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Name: _____________ Esis: ___________________ Total (15 points)

Phase Diagrams of Water and Carbon Dioxide

22,089 C 7,387

Pressure (kPa)
Pressure (kPa)

101 517

0.6 101 gas

water vapor
0 0.01 100 374 –78.5 –56.7 31
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

A phase diagram tells you what phase a substance is in at various pressures and
temperatures. Phase diagrams are created based on the results of many observations of
a substance.

1. (a) Use the phase diagrams to determine the most stable phase of water and
carbon dioxide at room temperature (25oC) and atmospheric pressure
(101 kPa). (2 points)

(b) Do these predictions agree with your experience? (1 points)

2. Use the phase diagram of water to answer the following:

(a) At what temperature does ice melt at 101 kPa? (1 points)

(b) At what temperature does water boil at 101 kPa? (1 points)

Pre-AP Chemistry 32 Student Resource

© 2021 College Boa
(c) Albuquerque, New Mexico, is approximately 5,500 feet above sea level, which HANDOUT
means the normal atmospheric pressure there is less than 101 kPa.
i. In Albuquerque, will water freeze at a lower temperature or a higher
temperature than at 101 kPa? (1 points)

ii. In Albuquerque, will water boil at a higher or lower temperature than at

101 kPa? (1 points)

3. A weather balloon is similar to a helium party

balloon but is designed to rise high into the
atmosphere without breaking. As the balloon
rises, the air pressure drops below 101 kPa.
If it were to reach outer space, where there
is essentially no air, the air pressure would be
0 kPa, the lowest possible reading.

Suppose you attached a bucket of water at

25°C to a weather balloon and let it rise to
great heights. What would happen to the
phase of the water, assuming the water stayed
at 25°C? Draw an arrow to show on the below phase diagram of water to support
your answer. (2 points)

4. (a) When dry ice was placed in a sealed bag, the bag filled with gas. Based on
the phase diagram of carbon dioxide, what process is causing the bag to fill?
Draw an arrow to show on the below phase diagram of CO2 to support your
answer. (2 points)

© 2021 College Board

Student Resource 33
Lesson 1.6: What’s So Dry About Dry Ice?

Unit 1: Structure and Properties of Matter

HANDOUT (b) At room temperature, at what pressure would you expect dry ice to melt
instead of sublime? (1 points)

5. Why do you think solid carbon dioxide is called dry ice? (1 points)

6. Based on the phase diagrams, which particles do you think are more strongly
attracted to one another, those in water or those in carbon dioxide? (2 points)

Pre-AP Chemistry 34 Student Resource

© 2021 College Board

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