for any SCSI devices which should be on the list but do not appear.
If no devices are listed:
• Try removing the SCSI terminators one at a time and rebooting.
• Try removing the SCSI devices one at a time and rebooting.
• Replace the SPARC card as a last resort.

Disk boot up problems are confirmed by performing booting from the CDROM. At the ok> prompt type boot cdrom
<enter> If the system boots properly from the CDROM:

1. Attempt to reload the software from the CDROM. If this succeeds and the system boots properly then
you have solved the problem. Restore the site tape to complete the software reload.
2. If the software will not reload then attempt to initialize (reformat) the disk using the software on the
CDROM. If this succeeds then reload the software and site tape.
3. If disk 0 is not listed under the probe-scsi display or will not format, check the SCSI address strapping
(see Figure 4).
If required, the disks may be initialized and software loaded at this point. Check the disk strapping using Figure 4.

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Figure 3 - Disk Strapping

Ending the FORTH Diagnostics

When you are finished using the FORTH diagnostics, type boot <enter> to boot the system or type power-off <enter> to
turn off the SPARC card.

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NVRAM Battery Failure

If the NVRAM or its battery fails, one or more of the following messages are displayed on the white screen during bootup:
• unable to open boot device
• IDPROM contents are invalid
• timeout waiting for ARP/RARP packet
• enter prom password

1. Order a new NVRAM.

2. Replace the NVRAM.
3. Use the NVRAM replacement procedure to restore the system parameters to the new NVRAM. This
must be completed within 7 days.

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No Display on the Monitor

If the UltraSPARC fails to communicate with the monitor a laptop computer or terminal can be used as a communications
1. Turn off the display tower.
2. Connect a laptop computer as a terminal connected to the UltraSPARC serial port A (see Figure 4). Use the
following parameters for the terminal emulator software:
baud rate 9600
data bits 8
parity none
stop bits 1
flow control None
port COM1
emulation: VT100
Note that the terminal emulator software can be set up to capture all screen information into a file on the
laptop’s hard disk. This can be useful if multiple error messages are displayed.
3. Unplug the Sun keyboard from the UltraSPARC.
4. Turn on the system. The UltraSPARC will communicate with the laptop computer.

Figure 4 - Terminal/SPARC Cable

Now ask the instructor for bugs.

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Date: Problem: System: Lab:



Date: Problem: System: Lab:



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Completing This Lab Assignment

If you have completed the bootstrap troubleshooting lab then test the system:

1. Acquire a large field water pilot and axial scans

2. Acquire a small field water pilot and axial scans

3. Functional Scans completed successfully? __________ (Yes/No)*.

*If no, you are still troubleshooting.

*If yes, this module is complete.

—End of Lab—

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Revision History
Revision # Modified by Summary
090407 Michael Driscoll Final Release
101708 Michael Driscoll Changed Philips Medical Systems to Philips Healthcare

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